Malone is pure malignant narcissist evil.

Peter is a bonafide hero.

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Please un-ban me from your substack, you liked my comments on a proven additional cancer treatment option, and then because I would not agree with your yes man Sid, you banned me. Sid may be your man but he is the one that needs a higher education if he is wading in.


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Why would you want to be un-banned? Cancel culture stacks are not worth reading. Read stacks by people with a less up themselves authoritarian mindset.

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My house, my rules.

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Please elucidate on why you think Malone is evil. CIA maybe!


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A bit stupid to bring a defamation suit against The Washington Post when they are pro-jab and Malone is considered a degenerate and discredited anti-vaxxer. He has no reputation to lose. He lost all credibility when he came out against the jabs and said they are not safe and effective. Kariko and Weissman have just been awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for the covid mRNA jabs. Nuremberg 2.0 ain't ever happening. The reputation of the jabs and jabbers has never been greater. If Malone had kept his mouth shut and pushed the jabs he'd be sharing the prize with them. Instead, he's going to go down in history as just an anti-vaxxer, the lowest of the low.

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Out of respect for you both I won’t but my initial knee jerk reaction is to post this article on one of his stories pleading for peace. He has the ability to help many like yourselves just by backing off. You both (Peter & Ginger) don’t deserve this and are both in my prayers 🙏

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Can you tell I’m not fully awake? Thanks for sharing Dr. Alexander.

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It's a good day for The Washington Post. The Nobel Prize in Medicine has gone to Kariko and Weissman for their work in developing the mRNA shots that The Wasshington Post has pushed. And, they've been vindicated for calling Malone's claims that the shots are not safe and effective "discredited." All Malone had to do was keep his mouth shut and say the jabs are safe and effective and he could be sharing in that Nobel Prize. Well done to everyone here cheering on The Washington Post. Big Pharma salutes you.

Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines


A vaccine scientist's discredited claims have bolstered a movement of misinformation


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An awesome and well-deserved REBUKE to Malone’s bullying.

(And I never say "awesome.")

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More good news below, from The Washington Post. After warning the mRNA jabs are unsafe and ineffective, Malone as the developer of the mRNA platform has lost his chance at the Nobel Prize for Medicine. He'll go down in history as a discredited anti-vaxxer. The prize has gone to Kariko and Weissman. Don't be surprised if he tops himself, as most here are no doubt praying he will.

Nobel Prize in medicine awarded to scientists who laid foundation for messenger RNA vaccines


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Hi, Awake! I heard the news this morning while driving and haven't yet had the opportunity to read a comprehensive written report.

Expecting several of my (local) friends to get in touch after hearing the news, I was curious to see who would contact me first. As it turns out, you are the first.

Love your take on how the announcement puts Malone in "no man's land," having both claimed to be the inventor AND disavowed responsibility for it.

I had originally only heard an incorrect version of this news: "that the two scientists who invented the mRNA covid shots" had won the Nobel. And I jumped to the incorrect conclusion it may be the Turkish-German couple Sahin and Tureci. So you are the one who broke the ACCURATE news to me. Somehow that seems fitting. Thank you! : )

Aside from my serious concerns about this prematurely granted 'honor,' it is unfortunately also likely to be a huge financial coup for Pfizer, BioNTech, and Moderna, and a PR boon for everyone in Big Med, Big Pharma, Big Gov't, and the sycophantic Media who will all likely point to this well-timed occasion as specious "proof" validating the "safety" and/or "effectiveness" of the earlier deadly shots and encouragement for the uptake of the new untested-on-humans booster.

I'm afraid that it may be a setback as well in the significant strides that have been made toward discrediting the covid shots (and ALL mRNA-platform shots) in the general population.

(I want to add a quote from Pierre Kory here...to come...

See below:)

"The mRNA technology is immensely toxic and can produce long term injuries and death. Even with the medical evidence mounting, media and institutional censorship around the toxicity of the COVID shots continues unabated. You deserve to know the truth. You deserve to live. This is real.”

