they have made a fool of him all this time as he helped advance their agenda used to harm his Presidency

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thats my point

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Trump was the leader of our country. He needs to take responsibility for his own actions. He knew the horrors from the vaccine. You told him. He has not tried to rectify his mistake. Until he does so, he belongs on your list. Ignorance and incompetence is not an excuse for genocide.

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I hear you but let us give him chance now, he has 5 months...I am saying it may be that they have calculated that Biden et al. has destroyed the border and cost of living and inflation and he can win without this...I am saying wrong, for he can get democrats, independents all to rally to him...

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will even help him with legal issues...remember, it is all settled eventually in the court of public opinion, it is what the public wants

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whoever is advising him are wrong, he has to stand up now for they are now beginning to pin on him

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that is the concern

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Dr.Alexander, What do you think about that Susie that is so close to him and controlling his calendar and contacts?? Is her wef connection true?

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that Susie some have complained about...it is his choices...I do not know her...I am hoping she is full MAGA with him and not undercutting...but your question is out there

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among his own

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I do not mind giving him a chance. There is a reason why he does not apologize.

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Yep, you can only do so much when you are drowning in law fare trying to get your head above water. Timing is crucial on when he makes his move on this. It will be suppressed in the mainstream media. They really can’t pin anything on him though they keep trying. Trump knows he was used to establish the precedent that lockdowns would allow public health to organize to stop the spread. There is a history of quarantine that had been successful all the way back to biblical times. He knows the damage that was done. He knows it was done to destroy him! He must be allowed to speak to the American people about his experiences. Why would a man who loves America and economic growth and prosperity want to shut the country down unless he was convinced that many would die of Covid? The fact is that people were killed with remdesivir and by restricting medications that could treat and save people. Trump was going to be blamed one way or another for Covid deaths. The system was a set up to take him out!

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excellent sharing C:

'He knows the damage that was done. He knows it was done to destroy him! He must be allowed to speak to the American people about his experiences. Why would a man who loves America and economic growth and prosperity want to shut the country down unless he was convinced that many would die of Covid? The fact is that people were killed with remdesivir and by restricting medications that could treat and save people. Trump was going to be blamed one way or another for Covid deaths.'

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Jun 7Edited

Watch Catherine Austin Fitts shred Greg Hunter on USAWatchdog.com for defending Trump’s horrific performance. https://leohohmann.com/2024/02/28/catherine-austin-fitts-shreds-trump-acolyte-in-the-most-brutal-7-minutes-you-will-find-on-the-internet/

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what bothers me is the main stream media...is on 45's side in this...this makes me very nervous...why?

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Dr Paul you know why. Please help me to get people to see the truth before it’s too late.

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The Never Trumpers make money on war right along with the Dems. Trump was the only president who kept us out of war!

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But that doesn't matter to the liberals. They only use war when it serves their agenda. They think we are the war mongers and the rinos have proven that. MAGA does NOT want war, we fight against war (BANNON) but the democratic party is the party of RADICALS. Lets face it...a lot of them are very good people but the radicals have hijacked their party and they have to live with it.

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Here’s the truth. And plus Kushner and Pence were in charge of the pharmaceutical contracts…not Trump.



Lucy, apologize for calling Trump supporters “fake Christian’s”!!!!

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he may be son in law but Kushner is on my Horseman list...he needs to answer questions...Pence of course

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Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

Mike Pence

Joseph Biden

Anthony Fauci

Kamala Harris

John Podesta

Huma Abedin

Jonathan Winer

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams

Debra Birx

Jared Kushner

Alex Azar

Michael Bloomberg

Rochelle Walensky

Albert Bourla

Francis Collins

Stephane Bancel

Robert Blair

Lloyd Austin

Terry Adirim

Col Robert Cohen

General Mark Milley

Samantha Power

James Clapper

Kelly Degnan

John R. Phillips

John Brennan

Patrick Conlon

Jacob Lew

Mike Neufeld

Sarah Raskin

Nathan Sheets

James Comey

Jim Clapper

Mitt Romney

Paul Ryan

Stacy Abrams

Katie Hobbs

Susan Rice

Jim Baker

Christopher Steele

Lindsey Graham

Alexander Vindman

Andrew Weissman

Adam Schiff

Jerry Nadler

Nancy Pelosi

Jamie Raskin

Harry Dunn

David Lazarus

Ray Epps

Chuck Schumer

Kevin McCarthy

Benny Thompson

Liz Cheney

Fani Willis

Nina Jankowicz

Monica Bertagnolli

Yoel Roth

Vejaya Gadde

Jim Baker

Del Harvey

All Deep State named individuals must be brought to justice in order to STOP future fraudulent Pandemics, forced injections, fraudulent elections, illegal spying, staged criminal events and to stop World War III.

By Ivan Raiklin

(Hey Lucy, you see a pattern here with all the players involved? Huh? No, you don’t cause you’re a complete fool.

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Hi Lucy, can you explain why? Thank yoy

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Don't leave us in the dark,Lucy.

Clue us in,please.

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yes Lucy

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I don't think she'll answer.

