Fucking sickening! I knew Mike Johnson was a piece of shit the moment I saw him urging and supporting all the Ukraine funding. Confirms what I knew. 99% of these Godamn traitors in congress need to be eradicated!

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we got to vote them out, ballot box, courts are our answer and we can even impeach...yes we could impeach the speaker

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Dr. Alexander --- Kindly explain how we "vote them out" when they've criminally rigged the electoral system in such a way that they can insert ANYONE they want.

Remember Trump in 2020? Kari Lake? Pennsylvania? They can literally install *ANY* person they want into ANY position at ANY time.

So, how do we "vote them out" in such a fraudulent system, when they KNOW that they will get away with any and all election crimes?

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If we put enough faith into knowing we will win next month and get everyone we know to vote, maybe we will win. Unfortunately they have always found a way to rig everything and have always gotten away with it. Maybe the only way to break this fucked up shit cycle is by use of force. Two options, REVOLUTION or death.

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you are over the target

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

You mean like in 2020, when we got MORE THAN ENOUGH people to vote and then, in the middle of the night, they criminally erased our legitimate votes and inserted their illegitimate votes? You mean like that?

Don't you get it?

We can get 90 million LEGITIMATE votes for Trump while they get 30 million LEGITIMATE votes for their candidate and yet, they "WIN".

Except for the numbers I've used, that was EXACTLY what happened in 2020.

I went to bed that night with Trump a *clear* winner, only to wake up and find that Trump had "LOST".

Again, people don't get it. Voting has been ruled out. Without an enforced rule of law, voting does not matter. CRIME rules.

Attributed to Stalin (paraphrased): "Who votes doesn't matter, what matters is who COUNTS the votes." Well, we have a gang of criminals counting the votes. Can you guess what the results are going to be?

That, folks, is why I have concluded that today the **ONLY** remaining option is FORCE. If you have a *viable* alternative, please let me know what that is.

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an invigorating post, troubling yet rings true.

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its like in court, its not what evidence you have, it is what you can prove

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I wish it weren't so, but I've yet to receive a single VIABLE alternative.

For example, if the electoral process were changed so that *ONLY* verified US citizens could vote, and voting was done on paper ballots (NO MACHINES!) and the ballots were physically counted the same day with 2 human witnesses, both vetted, from each party ---- IOW, if the electoral process was made FRAUD PROOF, then we would have a chance of turning this Hell around WITHOUT violence.

But now let's face reality.

Is that EVER going to happen? Is Congress (REP and/or DEM) fighting hard to make that happen?

You know the answer. The system is fraud-ridden and it's going to stay that way - certainly for the elections next month. Look at what just happened in California. The Governor made it ILLEGAL to check ID's to vote. Other states have similar mandates to allow fraud. They WANT fraud!!

Ergo, it's time to accept what awaits us. It's not "giving up" - it's taking facts and evidence to their logical and inevitable conclusion.

One final note ... nah, I'll reserve it for now.

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No, I definitely get it. I fully understand how it is likely to go down. I also understand how the Power of a Positive mindset drives powerful sometimes unbelievable results. I'm also a REALIST though. Plan A do all you are physically and mentally able to and when that doesn't work, resort to plan B. In actuality when they steal it, even the posts we write on here will be used to charge us with fraudulent violations of our 1st Ammendment, saying we are violent extremists who must be locked up or killed. IT is clear: if we do not fight we are FINISHED

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I believe you do get it - I was speaking in a more general sense.

I agree with you - we do all we can and the rest is up to a Higher Power.

For that reason I've begun to question my prior decision to NOT vote. I know the system is rigged. I know it's irrational to vote in a system that is fraudulent -- it's like betting at roulette KNOWING that the house can make whatever number they want to "win".

Yet, with all that, I don't want someone to come back at me later and say, "You didn't cast your vote so it's YOUR fault!!" At that point we're going to be facing much bigger problems but I don't want petty accusations to be a hindrance.

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Easier said than done. The courts and judges are lawless and so is the ABA. The

impeachment of Baldy Flash Mayorkas went nowhere. But, there were 2 hoax

trials done on President Trump. We better pray that we win the HOUSE. Because,

we don't want Muslim Hakeem at the helm or forget it.

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Haaakim looks like face on wanted poster

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Trouble is, if not one politician is standing up to Speaker Mike or JOE and his sidekick

Comrade K then they are all the same. Why don't all the politicians head for

North Carolina and help the people that vote for them. They are all no damn

good. Sick of them ALL.

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America desperately wants to steal (out of the hands of Russia and China) the minerals of Ukraine (worth at least: around 12 trillion, according to Lindsey Graham, maybe double worth), we can't have them for free, can we? The lives of the victims do not matter at all, as long it are not Americans.

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I disagree. To the bastards in power, the lives of the victims do not matter at all, especially American lives. I joined the Marines after 9/11, believing Terrorists killed our citizens. When I woke up to the fact that our leaders are the true Terrorists, I'll never support another war on any country ever. Sadly, it is looking more and more like the only way to get power back to where it belongs (in our hands) in this rigged system, is a war on THEM!

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Well put! One of the reasons why I resigned my commission in the USAF was because I became aware of what was going on. I could not, in good conscience, remain.

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Very brave of you! Congratulations!

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I agree!

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Speaker Johnson is a jackass and needs to be removed for failing to perform the duties. Loss of medical, travel, retirement revoked immediately. People are injured, dead, ill without food or medical needs met in order to survive. If they do not get that money today putting citizens in danger. Stop the funding of any foreign countries take care of home first. Too bad he couldn't be dropped of in a remote area that suffered severe damage with nothing. Good luck in you surviving and people are not to assist him in any manner. No food, no water, no travel. Give the man nothing let him forage for any edible food on his own. Let him walk if the road and or bridge are out oh well figure it out.

