Dr Alexander, I'm astonished that you honestly believe there are two political parties in this country. There's a small handful of Republicans, who do the best of my knowledge obey their oath of office, and that's all. 85% of Republicans and all the Democrats are bought and paid for by corporations and have been for 100 years. Stop trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic

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Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


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Apr 18, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

Actually, the USA is a constitutional republic which is far better then a democracy. You might want to watch this video that talks about it a bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3NA17CCboA

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100% correct Debra. “Democracy” rolls off the tongue easier than “Constitutional Republic” but too many Americans for far too long keep using the D-word over and over. It’s a lie. But a lie told enough times embeds in the collective consciousness as truth. Frankly no American politician should ever use that word in reference to this country. Ever. I don’t even want to hear we are a small d democracy. Why is saying what we are so hard. America is a Constitutional Republic. End of story.

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Malone is not trustworthy . I tried several times to listen to him, he is never direct in answers, seems to side step questions, and goes on congratulatory tangents . Or he just loves to hear his smug self speak. He said he got vaxxed so he could travel for work as a consultant to biotech vaxx companies.

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Dr. Robert Malone’s criminal records

He had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 1). Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?

Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 2

Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents3, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: were any of those? If he could block vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 4

Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 5 It seems he never gave a public apology.

He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 6 Some say this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.7 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.

If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people (in spite of denying it), through 3 factors:

1. A mechanistic ideology chosed by the individual: “the dominant ideology is mechanistic in nature. This ideology derives its appeal from the utopian vision of an artificial paradise (see chapter 3). The world and mankind are a machine and they can be comprehended and manipulated as such. The hitches in the machine that cause suffering can be “repaired.” In the long run, it will even be possible to eliminate death. Moreover, all this can be done without man having to reflect on his role in his own misfortune, without questioning himself as a moral and ethical being.” “The puppet master is the ideology, not the elite.”

2. An elite staying in power by doing and giving what the masses want: “Plans and visions for the future are not so much “forced” on the population. In many ways, the leaders of the masses—the so-called elite—give the people what they want. When fearful,the population wants a more controlled society.”

Note: he says that in spite of recognizing the media was instrumental into creating fear !!!

3. Manipulation: “mass-formation can emerge in a more or less spontaneous way (as happened in the first stages of Nazism in Germany) or that it can be artificially provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as in the former Soviet Union). In this process, both the elite and the population itself shoulder responsibility—the first because they actively manipulate the population and the second because they prefer to stay blind and, ultimately, commit atrocities towards those who don’t join them.”

Note: it’s another proof of censorship of truth, that people like Desmet seem still unaware of who chose the leaders and funded the initial steps of Nazism and the Soviet Revolution as if that isn’t proof of conspiracy.

Desmet concludes: “examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as: the fact that the definition of “pandemic” was changed shortly before the corona crisis; the definition of “herd immunity” to imply that only vaccines can achieve it;the counting method for corona deaths was adjusted by the WHO so it was higher than the number of flu deaths; that the registration methodology of vaccine side effects led to serious underestimation (by, for example, labelling those that become apparent during the first fortnight after vaccination as not vaccine-related); that all key political positions when the crisis started were held by politicians who were pro-technocracy (all people referred to as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders). These are examples of how an ideology gets a grip on society, not evidence of the execution of a conspiracy.

The enemy is not another human being, the enemy is primarily a certain view of man and the world, a mechanist-rationalist-materialist way of thinking; not another human being.

If you analyse a situation only in terms of conspiracies, in which an evil elite is the one and only cause of the misery, then the inevitable conclusion is that this elite must be destroyed through a violent revolution. Such a revolution, however, would most probably lead to the radical destruction of the ‘freedom movement’ itself. It would, indeed, rather be a Godsent gift for the elite, as it justifies destruction of the opposition through harsh repression.”8

Desmet is right on 2 things:

1. The people shares responsibility, but in a much much lower degree than the elite which has the support of the armed forces (including the police).

