Starve yourself, boil yourself, freeze yourself, it's the only way to rid yourself of the poison lipid nano particle, sv40, mRNA as well as the induced spike protien. Purge yourself of their toxins then take ivermectin, vit d, vit c, quercitan, magnesium, cucurman, or Wellness companies Spike Support. They want you dead! Tell them to go fuck themselves!!!

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whenever I hear someone sing the praises of the 'miracle' drug Ozempic, I can guess without fail that they're also "fully vaccinated"

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Isn’t that sad? I’m convinced childhood vaccines cause degenerative disk disease, which I struggle with. Along with chronic pain from resulting neuropathy. Luckily, I learned about ELDOA’s, a specific type of decompression exercise program that has been a life saver! But it’s still an ongoing struggle I have to attend to daily. And that sucks. This vaccine crime on humanity is pure f’n evil. The MMR also caused high functioning Aspergers in our son. The only vaxx he got. Ugh. How we regret that one. These people doing this shit need to be rounded up & severely punished!

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The more sick you are the better the business for these pharmaceutical thugs and kickbacks for doctors

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Vaccines have been my wheelhouse for the last 14 years.

Back in 2015 I got tired of hearing people parrot “safe and effective” (which is not true. That’s a brainwashing ‘slogan’ and mantra), or how this doctor and that doctor said they’re safe and effective, or pear reviewed and in medical journals saying the same. So I decided to go straight to the horses mouth to prove my arguments with others. The package inserts!

I found a doctors reference page for all vaccines on the market on the FDA’s website.

You can click on the specific types of vaccine “MMR”.. “Tdap”.. etc.. and the page opens up to all manufacturers to that type of vaccine.. ‘Merck’ ‘GSK’ and the CDC (because they hold patents on vaccines as well! Conflict of interests much?) and you can read the package inserts.

I can’t remember which childhood vaccine(s) specifically, but in it it reads “Metabolic Syndrome”. What is Metabolic Syndrome? “Hello, Obesity and Diabetes, are you there?” That is the key factor in our obesity epidemic here in the States. Second contributing factor is the chemicals allowed in our food. Addictive chemicals that also cause obesity.

This link is how I shut people up to the lies they’ve been brainwashed to believe.

The link use to be real easy to navigate through. The FDA has completely changed it now. (Don’t want to make it too easy for people to do their own research, right?) But here it is..


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Dr. Alexander,

On Feb 1 2020, I sent an email to top US public health officials (Collins, NIH director, Fauci, NIAID director, Redfield, CDC director and others) explaining why antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers would help in COVID-19. Millions of lives could have been saved. On that day, Fauci was too busy meeting with virologists, conspiring to cover up the Wuhan lab leak.

Dr. Paul Marik of FLCCC has used both Vitamin C (an antihistamine) and famotidine (histamine H2 blocker) to treat COVID.

Details here:



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Thank you, Dr. Alexander.

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Yesterday, our (I'm from Slovenia) mainstream media wrote that this same drug factory near Copenhagen (Denmark), where these two "medicines" are manufactured, burned down. The fire is said to have started to spread from a waste container, I conclude that it was started .If anyone wants, I can send the articles, but you have to translate them from Slovenian.

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The dangerous impurities of vaccines - Janine Roberts


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All drugs cause injury and death. Yet, the solution of the medical murderers is to just keep on giving us this garbage. Doctors are retarded to buy into this mass destruction of our health.

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Perpective on Diabetes Its exacerbated by EMF Dr. Magda Havas https://normanjames.substack.com/p/diabetes?utm_source=publication-search

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