It's just a shot in the dark Dr Paul

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She will leave you in the dark because Lucy has nothing but hate for a man that’s clearly the deep states worst enemy. She calls all you trump supporters “fake Christian’s” because she’s believes a fat banker that’s sits on her big fat rump and has nothing but her big mouth. She has nothing else just like Lucy. KAF is promoting Kennedy…this is why she’s coming out against Trump. Trump will need to explain EVERYTHING.

Lucy needs to apologize for calling trump supporters “fake Christian’s” but she won’t cause she is a narcissist just like KAF. And plus a Lucy will not show crap to you or anyone. I saw this video months ago and it’s old news.

So I ask you: would you believe any woman that labels you “fake” for loving God (behind your back)

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Lucy, what say you? you know we are with45 bigtime and so when you speak, you must back it up...you gonna have to back it up...

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else dont cast aspersions

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PLEASE Do the research Dr Paul. I have for 4 years. I am embarrassed to say that I too fell for Trump at first. Three months into his term he bombed Syria for a lie that has been exposed beyond a shadow of a doubt. That’s when I started researching and found out what he is. People who will not face the truth are humanity’s worst enemies. They will drag us all down into extermination along with them.

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Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

Mike Pence

Joseph Biden

Anthony Fauci

Kamala Harris

John Podesta

Huma Abedin

Jonathan Winer

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams

Debra Birx

Jared Kushner

Alex Azar

Michael Bloomberg

Rochelle Walensky

Albert Bourla

Francis Collins

Stephane Bancel

Robert Blair

Lloyd Austin

Terry Adirim

Col Robert Cohen

General Mark Milley

Samantha Power

James Clapper

Kelly Degnan

John R. Phillips

John Brennan

Patrick Conlon

Jacob Lew

Mike Neufeld

Sarah Raskin

Nathan Sheets

James Comey

Jim Clapper

Mitt Romney

Paul Ryan

Stacy Abrams

Katie Hobbs

Susan Rice

Jim Baker

Christopher Steele

Lindsey Graham

Alexander Vindman

Andrew Weissman

Adam Schiff

Jerry Nadler

Nancy Pelosi

Jamie Raskin

Harry Dunn

David Lazarus

Ray Epps

Chuck Schumer

Kevin McCarthy

Benny Thompson

Liz Cheney

Fani Willis

Nina Jankowicz

Monica Bertagnolli

Yoel Roth

Vejaya Gadde

Jim Baker

Del Harvey

All Deep State named individuals must be brought to justice in order to STOP future fraudulent Pandemics, forced injections, fraudulent elections, illegal spying, staged criminal events and to stop World War III.

By Ivan Raiklin

(Hey Lucy, you see a pattern here with all the players involved? Huh? No, you don’t cause you’re a complete fool.

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Jeepzzze ,I didn't know.

Thanks for cluing me in,


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It pays to wonder about that Dr Paul.

Remember the picture of Trump with the Prince of Saudi Arabia, He and others were putting their hands on a glowing ball, representing the NWO.

I hope Trump wins, but I'm afraid we're choosing a really cool fascist, or a really stupid fascist.

For me that means that I still vote for Trump.

Who wants an embarrassing laeder?

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thank you for sharing

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Catherine Austin Flipps (oops) is a Never Trumper. She is a Bush acolyte. The Bush cartel is as corrupt as the Biden cartel except they are “classy” in how they do it. Old money you know! 😡 Conservatives entities are easily infiltrated but following up on names exposes the connections. Always check background.

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thank you for sharing this

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Wow. That 7 minutes is one of THE best, clearest, explanations of everything.

I've listened to CAF since she came to Alaska in 2007, but I hadn't heard this particular piece. Poor Greg.......... (!)

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Thank you for the clip! Why didn't Austin Fitts make her voice a lot louder in 2021? She could have helped save humanity.

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Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

Mike Pence

Joseph Biden

Anthony Fauci

Kamala Harris

John Podesta

Huma Abedin

Jonathan Winer

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams

Debra Birx

Jared Kushner

Alex Azar

Michael Bloomberg

Rochelle Walensky

Albert Bourla

Francis Collins

Stephane Bancel

Robert Blair

Lloyd Austin

Terry Adirim

Col Robert Cohen

General Mark Milley

Samantha Power

James Clapper

Kelly Degnan

John R. Phillips

John Brennan

Patrick Conlon

Jacob Lew

Mike Neufeld

Sarah Raskin

Nathan Sheets

James Comey

Jim Clapper

Mitt Romney

Paul Ryan

Stacy Abrams

Katie Hobbs

Susan Rice

Jim Baker

Christopher Steele

Lindsey Graham

Alexander Vindman

Andrew Weissman

Adam Schiff

Jerry Nadler

Nancy Pelosi

Jamie Raskin

Harry Dunn

David Lazarus

Ray Epps

Chuck Schumer

Kevin McCarthy

Benny Thompson

Liz Cheney

Fani Willis

Nina Jankowicz

Monica Bertagnolli

Yoel Roth

Vejaya Gadde

Jim Baker

Del Harvey

All Deep State named individuals must be brought to justice in order to STOP future fraudulent Pandemics, forced injections, fraudulent elections, illegal spying, staged criminal events and to stop World War III.

