take: this is fear porn insanity, so what? you strongly protect granny & leave the rest of us to hell alone! data does not show circulation strains are deadlier; run from the booster like the plague
5g and even lower are a major problem with production of Peroxynitrite caused when wireless freqs damage cells allowing calcium to enter creating nitric oxide and superoxide that becomes peroxynitrite, the latter bug lives a long time and causes major damage including death. I suspect this will be the cull weapon by rogue DOD.
I suspect nitric oxide and superoxide, flowing into cells via calcium channels, creating peroxynitrite, a known killer of cells and deadly, is a partial cause of your points in combination with the nano bioweapon mRNAs; the latter I suspect is NOT operating and full potential until 5g satellites are fully deployed in orbit. About 50,000 tiny satellites. A lot of crap going on. :)
This "Granny" does not need "protection" by the tender ministrations of PigFarma. I do not take prescription medications and have not been to a Rockefeller M.edical D.evil since 2002. I am sure that I can go the distance from here on out without their "help." So don't do me any favors by thinking that I maybe can use what they have to offer....I don't want it any more than you do...... !!
Dang fall COVID wave is back again. Time for another booster. I'm on my 6th or 7th dose. I lost count. Yes, I ended up catching COVID twice after being vaccinated, and it was pretty bad each time, but surely would have been worse if hadn't received all of these shots. I'm probably going to take 2-3 boosters per year for the rest of my life, along with a yearly flu shot and yearly RSV shot, and whatever else the CDC recommends :-) (sarcasm)
I heard that from family members! : "there is no way they're gonna convince us of getting any more of their fake vax, we've been vaxxed 6 times already, it's over". Good news I guess...
Is analysis of Covid genetic material(or any genetic material for that matter) in wastewater even feasible with all the chemicals, solvents, decreases, bleach, ammonia, etc poured down sewer waste lines everyday? How do they get a sample that is not contaminated?
"Wastewater and test positivity numbers show a fall wave of COVID-19 may be approaching."
You mean to tell me we should be paying attention "positive test numbers"? The same test that will produce the result that desired based on how it's conducted? That test?
I'm all for lockups (I mean lockdowns).....as long as I can choose which heinous POS masquerading as a "healthcare expert" gets the honor. I wouldn’t even know where to start. "One potato, two potato....."
Everyone I personally know that has taken the Covid injections have been permanently injured or killed!
I & my family will never take these injections or any injections because they are adding harmful mRNA to many of the so-called “vaccines” & flu shots now.
COMPLETE BOLLOCKS. BS. FAKE. Don't fall for it sheeple. If you get any jabs at this point, even the old, standard Flu shot, you're an idiot and deserve the consequences.
Better yet, just don't go to a doctor. And if you have to go to an ER for trauma, do not sign an electronic admission form. Have it printed out and then cross out anything that says "biologics" in it (which are vaccines.) Many admission forms have this embedded so that you are agreeing to things unknowingly when you're admitted.
Unfortunately, some places don't allow this. A doctor I used to see belonged to a medical practice acquired by a local hospital. When I went to see her the last time (& I do mean the LAST time), I was required to sign on a machine that did not show the form being signed. When I asked the receptionist to see the forms, & because of the receptionist's reaction, asked if no one else asked to see the forms, I was told no one did & was twice given a different form than the one I'd been told I was signing. I asked to speak to her supervisor. The supervisor, a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Nurse Ratched clone, refused to provide a way of knowing what I was signing or to provide a written copy of it I could read and modify. She also refused my request to see & speak with the doctor. I left, have not been back, & am terrified of ever again needing to visit a hospital or doctor.
THANK YOU.....not that I have any plans to go to an ER ever......or an MD....the only time i went to an MD was when I needed clearance for cataract surgery before Covid....
There seems to be 2 possibilities: first this is a nothing burger and they're hyping it as they love to do or it is the beginning of GVB's prediction about viral variants in which case the only ones about to screwed are the multi-vaxxed.
But if they try to pull that mandate/mask stuff again.....
