So true! I've admired your blunt plain-speaking fiery common sense approach to revealing the truth for several years. Using the F-word so frequently in public discourse as you do has become almost acceptable it seems. It's a regrettable devolution of the culture in my opinion. I'm sure it still offends many people but they keep listening because you're bringing the truth. I hope old school people like me, and everyone else, will keep listening to you, sir. Same for Sage Hana - whoever he/she is - the anonymous Substack author (people thinking they can't be fully open and transparent in public any more, maybe they are right but it is also regrettable, I hope we can get over that). Sage is full of passion and determination and insight, like David Icke (another courageous rebel truther) - we need y'all more than ever these days, along with inspired leaders like Dr. McCullough and so many others in the health/civil freedom movement who have risen up in these tumultuous times.

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yes, agreed...a little cuss here and there is ok...I dont do drugs, dont drink, dont smoke weed, am not a criminal...have no past brushes with law enforcement...I am like Trump...ha ha ha...seriously...media deceived, Trump yes loves the women et al. but in terms of morality and character, you take all 435 in the house and 100 senators and all combined do not have his character...they are filth save a few. thats the irony.

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Here's an example of Trump's biting humor. He tweeted the remarks below last night:

“Wow! Former A.G. Bill Barr, who let a lot of great people down by not investigating Voter Fraud in our Country, has just Endorsed me for President despite the fact that I called him “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy. Based on the fact that I greatly appreciate his wholehearted Endorsement, I am removing the word ‘Lethargic’ from my statement. Thank you Bill. MAGA2024!”

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This generation is more about abortion than reproduction.

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question is, when the likes of Sarsour is behind it, makes you wonder cui bono? as they tell you 'its your right'...

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How about, "demons gotta demon"?

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I doubt illegals are aborting much. They want their Dem genes in the population and growing. Saudi Arabia is a muslim country. Israel is a Jewish country. Iran is a Muslim country. America should be a Christian country. That's what it started as. If it's good enough for these other countries to be for one religion then why shouldn't America be the same? Make Ametica a Christisn country. Stop bringing in non-Christians.

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my view is dont bring in anyone who does not have best interest of USA and it is time we screen in immigration for allegiance to jihad, sharia etc. screen for that...find a way

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Muslim countries should charitably and willingly take in all Muslim "refugees." One would think they'd consider it their Islamic duty.

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Why should they? Illegal aliens get bonuses to reproduce. This only makes the true plans of the NWO more obvious

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Basically, the Women’s Movement got what they asked for.

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Or maybe they got what their instigators wished for?

I've read many admissions of regret from unmarried, childless, older, professional and non-professional women who bought into the propaganda and are now alone, unfulfilled and wish they had made more meaningful choices.

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Your words, are GOLDEN!!!

Plenty of Birth control options.

Murder is NOT birth control.

Procreate: Giving life to a human is powerful

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Don't worry. All illegals will reproduce like wild brushfire, while we abort our babies to try to save our illusion of freedom and our 25 cents an hour raise at work. Or we change sex (not too many births there either)... Illegals will populate our Western nations. We are losing our culture and our economy because a long time ago we got rid of God, family values and morality.

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Of course the Uniparty and especially RINOs will shill the ridiculous notion that Americans “won’t tolerate mass deportations”.

They only have an interest in grabbing what they can as they ‘work’ to try and make sure America goes down in flames.

It’s not like they feel the deprivations that their policies and reckless overspending inflict on the citizenry. No, the costs are reserved exclusively for us, and any gains are theirs, and theirs alone. What a collection of evil, traitorous bastards our so-called governments are.

Oh, and have you read this? Digital currency is just the tip of the iceberg. People have no idea what’s been planned for them. Coming soon, and it ain’t pretty:


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boom, republicans are destroying USA as much as democraps.

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Dr. Paul, I think it would be valuable to see just who are making babies among Americans. Is it possible that those of native birth, begetting and bearing, are the same who love the USA. And that those who choose to end their line with themselves, well, are not a great loss to our country?

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Dems abort more than Republicans do and RINOS abort more than conservative Republicans do. If they didn't there would be a lot more Dems and RINOS because political ideology is substantially genetically determined.

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Most interesting. I would have thought it more a matter of nurture. But reading aloud your comment to husband just now, his response is "I think we've heard something along that line before". Hmmm. Will have to check.

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There's considerable heterogeneity but overall it's still substantially heritable. Unfortunately this article has a paywalll but here's the abstract:


Twin studies function as natural experiments that reveal political ideology’s substantial genetic roots, but how does that comport with research showing a largely nonideological public? This study integrates two important literatures and tests whether political sophistication – itself heritable – provides an “enriched environment” for genetic predispositions to actualize in political attitudes. Estimates from the Minnesota Twin Study show that sociopolitical conservatism is extraordinarily heritable (74%) for the most informed fifth of the public – much more so than population-level results (57%) – but with much lower heritability (29%) for the public’s bottom half. This heterogeneity is clearest in the Wilson–Patterson (W-P) index, with similar patterns for individual index items, an ideological constraint measure, and ideological identification. The results resolve tensions between two key fields by showing that political knowledge facilitates the expression of genetic predispositions in mass politics."

Genes, Ideology, and Sophistication

Journal of Experimental Political Science

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 08 March 2021


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"extraordinarily heritable (74%) for the most informed fifth of the public "

And I note that 1/5 = 20% and Signor Pareto's ratio shows up yet once again. So, the smarter you are, the more likely you inherit your political tendencies. And on a not disconnected note, my very wise (and Harvard College 1908, Harvard Law 1911 educated) grandfather opined that "marriage is difficult enough without differences of religion or politics". Which advice I carefully followed.

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Very wise!

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And very happy 52 years along. The two married daughters followed that advice as well.

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Thank you so very much!

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You're welcome!

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Our stellar and illustrious congress already has planned for this by opening the borders. See, problemo el-solvedid.

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Remember this video?


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You are right on the money as usual Dr. Paul but I have some terrible news. I believe we're at just about 1.5 children per couple post Covid although the . 1 to . 3 will make no difference considering that no civilization in recorded history has ever survived that low a replacement rate. I'm afraid that America will not be the first. Hope I am wrong!

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This started in 1969 here in "Canuckistan" when Pee Error legalized abortion and homosexuality, two abominations that reduced the gene pool. Homosexuals cannot have children biologically and HIV started ravaging the homosexual community with over half of all active HIV cases now in one to two percent of the population.

Pee Error the fake father of the current slime minister also pushed multi-cultist DIEverSH*Tty that also reduced the white population.

Note that the soy boy king also legalized weed which is the worst gateway drug that leads to killer drugs like fentanyl. You are not fooling us boy king. What brand of lip chap do you use to keep your lips soft when you kiss the derrieres of your political masters of the NWO and WEF?

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History has proven you correct in everything you say on this subject!

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Daughter gave birth to twins at age 40.5, in June. Now has four children.

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Exactly how I and she (who had lost a baby the previous summer, while lengthily visiting vaxxed in-laws), see it. I am blessed to have daughters of faith.

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I kind of agree, the feminist movement destroyed males, men in US, the father, the nuclear family...and their situation is more fucked for it.

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Different motives.

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Actually, God provided, from the beginning of time, a means both to control and to promote pregnancy within marital love . My husband and I can attest to it.

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