When Tyranny Becomes Law,

Rebellion Becomes DUTY

There is no peaceful solution


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How the scamdemic paved the way for all of this never-ending draconian technocommunism.

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Trudeau is a dictator. Like Dr. Alexander says or feels, Trudeau must be suffering “toxic shock” from those tampons. Sounds like a Marxist to me! Will share this!

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He's a left wing fascist.

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He is a fascist.

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He is MK Ultra - Manchurian candidate zombie.

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Well, if they try this is America here’s what I will do…

I haven’t complied with any covid bullshit. I haven’t complied with any other bullshit since our government did 9/11.

Knowing I have never harmed another person or their property, if they show up at my door because I spoke the truth about their crimes there is no fucking chance in hell I am going to jail for speaking the truth. I would rather die…and I will take as many of them with me when I go. If we all that attitude this shit would be over yesterday.

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Exactly 💯. When the gestapo showed up to take folks away, it'll be different knowing the population is just waiting for it.. bring it on. I can see plenty of damage to MP offices from coast to coast to coast too.... Dumping big piles of shit is even easier here in cattle country.

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Take them to Pickton's pig farm. They are used to eating humans.

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Your a 100% right time for all this bullshit to end and the rest of these passive Canadians need to wake the fuck up Im with you its almost time to put an end to these evil fuckers

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There's one thing you forgot.

THEY are defining what's the TRUTH and "facts".

Could you imagine, 10/20 years ago, having to fight about FACTS that man CAN'T get pregnant, don't menstruate, don't lactate, that NO MAN WILL EVER BE A WOMAN, that there are NO birthing persons - because these are WOMEN, there are TWO sets of chromosomes Xy - male, and XX female, that there are TWO genders and TWO sexes and there is NO third option??


Well, here we are.

But you are correct about the last sentence. If people weren't that obsessed with materialism, thus cowards to speak up, we would have never gotten where we are.

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This has nothing to do about controlling "hate speech" but controlling ALL speech and limiting ANY speech to the prescribed narratives of lies and deception as part of their ongoing overall propaganda strategy; this is Trudeau's latest assignment or task as puppet of his WEF puppet-masters and, of course, the same old tactic of using fear of prosecution and fines is in play as it was and still is with Covid and the plandemic; Trudeau failed in stopping the trucker movement so now is trying to undermine our basic rights of free speech which is protected under the Charter; simultaneously, as part of the plan, we have the WHO trying to destroy individual and national sovereignty with their scam of "health treaties"; and the most recent shock of Italy's PM, Maloni, performing a total renunciation of her former principles and supporting the WHO while turning her back on her own country; there is a massive world-wide sellout going on where even leaders who were once trusted are now being bought off with false promises and/or threats that they will comply or be eliminated; and this is no conspiracy theory!

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HEY TRUDEAU, GO FUCK YOURSELF ( oh i forgot he has a vagina)

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I can't believe I live in such a fucked up country. Not only this insane bill but now on April 1st Trudeau is raising the fake carbon tax to 23%, the elderly and people on fixed incomes will starve, gas will be up over $2.00 a litre, home heating (natural gas) will go up and he plans to continue to raise it every year until 2030. After the 2025 Federal election hopefully he'll be gone, so how he thinks that far ahead when the entire country hates him is beyond me. My heart breaks for the people who will be devastated by this insanity and I can't help them.

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Yes, but never underestimate the collective stupidity of the electorate which is a sizeable part of the population that keeps voting for Trudeau and the Liberals; these are the same people who believed that all of the truckers should have been jailed and had no right to protest, the same group that keep lining up for the next "shot" without question and believe their government would never do anything to harm them; they are complicit in their cowardice, laziness, and total inability to think independently or critically, other than in their own self-interest.

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I blame the MSM for people believing all the stupid shit, they didn't realize their media had turned on them, so in their minds, the truckers were bad and Trudeau was good. Maybe that asshole doing this now will wake them up when they can't afford food, rent, gas or other bills, I can only hope. Either way though, I hate seeing people starve and go without basic needs, it hurts me. We are very fortunate in my family, we will do fine with whatever that prick throws at us, but many wont be and that sucks.

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It's not just the MSM and its controllers; unfortunately it's the total dumbing down and willful blindness of those who hold nothing but materialist-based views with self-serving motives; we have been abandoned by all, especially those who should have been leaders in times of crisis: religions, academia, the medical professions and most sadly of all support and understanding from our own families and friends.

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The Canadian counterpart of Biden supporters.

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I'm sure the people of Canada NEVER voted him back in. He became the thing that wouldn't leave.

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The Canadians are going to have to stand up to this. No one is coming to save them. And the only thing keeping the US from this is the 2nd amendment.

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Oh but Biden is working on that right now, he wants to ban websites thru the TikTok BS.

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The technocrats will stop at nothing, whether that's teaming with tyrannical govts to control our thought & speech, subtly influencing our subconscious to engineer 'appropriate' behaviors, or outright stealing a presidential election by swaying 25 million votes... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/technocracy-takeover-googles-ephemeral

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So scary what this world is coming to…

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So me and Dr. William Makis run from communist one time Czechoslovakia only to experience something more tyrannical than the former communists? Those communists did not force vaccines on us kids, let us have knives in school and buy, carry a 1000f per sec air rifle as me at the age of 9 I could use anywhere in my town. You can't buy that in Canada as an adult without a license. Trudeau is a communist, a worst one than the those I lived under.

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Well this hasn't been passed yet and will have to go before committee hearings and the senate. I think he is running scared and using this legislation to cover up his own ass. The courts will be backed up for years....

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Indeed. As a published social scientist, I may face danger due to making enemies in my field of studies, including anthropology and sociology.

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Actually they should put a law in for Media to stop fabricating especially if no proof of backing up their narrative! that causes destruction that leads to many ppl’s lives and communities with chaos Trudeau is backwards

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Ppl should remove him

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Well, we have to remove him and Singh....it would have been easier to get rid of him since he only secured a minority gov't but because of Singh, we are being held hostage....so, now we have two parties we have to defeat not just one.....

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Stop this Bill C-63!

If it goes forward, then every Canadian complain that Trudeau offends them with his writings. Then do the same for all of the other commie nazis usurping your government.

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