2. Revolution is a double edged sword. The same as color revolutions, the French Revolution proved how they could be ignited and lead to imposte a mason Emperor (Napoleon). The French yellow jackets and the Brazilian uprising to the 2022 stolen elections, prove that the people can’t achieve anything by themselves if there’s not a huge majority and leadership capable of prison, like Gandhi.

In sum, either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled repeating structured foolishness.

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 9, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 10 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.

Comment from CCMDMS: “How does anyone who is "controlled" break free, when trying means being ripped to shreds by the "freedom" fighters? You are forcing people back into the welcoming arms of the globalists this way. Please stop it. There is no need to fear "controlled opposition." The truth will set you free, not make you into vindictive monsters. Stop acting like the globalists. This internal witch hunt is precisely the Civil War type disunity they promote.” 11

Though he started with the left foot, Malone might just be a gradual conversion story. Though he is still in the middle of the journey, what’s important is that he’s proven to walk in the right direction. Think about it, even RFK was pro-lockdowns in the beginning:

Different people wake up at different times and at different pace. What’s important is that leaders have the courage to walk the path of truth with the people, helping the people go in the right direction, wherever it leads.

More here:

The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


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Malone sued Dr. McCullough as well???

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Malone just wrote a substack the other day about the transgender issue, wondering why this was happening, wondering what could be the cause. He doesn't have to look too far: the onslaught of autism that (his) vaccines have caused in children is likely a big part of the problem. Studies are coming out showing that most of the trans kids are autistic. I have never trusted him

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The villains in this are a few very, very powerful and wealthy people who are funding the NGO's activist groups. They are using their wealth and power to push the trans crap and they know the autistic spectrum kids are vulnerable targets. I dislike that Malone has been on the wrong side of health with his vaccine creation and big money deal brokering. Maybe it took him getting ill from his own technology to convince him on a personal level the error of his ways. He speaks now and without his voice I don't think there would be the awareness of the problems with the Covid shots that we now are seeing. There wasn't a person with enough clout to break through the gaslighting. I am thankful that he chose to speak. Do I wish he had a different past, heck ya, but I'm not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater either. I am sure he has a level of personal regret because he certainly sees the results of his work.

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Malone isn't part of the dirty dozen. Know why? Because the dirty dozen, that 12 individuals you've dismissed, were loud since early 2020 - warning us about the dangers of what was taking place. Where was Malone? Working with Rick Bright and making sure Remdesivir would be forced on us. He was collaborating with Rick and undermining Trump’s orders re HCQ. Confused? Follow JJ Couey and Mark of Housatonic- they have the receipts, as does George Webb.

Plenty of people with established clout were speaking up. In June 2021, Malone was a nobody, we didn't know him, unlike the dirty dozen who we've followed for years. Don't be dismissive about the individuals who for decades have been fighting against the vaccine Frankenstein in order to keep our kids healthy.

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In no way do I dismiss those who I have been following long before Malone came on the scene. I am stating a fact. Despite all those who were desperately trying to be heard they were actively suppressed and couldn’t reach the general public. Malone going on Rogan changed that and I am very appreciative of that. That one show opened many eyes and helped open the door to hear us. We wouldn’t be even this far along which isn’t far enough if it weren’t for him coming out and staying in the fight. On his involvement with Remdesivir I would like to understand his part in that better because it is sinful that it was added to standard of care. If he pushed it forward I would lose all respect and want him held accountable but I haven’t seen the evidence. George is controversial and I looked far enough to see he was involved with lawsuits that went nowhere so it became he says she says without facts. I didn’t see anything he had that was a smoking gun but perhaps I missed something as I don’t follow him.I tried looking into this but didn’t feel like I found anything shocking. I’d be happy if someone could provide a specific example.

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I am convinced Malone is bad news. I don't understand why there is still a debate about his intentions. If some people still trust him they are at risk.

