We MUST get to the place where it is not one versus the other, one person e.g. Trump vs Harris etc., and that Trump is an existential threat to democracy, is Hitler etc., No, we must get to the place
urgently where we can have a difficult discussion and ongoing, yet civilly, where we can differ, where our discussion is reasoned, reflective, thoughtful debate on different competing visions for USA
Trump has different views, yes, Harris has different views and so forth, we generally do, and this is actually rich, NEEDED, yet we must have honest, very open, transparent, contentious, difficult even, explicit, trustworthy debate, a thoughtful debate on competing visions for USA and if they are competing that is ok, yet we have the debate where we inform, share, educate, listen etc. but not threaten. This is the way forward, where we listen to competing visions and learn and allow that to evolve our thinking etc. We do not resort to wanting to harm, hurt, kill our opponents. It is not ONLY about making information available, it’s about not suppressing information. Allow people to have both sides of the debate so that they can be optimally informed. A pure honest free exchange of information, of ideas.
I want America to win, I see tomorrow and have hope in it, in our young people…I have hope. That is it. I will support any side if they are for America and doing good for America. Any person. I support the police, Secret Service, FBI, any law enforcement etc. that does good by America...that’s it. This fight is for our children, we will not be here, so we set the table for them. We set the playing field. Our time is limited in this world…so we use our time here to fix the future, or at least help improve it.
If that is where you are going, doing good by America and its peoples, then call me.
If you wish to give a donation to help, you can at:
Or Ko-Fi
Or to my address at:
150 South 8th Street
Unit 170
Lewiston, New York
You must not wait for another catastrophic crisis (at times manufactured but we are prevented from making our own basic personal decisions or accessing needed drugs and response tools) to catch you off-guard. We must take charge and be prepared today so that we can enjoy peace of mind tomorrow.
Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Adolf Hitler had different views too...the British Govt tried appeasement, and every time they met with Hitler, a few days later he invaded Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Poland...which is why Churchill became PM...the Deep State and the evil bad guys are real, and KM is up to her eyeballs in it...this isn't a tea party disagreement, this is Good v Evil and trying to save this planet...KM and her buddies are Traitors and Felons and belong in GITMO prisons and deserve to be hanged or a firing squad...they don't listen to cogent, logical arguments, this isn't the Oxford or Cambridge Debating Society where everyone shakes hands afterwards and then has a few drinks at the bar...after all we've learned and experienced, Paul, they don't deserve humane treatment imo.
Different views are not tolerated in police states and America is a communist uniparty police state. Harris was raised by a Marxist economist and is hostile to black and white people. Marxist economics are the economics of communism. The Dems and RINOS are just different factions of the US communist uniparty. Harris' vision of an even more communistic America needs to be challenged.