WARNING: Childhood, toddler obesity & alarming rise in America spells disaster for coming generations! "Severe Obesity in Toddlers: A Canary in Coal Mine for the Health of Future generations"; why?
90% of children who develop obesity by age 3 will still have obesity by adolescence. early-onset obesity linked to severe risk for chronic disease; high BMI at age 2 linked to metabolic syndrome at 11
‘significant increase in the prevalence of severe obesity among the 16.6 million children aged 2 to 4 years participating in the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program between 2016 and 2020. This represents a reversal of previous decreases in severe obesity among this same group from 2010 to 2016. Severe obesity in childhood is defined as having a BMI ≥120% of the 95th percentile, which approximates 2 SDs above the mean. It is critical to note that the development of severe obesity this early in life is nearly irreversible.’
Gesserick et al modeled accelerated BMI increase in early childhood and risk of sustained obesity, finding that 90% of children who develop obesity by age 3 will still have obesity by adolescence.2 Severe early-onset obesity is correlated with earlier and more severe risk for chronic disease; Lycett et al demonstrated that high BMI at age 2 is associated with increased metabolic syndrome risk score at age 11.3’
don't worry, empty store shelves, rising inflation and supply chain breakdowns will put an end to this
I’ve never seen so many fat toddlers. Parents mindlessly feeding these kids government approved formulas, and processed food is the problem. Seriously, how many kids reach for the fruit basket if available at all?