speak for yourself...30% OF US DID NOT "BELIEVE "! any of the government/military BULLSHIT!


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Build parallel institutions


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I personally think that everyone who submitted to the vaccines was dumb, like Lemmings if you like - never volunteer for anything especially when Big Pharma or Big Tech have a hand in any part of it, like Duh!!

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We must continue to drill down and expose the depths of how this was done, whose involved - including the middle managers and assorted tools - and prevent these people from participating in efforts to rebuild. Education of each other, peer to peer must come first. Hopefully we still have an internet to use to facilitate this.

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Build private practices that don't accept federal $, learn some life skills and get as healthy as possible people! Personally, we did a bunch of car repair for a huge discount on orthodontics.

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True but I beg of you, Dr., don’t trust Dr Robert Malone! He has craftily snaked his way into your and many others trust, but he isn’t who he says he is! Listen closely to what he says, he double speaks, and many don’t catch it. Look into his background and listen to those who have and then have revealed what they’d discovered. These people he has sued, to shut them up! However, the truth can’t be covered up for long and will be brought to the light, but how much damage has this evil man brought to Americans. He is participating in the creation of more mRNA ‘vaccines’ behind the scenes. He’s associated with ALCHEM in Florida. Investigate!!!

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The ONLY thing that will end the nightmare we have now is to destroy the central banks, starting with the Fed. Our Founders feared central banks for a reason. We’re living that reason now.

One small but critical thing every individual can do is take as much cash out of your bank accounts as you possibly can and keep it somewhere secret but accessible. Anyone who watched the recent 3 1/2 hour FDIC Systemic Risk Reduction Committee meeting would have heard them mention how “the public has more faith in the banks than we do” and decide that it would be best to not reveal to the public how bad of shape the banks are in because that might start a bank run. If there’s anything that the elites fear more than us taking our cash out of the banks, I don’t know what it would be.

The reason is because our bank savings is one of the four economic pillars keeping our government solvent. They’re all collapsing. In its death throes, unless it can completely replace cash with CBDC’s beforehand (doubtful), the government will grant itself a life extension by outright stealing our bank accounts. They’ll do this by declaring a bank holiday on a Friday afternoon or over a weekend (the FDIC committee discussed how that would be accomplished) and on the following Monday we would all wake up to closed banks or frozen bank accounts. Then the bail-ins would begin.

And if you think the FDIC has enough to insure your $250K from the government clutches or systemic collapse, think again. The FDIC was designed to handle individual bank defaults, not systemic collapse. They can cover only a few percent of the total cash up to $250K. Not that it matters anyway, as legally we are all defined as unsecured creditors for every dollar that we loan to (or deposit for safekeeping at, in our way of thinking), the bank. Once your deposit hits the bank’s computer, it belongs to them, not you. And once a holiday is declared, you’ll never see most of your money again.

Of course the elites hope you don’t understand that or won’t take action if you DO know, because withdrawing your cash will weaken the banks further, hasten the depression we’re already sliding into, knock the elites’ plans off schedule, protect you, and keep your cash out of the government’s hands at the moment it most needs it to save itself.

Once you’ve rescued it from the bank, turn some of your cash into physical precious metals - Constitutional money. The bankers and elites HATE silver and gold in the hands of the people because they can’t debase or control it, and thereby control you. And states are getting a little feisty about passing legal tender laws that remove taxes on silver and gold and silver and make them voluntary currency, so the people can start using it again. A few states are now even looking at investing some of their monies into silver and gold and creating state bullion depositories. It’s the states’ ways of starting to push back on Federal overreach and fiscal recklessness. A few leaders at state levels are waking up to the historic economic crisis America is barreling into and actually looking to protect their citizens. (Incredible, I know!) And we can help them along by each becoming our own banks of sorts, with some savings in silver and gold coins - the only investments that carry no counterparty risk.

For a very readable eye-opening expose on how the government has already stolen over half of the money in our bank savings accounts since 2008 without us knowing it and used our money to pay the interest on the national debt, go read “The Stealthy Raid On Our Bank Accounts: How the Government Uses Our Bank Accounts to Fund the National Debt” by Daniel Amerman, CFA, MBA. See if you suddenly feel motivated to take as much of your savings out of the bank as you can. The government isn’t encouraging you to save for YOUR future, but for its own. Don’t be government’s victim! Starve the beast! Taking back possession and control over your own wealth is a powerful step and each of us can take it. If enough of us do it, we WILL bring the banks down on OUR terms and we WILL deal a fatal blow to the elites. And isn’t that our collective goal, here? So why not? Start today!

