Warning to POTUS Trump (45), they have begun to hang you out, you will be the ONLY person LEFT on the island of lockdowns & mRNA COVID vaccine works! Redfield interviewed with Fredo Cuomo & NOW says
lockdowns were WRONG, no vaccine mandates, vaccine harmful; Fauci now says 6-foot social distancing was MADE up, masks don't work; Francis Collins said 6-foot MADE up; you MUST not ANYMORE say
that the lockdowns saved lives or the COVID mRNA vaccines worked to save lives, please stop POTUS Trump, STOP! you are WRONG to say it, they have made a fool of you all this time as you helped advance their agenda used to harm your Presidency….
nothing Sir, ever was real about COVID, nothing. It was all made up, MANUFACTURED using the over-cycled RT-PCR ‘process’, a false-positive technique (97% false-positive)…COVID Sir (whatever that was) was MADE-UP, created out of NOTHING, to harm you and now ‘you’ are HARMING ‘you’ by still saying lockdowns and vaccine was successful. They are not, NOT, they are leaving you standing all alone….don’t you see it?
Now the fuckers who did this to you and our nation and killed people by their fraudulent deadly COVID policies are saying it did not work and in fact harmful. Francis Collins said stuff was made up, Fauci, now Redfield. But I told the world and you all this 3 years now! Atlas tried to. Those that gave this to us and implemented and we followed, are now saying it was made up…
For Fauci to come out now in hearings and say the 6-foot social distancing was MADE UP, not based on any science, and that this policy was at the heart of the response and did so much damage, people killed themselves, shows us, all of it was made up.
Sir, Stop!
they are working now in unison, singing the same song, to hang you out and you are not seeing it…what do you think will happen soon when all your Task Force members say their own lockdown policy and social distancing etc. was WRONG (that they told you to approve as they ran the Task Force, delegated from you, but it was their lockdowns and school closures and vaccine) and harmed and you as the non-scientist and non-doctor keep saying it worked? It is happening now as we speak.
They are leaving you on the island Sir, wake up NOW!
Stand up now and proclaim the truth, and call them out and punish them in the new term, tell the world the truth that the lockdowns never worked, harmed, and the vaccine killed. You have to say it.
They are basically now putting the blame on YOU!
Kennedy soon will say ‘if Fauci can say the 6-foot was fraud, how come you still praise the lockdowns Trump, look Redfield just said the vaccine and mandates was wrong, and harms, how could you say Trump it was successful?” para
Do you not get it? The screwed you, they got their goal, for you to champion a fake pandemic, to FALL for it, to agree to head a devastating pandemic response when it was NO pandemic, but for you to FALL for it and you did…for you trusted them and followed them for they were the EXPERTS, so you must NOW wake up, they are hanging you out to dry!
What Redfield said on Fredo Cuomo interview (and Fauci in hearings that 6-foot distancing was wrong) works AGAINST you, these people are actually now getting INTO this 2024 election by now saying what they did, not you, THEY, was wrong…they are committing hari kari again…but Sir, you were POTUS and they will blame you for even following them…
you were NOT elected in 2020 partly because of the harms and failures of the lockdowns and all of the COVID response…yes, we know about possible vote tampering and mail-ins and all that, yes, but the COVID in entirety, it was all meant to hurt you…the public was hurt…but they left you proclaiming it all worked…'‘we just don’t get it so you the POTUS will remind us it was successful’…but now they are saying it weas NOT!
Stop POTUS Trump…you will be left on the island by yourself. ONLY.
you must STOP claiming it (anything to do with the fake COVID pandemic that never was a pandemic) worked for now the very same people you sought guidance from and took it from, and agreed to implement and foster what they told you to do, are now saying it was WRONG…that it was MADE UP….listen carefully to them NOW…you will be the ONLY person left saying it worked Sir when it never ever did…not only was COVID a complete 100% fraud manufactured fake pandemic out of NOTHING (just like ‘PCR test all the cows scarf lady Birx H5N1 bird flu fraud lie), but it harmed as did the Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA vaccine. The vaccine killed. Was always ineffective. Never worked and should have been only given to NO ONE.
Nothing worked! It was a farce.
The COVID vaccine harmed and killed, and made people sick. Redfield is wrong on many COVID matters (as he made clear in this Fredo Cuomo interview) that he helped enforce and implement. Lots of what Redfield said in this interview was dangerous and flat wrong!
Stop POTUS Trump, time to get off that island and tell it as it was, that the pandemic was a fraud, the lockdown lunacy was a fraud and the vaccine killed and was never needed and never worked. And you were misled, and you trusted these very same people who were inept and who now today are saying it did not work and was harmful.
It is way past time.
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they have made a fool of him all this time as he helped advance their agenda used to harm his Presidency
These beasts are capable of filing cases that the deaths from vax are due to Trump...he has to stand up against it...its for his own good and for the nation...he will gain massive support. do not let Redfield and Fauci re-write their roles in history...I wont but its his battle...