Adolf Hitler had different views too...the British Govt tried appeasement, and every time they met with Hitler, a few days later he invaded Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland...which is why Churchill became PM...the Deep State and the evil bad guys are real, and KM is up to her eyeballs in it...this isn't a tea party disagreement, this is Good v Evil and trying to save this planet...KM and her buddies are Traitors and Felons and belong in GITMO prisons and deserve to be hanged or a firing squad...they don't listen to cogent, logical arguments, this isn't the Oxford or Cambridge Debating Society where everyone shakes hands afterwards and then has a few drinks at the bar...after all we've learned and experienced, Paul, they don't deserve humane treatment imo.

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I understand what you mean, and some have done crimes and must fact legal Justice etc...we are good governance, I am talking about where we should be or aim...of course we are in shit today and bad shit at that...but we have to aspire to fix this...should we not?

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from what I learned from Wikileaks, Pizzagate, etc., just about all the Dems have committed crimes and are being blackmailed for them...pedophiles, child trafficking, drugs, money laundering...these crimes are, in many cases, beyond human comprehension, they are so evil...and don't forget Hollywood or Pedowood or Hollyweird...of course we need to think to the future, and what kind of world we want to live in...but most of that is already there in Founding Documents and Amendments...get rid of the monarchies for example...back in 2017 when Q appeared and Trump was POTUS, it seemed everything was going to be sorted sooner rather than later...but it's later and we have the J6 political prisoners and the stolen elections, national and state and local everywhere..."Biden" being "President" and so much suffering continues. Hanging or firing squad is the case of the punishment Not fitting the crime, so evil are they.

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competing views but not malevolent, of course we wont tolerate nefarious ill intent views...

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Different views are not tolerated in police states and America is a communist uniparty police state. Harris was raised by a Marxist economist and is hostile to black and white people. Marxist economics are the economics of communism. The Dems and RINOS are just different factions of the US communist uniparty. Harris' vision of an even more communistic America needs to be challenged.

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boom, and it is and will be...she is a lunatic, extreme nutjob communist lunatic...dangerous...so is and was Obama he just wore it differently...and she is stupid, thats the danger....can be easily influenced by even worse people.

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you hit the nail on the head. these people have nothing good for America.

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I believe Trump can do just that, speak truth, point out difficulties with biden/harris administration and he can do it calmly, almost laughing out loud about it. I doubt Kamala will be able to keep her calm, she will go on about convicted felon, hitler crap, go on to, I was not done, I was still speaking crap, just to make Trump pissed off. Trump can maintain his dignity and he has too against a whiny, incompetent person. He has to know she is coming AT HIM, AND WILL GO TO EVERY DIRTY TRICK THERE IS TO GET HIM, THAT IS ONE REASON SHE WANTS DEBATE ON HER TURF, ABC, FULL LEFT CRAP!

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boom boom....you can disarm a nutjob like her...easily...key here is who the moderators will be...and where, and if they get it on ABC or CBS etc THEN you know the republicans around him are screwing him...how could the first 2 debates then be in unfriendly territory???

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I’m voting for Trump. Without enthusiasm or expectation of a win. Only to prevent Kamala and the Dems from taking office and taking America down completely. That said, I’ve lost all respect for Trump. He is behaving repulsively, making matters far worse than I imagined possible. His rhetoric has reached a level exceeding his past worst . Choosing Vance and screwing over Tulsi, the most positive , best messenger, most energetic campaigner, best debater and most qualified to take down the Dems, having been there. She was the only one who broke the mold, checked all the boxes and then some, was truly aligned with Trump’s platform and had support across the entire spectrum. And Trump chose the antithesis. It was was beyond incomprehensible and his rallies have ramped up what he has been warned against and pleaded with to rein in. He seems to take pleasure in rubbing it in the faces of those who are desperate for him to beat Kamala. Instead, he’s elevating her. I’m beginning to believe it’s deliberate. Between the ethnic/racial crap at the Black Journalist event , his 90 minute rant today, largely focused on attacking Brian Kemp with smears, epithets and falsehoods about his governance., calling him incompetent, the worst in the nation and fabricating his positions- that Kemp was going to raise state and property taxes, restrict the use of fossil fuels , veto school choice and had done nothing to fix the broken voting system, allowing cheating, the unreliable voting machines, not cleaning up the voter roles, allowing ballots to be counted days after the polls were closed… all untrue. Then he started up about Stacy Abrams who’s name is no longer of any relevance and on and on about the 2020 election. Calling his rivals “ scum, deranged,, low IQ losers… making Perdue a victim of the left and Kemp/Raffensberger.. Yes, Perdue was cheated. By Trump’s behavior, Lynn Wood with a bullhorn telling Republicans to not. vote to show Kemp how they felt and by Perdue for refusing to debate Ossoff and not showing up at his own scheduled rally.

