Immunocompromised … compliments of the Pfizer/Moderna bioweapons.

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Makes sense.

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Perhaps tested in China (if at all) with the intent to bring it to highly vaxxed and far more vulnerable

western countries? The Chinese didn’t use mRNA shots IIRC.

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If it's spread heterosexually then it will pose no problem to today's US male, the exemplars of which are Pete Buttigieg, Lia Thomas, Lindsey Graham and Dylan Mulvaney. However, if it can be contracted by the anus then the US male gens Z and alpha populations in particular will be decimated. An mRNA vaccine that will be mandated for the entire US population is no doubt already under development.

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ha ha ha, I could not have said it better...brilliant.

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and 3 episodes of The View back to back to cure any desire for sex, hetero or homosexual

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Monkeypox was a bust...so now this...

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hhhmmm, yes

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Monkeypox Boosters Discussed as Vaccine Antibodies Drop to Zero In Just a Year

A very "unexpected" development!


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Was Bill Gates in the neighborhood?

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Bill couldn't get wood unless the boy was five years old.

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Has this been made in a lab and weaponised to??? We all know they want to wipe out the population?

Severely reduce pregnancies? abortions and covid jabs mustn't be working as fast as they hoped?????

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This was predicted to be a result of Covid jabs

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‘Data’ from china, eh? Well, we can certainly rely on that, can’t we, not to mention anything from the CDC.

Sounds like another means to reduce the population - treat the alleged disease ensuring sterilization as they go. If it’s real, wonder if it’s another gift from DARPA. Nothing should surprise us at this point.

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Shame on you for pushing the panic button and either innocently or deliberately aiding and abetting those seeking to scare us into accept one world health government via the WHO.

Do a quick Internet search, Paul, and you will find the slave media has been pushing the same old scare story for donkeys' years. Thenm put your thinking cap on and ask yourself why Tedros & Co are constantly predicting the next global pandemic (with them in total control) will be BIOLOGICAL rather than viral. Clearly they and their Big Pharma sponsoprs are lining up an STD to be the next HIV/AIDS - and doubtless working behind the scenes to roll out another "warp speed" vaccine (with Trump back in the White House this should be a doddle).

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Sorry about the typos - sent in angry haste! - but not for the content of the message.

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Some people dream of getting razor blades. At least it means you can still get it up and pound a vagina.

That's very rare in 2024.

"Waiter, I'll have me some of that gonorrhoea pie. Just hold the queers and the cream."

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Another chance for Hunter Biden Redemption.

Spokesperson for Gonorrhea Insurgents

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Forget antibiotics! The cure is a clove of a fresh garlic minced and with e.g. honey, 3xday, for 3 days, I cured UTI with a natural antibiotic.

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yes, they call it "Russian Penicillin". Good job! What do you think about colloidal silver? It inhibits the oxygen metabolism of the bacteria, or virus so it cannot replicate from what I understand.

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Thumbs UP! But personally I prefer garlic ;_}

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Silver kills pathogens in a number of different ways and is generally mostly harmless to people. However, most "colloidal silver" is actually ionic silver, Ag+, with a very small percentage of actual Ag silver particles. The stuff works great if you get one with really small particle sizes but most providers don't mention it nor the ratio of Ag to Ag+.

There are only a few actual "colloidal silvers." The one that I am most aware of is Meso Silver from Purest Colloids and its has Ag particles that are less than 1nm. The medical data suggests that the smaller the particle size, the greater the bio-effectiveness. Also, I believe Meso Silver is 90% Ag and 10% Ag+.

BTW, one can easily make Ag+ ionic silver (DYI info is all over the web) but you will end up making a lot of really large AG+ particles. Drink a lot of home-brew colloidal silver with particle sizes larger than a red blood cell (~8um dia) and the jagged silver particles will get stuck in the small capillaries on the surface of your skin which will then change the color of your skin. It's a fairly benign condition called argryria and it is permanent. What color you end up looking depends on your complexion. For light-skinned caucasions, you will end up looking bluish-grey. It's not medically harmful and may actually be beneficial if you're into the goth scene.

To prevent it, filter any home-brew colloidal silver using an absolute water filter with pores no larger than 5um. Sawyer makes a "squeeze" water filter that is 0.1um absolute. (FYI: you need pressure to push contaminated water through that small of pores.) I keep some 99.99% pure silver (a Canadian Maple Leaf silver dollar.) and the ability to make DYI "colloidal silver," and the filter around in case of the SHTF. BTW, that filter will also easily take out the most common pathogens found in raw water but NOT viruses. To kill those you need a little iodine or chlorine.

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It's only a ‘serious public health concern’ to the small percentage of perverts in the population and is natural selection in action.

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Call me crazy, but I am starting to question the existence of "sexually transmitted diseases"...

After all, the uber-rich want to depopulate us...

50+ years hetero and no problems ever here...

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Perhaps they should look into history from Japan and India where Gonorrhea was cured by during one’s own pus filled urine that healed in several days. Looking to man’s pharma is dangerous. Looking to God is healing.

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Anyone know where I'm Maskachusetts these new cases are?

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Weren't they farming the mRNA from antibiotic-resistant coliform bacteria, leading to the possibility that if its DNA intergrated with your own... I forget the possible implications.

Anyone remember what that was all about?

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