Just another reason I’m now avoiding flying since all big airlines like Southwest foolishly mandated their pilots get an experimental vax.

Southwest and the others should start hiring back their smart unvaxxed pilots+offering some flights on all major routes with unvaxxed pilots to bring nervous flyers back!! Or better yet, the Freedom Flyers should start their own new airline with unvaxxed pilots. I’d fly with them exclusively, and so would many, many others!

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Dr. Alexander, another pilot who flies for Southwest by the name of Kurt Klewin, from Bozeman Montana, ,corroborated Josh Yoder's tweet.

Confirmed that pilots know, and are chattering.

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This is so scary 😧

We should be allowed to know if the pilots flying the plane on a flight we are taking are vaccinated, right?

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One has to seriously reconsider flying, I know for some that's impossible especially when having to leave the country. You won't catch me flying anywhere there's an alternative mode of transportation, even it's more time consuming.

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The airline companies only act when tragedies happen. Remember the Boeing story? Two airplanes had to crash and hundreds of people had to die for them to do something. It simply cost them too much money. For them it's all about profits because money is their God.

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The airline companies are gambling with their own future and survival. Let's say suddenly the panic starts to spread among people, and most will decide to simply not to fly anymore. If that happens they will go bankrupt. The fact that they choose to do nothing about this threatening situation will cost them dearly in the future. Just wait and see what will happen in the next five years. It looks to me that the spike protein from the vax is not going away. What could go wrong?

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This is very concerning. To say the least.

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Who flies Bill Gates jet ?

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no question in my mind it was the jab that gave this pilot his Medical Moment 10/4/2021

Southwest said it has to mandate vaccines because of new rules from the Biden administration requiring companies with federal contracts to have vaccinated staffs. Southwest’s work for the government includes flying the military in emergencies and carrying mail for the U.S. Postal Service.

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I hope the pilot and copilot are fully vaxxed and boosted on Air Force One.


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Doc A...thanks so much for the heads up 😉!!! Airlines are going to suffer dearly for forcing this toxic jab on pilots. Word needs to get out about these pilots. Can you get on some conservative news outlets to push the message? Get some pilots to guest comment. These “big”corporations that tried to force this BS JAB are going to feel a major pushback in revenue once the word gets out. They certainly won’t be “big” anymore!!

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I can just imagine the Davos criminals clapping like seals with uncontrolled glee at the all inclusive deaths of 150+souls from an airliner downed…🤬

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What I wonder about is the physiology of the changes in air pressure and other ways in which the body has to adapt to being on a plane. Is an adrenaline surge involved?

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ps regret that i do not want to risk flying at this time, planning a trip now via car

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An accident waiting to happen😤no prior preparation therefore we end up with piss poor performance from these low life morons 😤

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I’ve been alarmed over Pilots forced to get jabbed since Josh Yoder first appeared on Stew Peters with his fear of pilot safety and that’s why he started Freedom Flyer’s..

I warn everyone but many just stare like I’m off the Wall !

The proof is everywhere!!

They just refuse to look at it ! ✈️👀

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