Paul, the problem here is not the fake covid booster whatever announcement, but a warning. I suspect the DOD is going to test a 5g attacks, at various level of duration and upon several locations, to invoke all the bioweapon nanos we have from decades of chem trails and the recent bioweapon mRNAs.
I've studied evil methods, superficially, being history nerd, and occult nerds always use the same pattern. They identify an attack abstractly before and often after, the latter is a 'we told you so.'
Fear rather than facts is how big pharma and big government works. Get yourself ready, supplies, meds, supplements, nasal and oral rinses and you will be fine. If you go out in a crowded area, use your mouth and nose rinses went you get back home. If you’re exposed, start taking the protocol meds. We have been through it. We have physicians on our side this time. We have this.
Big Pharma and their puppets will always spread fear to increase sales of their wares.
In the meantime, I will continue to advocate:
1) Eat _real_ food, including plenty of animal-based products and natural oils (like ghee and olive oil).
2) Avoid sugar, corn syrup, and most other natural and artificial sweeteners.
3) Avoid processed foods, especially processed carbs and seed/vegetable oils.
4) Stop snacking and investigate intermittent fasting.
5) Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, while avoiding sunburn.
6) Exercise moderately.
7) Sleep long enough each night.
8) Find non-drug and non-alcohol stress coping mechanisms that work for you.
9) Pray.
10) Communicate with friends.
11) Consume fermented foods like natto, kimchi, sauerkraut, Greek Yogurt or Icelandic Skyr...
12) Take supplements like C, D3, K2... if you think you're not getting enough from real food.
13) Eliminate the need to take _any_ Big Pharma products for chronic conditions.
The list above should keep your immune system in better shape, which helps when trying to handle any health challenge.
In case of Covid emergency, see https://c19early.org.
related to your list is this list
🚗Car Exhaust,
🌨Climate Change
☕️Black tea
💊Herbal supplements
🛌Sleeping position
🥶Cold showers,
💨Air pollution,
🍇Eating same fruit
💉💉💉For Profit Big Gov/Big Pharma Potion
5g and even lower are a major problem with production of Peroxynitrite caused when wireless freqs damage cells allowing calcium to enter creating nitric oxide and superoxide that becomes peroxynitrite, the latter bug lives a long time and causes major damage including death. I suspect this will be the cull weapon by rogue DOD.
EMFs also known to cause blood cell clumping, rouleaux
I suspect nitric oxide and superoxide, flowing into cells via calcium channels, creating peroxynitrite, a known killer of cells and deadly, is a partial cause of your points in combination with the nano bioweapon mRNAs; the latter I suspect is NOT operating and full potential until 5g satellites are fully deployed in orbit. About 50,000 tiny satellites. A lot of crap going on. :)
This "Granny" does not need "protection" by the tender ministrations of PigFarma. I do not take prescription medications and have not been to a Rockefeller M.edical D.evil since 2002. I am sure that I can go the distance from here on out without their "help." So don't do me any favors by thinking that I maybe can use what they have to offer....I don't want it any more than you do...... !!
Dang fall COVID wave is back again. Time for another booster. I'm on my 6th or 7th dose. I lost count. Yes, I ended up catching COVID twice after being vaccinated, and it was pretty bad each time, but surely would have been worse if hadn't received all of these shots. I'm probably going to take 2-3 boosters per year for the rest of my life, along with a yearly flu shot and yearly RSV shot, and whatever else the CDC recommends :-) (sarcasm)
I heard that from family members! : "there is no way they're gonna convince us of getting any more of their fake vax, we've been vaxxed 6 times already, it's over". Good news I guess...
Me too. It seems that slowly but surely people are staring to come around.
"...as useful as a third male breast." 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
wait, grandpa is fond of saying, 'about was worthless as tits on a boar,' whenever he was upset about whatever. :)
Yep, my whole family said that one, too. Sometimes I still say it. 😏
LOL! I love your grandpa!!
Thanks for keeping us abreast of these useful sayings about uselessness.
That one hit me right in the nipple.
Which one? 😉😊😋
The one on my butt. Never should have taken that shot. Now I have multiple nipples and a goiter.