Yes, there should be dialogue, but the only candidate who has behaved like an American adult is RFK Jr. He was rewarded by vicious,ad hominem attacks ,baseless smears left and right , kept off the ballot, not afforded Secret Service protection,finally switching to Independent and then banned from debate participation.. The irony and hypocrisy of RFK Jr being painted as an antisemite, anti-vax, science denying fringe lunatic by the left and everything aforementioned aside from the antisemitism bullshit is stunning. Considering he wasn’t given a public platform to make his case. He was also extremely polite. He didn’t attack, interrupt or concoct falsehoods targeting his competitors. And unlike Biden, Trump and Kamala, RFK Jr owned his past wrongdoings, when accused of having extreme positions on Climate and Environmental ideological platforms, he openly admitted being wrong in his climate change positioning, admitted that he was unrealistic and guided by the hysteria mongering and misinformation hyped up by the WEF, UN, governmental globalists and junk science. He was less defensive about his environmental concerns and was very illuminating. His positions on warmongering, foreign adventurism, corporatemultinational monopolism,Pharma, illegal immigration, the Plandemic, the totalitarian takeover of America the West by the WEF /UN/WHO/ World Bank/China/EU/NATO/USNGOs/ Think tanks and the paid for, captured, installed puppet leaders,politicians, bureaucrats, advisors, lobbyists,corporatists, bankers… Only RFK Jr called it out by name. In our filthy sewer system falsely referred to as a “ democracy” vs a Constitution Republic with a democratically elected representative government , neither party functions as such. Even the SCOTUS members function as partisan activists vs neutral purveyors of Constitutional Law. It’s not a secret when the Right, including the pundit class and Republican politicians campaign on electing “ Conservative Originalist” justices like Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Alito, using “ Religious Freedom” as a determination. So long as said religious freedom aligns with their own religious ideology, which is socially ideogical Christian fundamentalist activism while they complain about the liberal “ abortion loving” SCOTUS judicial activism. The Right conflates the Constitution with the Bible , written as a Judeo-Christian document based upon the God of biblical scripture. And the rulings decided as such. The Democrat appointed judicial activism is becoming conflated with the Communist Manifesto. Essentially, the bench is no longer an impartial body opining on the law as it was determined, but being decided by personal ideology. I remember being outraged when Sotomayor expressing concern there were too many Catholics on the bench. What the hell was she talking about? Wasn’t she Catholic? It was terribly offensive. And then I realized not only was Trump appointing Catholics, but emphasizing their Catholic practices, history and loyalty to their faith. Gorsuch was not given as much emphasis as Kavanaugh, where it was every other sentence, but ACB was every sentence.Trump made what was already contentious far worse. The Dems, moderates, center right, Independents, libertarians, Jewish centrists and Republicans, Hindus, Buddhists, agnostic, atheist and non-sectarians were absolutely dreading the ACB prospect, hoping Trump would opt for Barbara Lagoa. Though Catholic, she didn’t bring it into her courtroom. She was also the daughter of Cubans who fled Castro and Lagoa was very well liked, known for her activism in the awful Elian Gonzalez struggle. She was then a Miami attorney who gained national recognition. She was a Republican, but not a conservative fundamentalist ideologue. She would have been appointed without a scene. It would have backfired on the Dems big time, benefitted Trump and expanded the Party, gaining far more support. But he appointed ACB, introducing her as in “ The mold of Scalia”. Scalia, with Thomas and Alito lived to overturn Roe. They got their wish. The Republicans have moved so far Christian right, they exacerbated the divide exponentially with “ snap back “ extreme restrictions and outright bans… and it cost the midterms and with Kamala as the candidate and Trump’s increasingly offensive behavior and choosing Vance… Kamala will win with a large enough lead that it will transcend cheating. Trump can no longer get a pass by turning the other. Cheek.He has nobody to.blame but himself and his poor judgment.If he’d opted for Tulsi and STFU, “ We The People” would have won

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this is very interesting, informative...lot of good content here, some I do not agree with. But this is tremendous.