By Ivan Raiklin

(Hey Lucy, you see a pattern here with all the players involved? Huh? No, you don’t cause you’re a complete fool.

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I watched it. Thanks. It is very concerning.

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it is

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I need to understand her politics but the content is important of what she says

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OWS is his baby! He is proud of it! The best we can hope for is that he DONT talk about it at all. IMO he will never say that he was duped!

Alex Jones says Trump relayed a message to him when he was warning of this very issue, I Don’t want to hear about it anymore! Period!

We know he is not ignorant, why no more mention of it? This will be thrown in his face come debate time. May be why the left is singing in unity now preparing for turd in the WH to possibly speak a sentence without shitting himself on stage

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I think good advice, dont talk about it.

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it was bad, so dont praise it, dont mention it

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yes, we get that, he does not want to talk about it

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yes, will hurt him in debates

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She is so right though, no way we knew more than Trump did!

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She def speaks the hard truths!

We may need 45 for 47 but he is far from pure. More so chosen

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he got rolled...he trusted...but fundamentally a good man who loves nation

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He did not get rolled. In that case you are saying he is incredibly stupid. This whole thing was so obvious.

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I agree

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he is a good man, there are things we will never know and we have to respect that...but your questions are valid

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You didn’t think it was strange that B Barr and all the likes from the past administration that screwed him over came out to endorse him? At that point in time he was anointed once again? Maybe

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B Barr IMO cannot be trusted

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the way I look at it is this, today, there is no one more able to try to fix what needs to be done...he is the only option. lots of bad mistakes...but there is no one else. I would have never ever, if I were POTUS approved OWS...no part of it...no lockdown, nothing.

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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I have heard President Trump say that he has heard that the vax "wasn't so good," (as they said it was!)

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Jun 11
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I wonder about Alex myself, it’s hard to believe he has a relationship with god to the point of seeing into the future. That’s where I’m lost . May very well be controlled and may very well always have been? IMO it remains to be seen.

Please share your thoughts on the duped.

This may sound off the wall crazy but ever since 45 took office he left H Clinton alone, she and he used to be acquaintances. She was at his most descent wedding on the invite list. Ever wonder why they let Trump take the oval in the first place? We certainly were not lucky enough to beat the algorithm! lol!

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This is a very good post from 'Clandestine,' who considers himself a "Right-leaning Libertarian," with 5 persuasive and well-thought out arguments why he's backing President Trump. It's worth reading if you have someone who may be open to convincing:

1.) Human-Trafficking/Epstein

2.) Education/2SLGBTQIA+

3.) Prevention of WW3

4.) Massive Overhaul of DOJ/FBI

5.) The Witch Hunt


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boom, I love it...Clandestine is good...worth the read...I do

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You said that you worked for President Trump. Have you talked to him about this matter?

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we al know each other, some well, the issue is getting him on tap again...then we build...thats the goal.

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Meeting with President Trump, & these experts!

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If he is that stupid he should never have been president. You KNOW he is NOT stupid. He is extremely intelligent. He did this purposely and he tells you the truth: He is PROUD of Operation Warp Speed and the kill shots.

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he cant be proud of OWS...he knows the truth

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YOU Lucy are Only going by what you "think" you know...

Operation Warp Speed was about giving people hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin and the military only had saline injections under President Trump's watch.

The monsters who stood on stage every day and lied to the public were supposed to be medical professionals who actually knew what they were talking about. Fauci, Birx and others. So if Trump would have went against them (and he didn't know they were lying) the public would have ostracized him as the news media had them in a fear frenzy.

The liars during covid need to be punished...and I'm talking about Fauci, Birx, Bourla and whoever else pushed lies and harmed the public.

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Thank you! She’s actually a liberal posing as a conservative and doesn’t see what Trump did for this country. Well here’s a wake up call Ms. Lucy.

Here’s the truth. And plus Kushner and Pence were in charge of the pharmaceutical contracts…not Trump.



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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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These beasts are capable of filing cases that the deaths from vax are due to Trump...he has to stand up against it...its for his own good and for the nation...he will gain massive support. do not let Redfield and Fauci re-write their roles in history...I wont but its his battle...

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dont forget Birx came out and said she always knew that the vaccine would not work re infection etc...do you recall that?

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Jun 8
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Great point! I, myself is guilty of that at times. That’s why when you write…you write on point👍

“GADRI” for short👍

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on todd hermans show he said that the party would end up using the whole covid fraud against trump.

the fact that trump has not figured out that the whole thing was a sick joke worries me to the point of wtf dude!

wake up!

his failure and blindness will catch up to him if he does not just say he was wrong.

