LNPs, antibodies etc. can all be transferred to the unvaccinated! Now LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY reports on Vaccinated via BLOOD TRANSFUSION: Man Has Bells Palsy and Other Symptoms of Being Vaxxed
yep, the red cross is an awful organization. Did you know that about a year into the whole covid crap, the red cross started asking for donations of UNVACCINATED blood ONLY!! But they refused to give unvaccinated blood to unvaccinated people!!! NICE!! HYPOCRITES, they were saving it for themselves or elitists I am sure.
Ok.. There are Doctors who have a podcast on Rumble.com. Go to “Critically Thinking” by 5 Docs. They give out a lot of information as to how to treat the Vaccine Injured. Look up Dr. Lee Merritt..”The Medical Rebel” www.drleemerritt.com. She has a website.. full of information .. She is also on rumble.com. You can also go to rootbrands.com Dr.Rham has a Protocol.. she created.. Very Effective for reversing COVID-19 and the Cellular Damage from.. THE SHOT( Not A Vaccine) You can also visit..The EES Centers that are opening up.. All Over The Country. EES= Energy Enhanced System. There are HBOT Centers( Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) opening up too. I took a patient to the one in Mission Viejo,California. It is run by Dr.Steenblock. You can send him the Medical Records of the person needing help..and he will take it from there.I have Tremendous Respect for him... Extremely Knowledgeable and Very Dedicated. Bare in mind.. these Therapies are All “Out Of Pocket”.. The Medical Insurance Companies don’t cover Alternative Medical Interventions.. as a rule. But,you may Luck Out. Focus on DETOXING... particularly The Liver and Bowel..with Herbs. Drink Clean Filtered Water,Green Juices.. like Wheat Grass Barley Grass,Chlorella.
Spirulina. Go Organic with Fruits and Vegetables. Get Plenty of Sleep.. That’s when the Healing happens. Meditate.. Everyone Will Be Alright. Blessings 🙏
I think prayer and repentance is the only way to reverse the evil DNA alteration. That’s what I meant by a permanent cure. The DNA would have to be restored to the original human DNA. The government and big pharma have a patent on the jabbed being a new species. Homo Borg Genesis. No longer Homo Sapiens. And they no longer have human rights because they are no longer human. Scary but true.
Get some nattokinase, it's over the counter. The Japanese have been using it to *detox* from the jabs. If you have ivermectin, that can be part of the protocol, but you can also use quercetin instead. Whether or not they *heal* the DNA, I don't know, but they can certainly neutralize the effects.
The WHO is exempt from liability. Think about this when you realize biden has endorsed making the USA subservient to their planned takeover of the world, our Constitution and national sovereignty be damned.
Blood supply is contaminated with mRNA Nanoparticle BIOWEAPON...
IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative
"At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth." - Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
On one of thehighwire.com recent episodes in the last 6 weeks - there is a new company - the founder(from Chicago, I believe) is starting up a blood bank for storing unvaxxed blood
(Major UK Newspaper Openly Reports BBC Radio Presenter Killed By Covid Injections: "Lisa Shaw Died On May 21 From Complications Arising From The Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccination."Three Years After Frontline "Anti-Vaxxers" Sounded The Alarm, The Telegraph Declares the "Real Covid Jab Scandal" Is "Finally Emerging"
Good idea, except blood can only be saved for up to 90 days. Then it becomes old & unusable. You’d have to donate new blood every 90 days, to have it on hand.
Unfortunately, I almost bled out recently from 3 bleeding ulcers. I asked about a designated donor when they told me I would need a transfusion; they said they couldn’t do that unless the person was there ( they weren’t) and of course my blood count was so low 6. something, that it had to be done that night. I’m just trusting God to cleanse that blood with the blood of Jesus. As an unvaccinated person, I never expected that I would bleed out but obviously, this could happen in a car accident, violent crime, etc. I could choose to live in fear but I won’t; it’s totally up to God and I have no control over it. 🙏🏼✝️
Also, I think that it is within the realm of possibilities that COVID vaccines could be transmitted through sex, (like through sperm) for a period of time following a man's receipt of a COVID vaccine.