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This is too generic for me. What exactly are people thinking when they call for undoing our institutions and stripping the Constitution down to it bare bones? The document is quite clear on most things. I will say anticipating the usual 'this is a republic' that being a Republic does not negate the fact that this is a democracy. These are 2 different levels of national structure. One describes how we come together structurally; the other describes the process for how we make decisions. One thing we are not is a nation with royalty nor are we a totalitarian nation. However, that did not prevent corporatism to develop itself into an oligarchy with over reaching totalitarian goals. So what is it that people want to change.

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Hello, this is is Rupert Sayre -- the associate of The Shadow. He's quite the character isn't he? Or at least he sounds like one.

A quick update on the man I'm helping with his mRNA Poison Injection Injuries:

The inflammation and swelling continued to reduce at his right elbow to where it's about 5% swollen now. This swollen part just moved forwards and backwards this weekend so I know it's the mRNA Poison Inflammation that's still active there. The bruise on his lower outer arm continued to improve. At this point, I think the severe swelling at the right elbow was 80% mRNA Poison Inflammation and 20% Physical Trauma from falling. What actually occurred became clearer over time and through more observations.

At the same time, the inflammation and swelling reduced in his feet when he took the Dexamethasone and now have been increasing daily since about two days after he stopped taking the Dexamethasone. I think he took the Dexamethasone three times every other day with the pause day to allow his blood glucose levels to drop back down to a safer level. I think he took the last Dexamethasone about five days ago.

I've told him a few times that the inflammation and swelling are increasing in his feet but hasn't done anything about it.

As an aside, I went and got a very inexpensive microscope to have a hard physical evidence look at his blood -- instead of wondering about all the hearsay. I got a drop of blood from the man to examine and will quickly note my observations.

I don't know if he will give me another drop of blood to satisfy my curiosity.

The microscope I acquired had a maximum magnification of 1000x. I don't know if this is powerful enough to see anything significant.

The blood drop was examined immediately after it was placed on the glass slide. The blood drop was one red continuous mass. At the edge was a clear fluid which was probably blood plasma. More inwards was a mass of red blood cells. In the center was a thicker mass of red blood cells. I don't know if this was just a thicker layer of red blood cells or if it was some sort of clumping occurring.

I spread the blood drop out more and just had smaller drops with the same qualities.

In about fifteen minutes, it looked like the blood plasma and red blood cells began separating.

In about thirty minutes, the blood dried on the glass slide.

I think I have to dilute the blood drop with some pure water to separate the red blood cells to see how they look more individually.

The blood also dries very quickly after it is exposed to air.

I literally got a children's microscope (which I was pleasantly surprised was fully functional) for under $30 and anyone can afford this if they want to have a look for themselves.

It might be possible to see if blood clumping/clotting is occurring if one dilutes the blood drop with pure water and then getting a d-dimer test for blood clotting would be unnecessary.

Whether viruses are real or not I guess that only an electron microscope would be powerful enough to see anything that small and that also goes for the spike proteins. With regards to actual disease observations I think it's a combination of both virus and terrain phenomena.

With regards to the mRNA Poison and it's Toxic Spike Proteins: I don't know. That's why I got the microscope. I do know that the Zelenko Protocol is effective in stopping the inflammation from increasing and spreading while at the same time the reducing them -- probably by letting the body's immune system destroy the toxins instead of being overwhelmed by them reproducing.

Lastly, I am getting attacked in my dreams. In my dreams, I just make the Sign of the Cross and say an Our Father and the creeps flee.

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I am a little hopeful as a recent poll showed most Americans are concerned and think government is the problem.

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Nice to know your government hates you and wants you dead. Since many governments worldwide took part in the covid charade, it tells us most of the world is expendable.

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No crime against me - only those who agreed to be crash test dummies - well, not even them really, they did "volunteer" after all - so even lab test animals have "rights" now - probably why "they" wanted humans cast in our own image to play with - at least, it is not sexual yet, but who defines what is sexual from what is not when a really sexy "mouth watering" crash test dummy passes by -

Sigh - maybe I'm in the wrong business after all!! - and a freebie too.

Talking about which, when I was buying some yard cleaning tools yesterday I did see this absolutely yummy ................and I thought wow..some lucky........gets to have yonder YUMM every night and that's not 76 year old me

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"And to do that, we need to build a critical mass of people who understand that that’s the scale of the problem, and are prepared to fight until their last breath to do the work: educate people, dismantle the corrupt institutions, protect the Constitutional bedrock, and build the new institutions."

Mmt belief is that the "fight" you mentioned will be more than just words...

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You walk away from the sinking titanic, you don’t keep drowning in the water trying to fix it. Swim away, get onto fresh land, find the survivors and innovate within a new Genesis framework that leans from all before. You need rare Outliers to execute it, that’s a first principle certainty.

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