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Jun 7Edited

I can’t believe people refuse to see that Trump is a major part of the problem. He has been seen and videotaped at the WEF meetings praising and congratulating Klaus Schwab. He has made it very clear that he APPROVES of the democide that he approved and promoted. That’s why he refuses to apologize. How much more obvious can he make it? He did it purposely. Catherine Austin Fitts even made a video about Trump’s atrocious behavior. She made this statement: “I would have taken a bullet in the head before I would implement a culling of the American population.” Please watch the video. I hope it helps people understand what Trump really is. https://leohohmann.com/2024/02/28/catherine-austin-fitts-shreds-trump-acolyte-in-the-most-brutal-7-minutes-you-will-find-on-the-internet/

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Well then Ms. Lucy why doesn’t KAF be HONORED to sit in PRISON like the man that’s willingly doing it for her?

No common sense but your crystal ball of “I am Lucy”😂 is annoying.


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Catherine Austin Flipps ooops! She worked for the Bush Cartel. Remember the Bush quote “Bush: ‘I’ve Abandoned Free Market Principles To Save The Free Market System’”. Look it up! What a freaking fraud!

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Then Why is Klaus Schwab dead? I disagree. I don't watch Catherine Austin Fitts because she's not exactly right.

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She’s a banker and is promoting Kennedy. Lucy has nothing but hate for a man that made your life better. But she has a crystal ball🤣😄and says “he’s behind it all”🤣😂 poor thang!😔

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Do you have any original thoughts, Lucy? You can't possibly work in healthcare and regurgitate the bullshit Bush acolyte Catherine Austin Fitts is feeding you. Her donations to RFK Jr., who was friends with mass murder Fidel Castro, says that she has a history of supporting men who kill innocent people as a sport. She's a hypocrite and a disgrace.

If you watch the video, you'll hear the interviewer call out CAF for lying about Trump. She doesn't correct him because she knows he caught her lie😂 but bird brains allow her to lie and mislead people.

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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100%. He needs to take over this narrative. And there is a way to do it. It will expose just how deep the deep state is. He must do that!

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yes, thank you...very important message

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He IS the Deep State!!!! I don't understand why people cannot accept the truth. This is all a staged show to get people to accept Trump and the NWO. They are one and the same.

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No one is more deep state than a Bush acolyte like CAF and Communist RFKJr , who has a CIA agent running his campaign 😂

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Trump is Not the Deep State. You have become a minion for the deep state. Your truth is Not THE TRUTH.

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You continue to say- "you were NOT elected in 2020 partly because of the harms and failures of the lockdowns and all of the COVID response." But he got 11 million more votes in 2020 compared to 2016. There is absolutely no doubt that the obama/Biden regime and corrupt dem and media scumbags stole at least 45 million votes. Trump says the same thing at every rally, he will not fund anyone who mandates the vaccine. He stated at truth social- WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

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yes they stole and yes they meddled and mail ins...but the lockdowns hurt him...no steal could have worked if the pandemic was not on tap...and now the Task Force is singing a song that it failed and was made up? they are going to hang it on him...what I am saying is he got to be careful and stand up, do not let this happen for people will be angry if they then say they told him not to do things but he made them...as POTUS...yes, they can do that too...they are now again working against him.

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Yes they used the plandemic to steal the election but he did not lose votes for the lockdowns. He gained 11 million votes. For Trump's part the lockdown lasted 6 weeks. Dem states extended their lockdowns well into the next year. The whole thing was a farce rapped in a scam. As for Trump's stance on mandates... WE WILL NOT COMPLY! Any stack that casts doubt divides us against ourselves. THERE IS ONLY ONE CHOICE THIS NOVEMBER! IT'S TRUMP OR BUST...

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agreed fully but its a matter of perception...the public will always blame 45 for OWS...they cant process dems vs repub lockdowns...thats the key and Redfield and Fauci know this...so now coming out against him...public will say that fucker Fauci gave us 6 foot now saying it was made up but Trump approved it...see what I mean?

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Trump was one man against a decades old establishment. He is bound by law and the Constitution. Congress overwhelming supported the criminal cabal. Trump could not wave a magic wand and dictate what we all know was needed. He did what was needed to end the lockdowns as fast as possible. Without ows, we may have been locked down for 20 years. To focus so much attention on an issue that is at the bottom of most people's minds does no good. Most people are focused on the border, the economy and a world at war. We need to focus on that and then we can get accountability for the many covid crimes.

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This in part is what we are up against... https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/162/309/195/playable/c4f25bd1bb3dd7bb.mp4

Casting doubt causes division. If we are divided we will lose.we have to focus on victory. They want us divided, by race, religion, political affiliation, and even vaccine status. We have to resist their bullshit. The issues we must focus on are inflation, the economy, immigration, and world peace. All the other stuff like taking out the deepstate and going after the covid tyrants can come after those issues are addressed, and I believe with all my heart that when we are done complete justice will be served.

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I love this statement:

'The issues we must focus on are inflation, the economy, immigration, and world peace. All the other stuff like taking out the deepstate and going after the covid tyrants can come after those issues are addressed, and I believe with all my heart that when we are done complete justice will be served.'