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Well I'm in a minority here in that I'm not a Malone hater and consider him a scientist of unrivalled integrity. I am thankful that I discovered his writings early on in the pandemic or plandemic and credit him, and his warning that the mRNA tech was immature, with being a big influence on my decision, and possibly the decision of hundreds of thousands if not millions of others, to not take the shots. I see him as a Salman Rushdie like figure and see most of his critics as jihadists. You are exactly right about your concerns. The media that condemned Robert Malone will indeed all likely point to the awarding of the Nobel as specious "proof" validating the "safety" and/or "effectiveness" of the shots and encouragement for the uptake of the new booster. I note that, in response, Malone has already ramped up his attacks on the jabs.

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I am aware of your stance on Malone and that's fair enough. I can also understand why so many are very suspicious of him.

From my perspective, it matters more that no one takes the covid shots than whose influence was the primary factor in that decision. For me it was Pierre Kory.

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Kariko and Weissman are already being feted by world leaders snd others. This is a huge shot in the arm for the credibility of the shots

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I despair...

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Probably Malone should sue the Nobel Prize committee for leaving him out of the mRNA vaxxx bioweapon Noble prize award.

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The judge has given warning. If Malone doesn't withdraw the Breggin suit in 6 weeks, he should dismiss, and order Malone to pay the Breggins' legal bills associated with fighting the ridiculous suit. Who knows what he'll do, the smart thing, or the vindictive thing....

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I hold Malone in the same category as Musk. Do not Trust them.

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Good news for a Monday!

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Crybaby Robert Malone should be counter sued for harassing people.

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His lawyer in Northern Va./DC is scamming him also$$$. You cannot walk two feet in that area without falling over a lawyer.

That's strange, where are they all now when it comes to saving America?

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Malone, unfortunately, has zero humility. It would be an admission that he was mistaken in his suit against the Breggins and Dr. Jane Ruby if he pulled out now.

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That sums it up in one word.

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So there was never anything to fear! It was all just anxiety! The Washington Post is pro the jabs. They're high status. Malone is against the jabs so he is a discredited anti-vaxxer who has no reputation to lose. He lost it all when he came out against the jabs. Therefore he can't be defamed. Well done, Pharma's good and faithful servants. LMFAO!!!

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Hallelujah!!! The truth shall set us free—no more distractions!!!

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It’s NOT been a great day for Robert Malone. The ‘inventor’ of the mRNA technology has just missed out on the Nobel! This cat fight is the least of his worries!


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I'm afraid the Quanta Magazine article is just a whitewashed, cheerleading puff piece praising a still very dangerous technology in its infancy. I doubt it will ever live up to its hype.

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Missing out on that particular Nobel Prize is a badge of HONOR!

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And all he had to.do to share in it was not do what he did do, i.e., say the shots were safe and effective and mot turn hundreds of thousands if not millions off taking them. Instead, he's fighting off golems spawned by an echo chamber culture of haters. See the article at the link to see how echo chamber culture spawns golemsm

Swarm theory and genies vs golems.



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The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

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I just read a moment ago that "Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman have been awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discoveries leading to mRNA vaccines" https://www.quantamagazine.org/covid-19-mrna-vaccines-win-nobel-prize-for-medicine-2023-20231002/?mc_cid=4907ece378&mc_eid=f669bee65e

I don't think Dr Malone is going to be too happy about this.

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Maybe he’s a deep state white hat!! They ALL can’t be bad surely!!

We KNoW it’s lab made. We know the vax was patented by moderna(CIA).

It was intentionally released coinciding with a WEF and WHO coordinated “charade” of a “pandemic”!!

If they don’t agree with any of those basic facts they’re NOT on our side!!

Where does JFK Jnr stand on Malone!!

Only one thing about Kennedy. His strong ties to Israel!! I’m NOT anti semitic, I just don’t trust the Mossad...😎

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He didn’t give more than a passing comment when his credit was removed from wikki after he came out of the closet

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Wait a minute! 🤷🏻‍♂️ Malone is fighting against the MSM publishing untrue derogatory comments about a man AGAINST the “vaccine” biowarfare!! And you’re NOT on his side. 😕mmm

One of you is on the wrong fucking side!! 🤨. Stop dividing and conquering and unify!! ✊

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Alexander has a hate boner for Malone.

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Makes me think of the old adage, any publicity is good publicity, for him, them and the cause.

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