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The things he has been saying since he came out against the vaccines for children are valid. I've not caught him in a lie but I do see how he wants to steer the narrative. It seems like he wants to protect children while also protecting his industry. Hard to know what is really motivating him.

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It seems like his past caught up with him. I wonder if he really thought he could hide that.

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So it would seem...I was fooled too until last fall.

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ALL jabs are bad.

Malone makes tons of money from jabs.

Nuff said.

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This is more evidence that Malone is a Deep State agent that is dealing in dirty disinformation while pushing the bioterror eugenics program on society.

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How? What specifically has he done to be accused of dealing in dirty disinformation? What lies have you caught?

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I am OPPOSED TO ANY AND ALL ANTHRAX testing on humans. A reason anthrax is being analyzed could be for the bioweaponization of it sinse The Dept of Agriculture did collected sites where Anthrax was found in animals and it is a bacterium which is not transmissible to human beings. The testing of Anthrax should only be done to find out if there is a way for Anthrax to be not spread in animal populations. I had not heard of anything about Malone or other scientists talking about Anthrax used in Humans other than when it was given to the military.. and lawsuits were initiated of course.

"A navy medical technician fills a syringe with Bacillusanthracis as sailors line up for their inoculations on January 6, 2003 at sea aboard the USS Constellation. U.S. Image credit: Navy/Getty Images"

People are NOT routinely NEAR animals which have anthrax.. and as usual this is the abuse and misuse of science. I am opposed to anthrax vaccines to any human being.

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I saw an interview Candace Owens did w Robert Malone where she schooled him on some issues w childhood vaccines. Because he was in the vaccine business, he said he mistakenly assumed they were all safe and had proper safety studies. He said he realizes he needs to go back and question all vaccines because of what he knows now. He’s not the only one and we have the Covid mess to thank for the light now being shined on the entire Vax schedule.

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In that interview he was SO dumb - and yet still smirky. Could he really just be that stupid about his lifetime work?

I didn't know how Candace remained politely respectful.

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most people who work on vaccines are totally clueless and think they are saving humanity and doing the right thing. The recent World Vaccine Council is the perfect example. His reputation is ruined over suing Dr Peter Breggin. It’s only a matter of time…

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He's been running vaccine clinical trials for decades. How can he be unaware of the results of his work?

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He admitted that he didn’t know what the companies did w his research. Most medical professionals and scientists have NO idea about the shoddy trials that lead to the vaccines on the CDC schedule. They just assume “safe and effective” just like everyone else. They all think vaccines are necessary for health…at the recent World Vaccine Council all these people in the industry truly believe their products save lives, are safe and that they are doing the right thing. Malone was caught in the cognitive dissonance. At least now he’s admitting he was wrong….

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No, he was running the trials. He was in charge of reporting the results, he knew exactly what was taking place. Candace did a good job rattling him but in the end he did what he does best - word salads and pulling the victim card. He's always a victim...PTSD, Stolen Valor, Kariko is a spy, as a teenager his mother told him to aspire for the Nobel Prize🤣🤣 it's all on video. I feel sorry for his grandson, his wealthy grandfather is a victim who suffers from Stolen Valor although he lacked the Valor to join the military. My boys don't have that problem, my husband served his country with honor.

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You know more about him than I do. I haven’t dissected a lot of what I’ve heard about him. They call him controlled opposition. I’ve been busy w local elections trying to fix the mess in my state. Thanks for the info.

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Paul and all,

I totally feel the great frustration of many commenting in these substacks.

I thought you were going to contact Lex Greene to learn how to lead with the help of strategic planners…ones you need! The evidence you have given needs to be actionable NOW!

Indeed, our country is under internal and foreign threat right now, like never before seen in history. As of this message, the odds of USA survival would have to be ZERO. Not because we lack the power...but because we lack the will to take this fight head-on...united, strategic, organized, mobilized and determined to win...