That reminds me that I joined this unvaccinated dating site called unjected last year, and they had an option to check if willing to be a sperm donor, and I checked it, and several ladies messaged me asking if I would donate them some sperm. I didn't end up doing it, but it seems like there is a shortage of unvaccinated sperm donors on the market. You know what. Maybe I will get into the sperm donating business. They always say, do what you love...LOL.
And through kissing and any body contact potentially from saliva and from sebum, the chemical released in the sebaceous glands (in the mouth and all over the body) that promotes bonding and love between mates and infants and parents.
Since the Red Cross has been notified of the Covid spike protein transmission via blood transfusion, should they be included in the horsemen?? Or should we initiate a subcategory for the organizations? --Like a “Stable” .
We have a not for profit cooperative community www.blessedbyhisblood.com that has been quite effective. We match unjabbed donors with unjabbed recipients in need. The current blood supply is a problem!
yep, the red cross is an awful organization. Did you know that about a year into the whole covid crap, the red cross started asking for donations of UNVACCINATED blood ONLY!! But they refused to give unvaccinated blood to unvaccinated people!!! NICE!! HYPOCRITES, they were saving it for themselves or elitists I am sure.
Looks like the entire blood supply is now contaminated
THEY WERE DETERMINED TO CULL THE MASSES..6 Billion OF US. But.. it just so happens.. The Remedies are Making It On The Scene.. just in time.🙏
What remedies? I haven’t seen any permanent ones. My whole family fell for the scam. Please help 🙏
Ok.. There are Doctors who have a podcast on Rumble.com. Go to “Critically Thinking” by 5 Docs. They give out a lot of information as to how to treat the Vaccine Injured. Look up Dr. Lee Merritt..”The Medical Rebel” www.drleemerritt.com. She has a website.. full of information .. She is also on rumble.com. You can also go to rootbrands.com Dr.Rham has a Protocol.. she created.. Very Effective for reversing COVID-19 and the Cellular Damage from.. THE SHOT( Not A Vaccine) You can also visit..The EES Centers that are opening up.. All Over The Country. EES= Energy Enhanced System. There are HBOT Centers( Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) opening up too. I took a patient to the one in Mission Viejo,California. It is run by Dr.Steenblock. You can send him the Medical Records of the person needing help..and he will take it from there.I have Tremendous Respect for him... Extremely Knowledgeable and Very Dedicated. Bare in mind.. these Therapies are All “Out Of Pocket”.. The Medical Insurance Companies don’t cover Alternative Medical Interventions.. as a rule. But,you may Luck Out. Focus on DETOXING... particularly The Liver and Bowel..with Herbs. Drink Clean Filtered Water,Green Juices.. like Wheat Grass Barley Grass,Chlorella.
Spirulina. Go Organic with Fruits and Vegetables. Get Plenty of Sleep.. That’s when the Healing happens. Meditate.. Everyone Will Be Alright. Blessings 🙏
Mine too...wouldn’t listen
I think prayer and repentance is the only way to reverse the evil DNA alteration. That’s what I meant by a permanent cure. The DNA would have to be restored to the original human DNA. The government and big pharma have a patent on the jabbed being a new species. Homo Borg Genesis. No longer Homo Sapiens. And they no longer have human rights because they are no longer human. Scary but true.
Get some nattokinase, it's over the counter. The Japanese have been using it to *detox* from the jabs. If you have ivermectin, that can be part of the protocol, but you can also use quercetin instead. Whether or not they *heal* the DNA, I don't know, but they can certainly neutralize the effects.
On more than one occasion, eating natto helped me improve various biomarkers that were concerning me.
We need to introduce a new phrase, "Natural Immunity Deniers".