"Oh, no, Mr. Bill!" 😉😊😋 😂🤣😂🤣
LOL LOL LOL you guys!!!!
I saw that on Swank when I was a kid!!!
Don’t say “No” to these boosters - say “HELL NO!” then run like hell away from anyone pushing them.
They can't culture a virus in a petri dish,
but they claim they can detect it in sewage.
I am not buying what they are selling.
Is analysis of Covid genetic material(or any genetic material for that matter) in wastewater even feasible with all the chemicals, solvents, decreases, bleach, ammonia, etc poured down sewer waste lines everyday? How do they get a sample that is not contaminated?
I'm not buying this bridge!
"Wastewater and test positivity numbers show a fall wave of COVID-19 may be approaching."
You mean to tell me we should be paying attention "positive test numbers"? The same test that will produce the result that desired based on how it's conducted? That test?
touché! Steve
I'm all for lockups (I mean lockdowns).....as long as I can choose which heinous POS masquerading as a "healthcare expert" gets the honor. I wouldn’t even know where to start. "One potato, two potato....."
Everyone I personally know that has taken the Covid injections have been permanently injured or killed!
I & my family will never take these injections or any injections because they are adding harmful mRNA to many of the so-called “vaccines” & flu shots now.
COMPLETE BOLLOCKS. BS. FAKE. Don't fall for it sheeple. If you get any jabs at this point, even the old, standard Flu shot, you're an idiot and deserve the consequences.
Better yet, just don't go to a doctor. And if you have to go to an ER for trauma, do not sign an electronic admission form. Have it printed out and then cross out anything that says "biologics" in it (which are vaccines.) Many admission forms have this embedded so that you are agreeing to things unknowingly when you're admitted.
Unfortunately, some places don't allow this. A doctor I used to see belonged to a medical practice acquired by a local hospital. When I went to see her the last time (& I do mean the LAST time), I was required to sign on a machine that did not show the form being signed. When I asked the receptionist to see the forms, & because of the receptionist's reaction, asked if no one else asked to see the forms, I was told no one did & was twice given a different form than the one I'd been told I was signing. I asked to speak to her supervisor. The supervisor, a "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" Nurse Ratched clone, refused to provide a way of knowing what I was signing or to provide a written copy of it I could read and modify. She also refused my request to see & speak with the doctor. I left, have not been back, & am terrified of ever again needing to visit a hospital or doctor.
Is that even legal.....not that we have laws these days......
That's awful! And sadly, becoming more common. You did the right thing by refusing to sign.
Thanks for the heads up!
THANK YOU.....not that I have any plans to go to an ER ever......or an MD....the only time i went to an MD was when I needed clearance for cataract surgery before Covid....
There seems to be 2 possibilities: first this is a nothing burger and they're hyping it as they love to do or it is the beginning of GVB's prediction about viral variants in which case the only ones about to screwed are the multi-vaxxed.
But if they try to pull that mandate/mask stuff again.....
Paul, the problem here is not the fake covid booster whatever announcement, but a warning. I suspect the DOD is going to test a 5g attacks, at various level of duration and upon several locations, to invoke all the bioweapon nanos we have from decades of chem trails and the recent bioweapon mRNAs.
I've studied evil methods, superficially, being history nerd, and occult nerds always use the same pattern. They identify an attack abstractly before and often after, the latter is a 'we told you so.'
I hope I'm wrong.
I hope you are wrong too but I think you are right. Don’t ignore the flag!
VA still offering covid-19 shots to veterans.
Barrel of shit with no apparent bottom. Some people are just flat out f****** dumb.
"nothing is too good for our veterans"
so they keep telling us ad nauseum. i'll keep avoiding all that good care out of an abundance of caution.
Ditto Social Security.
Fear rather than facts is how big pharma and big government works. Get yourself ready, supplies, meds, supplements, nasal and oral rinses and you will be fine. If you go out in a crowded area, use your mouth and nose rinses went you get back home. If you’re exposed, start taking the protocol meds. We have been through it. We have physicians on our side this time. We have this.