It's a bioweapon.

NOT a vaccine.

Please stop using the Ministry of Truth's wording.

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Yes, agreed, a bio-weapon. Man made, no benefit, known harms to humanity, biological in nature, willful deception of the public, continue to push the agent. Keep spreading the word. The bodies are piling up.

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It's like we're witness to the MSM version of the Kubler-Ross stages of acceptance of death. In this case we're not yet dealing with the acceptance of the fact that the shots were never safe and never effective (for ANY subgroup IMHO). But as far as excess deaths are concerned we've now passed the Denial phase and are probably ready for the Bargaining phase, and even Depression. Once the MSM have accepted that indeed we are experiencing a massive uptick in deaths, the next phase will be to look at why. Of course any relationship to the shots will be denied (Step 1!) vigorously. But they have to start somewhere. The MSM should *but probably won't* experience Depression once they realize that they pushed the ineffective and dangerous shots.

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A conscience...self-awareness of having done something wrong...is required for someone to feel remorse or become depressed. Psychopaths lack this capacity.

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From the BBC article: 'no evidence of vaccine effect'. Well, that's odd, because Ed Dowd's excellent book, 'Cause Unknown - the Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022' demonstrates exactly that vaccine effect, incontrovertibly.

"While this data on its own can't tell us it's the vaccine protecting people from dying - there are too many complicating factors - if vaccines were driving excess deaths we would expect this to be the other way around."

Well, that's interesting because it is exactly the other way round. The evidence shows that it is the vaxxed who are dying. And Ed's book shows that excess deaths are most marked among those of working age, who are (a) the fittest cohort in the population, (b) the most likely to have been coerced by vaxx mandates.

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see Dr. Nass' substack, starting tomorrow through 27th, free ebooks: Dowd's, Malone's and Robert F. Kennedy's, only free for a week, but the blue pilled can read them for free.

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Dowd committed the same cardinal sins your side has since the start. Ask yourself: why did influencers program you all with cherrypicked info and assumptions to embrace the extreme position that the COVID injections are responsible for everything? Hmmm? Hint: $$$$.

I've been following some British doctors and alternative journalists for a long time. This is what has been happening over there. The government fully embraced your side's "let it rip" strategy. In April 2022, they removed the availability of PCR and "free" LFT tests for the public and the medical system. Who knows what these actually check, but almost everyone had become dependent on them for diagnosis.

Infectees with this agent began being diagnosed as ABC (anything but COVID) by themselves and/or doctors. If lung imaging was ordered, "ground glass opacity" (i.e., blood clots -- a classic sign) was declared as normal. These people did not receive early treatment as they passed through ERs. Before recovering, they were pushed back into schools, workplaces, and public venues.

The Office for National Statistics has been performing random testing for this agent. It showed the UK experienced four huge waves last year and has been in one this year. A lot of people have experienced repetitive symptomatic reinfections. Each time increases risk for a worse outcome. This is what your side has been claiming is immunity.

Hospitals and ambulances became overwhelmed with serious cases and staffing shortages. Whenever that happens, deaths rise. Much of the excess deaths last year occurred at home. In the past few weeks, legislatures said they would investigate this. Maybe the horror will stop.

It's so much easier thinking like a preschooler. There's only one answer for everything. Marching on other people's graves and injuries is somehow entertainment.

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You are being silly, Serena, sorry. The African continent is only 5% jabbed - go check their covid death rates. The fact is that the injections are driving the variants, as Professor Vandenbossche predicted before they rollout was even started. And the jabbed are dying - of covid and of everything else - at a greater rate than the unjabbed. Also, NHS nurses will tell you - as they did when they demonstrated against the mandates (and won, because the NHS didn't want them as loose cannons telling everyone what was going on in hospitals) that they were having to cover for their jabbed colleagues, who were endlessly off sick.

Yes, many of the excess deaths happen at home. My husband (an out-of-hours GP) collapsed unconscious in our kitchen a week after his booster. He survived but is not taking any more boosters (even though he will not admit what caused his collapse and subsequent referral to a cardiologist). A long-time friend of mine died instantly of a catastophic heart attack a few months after her booster. She was the fittest, most active person I've ever known. We were in a WhatsApp group of 5 old classmates and me. I warned them before the booster (one had already suffered cardiac arrest 2 months after her second jab. She lost two brothers in law to 'SADS' after the booster and another member of the group lost her husband to a heart attack after the booster. So don't talk about 'my side', thanks very much.

And don't make me laugh about government 'investigations'. I live in Scotland. They government had to do an 'investigation' into the abnormally high rate of still births since the vaxx rollout. They refused to ask the women who lost their babies if they were 'vaccinated' because it would have been 'upsetting', so that the 'vaccines' couldn't be blamed. And that's after making people show vaxx passes to get into events and to travel, when everyone not living under a rock knew that the vaxxed and unvaxxed get infected at exactly the same rate and pass on the infection at exactly the same rate (but the vaxxed die at a higher rate) There will be no investigations, only 'investigations'. You are eye-wateringly naive.

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PS re 'immunity', your immune system is damaged by the covid injections, so of course there will be repeat infections among the jabbed (I'm double jabbed, by the way, so again, best not to talk about 'my side'). I didn't find out until too late what is going on. I don't know what my long-term prognosis is, but I'm pretty certain I'm not going to live to 88 like my mother.

Why don't you cite me a page of Ed's book where you think there is cherry picking of data. I have 7 copies (6 to send to other people) so I won't have any trouble finding your reference(s). Don't miss the over-1000 scientific papers Ed has cited on observed 'vaccine' harms.

