know to make me stand up against the grain & be cancelled as I did? Did Oskoui know? What? Hodkinson, what did he know? Then again, how could Brett Weinstein get it so wrong on lockdowns & vaccine?
Boom and once again, Elizabeth Hart you strike fear into the enemy's heart for you are over the target. This was deliberate, reckless, dangerous and malfeasant and people must pay.
There is a precedent to this. The UK MMR vaccine and Dr Andrew Wakefield. With 2 other colleagues he cast doubt in the MMR vax. The full wrath of the UK medical profession, plus the UK government plus the media plus big pharma came down on their heads. 2 rescinded their results under such pressure. But not Andrew Wakefield.
He retreated to the US. Such is the indoctrination that he’s still reviled in the UK by the dumb sheep. But NOT the mothers of children who contracted autism after the jab.
In the US more and more people are linking autism to vaccines. Andrew Wakefield time will come.
Wouldn’t you like to know, how the same people who created this mess for the world, are still walking around? Did they subject themselves to the experimental jab, mandated ? Are they experiencing any physical demise? Also, what about the “ inconsistencies “ in the batch lots and how were the lot batches dispersed? Were certain groups of people the targets” for these bio weapons, or were we all under the same zombie spell?
Why were there doctors who kept telling people to avoid the jab, willing to give up everything to warn us to not take the jab? These are the Absolute real HEROES. They subjected themselves, their careers, and way of life, to try to warn us! While others in the medical field, fell in line to follow and instruct the masses to line up. Not much different from the gas chambers of the 1940’s, huhhh.
If you ever go to local government meetings, listen up. Notice, they have 20 year, 15 year, 10 year, 5 year, one year plans. They do not randomly pick something to target as a mission. Everything is planned, maybe tweaked through the planning sessions, but none the less, planned.
Notice how many complexes of apartment buildings are being built, in every city, and even in outskirts to the suburbs everywhere. Not by chance, but by plan. How many years out, and why? Why do we all keep getting phone calls, text messages, and letters/ junk mail on and on, daily to “ purchase our land and homes?”
The same scared people who were targets of the jab, are now targets of the land grab. The same people who are still walking around, are now coming for the peoples property.
It is all part of the plan. They didn’t take the jab. They meet in Davos. They open the borders. They open the prison doors. They imprison targeted groups. They call you racists. They create chaos, continuously. And on and on.. trans, homophobic, alphabet desecration, rainbow desecration, ...
It’s all related. CoVid, lipid nano particles, chaos, social change, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Hamas, Palestine, Iran, China and most of all, the bag of mumbling bones in the WH, directed by the one and only evil spirit from the past WH two term visit. Yep, it’s all a part of their: “ build back better, plan” their: “once we get it, you won’t get it back” ( laughing hyena)...
We the People were taken off guard. We were comfortable. We believed in hard work, perseverance, persistence and the American way! They have been planning for years, they have been tweaking their base. We now, need to be strong, plan and unite to save our existence!!
Unacceptable Jessica has cross-posted a stack from Ian Brighthope entitled:
"mRNA is a class one carcinogen."
New data are in from Japan and they're not pretty. Here is the conclusion from the scientific paper reviewed:
Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS- CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown."
Actually I would have done same...there are legal issues here no doubt, but as a parent, and knowing what I knew about zero risk to healthy children, and an untested unsafe vaccine, I would have done same.
They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset of the rapid waning of purported immunity and the inability of the jabs to produce mucosal immunity. They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset that the contents of the jabs can be injected inadvertently directly into the bloodstream and that they persist in the body long term and do not remain at the injection site in the deltoid and are instead dispersed throughout the body to all organ systems and into the placenta and breast milk and into the developing foetus and newborn infant. They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset that myocardial scarring from the jabs would be evident for those who developed myocarditis one year after the jabs and that there are biologically plausible mechanisms for the development and promotion of cancer from the jabs, as discussed in the studies reviewed in the substack at the link below. There was no way they could not know. Everybody knew.
