I am a physician, my wife had a normal ejection fraction in November of 2020, her second pfizer covid vaccine was late April 2021, soon after she had a long period of joint pains and low grade fever that lasted more than a week. Early June 2021 she developed progressive dyspnea, without an obvious cause, mild at first and increasing in severity rapidly. It culminated one night in acute dyspnea, and chest pain and severe sense of foreboding. ER visit immediately after showed a drop in ejection fraction from 65to 35% , associated with long QT interval. very deeply inverted T waves , negative coronary angiogram. She was treated for heart failure from takotsubo cardiomyopathy because of her echocardiogram showed apical hypokinesis, One day after discharge she had an MRI which showed myocardial edema but no gadolinium uptake was noted. One week after discharge she had a cardiac arrest in a hotel room with me . I resuscitated her successfully, Subsequently at another hospital she had an ACD inserted. She had hospitalizations for heart failure multiple times in the next year. At no time did anyone even consider the possibility of myocarditis from the vaccine , as a matter of fact they went out of their way to dissuade me from even suggesting it. Conventional medicine is a victim of corporate capture. No thinking outside the box. It is verboten. I could see fear on the faces of the doctors even discussing the issue. My wife went on to have strokes, autonomic dysautonomia, but finally with the help of the FLCCC protocol is better. Marik Kory , and you Dr. Alexander should be considered heroes. For the next pandemic which I am sure is well in the late stages of planning be sure to do the opposite of the regime media says, and their associated appendages which now include, big medicine, big pharma. Do your own reading and your own thinking , find doctors to trust who have not lost their moral compasses

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These researchers neglect two very, very key factors:

1) White supremacy. Obviously, these two adults were victims of this oft mentioned, never confirmed malady!

2) Climate Change. did you know two of the most intelligent people in human history, Greta Thunberg and Al Gore, said we would be long dead by today? Since they are so obviously brilliant prognosticators, it is, ipso facto, evident, these two people died from both white supremacy, and climate change.

Sure, there could be other factors! For example, perhaps they died from the sheer stupidity of getting any vaccine, let alone one that genetically modifies you? Might they also have been, Leftists, who live horribly decadent and disgusting lifestyles?

So many possibilities! All I know is, I look forward, to millions of Leftists dying slowly, and painfully! I want them to make TikTok videos about it, no longer twerking, now they are twitching, and hacking up lungs!

Why am i so mean? I HATE the LEFT! HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There are so many, many testimonies of heart damage. Just one:

From the April 20, 2022 press conference in which Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen Introduces HF2348 - A resolution to create a COVID-19 vaccine bill of rights.

Posted April 29, 2022



KATE ZERBY: Hello my name is Kate. I'm here as one of the covid-19 vaccine injured needing to be seen and heard. Those of us who had a severe reaction know our vaccine dates by heart.

I don't have to look at my card. On February 16th 2021 at 3:30 PM my life changed forever. It's even difficult for me to say those words without getting emotional, and if I could, in 2 seconds flat, I would go back and untake the one and only dose of Moderna that I had.

I missed three days of work after my vaccine and had symptoms I can only describe as scary. Dizziness and head pressure after days of headaches, swollen lymph nodes, weird bruising and rashes. I didn't go for my second dose as I was dizzy that day.

The doctors I consulted didn't seem to know what to say. I had to go by my gut. There were no agencies to advise me. I was later found to have heart enlargement and atrial fibrillation that I never had before, an abrupt change that my doctor felt, along with everything I had been dealing with, had to have come from the vaccine, and she told me, thank God you didn't get the second one.

Fourteen months later I am still trying to get well. I went from a super active hiking in winter and a boundary waters area canoe wilderness girl who never sat down to someone trying to get back to being able to walk without resting and struggling to complete hikes without pain. We canceled our BWCA [Boundary Waters Canoe Area] trip last summer because of me. We had wondered if we need a travel wheelchair when walking multiple days in a foreign city. Will I be able to go the BWCA this summer if my kids carry my gear?

I have struggled since that February 2021 day to be me again. I am now starting to feel somewhat better, hallelujah, but I am not there yet. I still struggle with bone and joint pain and heart palpitations and other symptoms. You can't see my daily life, but I never have a day without symptoms. I have a private doc, lab work, a VAERS* report by my doctor, and other things that show the trials that I have been through in the last year. I am lucky, I was able to at least get some help. But I am otherwise invisible to society. As I struggle with something that has upended my life, people can't imagine this could be real.

I'm trying not to be angry but it is difficult, very difficult. Our scientists and doctors still don't know what causes long covid, yet somehow we think absolutely everyone in the population is going to react exactly the same way to a novel process where you yourself make just one protein from the virus inside your own cells that you then attack. We can't get everyone to safely take the same meds or get all people to be able to digest the gluten protein without harm. It's not logical that we would all react the same.

And somebody should be watching and doing something about these reactions. Why isn't that happening?

Sometimes I want to give up. But I know I need to speak out. We should always speak for truth and justice. And I end with this scripture.

What does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8.

Thank you.



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For this April 20, 2022 press conference's introduction with Patti Carroll, Executive Director of the Vaccine Safety Council Minnesota, and Minnesota Representative Glenn Gruenhagen,



For the current status of this bill see:


*VAERS is the US government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System


Note: https://openvaers.com/covid-data provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation

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I think we are also going to see a rise in cardiac cancers in young people since the LNPs settle in the fat around the heart in lean young people. BTW the lipid nanoparticle contains Polyethylene Glycol. PEG is known to form hydrogels when it's mixed with proteins. So well known it's a patented product Hemepatch. A bio matrix for blood clotting. https://twitter.com/janiesaysyay/status/1653855874648248323?s=20

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A lot of the side stepping related to VAERS reporting is in the difficulty making the reports, hospitals directing employees not to make reports regarding injuries (too much of a money maker fir hospitals), and those who died within 14 days of being jabbed were not considered jabbed at all. Safe and effective.

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