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Dammit, I just wrote the lengthiest, most informative diatribe exposing all the missed opportunities Trump and the GOP ignored that would take down the Dem entirety!!

Especially the epic miss yesterday when Dhimmi Carter announced his wish tol celebrate his 100th birthday by voting for Kamala.He has very deep, personal reasons. Ready for a mind blow? Remember JimJones People’s Temple?Remember Jonestown, the “ Socialist Multiracial Agrarian Utopia” in Guyana? The hundreds of dead bodies attributed to suicide?

Who made everything possible? The publicity, elevating Jones to a near Messianic Celebrity? Who found and broked the property rights for Jonestown in Guyana? Who signed off on it, equally enamored of Jones? Jones, the atheist Communist megalomaniacal psychopath with a God Complex? Ready? KAMALA’S LOVER and MENTOR, WIlLLIE BROWN and then US PRESIDENT DHIMMI CARTER. Along with acolytes George Moscone, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown,Dianne Feinstein, Gay Rights activist Harvey Milk, the Gettys, and Peggy Guggenheim! This is FACT, not rumor. Which means Kamala is fully aware and explains her own ideology. Carter was a virulent antisemite, anti-Israel saboteur, PLO/Hamas/Khomeini enthusiast, Castro /Pol Pot-Khmer Rugs/Mao/ Sandanistas/ Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un, Haitian Terrorist Leader/Assad/

Mugabe/Saudi’s Fayd regime/Gamil Nasser/ Khrushchev-Soviet supporter. Carter doesn’t fund his “ selfless” Habitat For Humanity. The Saudis who empowered and funded Bin Laden do. By bankrolling Carter. Again, this is fact, not the fictitious whitewash painting Carter as a “ good man. A near saint who happened to fail as President.

And nary a fucking peep from Trump or the RNC.

And for an additionally whammy, Trump who as I type this just called Kamala “ Low IQ” a lunatic and the worst prosecutor who never put criminals in jail… well, maybe Trump can explain why he donated $ 6000 to her California AG campaign, donated to her Senatorial campaign and Ivanka donated an additional $2,000. Trump loved zealous prosecutors who put away common criminals. Kamala was the most ruthless, overzealous prosecutor who put away more black people for possessing a nickel of weed, sentencing them to absurdly lengthy prison stints and in many cases, kept them incarcerated beyond their release date. And he knew she was black. What the hell is wrong with him? If you’re skeptical, Google “ Trump donated to Kamala Harris Campaign”

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The system of one vs the other dates all the way back to the old testament.

https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/wwiii That's why without resolving the old testament, Islam, Judaism and Christianity will never be at peace.

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excellent sharing as usual Daniel, I have been a huge admirer of you...excellent mind.

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In a perfect world, politics would be very much like traveling to reach a specific destination.

One driver chooses his/her route in order to REACH that destination; another traveler selects a different route, different roads..........both eventually reach that specific destination, the same one, one perhaps faster than the other, later sharing a laugh and maybe a beer discussing their journeys.

Such a world does not exist. Instead, we live in a world that the O'Jays called " The Backstabbers ".........

As you say Paul:

"I want America to win, I see tomorrow and have hope in it, in our young people…I have hope. That is it. I will support any side if they are for America and doing good for America. Any person."

THAT is what we ALL want. Well - all of us HERE. But, the OTHER side ???? Not at all.

HOW do we get everyone on the same side of the fence ? We all want to know....

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what an excellent sharing OnTheJump....great content. I am so happy people like you can balance and think and help us here and are in this world...thank you...thank you for being in this fight.

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Happy to be part of it - wish to hell it wasn't necessary.