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but my thinking is they are now pivoting to hurt him by blaming him...my argument is he wont get to win....they are now going to steal it a second time...laying blame for vaccine deaths on him...Redfield just did it in a round about way

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I dont think we are casting doubt, we want him to win, pure...but we can see storms ahead...he has to cut it off...he has to find the way to thread that needle

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When you read thru some of the comments you might notice that some are being pushed away from Trump and toward rfk. Voting for a single issue like rfk's stance on vaccines won't fix the other problems we are facing. Rfk is a very liberal Democrat who is for abortion up until birth and giving our children puberty blockers. Only a small % of people are hyper focused on covid. But losing those voters along with the theft of votes could hand the election to a traitor. If Trump comes out and says the vaccines are deadly he loses a % of republican voters and a large % of independent voters, all for things that were mostly out of his control. OUR GOVERNMENT IS BROKEN AND CORRUPT. WE CANT AFFORD TO TAKE CHANCES. IT'S ALL HANDS ON DECK OR THE WORLD IS LOST TO TYRANNY.

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We must 100% stand behind the TRUTH, Including about the Massive poison attack on not only America But worldwide! AN ATTACK AGAINST HUMANITY!




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I think what Ingrid is saying is that we can stand behind him and get him there but he has to also, not even say sorry, just inform nation that this did not work, he trusted, he will get to the bottom of it and get justice...if he does not I am afraid they will hang him...may even try to jail him for the vaccine deaths...

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How many times has he said HE WILL NOT FUND ANYONE WHO MANDATES THE VACCINE? TRUMP WAS UP AGAINST A DECADES OLD CABAL OF PURE EVIL. THE ONLY WAY TO PURGE THAT EVIL IS TO UNITE, NOT DIVIDE. I feel your pain, but we are facing massive evil. These kinds of stacks cast doubt. There is no doubt that if the forces of evil win because we are divided, we will cease to exist as a republic.

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No one who can tie their own shoes believes President Poopy Pants legitimately won the 2020 election while winning only 1 of 13 Bellwether Counties and garnering less than 30% as many precincts as Trump in 20 and 16 and Obama in 12. Its not possible.

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of course he did not win...but Trumps win would have been much bigger without COVID...I believe Trump won, legit, but the win could not withstand the steal...with no COVID, they could not steal that many votes in that period

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Bigger than 45+ million votes?

Biden did not get 81 million votes. He couldn't fill 12 circles at one of his rallies.

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See the PROOF AT:



@ "FIX2020FIRST"

OUR ELECTION WAS STOLEN & You can see the actual Computer hacking going on with Foreign Countries Stealing from TRUMP'S VOTES, you will see China, Iran, S. Korea, (Chinese opperatives there in S. Korea?), (& Russia?), etc., attacking our Election!

See the "Cyber Symposium" info also there & "Moment of Truth Summit," & "LET MY PEOPLE GO" Doc film all at Frankspeech! Get "Frank" & "Frank Social" free apps!

"THE STEAL" Vol 1-3

by: Joe Hoft



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Who is he listening to? Who is telling him to say the mRNA abominations were great? Son in law? WEF plant?

The worst is if he truly believes it himself, which is hard to think.

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No, he is not a WEF plant. He is taking Out the deep state and Klaus Schwab is now gone. The ones working for NWO are the fallen ones and their nephilim offspring who torture and abuse babies and children, drink their blood, and eat them. They are not human.

There are documentaries called

THE FALL OF THE CABAL by Janet Ossebaard & Cynthia Koeter ...that explain what's been going on.

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YES. The truth is very hard to accept but it needs to be faced and accepted. He is in on the whole thing. PLEASE watch this video by Catherine Austin Fitts: https://leohohmann.com/2024/02/28/catherine-austin-fitts-shreds-trump-acolyte-in-the-most-brutal-7-minutes-you-will-find-on-the-internet/

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No, it is Not the Truth. Who is Catherine Austin Fitts working for? Is she "one of them" too? Are you sure it's not you who are deceived?

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CAF is a banker …that says it all!

She’s also promoting Kennedy.

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Why are you promoting a Bush acolyte who also donates to Communist RFK Jr.? Catherine is caught lying in this interview and she can't defend her lie. She's a hypocrite.


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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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I would have never ever, if I were POTUS approved OWS...no part of it...no lockdown, nothing.

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Anyone advising Trump to continue to claim he was good to authorize/endorse/order/tolerate the lockdowns, mandates and especially the "vaccines" is trying to torpedo him as a viable choice for 2024 election. The election is only 5 months away. President Trump must renounce the "vaccines."

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boom, excellent world Dr. Breggin, and Ginger, this will hurt him...and listening to Redfield shocked me...

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when I heard Francis Collins couple months ago say the 6 foot was made up, I knew they are now going to claim it was wrong, and they will blame Trump

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may even say he MADE THEM

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now Fauci saying 6 foot was MADE up? this is devastating for this was a corner stone of all that was wrong.

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this rule hurt people, many people committed suicide as their businesses failed

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See Zaslawsky's column which deserves more attention as she does a devastating summary of the Kennedy fatal flaws. https://open.substack.com/pub/cheriezaslawsky/p/rfk-jr-the-silver-tongued-spoiler

This is the problem of every citizen. Which compromise do we make? And can we possibly trust Trump if he does not refute the COVID "vaccines" and for that matter, mRNA. Kennedy has said in essence, if the pandemic was real or 'bad enough' mandates could be approved--He is hopelessly compromised as a progressive, as an indecisive, and I believe also in his judgement of character on whom he surrounds himself with (see his VP pick among others.)

