That list - 1-11 - total bull shit. There may be one or two that MIGHT be considered as having been an op to undermine Trump, but most were legit exposure ops based on facts the deep state wanted covered up.

Paul, use a little more discernment.

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Trump is the only option at this point, but in this battle we have to cognizant of all forms of supporters. There are many with him now subverting him. Yaccov is a smarty guy and this is his view, I share all...I like balance.

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YOU said it! I agree. Most were legit exposure ops based on facts that the Deep State wanted covered up.

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every body needs to calm to fuck down and read. if you dont agree this is magical but dont hate....just listen...be open...listen...

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its how I learn

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dont shoot the messenger

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but there is sage in some of this even if you dont like it

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I completely agree with Clandestine's take on this.

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me too, I want Trump on deck but we are having a debate on those seeking to subvert while appearing legit. I was on the inside, there were maybe 4 people I knew of who legitimately supported 45 and when he stumbled and hit a wall, they stayed silent or bailed. most you see are in it for themselves

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If your claims are true then we might as well put our collective heads between our legs and all kiss our collective asses goodbye. I think you may have been hoodwinked. I give President Trump more credit for knowing what is going on.

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knowing what's going on and being able to do something about it is 2 different issues...recall, we were imposed upon with a fake deadly COVID response and vaccine by Trump who knows whats going on. remember that.

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wanting to do good is one thing, being able to do good is another.

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45 is the only option but look around, already there are snakes.

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In case anyone missed this recent portrait of our next President:


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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

I think whoever spent all that time putting together all those links IS THE DISINFORMATION hack, whoever did it spent alot of time with ONE BIG GENERALITY OF "there all in on the attack against president trump" ITS BULLSHIT. Surprised you are following that line of reasoning. I know Sidney Powell and she one of the best Federal Prosecutors our Country has right now. Dinesh D' Souza didn't make up the 2000 Mules evidence, that is total bullshit. Of course Romney, Mc Caine family, are war mongers and didn't want Trump in office and worked to ridicule, undermine the entire duration. But you cannot generalize and say all of these people are one big psyop against Trump. Ridiculous. Many of the people listed risked their careers and their income to expose the fraud, and were heavily attacked and sued in court ( ya think that is "part of attack"). Roger Stone not sure how much he was or was not of any real help, he went to prison, same with Byrnes he is openly telling people he was hired by the FBI to entrap politicians so he may have simply been a liability to have around, and getting in Julliani's way, even though he worked to try and be in the limelight. Personally wouldn't trust the guy simply because of his background and he is supposedly being a "whistleblower" and nothing happens to him, if he was he would be attacked. Why would you disparage General Flynn? Obama came after him just as Obama did many Military Generals, but Flynn has too much intel from Obama and Hillary's term, and they didn't want Flynn in the Trump Administration, they were busy placing their paid off criminals.

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We do have laws in place about cleaning up Voter Registries, and we do have State laws on managing elections. We just need to clean up the DOJ to where their hats.

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I beginning to believe that this is THE "ACTIVE MEASURE". The Russian Hoax continues every so covertly see the definition of "active measure".

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Although its intellectually enjoyable to read all these substacks about this op or that op with respect to election rigging/stealing, the 500 lb elephant is and always has been "how to fix a rigged election".

Lets pretend Lunch Box Cabbage Head Joe calls for a prime time aired press conference at which he explains in excruciating detail how the 2020 election was stolen and names the names of everyone involved. Splendid. Caught red handed. Great.

Now what happens? Today its 10/21/24. Almost 4year passed.

How do you reverse all the now fraudualent signed laws, executive appointments, judicial appouhtmenrs, executive orders, and on and on and on... and on since Jan 2020?

Seriously. How do you do that?

SCOTUS punted recently on retroactively reversing the narrow effects related to the striking down of the Chevron Doctrine. Roberts et al simply said "going forward it matters". So dont count on SCOTUS to assist with the election rigging fix.

Well thats all just dandy. Since a rigged election wont be unwound and the riggers of the rigged election will never face prosecution, we really dont have elections. We have selections.

Thats what all the election related ops are trying to protect. That is simply the illusion of elections. There is no need to protect rigged results or the riggers of those results given the lack of a fix and willingness to prosecute; both are blantantly obvious.

So I say why even call it an election? Deem it a selection. Doing such can only be countered by proving its an election which cannot be done based on how are selections are currently operated.

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correct, how do we fix it and folk here miss the point...no republican has done anything to fix anything. bitched and raised money and begged for money bit did nada but enrich themselves.

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Democrats are the destroyers and the Republicans are the enablers. Been that way for ling time.

If I knew nothing else about Trump other than the fact that both Dems and Repubs hate him, then that would be enough for me.

BTW... its not fixable... unless you dissolve the Federal Reserve Banking System and reserve dollar and reinstitute the Treasury produced United States Note.

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Ballot harvesting = selection

No valid voter ID = selection

Dead people voting = selection

Stuffed ballot boxes = selection

Illegals voting = selection

Voting machines with internet or flash disk accessible = selection

More ballots than registered voters = selection.

Social media influence = selection

State ran media interference = selection.

Judges ruling that State election officials must certify results even if Officials are aware of election fraud = selection

... and on and on.... and on.

All the above are provable, not in dispute and result in preferential selection of a given politician.

Each provide the means to rig an election and afford unfixable ends to an election.

All that is left is to give people two choices and the Uniparty carries on with its mission....

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