Dr. Alexander is again 100 percent correct.

Giving vaccines to elderly can only DO harm for the purposes of killing, & causing adverse reactions.

Even PFIZER admitted very early on.that their vaccines would have zero efficacy on elderly.

There is no reason EVER to vaccinate elderly - NONE.

Study immunology and this is an iron law.

The early vaccination campaign to vaccinate elderly based on their need was a TOTAL LIE based on science.

The campaign was DELIBERATE and premeditated act to harm and cull elderly.

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correct, 100%

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The Rx in this study not only reduced hospitalization and death, but also the incidence of becoming infected with "covid" in the first place, in an at risk  Pt group who were already taking the Rx. That is, the Rx, although not a vaccine, did exactly what the mRNA shots are purported to do. However, as we know, the mRNA shots appear to have little if any efficacy for preventing infection and the efficacy for preventing hospitalization and death is disputed.


We conducted a multiple population-based case–control study in Galicia (north-west Spain). The study data were sourced from medical, administrative and clinical databases. We assessed: (1) risk of hospitalization, by selecting all patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 with PCR + as cases, and a random sample of subjects without a PCR + as controls; (2) COVID-19 mortality risk; (3) risk of disease progression; and (4) susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2, considering all patients with PCR + as cases, and the same subjects used in the previous model as controls. Adjusted odds ratios (aORs) were calculated.


ACEIs and ARBs WERE SHOWN TO DECREASE THE RISK OF HOSPITALIZATION (aOR = 0.78 [95%CI 0.69–0.89] and aOR = 0.80 [95%CI 0.72–0.90] respectively), RISK OFMORTALITY (aOR = 0.71 [95%CI 0.52–0.98] and aOR = 0.69 [95%CI 0.52–0.91] respectively), AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO THE VIRUS (aOR = 0.88 [95%CI 0.82–0.94] and aOR = 0.92 [95%CI 0.86–0.97] respectively). By active ingredient: use of enalapril was associated with a significantly lower risk of hospitalization (aOR = 0.72 [95%CI 0.61–0.85]), mortality (aOR = 0.59 [95%CI 0.38–0.92]) and susceptibility to COVID-19 (aOR = 0.86 [95%CI 0.79–0.94]); and use of candesartan was associated with a decreased risk of hospitalization (aOR = 0.76 [95%CI 0.60–0.95]), mortality (aOR = 0.36 [95%CI 0.17–0.75]) and disease progression (aOR = 0.73 [95%CI 0.56–0.95]).

[Emphasis added]

Impact of prior antihypertensive treatment on COVID-19 outcomes, by active ingredient


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interesting study but several glaring issues...case control observational, so limited, weak confounded design, residual confounding risk, no matching, no control for co-morbidites, none for early treatment, none for natural immunity, use of PCR that was false positive, hospital treatment effects...so many issues many explain the estimates of effect. but interesting indeed. the patient important outcomes was one strength

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Yes, quite right. There are a few other studies with supportive results essentially converging on the same conclusion. However, they too need to be carefully examined. I would not be surprised if sartans do have some protective effect, as there is also a theoretical basis for expecting that they may, and would also not be surprised if the protective effect, if there is one, is then misattributed to the shots.

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They knew vaccines didn’t work in the elderly from the beginning, it was admitted during a UK Lords Committee meeting in June 2020. They planned to inject children and others to purportedly protect the elderly.

It’s a disgusting mess which is really about trapping people on more and more vaccine products for life.

For more background, see my email: Peter Openshaw and Arne Akbar - Is it ethical to vaccinate the young to purportedly protect the old? 6 September 2022: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/peter-openshaw-and-arne-akbar-is-it-ethical-to-vaccinate-the-young-to-purportedly-protect-the-old.pdf

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excellent post

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As many have stated; it is the first time in history where the complete and total vaccine FAILURE (not real vaccine at all but a military bioweapon to kill and harm for profit and depopulation) was blamed on the unvaccinated and a totally nefarious coercion tactic to get the sheep of all ages vaccinated.

Without a doubt the greatest crime against humanity in history, and to date not a single arrest.

It is war, and the sheep better WAKE up. The wolf is not the enemy, but rather the Sheppard (Govt).

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greatest crime, excellent post

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Injecting children with experimental jabs they do not need in order to protect the elderly-- that is so insane.

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Yeah they knew from the beginning but yachts have been getting more expensive to maintain and replace each year.

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the white spaces

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all of them

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Farage is trying to sideline Tommy Robinson. That's his thing. If he's going after covid crimes, I hadn't heard of it. Matt Gaetz was going to do that but now probably won't be in a position to do so. I doubt Farage will want to go after covid crimes while it looks like his US allies in the Trump administration are not going to do so. The Trump administration may take some action in relation to what happened with lockdowns and masks etc but it doesn't look like they're going to do anything about the "beautiful vaccines" except maybe roll out "new and improved" ones.

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very concerning statement for there may be sage in it: "The Trump administration may take some action in relation to what happened with lockdowns and masks etc but it doesn't look like they're going to do anything about the "beautiful vaccines" except maybe roll out "new and improved" ones."