Biden is a tragic old man put in place by a hidden, unelected administration pulling his strings and in the process of leaving him in place as the "face" of America, humiliating our country every day. That hidden administration does not want America to survive and has spent this last four years taking the United States apart. ~ Ginger Breggin

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Thank you for that link Mrs. Breggin, Cheries's research is outstanding. I just went on a deep rabbit hole and learned things about RFK Jr. that are new to me - he destroyed the livelihoods of poor Mexicans and Canadians. Unreal. Hope you and your family are well! Do know that we love y'all and pray for your wellbeing.

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Dear La Gata -- Thank you very much. We are thriving as we finish up our next book (Peter has done over 25 books but this will be our second book on the global issues). There is so much to expose and so much to work through on how to live and resist and change this death cult we are all entrapped within.

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Trump is America's Business Man and he has been cleaning the swamp out behind the scenes. He knows how to get things done. He is a man of his word who loves America and Our Constitution.

IMO RF Kennedy doesn't have what it takes to really help our country. He has a couple good points and many flawed ones.

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Jun 8
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Dear Jim, Ginger Breggin here. You are correct. But in order to communicate about things sometimes it helps to use the term people are familiar with. I try to deal with that by putting quotation marks around "vaccine" -- and sometimes I am sure I forget. I also try to always clarify either by quotes or further explanation that these are deadly, toxic substances. We could all do better with that I am sure. Meanwhile, we have been calling for almost 2 years for the banning of mRNA use for any reason, everywhere as it has now been the cause of mass death.

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Exactly. You think these criminals are being repentant? This narrative will be used to hang Trump as the propaganda media in coordination will up the volume on jab deaths etc.

Will he be able to overcome his own ego and narcissism?

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boom, this is what I am concerned about....they are beginning to hang him out...and this could impact the election...we have chance to win WH, house, senate...

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I will guarantee Dr, President Trump was sold and was told, when Covid was frontline starting something to the effect.,“we have a product Sir, an “Experimental Product” we’ve tested and is ready for prime time. What we’ll do is name this new process, thanks to you Mr President, OWS. Which depicts how quickly, you Sir, were able to coordinate and instruct agencies to make this happen!

And we saved the best for last, because you Sir, and your abilities are of “Super-Human” origin, will be able to take all the credit. Yes, we’ll allow you Sir, to take all the credit for delivering, in record time mind you, like never before, mind you, a “VaVaVAVaccine” to save millions if not hundreds of millions of people’s lives! Only thing you need to do is convince American people this new product is going to get America through this pandemic like nobody’s business!

Providing Sir, everyone submits, you can encourage Americans that because I’m fighting to save America and all people of America, we’ll be able to open America back up for business!

We’ll open back up quicker like never before and let everyone back out to play in the “sandbox” just as soon as we “flatten the curve”!

How’s that for your “Re-Election slogan Mr President Trump? You’re bound to be re-elected! You’ll be the “Savior of America” Sir and the “Savior of Humanity”!

How’s that sound Mr President Trump? What do you say Sir? Ahh ok but gee, what’s Waldo thinking? And by the way, where is Waldo? I need to ask Waldo first. If Waldo concurs, we’ll do it.

You see Dr, these “parasitic rat Stench-Rotten” parasites, who are so hell-bent on collapsing America, would say anything to convince President Trump, what to do, even if it kills people and is flat out wrong! I’m sure Trump was completely misled and lied to immensely!

More importantly, these bastards knew they would eliminate the “Useless Eaters” such as the elderly, the frail and the sick, especially those on the “government dole”.

This is a play out of the Ezekiel Emanuel, Rham Emanuel’s, diabolical brother’s playbook for a lean society. More for us and less for them. At least those who survive. You know of whom I speak!

This nice and warm, loving soul, one of the most “evilest” on planet earth, once wrote how during Obama’s first term, America’s water supply could be “contaminated”, in order to sterilize millions. He’s another, Obama-Charma” or an addition to the list of “Parasitic Rat Dropping’s” narcissist. Yes he’s a psychopath as well!

All these people band together, eat the best of foods, drink the best of spirits and continually brainstorm about ways they can destroy America and “tear down that wall” keeping us safe!

The “American Wall” protecting our country, helping Americans out of poverty and of course, helping the world.

Which by the way, they’ve done a splendid job to date, yes?

This is part of the 100 year plan I’ve been referring to often. Which has been thoroughly developed, organized and implemented, adjusted and refined as the weather conditions change within our great nation.

The execution phase, which has been full-throttled these past three and a half years, is why America and the World, are completely upside down and backwards! Dangerously so!

Then throw in a twist of “transgenderism” while mixing slowly, add a little inflation, not too fast slowly please and while we’re at it, drain our reserve fuel supply. The. take out a few railroads and a specialized, strategic bridge in Baltimore! All designed to weaken our great nation.

