Thanks for the article Dr. Paul. I'm a self-employed contractor. I practiced masking and social distancing through the 1st wave to protect my customers and elderly parents.

I am unvaccinated, 47 years old. After researching the FLCC protocols, I have been taking Daily Vitamin D3 5000 IU since early 2021 with only symptoms being runny nose and sore throat for 24 hours. With first symptoms, I supplemented with one dose each of Quercetin 250mg and Zinc 30mg and Melatonin 3mg before bed. I suggested Vitamin D3, Vitamin C/Zinc and Multi for my Dad (75 years old, unvaccinated, never had a flu shot).

My Mom is Triple vaccinated (Moderna) and has been taking Vitamin D3 5000 IU for early Osteoporosis. No sign of severe illness in my close family members with Vitamin D3 3000-5000IU Daily regardless of vaccination. Thanks for reading!

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...oh, facts!!!! How some of us still love you...and Vit D.!!!! :)

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How easy would it have been to check Vit D levels in the hospitals and give Vit D if low. I heard some places were refusing to give it. What happened to the hippocratic oath?

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The WHO changed the definition of 'Pandemic' - it no longer has to be deadly AND vaccines no longer have to 'prevent'. The WHO has set humanity up for never ending mRNA 'Therapies'. FULL disclosure of exactly what is in the current therapy (what they are testing/tweeking on us) is withheld. Put this together with Noah Harari from the World Economic Forum(WHO) stating mRNA injections/therapy will have the ability to influence how we think(=our brains). Which takes us to the country of Chile passing of the Neurological Rights Bill. It's construct and passing strips all 'Theory' away from Conspiracy. BLOODY SCARRY? Here's some far out thoughts...... (1) CIA's declassified M-ULTRA experiments without consent of the individual. (2) the extent to depravity in Nazi experimentations. (3) our science has only mapped out 10% of the human mind, 90% remains to be discovered. THEORY: more experimentation on humanity; specifically, our brain. Bible verse: "and man shall seek death and not find it". CHILE's Neurologic Bill: https://www.jurist.org/news/2021/10/chile-becomes-first-country-to-pass-neuro-rights-law/".

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Have been taking Vitamin D drops - probably about 3 drops a day for a year (1500 per drop). I got tested about a month ago and oops - my level was very high - 150. How dangerous is that? Haven't taken any since as I think it should drop off over time.

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