very troubling development by extending this Liability Protection (PREP)...to 2029

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ALL liability protection needs to be removed for ALL Pharmaceutical companies. Once you look at Dr. Ardis's presentation, you will understand why. They've been trying to kill us for decades.

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good statement...Ardis is a personal friend...I endorsed his recent book, look at foreword

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I did look at it. You’re not in the Forword, but you do have an endorsement comment at the front of the book.

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Question is whether Trump will do the right thing and take whatever steps are necessary to immediately undo this brazen attempt at a last minute ploy on the part of this outgoing HHS official.

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correct question

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Trump has probably had foundations put in for new hotels in Damascus. Yeah, sure. I trust him totally. Operation Warped Speed is alive and well as we speak. I pick the winners.

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Right on!

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Do not worry. The peckerhead is on the way out.

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But will we be replacing one pecker head for another? Only time will tell!

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Troubling, but as MaMu said “Let’s become our leaders in our own lives”


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We will know soon enough if Trump is truly on the side of the People or just another actor of the deep state.

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we will...I trust, I do, but lots of signs are troubling. I am drinking heavier these days

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The recent killing of the Health care CEO is just going to be the start of things to come if Trump doesn't come out swinging from the get go....once the general population realize they have been poisoned watch out....

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I sure hope no killings...but pitchforks are being bought...people are not stupid...Trump has support and IMO we should, best option, but we must not be played...

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good governance, so we must operate that way and not go the way of the middle east or those depraved societies, we settle at ballot box and courts always...that CEO killing must result in killer being hung, regardless of mommy money, you dont do that

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Yes, we settled things at the ballot box in November, 2020.

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I couldn't agree more. I've been digging and learning a lot, and it makes me really ANGRY what I'm finding out. I can clearly imagine that once more people understand this stuff, all hell will break loose.

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All hell *SHOULD* break loose!! For many years I've been saying that we are very much overdue for hell to break loose in this country. What many people refuse to accept is that these psychos understand *ONLY* one language - they regard all else as weakness and opportunity.

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hhhmmm...very interesting and importat post

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Not something I would prefer, but it's absolutely 100% necessary these days.

Time and time and time again 'they' have proven that peaceful bridges have been burned, leaving only force as a solution. Of course, force is what they've inflicted upon us for decades, while they've literally gotten away with mass murder, global theft, and more. Fire against fire is all that remains - period.

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Lol, I've been drinking today, I had no internet this morning, then it took hours to reboot and get back on, and even then it's been very slow.

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ha ha, I get you, the lure of the spirits is tempting

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in these times

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Three fingers of really good bourbon with ONLY two ice cubes. Soooo nice. Helps one think clearly

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I love it, I will try that tonight

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Those southern boys certainly do know how to make whiskey.

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Bourbon... 😁

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You've got to stop blindly trusting Trump, Dr. Paul. What hold does he have on you?

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no one has a hold on me...do you read my writing?

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issue is we have to allow him to do some good, let us see, he was elected, he should be sworn in and allowed to act...we judge based on actions. he knows his legacy is riding on this next 4 and IMO I still trust he will do good...I worked for him prior and I saw many good he did, he is a decent man, very imperfect but better than most in congress and senate.

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Yes, I read some of your writings, but sorry, it DOES look like Trump has a hold on you. You refuse to criticize him. You keep supporting him, and “trusting” him. How can you “trust” someone like that? He’s all over the place with what he says and does. No way could I trust someone like that.

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Why take negative approach

..can you not give him a chance?

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I like

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Why would I give Trump a chance? He's all over the place. He clearly can't be trusted.

I do discuss this openly with Dr. Paul Alexander here. He knows where I stand. I will continue to call him out until he admits that Trump should not be blindly supported the way he has been doing.

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Pull back on that, Dr. It's no good for you.

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on what?

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Yup, many of us are

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Bottoms up!!

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I just don't trust Trump. There is just WAY too much information out there exposing all their evil actions, for DECADES, yet Trump STILL praises and promotes his "beautiful vaccines". The man is either the stupidest person who ever walked the planet, or else he's in on it. I think it's the latter. Nothing else makes any sense at this point.

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agree he must stop on 'my beautiful vaccines'

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The fact that he keeps saying that should trouble you. Why aren’t you pulling back from him? To keep blindly supporting someone who is saying stuff like that is just insane.

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Who then DO you trust? Do you not understand that the military asked Trump in 2015 to run for President to counter the treason of Obama? Don't you understand that EVERYTHING that has happened to America and Trump since then has been orchestrated by the deep state criminal syndicate to thwart Trump and the people from taking our country back?

And you NEED to know, that Trump is a literal GENIUS, as well as a Chess Master. He is also as clean as a whistle, and that is why THEY could NEVER find any dirt on him.

So wise up Margaret.