While we’re at it, why not drop a couple windows or wings from s 747, and Wala, we have ourselves a collapsing America! I know the border invasion is also happening too! There’s an entire playbook filled with strategic decisions necessary for the destruction of literally everything and everything.

This is pretty close to what’s been accomplished so far. I look at this process similar to a board game called “Jenga”.

By strategically removing pieces from the “Jenga Tower”, you will slowly collapse the tower. How easy is that? Last one standing, wins!

To think, I never played the game. In fact, the reason they’ve been able to accomplish, so much so quickly, is because they’ve weakened, critical foundational cornerstones or building blocks, within our critical infrastructure.

Of course there’s a level of deceit and an awful amount of arrogance involved, but ultimately, America’s foundation has slowly been compromised and inevitably will crumble, piece by piece, the same way “Jenga” is played. Ever so slowly because we mustn’t create social unrest. Unless we need to, like the “summer of love” riots.

Ironically not to build, but rather “Rebuild” exactly what Obama said he would do! Ain’t he the love of humanity now?

America never needed transforming! Tweaking at times, of course, all great nations must! Not to be transformed into so “communist state”! God NO! Oh the humanity!

And this is why I point the finger at Obama specifically! We mustn’t forget these words he spoke aloud.

“Fundamentally Transform America”!

Never forget otherwise? I’ll leave it at that for now.

This is exactly what’s happening today. The lack of backbone in Washington, yes the Republican Party! They have allowed and unfortunately, are as complicit!. They have done nothing to stop this and have actually assisted them.

They’ve been able to execute their plan perfectly and precisely! Like clockwork! Now America is further down the “road to hell”! Thank you Washington for your useless leadership! “Compromising on agreements is a dereliction of duty for all Americans citizens inside America.

Then there’s this “WACKADO” from Massachusetts, another Soros funded “ATTORNEY GENERAL MAURA HEALEY, who said in a passionate speech on Tuesday, Jun 2, 2020; she suggested the protests sweeping the nation may yield long-term benefits.

Ahh, yield long term benefits, now it’s making sense. AYFKM? Nope I’m not kidding. This is the depth of corruption we’ve not seen before.

We all remember the “Summer of Love”. How those “Peaceful Protesters”, you know the ones, BLM and Antifa, burned government buildings, looted properties, actually killed police officers! A little rowdy, but mainly peaceful, so says CNN.

Yes CNN had this narrative story “dead to right” remember? While the reporter’s were “live on air” building’s were fully engulfed in flames, raging fires and burning cars, in the background on live television no less!

And as the reporter said, “these are Peaceful Protests” nothing to see behind me, someone’s having a barbecue!

A barbecue? What’s cooking, human beings? Yes, this is how “peaceful protests” work you stupid “MAGA” people! Maybe we “MAGA PEOPLE” should take a few lessons, no? NO! Not at all! Their lessons are lessons I can live without! And so can America! Thanks anyway.

Yes those damn Trump supporting, “NAZI AGITATORS”, the infamous MSM often like calling “We The People”, MAGA. Yes they blame and deflect blame and deflect upon anyone except the ones responsible for all this damage!

As we’ve learned and constantly being told that, BLM and Antifa only want equality, diversity and inclusivity, y’all know it as “D.E.I”.

Which leads me back to my “Jenga” analogy. Two words stand out within the definition of Jenga;

1.Kujenga: to build and

2.Swahili: people from Kenya

1. The name Jenga is derived from kujenga, a Swahili word which means "to build".

2.the Swahili people, who are found primarily in Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique (along the East African coast and adjacent littoral islands).

Isn’t this interesting?

To build or as Obama said “Rebuild”. Isn’t it interesting how people from Kenya are somehow part of the “Jenga” analogy. How very interesting or coincidental? I don’t know, matters not, interesting though nonetheless.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Very difficult for a narcissist to admit they were wrong or made a mistake.

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To get elected, Trump needs to apologize for getting duped by Big Pharma and their band of criminals. Promise to bring the criminals to justice. He keeps pushing his great vaccine and it won't be pretty. For some reason, Trump wants to be in the club.

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NEWS FLASH: Yes he IS in the Club. He is NOT on our side. He is a Trojan Horse that was provided by the demons in charge to trick you into accepting the New World Order.

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Just your opinion. I watch things very carefully and I don't see what you do.

Trump is Destroying the demons And their minions.

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I don't disagree. We the peasants are represented by NO ONE.

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Prove it Lame Lucy, I'll wait.

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This was all predicted more than a year ago by me and others. At some point they will most likely swap out President Depends for someone who will then hammer this issue on to Trump relentlessly.

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Trump is hammering it onto himself!!!!!!!! He ADMITS he is proud of it. Why can't people see this??? Incredibly successful brainwashing has been accomplished. UNBELIEVABLE that people still support this Zionist WEF member.

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Trump is taking out WEF.

Where is his membership card? Last time he spoke there, he blew them away and they didn't like what he said.