The survival of freedom, liberty and the USA depends entirely upon YOU., The People!

Unlike any other country on earth, here in the USA, whatever happens to our country is either thanks to the ACTIVE freedom-loving Citizens of the USA, or the fault of the INACTIVE citizens of the USA. For far too long now, evidence has shown that our country is rapidly failing due to the INACTIVE nature of the American people.

When good people do nothing, evil will prevail. When good people fail to unite against evil, evil will prevail. When good people refuse to stand together to defeat evil, evil will prevail.

The buck stops with us!

How much worse does it have to get, before ALL GOOD PEOPLE UNITE AND ENGAGE?

If you are really awake and ready for real solutions, volunteer at…NorthAmericanLawCenter@gmail.com


Mother/Grandmother Of 7 and counting

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Thank you, Dr. Alexander. Both Dr. Meryl Nass and Ms. Vera Sharov have very long histories of protecting our children against big pharma (unlike Robert "Stolen Valor" Malone), they are heroes. I stumbled upon the Minutes of this meeting and shared it with a Biologist that I respect and trust, they shall remain nameless. The document has been authenticated by HHS. There are, indeed, many questions that must be answered. But in my humble opinion, the vaccine Frankenstein does not belong amongst the warriors at Children's Health Defense. Why have the Malones wiped the internet from some of their "record of performance"? What are they hiding from the unsuspecting Conservatives who have followed Steve Bannon and placed them on pedestals? Inquiring minds want to know. Expect more word salads from Malone.


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Noooo… A BioETHICIST would NEVER do such evil things. Nooo way! And to children? Never! 😜

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If that’s Malone’s tweet.....

How can he argue that the tweet about anti vaxxers is fake because he didn’t have a Twitter account?

I don’t get it

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It's still on his Twitter stream and has been archived by other researchers. You've caught him in yet another 🙊 I used actual open source data and asked simple questions.

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Dr. Robert Malone’s criminal records

He had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-2017 1). Some ask: is it legal and ethical to appropriate patents, when the funding came from the taxpayer and is supposed to benefit the taxpayer, not the researcher who cashed his wage?

Dr. Malone “the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. He holds numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines, including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.” 2

Does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents3, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? US patents expire in 20 years: were any of those? If he could block vax manufacturers, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 4

Some say that it is strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE? In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the elderly and high risk, while working for a Bio-defence contract. 5 It seems he never gave a public apology.

He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each, instead of leading a class action against the social media that censored him and millions (Twitter, Linkedin, etc.). 6 Some say this is exactly what a false flag does: block anyone contesting his official narrative. For instance, the Breggins were criticizing Mattias Desmet’s mass formation theory: “The Desmet/Malone Ideology of Mass Psychosis Blames the Citizens and Not the Global Predators“.7 On the contrary, Malone has leaded global congresses in many countries, where he accused global corruption. Still, he refuses to mention “conspiracy”. By suing and not giving explanations, Malone left the accusations open.

If you search for the word “conspiracy” in Malone’s substack, you’ll only find disbelief in such. For example, he reposted Desmet, who lays the burden on the people (in spite of denying it), through 3 factors:

1. A mechanistic ideology chosed by the individual: “the dominant ideology is mechanistic in nature. This ideology derives its appeal from the utopian vision of an artificial paradise (see chapter 3). The world and mankind are a machine and they can be comprehended and manipulated as such. The hitches in the machine that cause suffering can be “repaired.” In the long run, it will even be possible to eliminate death. Moreover, all this can be done without man having to reflect on his role in his own misfortune, without questioning himself as a moral and ethical being.” “The puppet master is the ideology, not the elite.”

2. An elite staying in power by doing and giving what the masses want: “Plans and visions for the future are not so much “forced” on the population. In many ways, the leaders of the masses—the so-called elite—give the people what they want. When fearful,the population wants a more controlled society.”

