I don't think career criminals and pedo kid sniffers deserve respect or pity but that's just me.

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I'm with YOU. I don't know where Dr. Alexander is coming from. He talks negatively about JOE. Now, he wants us to respect this traitor to our Country. NO Thank You....

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i agree with you- after all Biden took classified illegally while he was a senator and sound of mind ,with clarity of purpose ,and thot was ‘ to peddle the information as useful to foreign national businessmen and political state serbants” as such the Prosecutor was TOTALLY incorrect that CRIME is PROCESSABLE today irrespective of the Alleged wrong doer’s mental capacity today- The courts have prosecuted “ cold case files” before the statute of limitations ran out and they were incarcerated- There was no legal or any other

legal factor to inhibit Prosecutor Hur from referring the Case to the DOJ for remedial action as the Defendant continued his illegal acts well into his movement into the Vice presidency and ultimately into the the presidency- Congressman Comer has a litany of

exhibits showing the payments into and out of shell corporations disguised in an attempt to LAUNDER MONIES the checks ultimately wind up in President joe’s account , or are

are paid to him by family members with no associated references as to loans or other

the IRS if they had the balls would process the allegation-

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I have plenty of sympathy for people who are suffering. I cannot give that sympathy to Biden. Many have died due to his pathological callous and cruel actions.

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yes but here there is some scheme to get some outcome and they are shredding him to do it...that I do not like...people to pay for sins...sure....but we dont dehumanize people

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You are being too generous to a fucking viper- who caustically told 45 when debating

the debate “ whats the matter Donald? are you too busy to make it on a Wednesday’

When this fucking l,iying ROTHEAD knew he had siv=cced the entire Government on him Engeron Marchan, Bragg Smith, Ltittia growisha- C’mon this scumbag deserves

a fucking bullet in his addled brain - ( Even his son Hunter hates him ) according to portions of the Laptop from hell- Doc stop drinking the lemonade!

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You don't call what JOE does to women NOT dehumanizing? What about

Title IX and his wanting to allow men to enter women's locker rooms etc.

JOE is a scumbag. He showered with his daughter. He also mandated the

JAB. The people were stupid. A mandate is NOT a law.

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Totally agree.

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As I see it, this is elder abuse and his wife is allowing this to happen, and on TV for the world to see. On the debate, she talked to him like talking to a child. I felt embarrassed for him , for her and for the American people. In this present day world, the US needs a strong leader.

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Biden is the worst kind of criminal we can find on earth. Being senile is not the reason for anyone to sympathize with him.

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You won't find me feeling sorry for poor Old JOE.

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It’s gonna be my 90th birthday this Feb 16t h i would like some of our great ladies on this site

to bake me a “JOE BIDEN MINCED PIE CAKE!-Gonna rent a “two holer “ Stearman and tear a few

holes in the sky-If it was an F16- I might turn S/SW on a heading for DC- Happy 4th-of July to all of my colleagues- please be mindful that 4 of our patriots gave their lives because of reckless

congressional bitches like Cheny whose father has the distinction of fostering 9-11 how do we

allow such scum to continue this marvellous republic we were gifted?

Love to all of you!

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As the truth is known…what goes around, he sent around, now that it comes back around he richly deserves to experience the sufferings he has caused others and only Jesus Christ can have mercy on such an evil doer!

What does jimmy Hoffa’s ghost say? And the chorus of his many victims?

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i am not a christian , but my christian friends have assured me he is going SOUTHBOUND

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America is, indeed, in dire straits.

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old age is no excuse for nazis

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Dr. Alexander: You are talking from both sides of your mouth. First, you lower JOE. Now, you want us to have respect and mercy. Please stop. That makes me sick to my stomach. Look at how we are living under this arrogant mindless man.

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I despise the phony lying puke. He thought he was good enough to be POTUS but was an ignorant arrogant waif. He is responsible for ruined lives and murdered people. I say hang the criminal.

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JOE is certainly ignorant and arrogant. Just look what he did to SCJ Thomas during his

confirmation hearing.

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BiDUMB is an ugly twisted mouthpiece, with the IQ of a meat cleaver and the appeal of vomit slime.

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I couldn't have said it better :-)

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But Lynn, my closet friend once told me I was a terrible man. And I know gal, that it is in you to best me in my sarcastic sniping of the snot suckers on the left.

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For sure :-)

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Joe Biden is one of the primary perpetrators, and now ancient victim of a political system with no ethics, morals or respect for honesty. He is one of the assassins and the last fatality of America's tragic demise. I agree with Dr. Alexander, I too feel very sorry for him. I pity him because he sacrificed his mental health a long time ago while he contributed to and became the corrupt system which silently destroyed his conscience. Now we all suffer from his ignorance, his mental decline and his lack of strength and integrity to step down. I think a lot of Americans have learned something from Joe Biden's debate performance. And that is: Use your own eyes--if the guy at the podium is half asleep, has a shallow breath, and is mumbling in distress, and those behind him are telling him he is a marvel, you know you have been duped for as long as he has and that is at least 50 years.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

He wasn't senile when he committed most of his many acts of treason. No mercy for treason.

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Biden won't step aside until he has assurances from who ever comes in that his Crime Family will not be prosecuted under a Democrat administration. The Crime Family's problem is they should have planned to be brought to trial, avoiding double jeopardy and then gotten a pardon from ole Joe. But Hunter and his uncles are at risk now.

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Biden got organic brain syndrome after his brain surgey.. that is why he has no impluse control and if he sees a kid he sniffs away, because he is a sick pedo. He pets peoples arms, he rests his head on the forehead of the pope and poops his pants as if Depends were going out of style.

The cards are in place... the bankers and oligrachs who run the CIA, etc thought they could have a controlled demolition on the USA... it is not going to work out that way, and the Deep State will be destroyed, but that means the whole thing gets destroyed. This happens either before, during or after the economic implosion. I hope the transition can be done with compassion but I am a cynic for we are dealing with some very sick people (Biden aside) more, more, more, power, power power, control. control, control.

When the dust settles many will have left this planet..... I just don't see how this will be otherwise.

I am trying to focus on how I want the world to look and function after the dust settles.

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I don't think there will be any compassion in it.

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" I now know that the sick evil dark malevolent players behind the scenes are doing these things to subvert and harm Americans and you have no idea what they are doing."

That's correct, the malevolent players and you know who they are but not enough Americans, yet. to stand in oppositions to these players. They disabled people through propaganda and vaccinations.

Is there a way to undo it?

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We are Hungarian. Were you born in Poland?

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Yes, we must all feel sorry for The Dummy because of his "condition" which begs the question why was he in the Black House all this time when he was DOA 5-10 years ago? No mercy...were we supposed to just put up with this nonsense? Is there anyone in his condition who would be ensconced in a position of power and authority? No, they'd be in an old folks home.

The slime-o-crats tried to pull a fast one hoping they could get The Dummy for two terms and take out the country. They have failed and we are supposed to bow down to them? Oh, poor, poor joey...give him a break?

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NO....NO.....NO break for JOE.....

Because, he sure is trying to break the American People and our Country.

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How could the cabinet have allowed this to continue with such dangerous adversaries looking to pounce on us?-- Yes they all knew- and we should hold them accountable and what that means that they have taken on his guilt as well- and that is legal fact and not an opinion

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