Divisive sons of biotches is what too many of them are, choose to be, and enjoy being. ✌

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4 Booms, Doc. Rock on❗️

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thank you

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Once again you are spot on Dr A! However, I am an old man and I have watched politics since the very day the deep state murdered JFK. I reckon I have read virtually everything ever written about that day and most of what has been written about all things political throughout the world and having done so , I have come to the conclusion that there truly is nothing new under the sun. Mankind requires a good working knowledge of the Tanach, Old Testament to Christians, or we will not survive as a nation or a people. Great nations come and they go and we are no different. Unless of course, we can somehow get the left and about half of the right in this country to recognize what is at the route of our destruction. Our Founding documents and their generation was decidedly Christian and they had better than average understanding of the Hebrew Scriptures. They proceeded to write for the nation a Constitution that was as close to perfection as was humanly possible. We have strayed far from what they intended and the leftists in this country are not the liberals of yesterday. Frankly, they are complete lunatics and no amount of evidence that they are wrong is going to convince them. They stand in absolute defiance to every principle on which we were founded. They are Communists and they cannot be reasoned with. Forcing someone like RKJ out of the party and others like Tulsi Gabbard shows everyone what the party has become. Bobby is too liberal for me on many issues but had he asked Tulsi to be his running mate , they would have changed the entire political landscape overnight. I still couldn't vote for them but they would have made a huge difference that few would have expected. I will forgive Trump his many flaws largely because he has been attacked non stop since before he was sworn in. I have never seen anything like it in my time, nor have I read of a political figure in any country having to put up with such a relentless attack and it will continue even after he is elected for a THIRD time. Yes, the evidence is in on 2020. Trump won and it wasn't even very close. WE OWE THE MAN OUR LOYALTY AT LEAST!! The bottom line is simple; President Trump is the best chance we have to uproot and destroy the cancer that has been allowed to metastisize in our nation for generations. I happen to believe from my knowledge of the Tanach and of the history of man, he is our last chance. Pray for our nation to repent and pray for President Trump to survive, to gain wisdom with years and to apply that wisdom as G-d himself would.

Darkness is way in the lead but light one candle and the darkness is defeated.

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You cannot have a rational discussion with LibTards. It ain't possible.

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ha ha ha, I know but we go to try...even one flipping is a win...I think they need to be informed...our problem is we preach to the converted, folk need to get brave and wade on to the other side.

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Their belief CYSTem is in fact a religion, a religion started long ago when they were called the "Gnostics. It became a reality in the time of Jesus Christ and devolved into the current "woke wankerism after going through a previous and less stalinist form known as political correctness.

It's changes in the nineteen nineties saw this beast known as communism devolving into dialectic secular humanism. It had always been morphing as time passed and became the religion pushed by and in the fake education CYSTem by John Dewey and infiltrated the education CYSTem and contaminated the minds of children as anything else evil does.

Note that the homosexual movement targets children as another mardicious (sh*tthy) movement (bowel) of the dialectic secular movement. Do not believe me? How about NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love ASSociation) lobbying for decades to get the minimum age of sexual consent rescinded and right OFF THE BOOKS. How about the Rene Guyon Society whose slogan is "Sex before 8 or else it is too late.

Evil ALWAYS targets the children and education CYSTEm has always been the sewer pipe to channel its filth into the minds of innocence.

That is a given. What about women? They were attacked starting in earnest in 1969 when abortion and homosexuality were taken off the books making women nothing but receptacles for the dirty plumbing of males with abortion pushed as the solution for pregnancies unwanted.

There was and is a consortium of evil always reaching out its tentacles to change societies and people into its minions. it has existed since the time of Jesus and still lives as the enemy of all that is good. The newest attack on children? The trannie BS lie.

There will always be this battle to the end as depicted in scriptures and fore warned with all prophecies stated having happened and others in the wings about to as well. Religion was attacked over 50 years ago and the vehicle to destroy/contaminate it was again the acceptance by religion to "normalize" a deathstyle that at this point is destroying children and moving them into the ranks of the damned. Remember the liar Ted Scott the servant of Satan as the primate of the Anglican church when he said, "Homosexuality is a social reality, therefore we must learn to normalize and accept it." Damned fool. My response in a written editorial slammed this hell helper when I said, "There are also other things that are social realities like rape, murder, pedophilia etc so are we to also normalize them too?"

The battle started in the garden of Eden and set the stage for the damnation of man but was dead ended by Jesus Christ and He still is the only means to attain unto salvation and always will be to the end. The CYSTem is evil and lies as it mimics its god, the Father of Lies and Liars.