Note: he says that in spite of recognizing the media was instrumental into creating fear !!!

3. Manipulation: “mass-formation can emerge in a more or less spontaneous way (as happened in the first stages of Nazism in Germany) or that it can be artificially provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as in the former Soviet Union). In this process, both the elite and the population itself shoulder responsibility—the first because they actively manipulate the population and the second because they prefer to stay blind and, ultimately, commit atrocities towards those who don’t join them.”

Note: it’s another proof of censorship of truth, that people like Desmet seem still unaware of who chose the leaders and funded the initial steps of Nazism and the Soviet Revolution as if that isn’t proof of conspiracy.

Desmet concludes: “examples that seem to point in the direction of a plan being implemented, such as: the fact that the definition of “pandemic” was changed shortly before the corona crisis; the definition of “herd immunity” to imply that only vaccines can achieve it;the counting method for corona deaths was adjusted by the WHO so it was higher than the number of flu deaths; that the registration methodology of vaccine side effects led to serious underestimation (by, for example, labelling those that become apparent during the first fortnight after vaccination as not vaccine-related); that all key political positions when the crisis started were held by politicians who were pro-technocracy (all people referred to as the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders). These are examples of how an ideology gets a grip on society, not evidence of the execution of a conspiracy.

The enemy is not another human being, the enemy is primarily a certain view of man and the world, a mechanist-rationalist-materialist way of thinking; not another human being.

If you analyse a situation only in terms of conspiracies, in which an evil elite is the one and only cause of the misery, then the inevitable conclusion is that this elite must be destroyed through a violent revolution. Such a revolution, however, would most probably lead to the radical destruction of the ‘freedom movement’ itself. It would, indeed, rather be a Godsent gift for the elite, as it justifies destruction of the opposition through harsh repression.”8

Desmet is right on 2 things:

1. The people shares responsibility, but in a much much lower degree than the elite which has the support of the armed forces (including the police).

2. Revolution is a double edged sword. The same as color revolutions, the French Revolution proved how they could be ignited and lead to imposte a mason Emperor (Napoleon). The French yellow jackets and the Brazilian uprising to the 2022 stolen elections, prove that the people can’t achieve anything by themselves if there’s not a huge majority and leadership capable of prison, like Gandhi.

In sum, either Malone and Desmet were fooled or they are trying to fool us... into the magical belief that this is a spontaneous yet coordinated process across nations and that there’s nothing else to do except talking us to extermination. Some argue that Malone is the fooled and Desmet is the fooler because he uses half truths to structure a lie. Yet, he might just be a fooled repeating structured foolishness.

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 9, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 10 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023.

Comment from CCMDMS: “How does anyone who is "controlled" break free, when trying means being ripped to shreds by the "freedom" fighters? You are forcing people back into the welcoming arms of the globalists this way. Please stop it. There is no need to fear "controlled opposition." The truth will set you free, not make you into vindictive monsters. Stop acting like the globalists. This internal witch hunt is precisely the Civil War type disunity they promote.” 11

Though he started with the left foot, Malone might just be a gradual conversion story. Though he is still in the middle of the journey, what’s important is that he’s proven to walk in the right direction. Think about it, even RFK was pro-lockdowns in the beginning:

Different people wake up at different times and at different pace. What’s important is that leaders have the courage to walk the path of truth with the people, helping the people go in the right direction, wherever it leads.

More here:

The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


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Wasn’t it RFK’s uncle who said something like keep your friends close and your enemies closer? OR could he be doing the same fallacy Trump succumbed to-trusting and not thoroughly vetting obviously influential/powerful gov employees, specialists, etc and their agendas.

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Can anyone enlighten: what is 'dose pairing' in this context?

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Excellent question! Perhaps Dr. Alexander can expand on this topic. The Biologist I contacted provided his opinion, which is in quotes. I think it's giving the kids two different types of vaccines. I was horrified!

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Thanks for chiming in. Appreciate it.

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