90% of children who develop obesity by age 3 will still have obesity by adolescence. early-onset obesity linked to severe risk for chronic disease; high BMI at age 2 linked to metabolic syndrome at 11
I’ve never seen so many fat toddlers. Parents mindlessly feeding these kids government approved formulas, and processed food is the problem. Seriously, how many kids reach for the fruit basket if available at all?
One thing I noticed is the rise in weight in vaxxed people that say they don't believe in any side effects (I'm the one with the tin foil hat). What about the children? Am I the only one who noticed that? Ok, it could be due to something else... Thank God they have given us Ozempic just in time for this crisis! -I'm being cynical here. But I find the release of this drug very timely. Just like PfizR recently bying the lab (who was not going too well) that produced cancer drugs. I think PfizR knows they just invested in a gold mine for the future...
And I partly blame whoever does the grocery shopping! I’m in a fb group with Crunchy Moms who lament their child just wants sweets. Well who the hell buys it for them?!! Sugar IS addicting. And we have a bunch of food addicts in this country. Some blame the food manufacturers. I do not. If no one bought it, they’d be out of business. The truth is people are inherently lazy🙄
don't worry, empty store shelves, rising inflation and supply chain breakdowns will put an end to this
I’ve never seen so many fat toddlers. Parents mindlessly feeding these kids government approved formulas, and processed food is the problem. Seriously, how many kids reach for the fruit basket if available at all?
It is the processed food they all eat every day...high fructose corn syrup in everything.
One thing I noticed is the rise in weight in vaxxed people that say they don't believe in any side effects (I'm the one with the tin foil hat). What about the children? Am I the only one who noticed that? Ok, it could be due to something else... Thank God they have given us Ozempic just in time for this crisis! -I'm being cynical here. But I find the release of this drug very timely. Just like PfizR recently bying the lab (who was not going too well) that produced cancer drugs. I think PfizR knows they just invested in a gold mine for the future...
And I partly blame whoever does the grocery shopping! I’m in a fb group with Crunchy Moms who lament their child just wants sweets. Well who the hell buys it for them?!! Sugar IS addicting. And we have a bunch of food addicts in this country. Some blame the food manufacturers. I do not. If no one bought it, they’d be out of business. The truth is people are inherently lazy🙄
The fraud of the pandemic has multifaceted effects.
This is the very problem with single variable focus, all the other variables suffer too much. Never objective course or perspective.