It is easy to see who they are today and at every point in history. The fight will not end. It will culminate in a confrontation twixt the Father of Lies and his minions and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The stakes climbed higher with the homosexual focus on recruiting innocent children with the help of apostate religions, malignant education and a CYSTem owned and operated by evil people identified as the rich who oppress the rest of us. Those words were spoken thousands of years ago and identified the real enemy here, I will say openly are the ultra rich "elites". They enriched themselves by contriving wars, conflicts, racial strife, religious strife, and as it is written they are identified again by their works by the words, "Love of money is the root of ALL evil."

Porn, abortion, trannie butchering, sex trafficking, prostitution, drug dealing, etc all exist because of the love of money.

I have bene watching good men fight the good fight since 1969 and pass on. I have seen the correlative Truth from then on and saw the good guys in religions ignore the bad guys as they evolved the "New Age Religion" and the mistake was made to NOT confront these evil people who started the next wave of evil and apostasy.

And so it goes now. God recognizes three groups...the saved, the unsaved and the workers of iniquity who HE HATES and who I believe are the rulers of the world.

The seasons come and go, time passes on and we must decide on whose side we stand. There is no middle ground for He said, "He who is not with me is against me." There is no neutrality and if you check Revelation Chapter 21 verse 8 you will see listed categories of the damned...UNBELIEVERS, ABOMINABLE, MURDERERS, WHOREMONGERS, SORCERERS, (DRUG USERS) IDOLATORS, LIARS...BUT THE FIRST CATEGORY MENTIONED HE HATES ARE THE FEARFUL! (cowards). The positioning identifies the worst sin first.

Cowards have always lost the battles by default they should have fought and most of us do NOT want strife in our lives. But as it is written, "you are either for me or against Me"

That is the cold hard facts of life, He expects us to fight for what is good and like Him, hate evil and abhor it and oppose the wicked in a world run amok.

None of us merit salvation, none of us merit any mercy. We will die in the battle by default or die hiding from it and letting evil win.

Things will only get worse according to the minister I sit under. As to punishment and destruction, it is written, "I will repay, vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord." And He means it.

When will the end come, the conflicts, the supernatural occurences, etc? IT WILL BE WHEN HE DECIDES. I am a simple and rough man raised by a Salvation Army mother and a Methodist father. I watched them both die with no fear. They are not the only ones I have watched die and will not be the last. My rough edge came from my exposure to rough men but few of them were cowards and I admired that.

God has been merciful to me by allowing me to see things that convinced me of what is written in His Word. Some were little things, and others were big things but I am resolved in the midst of my battles to stand firm. Yes, we all have battles to fight and both Heaven and Hell work through people.

You might condemn Dr. P for his rough language but he is not a coward. You might condemn me for not being couth but my opposition to evil comes by me honestly. Be careful in your judgments for many man made judgments are wrong. All is never as it meets the eye.

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Well, I'm glad you agree with. There just ain't no sense in talking to a LibTard.

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A libbie loon is generally indifferent to any who is not a woke wanker wussie.

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Don't worry about the LibTards. Clif High says that 19-out-over-every-20 took the poison death shots. The clock is ticking... much faster for them than US.

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Hmmmm. I knew they were shallow but not that dense.

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What you're talking about is never going to happen. It's a pipe dream. It's nice to envision, though.

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yes, its good to dream but also it could...we need you to help us get there...bravery too

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Yes....problem is fighting evil takes away from making things better. Because, the

Leftists are really fighting to make things worse. By what I read from Leftists replies

on twitter they hate us.

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Far better to be hated by the enemy of all that is evil but loved by the Epitome of Truth, Justice and Freedom that the USA was founded on originally and it the USA falls, so will go all the world. They are the only nation with money that has written on it, "In God we trust."

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I have heard that, if the USA falls, so goes all the world!

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From the old song by Porter wagoner, in a time and place far better than now, he said in chorus, "what is to be will be, what ain't to be just might happen."

There is and has been an on going fight twixt good vs evil and it will always be that way to the end.

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But, who will win in the end?

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God wins in the end.

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It is already ordained that terrible things will happen during end time events, but in the end the "Good guy" will win. In this current scenario we need to look at history. Hitler lost. Genghis Khan lost. Mussolini lost. etc. Scriptures say that "...the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong but...but time and chance happeneth to them all."