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That goes for all the politicians. Why aren't they in NC helping out? No, they are out again.

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Congress should not be in recess get them back here now! If they can't do it they forfeit air travel, vacation, retirement, and medical care along with their pay. No work when there is a disaster is beyond all logic. They should also be fined for non performance of duties related to their positions until situation is resolved. Shame on them all. They should not be out for Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Years too. The holiday break is over with! Get your jackasses back now!

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Yes, that's right. All those Holidays are coming up. They should all be helping the

victims of the hurricanes. Let's see, if they can really roll up their sleeves! Instead of just talking with their mouths!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

OF COURSE they can send $157 million, even $157 BILLION, elsewhere, but *NOT* for the American serfs. The serfs are mostly "worthless eaters" that must be disarmed and depopulated ASAP.

The reason is obvious, isn't it? You have to look at the GLOBAL agenda. What are they trying to achieve towards that *global* agenda?

Consider: Isn't part of that agenda to **destroy** the greatest *opposing* force, namely, the USA?

Sending countless $billions elsewhere, while limiting and even denying domestic assistance, is a sure way to hasten the destruction of our country, is it not? Pretty obvious, huh?

So there you have it, in a nutshell. This is my explanation of why we see these bat-shit CRAZY actions being taken by "our" government - a government that is SUPPOSED to be FOR the people, not AGAINST the people. Yeah, right. They are our WORST enemy, right there in DC - District of Corruption.

Lastly, they are **ALL** in on it - they are ALL working for the Globalists. Anyone who believes that a "Republican" or a "Democrat" is coming to save the day, hasn't been paying attention. They will talk a good game, and then proceed to do *NOTHING* other than advance the Globalist Agenda.

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I agree with you. Do you think Trump is and will be in on it if he wins? I question it sometimes but think back to what he actually did for America while in office, not just what he said.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

My answer to that question bothers/upsets many people. Here it is:

I have essentially no doubt that if the monsters of the Globalist gang want a person dead, that person WOULD be dead - period, no ifs, buts, or can'ts.

Based on my theory (just a *theory* : "Trump is with 'them', not with us.") I had made some predictions. In a nutshell, I predicted that Trump would be subjected to a flood of attacks - legal, financial, and even physical (such as assassination attempts) - YET he would always, "miraculously", escape unscathed and make it to the elections which he would win, be inaugurated, and become # 47.

Well, Trump HAS INDEED been "attacked" as few before him have, and he has, so far, "miraculously" escaped from every attack.

I'll say no more other than I'm watching events with eyes as big as dinner plates. I'm sure we'll have the answer at ANY time within the next 120 days.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Democrap gubmit and turdo gubmit and most western nation gubmits are stalinist stooge profligates. OPP pigs here in Canuckistan, Ottawa PS, Toronto PS, Calgary PS are the same anti freedom cowards and bigots.

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Well more Devide Control and Conquer. Fascism at its Finest.

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Kudos to all those who offer assistance to all the poor souls affected by Helene.

HUGE kudos !

But one question gnaws at me. Chews with sharp teeth and strong jaws, in fact.

I mean.....are we financing EVERYBODY in the Mideast?

Good guys ( your choice, who THEY are)

BAD guys ( again, it's a 'pick 'em' )

I suppose championship hegemony plays all sides of all fences, huh ?

What a cluster F.

.....and US citizens get the surprise at the bottom of the Cracker Jacks box.

Isn't THAT special.

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And the Winners are the Merchants of Death the US MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX and their Suppliers and Investors.the losers women and children and the US Tax Payers.

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🔔ding ding ding - WE HAVE A WINNAH !

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And what are doing those states governors?

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Turdo imported these illegal unvetted aliens. Note the Canuckistani coward pigs are opposing the Charter of Rights and Freedom.

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Watch this! It is exactly how most people up here feel. F*ck off turdo you lying pos stalinist WEF dick licking traitor. You need to be arrested, tried and executed for treason.


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More support for the appearance that Biden is actively undermining Kamala:


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GREAT INFORMATION! I donated to the Manna food bank. Our church also sent a truckload of supplies. I know people in the affected area. Fortunately, they are ok.

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In Florida, another red state, the hurricane devastated 51 counties. Biden just "said" he'd give money to 30 counties. That's how I found out where the democrats are in Florida.

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Really? Lebanon hasn’t a government! So where’s the money going? To fight against Israel? The money most certainly is NOT helping the Lebanese’s people.

I know this for a fact! This is disgraceful our American Citizens are being allowed to suffer because of a “geo-engineered” hurricane named Helene and taxpayers money is going where?


Kamala Betrays North Carolina by Announcing Lebanon Relief Money!

Lebanon hasn’t any government! The “Taxpayers Money” being sent to Lebanon will NOT HELP the people of Lebanon! Instead the taxpayers money will help continue fighting against ISRAEL!

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Thanks for sharing local places that are helping with the hirricane. Unfortunetely, the government does not do a great job at helping people. The people need to help each other.

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Simple, they want the people of western North Carolina dead. And Johnson, he's useless. But blame it on the religious right. Charlatans like Johnson will do the "Jesus thing" and despite their clear record of kissing the Democratic Party's ass the religious right will go right back and vote them in again. The Republican Party needs to do some house cleaning of it's own house.

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander. Will share this far and wide for support of the voluntary (not government) assistance groups. And again speaking of government, have found the term ‘delegated authority’ to be an insidious path to remove responsibility from the ‘elected representatives’ who have ‘no time’ to worry about details. I remember speaking to a representative about a particular issue; he said he left questions about my issue to other committees; effectively giving me no representation on that issue.

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