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It’s not hard to understand , look around, people are still wearing masks when the package it comes in tells you that it won’t stop viruses or bacteria

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I knew they were blaming him awhile back when I started to hear what they were saying. No matter what, if Trump didn't know back then, fine but he would've had to be living under a rock not to know now. Something or someone is stopping him from speaking out but sadly I think he's going along with it for probably monetary reasons, you know how he loves money. Another thing, before we lose our minds over this we first have to get him elected, I fear that may not happen because of their fake bird flu. I believe they'll shut down the country for another round of bullshit, if that doesn't work they'll send out their goons or possibly kill him, those demons are playing for keeps, they will not stop.

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bird flu is fraud again to drive mass vaccination using mRNA...you are correct but we need you, all here, me, we need us to break their backs this time

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We need Trump to speak the truth or he will go down in flames.

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He IS speaking the truth. He tells you every day that he is PROUD of Operation Warp Speed. Still brags about it. Why can't people HEAR what he is saying??? https://leohohmann.com/2024/02/28/catherine-austin-fitts-shreds-trump-acolyte-in-the-most-brutal-7-minutes-you-will-find-on-the-internet/

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Trump says "We Will Not Comply" No Mandates, No Masks. He will Defund any school, college university. that mandates this. I listen to what he says because he keeps his word. I dont listen to minions (unknowing or not) of the deep state who spew and regurgitate their lies.

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Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton

Mike Pence

Joseph Biden

Anthony Fauci

Kamala Harris

John Podesta

Huma Abedin

Jonathan Winer

Vice Admiral Jerome Adams

Debra Birx

Jared Kushner

Alex Azar

Michael Bloomberg

Rochelle Walensky

Albert Bourla

Francis Collins

Stephane Bancel

Robert Blair

Lloyd Austin

Terry Adirim

Col Robert Cohen

General Mark Milley

Samantha Power

James Clapper

Kelly Degnan

John R. Phillips

John Brennan

Patrick Conlon

Jacob Lew

Mike Neufeld

Sarah Raskin

Nathan Sheets

James Comey

Jim Clapper

Mitt Romney

Paul Ryan

Stacy Abrams

Katie Hobbs

Susan Rice

Jim Baker

Christopher Steele

Lindsey Graham

Alexander Vindman

Andrew Weissman

Adam Schiff

Jerry Nadler

Nancy Pelosi

Jamie Raskin

Harry Dunn

David Lazarus

Ray Epps

Chuck Schumer

Kevin McCarthy

Benny Thompson

Liz Cheney

Fani Willis

Nina Jankowicz

Monica Bertagnolli

Yoel Roth

Vejaya Gadde

Jim Baker

Del Harvey

All Deep State named individuals must be brought to justice in order to STOP future fraudulent Pandemics, forced injections, fraudulent elections, illegal spying, staged criminal events and to stop World War III.

By Ivan Raiklin

(Hey Lucy, you see a pattern here with all the players involved? Huh? No, you don’t cause you’re a complete fool.

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Jun 10
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I agree but I think these are the players within the agencies. You have wonderful ideas and thoughts…you should contact Ivan via his social media. I just saw the whole list of 350 players.

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Hey Lucy suck on this. So much for your donations banker girl! 😄

Catherine Austin Fitts, in addition to working for the mass murderer, George Bush, is employed by Communist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. through his nonprofit (a laundromat of dark money) and has made donations to Trump's opponents during this general election cycle (Ron DeSantis & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). She never mentions the dark, untraceable money gifted to Children's Health Defense while constantly reminding us of the untraceable money at the Pentagon....look over there but not over here.

Great compilation of Trump's Covid19 policies and clarification of what he said/did versus what is regurgitated by the lying media and double agents like CAF. Thanks for the time you've invested in this informative post!

Catherine Austin Fitts' donations against Trump can be found here (there are other donations under her full name, with these donations she chose to omit "Austin" from her name, yes, of course I checked variations of her name!):


By La Gata Politica

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Because you lie. He does NOT tell you EVERY DAY he is “PROUD”! That’s what you want to say because you LIE!


That should tell you everything you need to know!

Is she there to promote Kennedy? Why yes😄

Is she there to gladly go to jail for you? Why No😔

The way they are going after him and now prison….would you come out Lucy? Hum? Would you?

You think DC is a monster? Ask that brave congress woman MTG!

What would you do for that wonderful big pharma (BR) that now runs EVERYTHING!

All physicians, all counsel of law, are owned and controlled whether some want to admit it or not!

Look into facts about what they were doing in the White House during Trump’s presidency.

You know, kinda like what Dr. Naomi Wolf does with their (CDC) own data!

And kinda like Ivan Raiklin does with their (deep state) own paper trails that Petz says “you can circle the world”!


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I just watched that video. Catherine Austin Fitts is right. I knew it too and I’m not nearly as smart as Catherine. Some of my very country relatives were more perceptive than the “educated ones.” Those of us with our roots planted in country life could see where this was going.

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I heard from Benjamin Fulford, former Foreign Correspondent for Forbes Magazine in a video yesterday that they are wanting to inject people in Japan (maybe all over) with "Replicon" (dont know how its spelled) which will turn the people into super spreaders.

We have to let people know not to take anymore of their evil vaccines. These people are evil and are most likely the not human nephilim offspring of the fallen ones.

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