Ever see a fight in the schoolyard where a big bully picked on a smaller boy but the bully swung and missed and slipped on the patch of ice he was on and fell, only to see the smaller guy jump on his stomach, knocked the wind out of him and succumbed to the underdog sitting on his chest and pummelling the bully. That is an example.

The USA was ordained of God for a reason and for a long time were a holy people embracing the Truth BUT false ministers corrupted that nation but God says, "If my people who are called by name will humble themselves then I will heal their nation." (paraphrased) The USA like Rome was and is being destroyed from within while falling for evil things like homosexuality, abortion, drug addiction, etc. They have forsaken God and God has given them over to their desires to sin as have many western nations. we have in every western nation allowed the rot of LIEberalism including homosexuality, abortion, graft, bribery, sex trafficking, etc to establish and expand. God has given us over to our sins of choice..adultery, promiscuity, etc. ?Mene mene tekel upharsin. (you have been weighed in the balances and found to be wanting." Note that message is for Keg too. I cannot and will not and do not pretend to be perfect. Canuckistan is worse. I had a grade two grand daughter I had to pull out of grade two because the human trash teacher was teaching anal sex. I contacted the minister of education but to no avail. That is one example.

Do we expect God to bless a nation that tortures and murders innocent unborn children? Or allows sex trafficking of children? Fantasy Island eh?

Look at the caliber of ministers today, most are apostate. I believe God is judging most western nations. It is not a Christian act to import death cult members, it is the act of fools who in a parallel way would bring rattlesnakes into their homes. Remember Billy Graham and his words, "If God does not judge America He will have to apologize for destroying Sodom and Gomorrah.

Any nation is only as strong as it is in line with His will and there are no nations in that situation anymore I know of.

Who will win is up to Him. His will is perfect and no interference will occur but do not forget he gives us all free moral choice to reject Him and His rules or accept them.

Imagine a world where the Holy Bible was followed perfectly. Nobody would steal, rape, murder, etc. We would need no prisons, no lawyers, no judges, no court rooms. That would save us billions in a year thus prospering us. Imagine not needing police, more billions saved. Imagine not needing welfare if we followed the command to work if we want to eat. More trillions saved. The nation in that vein would prosper.

That is but a start to our best interests. God will decide what happens but in my travels I have met many fine people in rural areas, and small towns, farmers, etc usually all Repubs. God knows His people and these are certainly fine examples of people better than I am. God's will in fact will be done as always but He is angry with many nations.

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Do you live in Canada?

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Yes but I refer to it as Canuckistan.

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No wonder :-)

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All these evil things have exploded since JOE came into the picture. That's why

obama wanted Special K. Because, she fits right into the picture of the rot

that is going on in our Country. How many men has she been an arm rest

for in her days? One I know was Montel.

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Camelthing is the antithesis of the ideal woman, and represents all that is ugly and a huge turn off to any man of idealist thinking.

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...and the bad things up here started in earnest when the spawn of a pie faced hippie mother and a commie bigot pos was elected by fools. Down there I saw evil when the ovomit and his ASSministration took over.

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No question about it!

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Dr Paul. Those would be the honourable righteous sentiments and hopes of a good person with different views from others who are also of good character who want what is best for all Americans. Likely there are some rational people in the leftist Democrat ranks who feel the same way. We are well beyond that normality of past years where differences can be resolved and agreements made. Powerful, very bad people have made that so for their own gain. People who would vote for more of the last four years, whether a corrupt, destructive, amoral, power hungry, demented man or a hard core Marxist, corrupt, amoral, war monger, incompetent, profoundly unintelligent woman, leading to the total destruction of American and with it the free world, are not rational and can’t be reasoned with. Even after the very successful high performance years of the Trump presidency that benefited all average people, these people still did not change their position. Only if Trump wins will it be possible for unity. If the Democrats win, it is over. Evil knows no mercy.

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In this I agree, if dems win it could be over...scary times...but do we fold? should we work together to fix things for USA? for the future? our kids?

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All one can do is be true and oppose evil be they democrap or Repub. but we should never give up.

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Amen. And I have supported Dr. McCullough and the Wellness company. Bought the kits. Just in case!😉

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Good post

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