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I think the truth will make itself known where “ the rubber hits the road” here in my county (Brevard) Fl-the county has called for the removal of these dangerous Mrna vaccines and in fact has labelled them as “ bio weapons”-

We are gonna see a clear cut division between the “ Neo-Cons” tied to the

military war mongers- and those GOP members dis-asscociated from the

145 year old war machine -- and those seeking peace and prosperity - yesterday the Florida surgeon general put the axe to Covid 19 vaccinations

and it appears the governor and legislature are following thru-

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Well, the surgeon General, he seems like an okay dude.

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i understand there are 14 states lined up with similar legislation-one state has sued the Feds over this issue-

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Evil f'rrs vaccinated all the seniors at this state home my brother put my mom in July 2019 until I October 29th 2019. I convinced him to get her out and back with us. She would have died there if I had not manage to get her out. 5 months later covid hit. All the seniors in the state funded home mom was in got vaxed and died shortly afterwards. Criminal murder. Mom only lived until 2/2022 because they dehydrated her for the 4 months she was there and fed her pesticide food and there was a huge 20 cell cell tower across the street.

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so happy you got her out...a gift from God

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Culling the population one senior at a time.

Glad you all got her outta there!!

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I never even heard of "immunosescence".

Glad you know this kind of information! What a bunch of FRAUDS!! Told you before, glad you're on our side

Thank you, Paul.

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I am glad you are here...but I am only talking and sharing. we learn from each other...I learn here

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The flu shot gave my dad cancer

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Sorry about your dad.

Flu shot gave a friend of mine Guillain-Barré. She dang near died and it took her 5 years to recover to the level of a normal life. More than ten years later her face remains partially paralyzed.

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Pretty sure I read somewhere that those responsible were either a) feral medieval goat herders from the middle east in search of 72 virgins and with a delusion about a prophet who most likely never existed; b) latinos from south of the border who compete with the aforementioned medievals to try to rape all the white women; or c) enviroNazis in the CA and LA administrations who failed to take preventive action because it could upset other econutters and who wanted to make a point about "climate change" purportedly causing out of control fires and about Elon Musk being "wrong" for being a tech head and about Kaczynski being "right" for being a "deep green" ecologist andwanting to roll back the industrial revolution. I had thought c) sounded the most plausible but in view of this update this needs to be added to the list as d) Milton.

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Steve Kirsch has been asking the nursing homes to provide him with their success cases i.e. show him that the death rate in senior homes declined after the Covid injection. So far crickets. He has plenty of evidence to show that deaths increased after the injections.

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My parents did not trust JABS----lived to 85 and 91---work that out!

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When they couldn't murder all of the elderly in the nursing homes (see: Andrew Cuomo), they then moved on to their senicide escalation via slow kill bioweapon "vaccines."

Senicide is a most critical component of democide.

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There are NO EXPERIMENTAL JABS that are not dangerous. Stick the damned things up your ample ass turdo you lying son of a hippie and commie father.

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Fn clown number 2.

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Sassy ass gal! Love it!!!

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I told my 93-year-old mother, "No more vaccines until RFK, Jr. cleans up the process." What a disaster the Covid debacle has been, and so many killed or injured needlessly. It is heartbreaking. Yesterday, her GP tried to push the Flu and Tetanus shots on her. We politely said — we’ll wait on that.

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Spent my morning watching a valuable video by Dr. Bryan Ardis: The Other N Word. Listen and learn about nicotine and its benefits. We’ve again been deceived. Find it on the drardisshow.com.

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I saw that too. I also posted links to other videos of Dr. Bryan Ardis exposing how the shots were made with mass produced synthetic "venoms" from toxic creatures, such as snakes, snails, jelly fish, etc.

He explained how they give a first shot that only contains half of the plasmids (instructions) telling your body to reproduce the "spike proteins" which is the toxin that is causing the damage. The second half contains the other half of the plasmids (instructions) that then "splices" with the first half in the body, and then the reproduction begins, and people start getting seriously injured, dying etc.

The poison in encased in a lipid nano-particle (poly ethylene glycol), which allows it to pass the blood brain barrier. The damages that are caused are neurological, which is why most people have suffered from neurological symptoms. Some suffer a paralysis of the diaphragm, which is what stops their breathing.

That video and his book "Moving Beyond The Covie-19 Lies" presents the evidence, and in the book, he also gives some solutions, and yes, nicotine is one of the solutions, depending on what symptoms you suffer from.

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The purpose is to exit older people out of existence in a much more timely fashion.

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Vaccines and mRNA poisons (which are NOT vaccines) have never worked and never will work. Ask your body if it needs this junk to operate more efficiently. It will tell you to stop poisoning me with drugs and vaccines. I worked rather fine for thousands of years without them.

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A whole lotta peeps should have known better, that's all I can say.

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Well we know that multitudes of elderly died the last 4 years. Not because they were old but because their immunity was destroyed by a jab or they were killed in hospitals or nursing homes!

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