Vaccinated via blood transfusion? Yes, we have shown that between shedding, breast milk, placenta, maternal vaccine etc. and now blood transfusion, that the mRNA vaccine (content), spike protein, mRNA
LNPs, antibodies etc. can all be transferred to the unvaccinated! Now LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY reports on Vaccinated via BLOOD TRANSFUSION: Man Has Bells Palsy and Other Symptoms of Being Vaxxed
This poor man is describing the symptoms he’s been experiencing since his blood transfusion:
“ … the first time I’ve ever had Bells Palsy … Since the blood transfusion for my heap replacement, I am now unofficially vaccinated….I’ve had all the same symptoms as everyone else: heart issues, liver issues, bladder issues, neck pain…”
yep, the red cross is an awful organization. Did you know that about a year into the whole covid crap, the red cross started asking for donations of UNVACCINATED blood ONLY!! But they refused to give unvaccinated blood to unvaccinated people!!! NICE!! HYPOCRITES, they were saving it for themselves or elitists I am sure.
Looks like the entire blood supply is now contaminated