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he is clean as a whistle, I can say that too, they looked and looked...and it drives them nuts...he did live a clean life...what persona was out there is not him...thats he reality...yes he loves the women...

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Thanks for the laugh. Trump is no “genius”. I’ve dug into his history. He’s actually not very smart at all. The only thing he’s good at is acting, and deceiving people through his celebrity. This “chess” thing is nonsense, and nothing but wishful thinking on the part of people who just can’t face reality. I really pity you. Have a nice day.

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Margaret, hopefully we meet one day and have a good whisky...I am sure we have lots to exchange.

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no doubt you give us lots to ponder and your passion is serious, I like that about you

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and you are smart, well informed but too much anti Trump...

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That would be great, except that I don’t drink. However, let’s keep up the dialogue. I stand strong for my convictions, as I’m sure you can see by now.

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Dig in yer heels, Maggie. You got the gumption.

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Margaret - that was your comment from Dec. 11, before Trump even took office. Have you wised up now? You actually do not "know" Trump at all. But you will benefit from his genius anyway, like we all will.

And please, do NOT "pity" me. I am fully informed, unlike you. Have a nice day.

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I DO pity you. Your arrogance is astounding. You are just brainwashed by Trump. However, you’re not alone. There are a LOT of you out there.

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I go with Margaret! She’s got it exactly right!

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I think Margaret checkmated you a ways back......No dirt on Trump????

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The average American voter confuses Thomas Jefferson with George Jefferson. Never forget that .

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ha ha ha

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I fear the latter.

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but while we may be upset, we settle it properly, courts, legislative branch, ballot...not killing

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People can only take so much, and once they find out the depth of what these scumbags have been up to for DECADES, I can understand if they get violent. It's a fight for survival at this point.

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Paul, you've never heard of frontier justice?

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or not soon enough.....

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T57 & Co. had **BETTER** reverse this on HOUR ONE!!! If he doesn't reverse it, then that pretty much tells us which direction this is going. Remember how T45 took us out of the Paris Agreement nearly immediately? So wouldn't he do the same for this? Eyes wide open !!

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Oh, our govt is hard at work killing chickens…avian flu, ya know…

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This surely will not stand, and must be reversed. These deep state liars are finished. How do they think they can do all these corrupt things during the transition period?

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They plan for more pandemics and will need that liability that shields them because their will be more vaccines. Bird flu,Zika,Marburg, more strains of covid etc

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seems so

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There are no viruses. It's all been synthetically produced venom from various snakes, snails, etc.

Check out this presentation by Dr. Bryan Ardis. Everyone needs to know this.


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reversal of this must be RFK Jr.'s number one priority

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see 2nd Smartest stack:

2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Outgoing "Biden" Regime Extends PSYOP-19 ‘Emergency Declaration’ to Extend Legal Immunity to BigPharma DEATHVAX™ Manufacturers Until 2029

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IMPORTANT in this, it shields vaccine makers and pharma from liability etc. during POTUS Trump's next term. it is curious timing.

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this extension is flat wrong and something stinks, it is very wrong. are they bringing some new fraud pandemic in this period? to push more mRNA vaccine? something is not right...

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signing this extension was a disaster, no valid reason

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the test is for RFK Jr. to reverse day 1

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I hope the new administration can reverse that. I think (hope) the exemption on immunity for willful negligence will allow for class action lawsuits. I don't have a copy of the book yet, but I think Dr Wolf's book on the Pfizer papers will give plenty of evidence on willful negligence.

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love this clip...yes yes yes, and this is why I said RFK Jr. has to rescind this instantly.

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funny clip.

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I will use it

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If they committed fraud, which they did, their liability protection falls. The states may have to force this one. Texas, unless I’m missing the latest is attacking on the fraud front. There are are number of issues that will define President Trump’s legacy. How he handles CV19, WarpSpeed and MRNa are at the top.

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good post

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The only thing that makes sense to me is that this administration is an installed occupier crew hell bent on destroying the United States of America.

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Of course they are an occupier, America was overthrown by the enemy from within in 2020, and we have been an occupied nation since.

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very correct

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Everyone should watch this, then you'll know who's really running the country and it ain't America https://youtu.be/PD5gtM1A990?si=0souC7YY6hbkMYV4

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let us allow him to act please...we came this far. we may and would be pleasantly surprised. I have to trust first! no doubt you are smart and informed etc. but let us cut him slack...time reveals everything, and it is best to support him as he takes on these demons.

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Now you know what Trump and Bourla talked about at Mar a lago, how he's going to continue to protect the demons when he gets into the WH.

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you know I love all you do here Hannahlehigh, one of our greatest soldiers, I too am jaded and pissed by things happening but I still want to and do trust Trump to pull through. you have helped us greatly and I hope you are proven wrong.

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I hope Im wrong too Paul.

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