Finally, the rest of the agenda is falling into place. The UK has a government consultation online about digital ID (which is what the covid pass was to entrain us for - I refused to have one, even when I was jabbed, because the very idea was outrageous). But the government isn't advertising the consultation, because it wants to be able to say there is no opposition to their agenda (well, not their agenda - the WEF agenda). They only opened it on 4 Jan and it ends at the end of Feb. And it's been made deliberately complicated. How many words do you actually need to ask if people want to be part of a totally controlled, dystopian ,digitally tracked future? And the CBDCs are coming on nicely pretty much everywhere.


See how you like it when you can't spend 'money' with an expiry date outside of the zone they tell you to live in (did I mention 15- and 20-minute cities? Because they're testing those in Oxford, Canterbury and a bunch of other places right now).

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I've seen Serena's exact comment a few times now... The wording is almost as if it was done by AI chat... seems to be a direct copy paste job each time... WEF may have run low on cash to keep funding the social comment contributers... Most are on Facebook and Twitter... I think they have put low effort into substack for the time being. Could be that there are a lot of people like yourself who can destroy their fiction too easily. Brilliant response you did though!!

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all I can see at work those that took the vaccine are sick and reoccurring. That’s the facts

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The unjabbed are doing fine. I took the hcq/zinc protocol when I got sick and immediately recovered. Two good friends of mine were immediately injured by the jabs. This may just be anecdotal to you, but my own first-hand experience is vastly more convincing to me.

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Our side never wanted to "let it rip", without protecting vulnerable populations. It is we who wanted effective, early treatment which would have saved the vast majority. Your side wanted to let the vulnerable become so ill they couldn't breathe, before allowing 'treatment'. The treatment often consisted of isolation, remdesivir, respiratory depressing drugs such as morphine/midazolam (massive doses) and ventilation. That would kill a healthy elephant, never mind a person in their 80's will comorbidities. Btw. the average age of death from covid, according to the ONS, was over 80. Unlike the lethal experimental genetic injections.

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Yes. They are STILL killing people. 55 year old friend told he had “light” covid. Injected with Remdesivir and put on a ventilator. Died FORTY EIGHT HOURS later. They are still killing us in 2023!!!!!!!

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In SW Florida, we go to our county commissioners monthly meeting with several active citizens. We present them with the evidence and put in on the record. We put them on notice as being complicit if they do not act. It took 2 years of active participation and relentless activism. We are seeing results. We are opening eyes. Rise up, recruit friend, family and community. Humanity must rise up.

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So many could have been saved if they had just drunk their own urine. It does not need a prescription, and can never be banned.


More info inc. books and references:


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Clot Shot.


Experimental synthetic laboratory sludge.

Genetic modification injection.

Population reduction inoculation.


But it ain't no "vaccine."

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When state propagandists like BBC start acknowledging truths they've lied about for two years you have to wonder what's coming toward them they can't lie their way out of.

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I’m British and the bbc disgust me. They also initiated the trusted news initiative

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To be fair, it is the people who have captured the BBC, just like they have captured the regulatory health authorities and many parts of government.

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Dr Paul when you call it a vaccine people get confused, please call it by its right name, BIOWEAPON.

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I think it’s also worth pointing out that the number of excess deaths being experienced in the UK likely surpasses the numbers lost during The Blitz (WWII Bombing of Great Britain). But they’re just noticing now? It’s beyond belief that it’s just becoming clear now. In fact it’s not credible. The Media know what’s going on. Gotta be lots of money flowing into their accounts.

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I think they are finally admitting to the Covid and vax BS because they are ending covid to make way for their next plandemic and fake cure. They never do anything based on science or what is moral, they always have an evil agenda!

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So I have been stating for some time, it is not a vaccine. Aaron Siri says it is just like all the others. Aaron Siri (Ican/The Highwire brilliant attorney) says, the Covid injection is like many other "vaccines". If the mRNA jab is not a vaccine, many others are not vaccines. Bottom line, they're all toxic, ineffective, inadequately tested. I just joined his substack today.https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-are-vaccines/comments?utm_source=substack%2Csubstack&publication_id=516360&post_id=103922621&utm_medium=email%2Cemail&isFreemail=false&comments=true

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The article also admits that heart attacks are up.

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Yep it’s those delayed adverse reactions to gene therapies

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From the article. This will be the focus. I’m sure the UK data to be released this week will also be gamed -

“Finally, figures up to June 2022 looking at deaths from all causes show unvaccinated people were more likely to die than vaccinated people.”

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I think it was around May or June that the death rates flipped, such that there were more vaxxed than unvaxxed deaths, hence no more tracking. I follow Dr. John Campbell from the UK. He needs to be careful, has gotten very good at speaking between the lines after You Tube threatened to kick him off. He is old school, classic medical and originally supported the shots, but also paid attention to the adverse reactions, also paid attention to the success of repurposed drugs in treating Covid, takes his vitamin D and is now aghast at the excess all cause mortality that really looks like it is jab related. So, there are brave voices across the pond.

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Feb 20, 2023
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Sad but true. Easy to see in a small town.

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We have hope.

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They are willing to blame anything but their golden egg laying duck (mRNA vaccines) for the excess deaths. They now acknowledge the excess deaths. That's good. But they NEED to put the full responsibility for those excess deaths onto something other than the money maker mRNA products. ACCEPT THAT EXCESS DEATHS ARE HAPPENING BUT BLAME ANYTHING BUT mRNA. Otherwise, their golden egg laying duck is dead.

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