Those deniers should be shamed and objects of ridicule.
I wonder if the Red Cross can be sued? Are they exempt?
You Bet! And.. They are GUILTY OF MORE THAN THIS!
The WHO is exempt from liability. Think about this when you realize biden has endorsed making the USA subservient to their planned takeover of the world, our Constitution and national sovereignty be damned.
Thank you for sharing, Dr. Paul! 🙏🙏🙏
Blood supply is contaminated with mRNA Nanoparticle BIOWEAPON...
IMPORTANT: The COVID 19 Bioweapons Are “Nano Technology Enabled” – The National Nanotechnology Initiative
"At this time, there should be no further discussion regarding the presence of nanotechnology in the C19 shots. Even the government sees this as a valid scientific truth." - Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea
This Is What Total Destruction of the Immune System by mRNA Nanoparticle Bioweapon Looks Like…
Well you need to save your own blood if at some point you'll need a transfusion.
IF you can find a trustworthy blood bank willing to collect, store, and RETURN your OWN blood to you upon demand.
On one of thehighwire.com recent episodes in the last 6 weeks - there is a new company - the founder(from Chicago, I believe) is starting up a blood bank for storing unvaxxed blood
San -- I clicked on your substack and found this wonderful news:
(Major UK Newspaper Openly Reports BBC Radio Presenter Killed By Covid Injections: "Lisa Shaw Died On May 21 From Complications Arising From The Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccination."Three Years After Frontline "Anti-Vaxxers" Sounded The Alarm, The Telegraph Declares the "Real Covid Jab Scandal" Is "Finally Emerging"
NOV 10, 2023
Thanks for linking it!
That's fantastic news!
Good idea, except blood can only be saved for up to 90 days. Then it becomes old & unusable. You’d have to donate new blood every 90 days, to have it on hand.
Kinda’ like not testing for HIV? Bunch of evil right there
Unfortunately, I almost bled out recently from 3 bleeding ulcers. I asked about a designated donor when they told me I would need a transfusion; they said they couldn’t do that unless the person was there ( they weren’t) and of course my blood count was so low 6. something, that it had to be done that night. I’m just trusting God to cleanse that blood with the blood of Jesus. As an unvaccinated person, I never expected that I would bleed out but obviously, this could happen in a car accident, violent crime, etc. I could choose to live in fear but I won’t; it’s totally up to God and I have no control over it. 🙏🏼✝️
Also, I think that it is within the realm of possibilities that COVID vaccines could be transmitted through sex, (like through sperm) for a period of time following a man's receipt of a COVID vaccine.
The Pfizer documents mentioned pregnant women reporting to them after being around vaccinated, it’s a risk they knew about.
& I had shedding ( bleeding in menopause)
Yes. I read an article not too long ago that a woman who has unprotected sex with a jabbed man receives a direct injection from the ejaculate
That reminds me that I joined this unvaccinated dating site called unjected last year, and they had an option to check if willing to be a sperm donor, and I checked it, and several ladies messaged me asking if I would donate them some sperm. I didn't end up doing it, but it seems like there is a shortage of unvaccinated sperm donors on the market. You know what. Maybe I will get into the sperm donating business. They always say, do what you love...LOL.
And through kissing and any body contact potentially from saliva and from sebum, the chemical released in the sebaceous glands (in the mouth and all over the body) that promotes bonding and love between mates and infants and parents.
Since the Red Cross has been notified of the Covid spike protein transmission via blood transfusion, should they be included in the horsemen?? Or should we initiate a subcategory for the organizations? --Like a “Stable” .
We have a not for profit cooperative community www.blessedbyhisblood.com that has been quite effective. We match unjabbed donors with unjabbed recipients in need. The current blood supply is a problem!
Best graphic Covid award goes here!
Wow Dr. Paul!
Very true, that's where were we need to develop parallel systems. but may be difficult. All our system has been captured...
I told that in twiter februarja 2021