Two new studies suggest mRNA Covid vaccines can contribute to cancer formation
This breaking preprint by Zhang et al. gives us more evidence that the spike glycoprotein whether from the natural virus infection (COVID virus) or synthetic man-made cellular spike protein (translated from mRNA-LNP complex platform injected into your deltoid) post mRNA technology vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech due to Bourla, Bancel, Malone, Kariko, Tureci, Weissman, Sahin et al.) inhibits a critical tumor suppressor protein e.g. P53, which can lead to increased incidence of cancer. It is more than likely that this is one of the key pathways involved in the explosion of cancers since the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines, January February 2021. Especially in high-vaccinated nations.
yes they knew and yes this is why we need accountability...all who knew must some manner...I am for justice for people died due to them, their actions and inactions...when they justice but it is a must
In a situation where people had full use of their cerebral cortex - normal, not "super brain power" - a guy getting prosecuted for protecting his child from gross and grievous harm would be the last signal they'd need so as to realize that their world had become completely UPSIDE DOWN.
As in -"inverted." Serial child predators, rapists, sadists, loose screw 'Colonel Russell Williams' types - ARE the ESTABLISHMENT now. They don't 'own' the power structure - they run it for those that actually do... and that system is run(powered)by means of complicity. Guilt, blackmail, greed, revenge, bribery, these tools of the $power have been used for aeons, but never have they reached the tipping point before, when the warped and wasted could actually entertain the notion of persecuting "normal."
Protecting children from harm is 'normal.' And you can expect to be persecuted/penalized for doing so. Yes, that's how bad it's gotten. No, it's not 'excusable' that so many still pretend that this or that 'candidate' of the uniparty is gonna 'fix things' next October. The door to advancement in politics is closed to those who don't have anything to fear in their closet. But here we are, still bogged down in which puppet to go with, which MD was guilty of knowing, which media source to trust.
That's not how it works. In the real world... which is no longer 'accessible' for most. It left - for cleaner parts - some time in between when a monster name of Morgenthaler was presented "THE ORDER OF CANADA" for his 'work' of destroying human fetuses - and the moment when the sum total of aborted souls in North America passed the 100million mark
One hundred million dead souls that you imagine are no longer around to trouble the living. But then - you also imagine yourself 'among the living.' The western world has become a freaking nightmare land beyond the worst B movie script. Seriously. Pull the plug on your 'mediaz' and you'd realize it real soon.
You simply have no idea how people outside the west regard y'all now. Collectively, as some kind of demons. Because of the company ye's keep, and the leaders ya's reap. Reap for lettin that 'body count' creep ever higher and longer. Those 'dead souls' are now watching - as the horror they experienced enters the world of the living - via a vaccine your doctors and 'leaders' promised would 'do no harm.'
The "Champions of Women's Reproductive FREEDOM' 30-40 years back in the 'medical profession' turn out to be the 'Exterminators of Women's Reproductive ABILITY in the present. The present 'really real' holocaust.
Colonel Russell Williams was THE role model. He was rapidly promoted and became CO of CFB Trenton for a reason. His superiors promoted him because they were very astute about what he was like and although he was dumb (see the video of the police interview with him in which they ran rings around him) his superiors liked what they saw. Despite being dumb he probably carried out more serial killings than he was tried for. Yes, he's the role model for the entire establishment now.
I cannot speak to the case of individuals, I am not in their heads, nor do I know all the details of their histories. But in answer to the general question you pose in the title of this post, "What did Canadian/US truckers know that made them say no?" I think of the problem as the Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud 2-part thing.
First part: there are some people who are not so concerned about what people in a supposedly "better" slice of the sociological pie think of them; therefore, their vision isn't clouded by the Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud. They just check in with their own experience and their own God-given common sense, and if they spot bovineshale, they call it bovineshale.
Second part: Then there are the people who do have a professional and social status they have worked hard for many years to achieve and wish to protect. And now, suddenly in March 2020 there appears this Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud. And over 2021 and 2022 and 2023, it only gets bigger and louder and darker. Among this second group of people, only a very small percentage have shown that they have the wherewithal to be able to see clearly past that— to walk out of it, making the necessary sacrifices, into the clear air. This is why most of them are still lost in the dark and the noise, and to follow the metaphor a ways, wondering how they got so much seagull poop in their hair.
This is a difficult area to comment on but i am going to take an educated guess :-I attribute my ability
to avoid destruction to my colleagues i studied with during the past 22 years of learning ‘ How to think outside of the box” CRITICAL THINKING”- I went to “ Life’s college “- which most likely saved my life- I also became opened minded to “ sequential thinking” it is a process that is learned by
CSI students in The early years of their Criminology studies-how to arrive on a scene and process a crime scene-I am further convinced that our institutions of “higher learning” are out of touch with reality and in essence are serving a corrupt governmental criminal cartel by “ dumbing down the students- I am further convinced that we need establish a “ national grand jury” and weigh in on these awseome problems that face us- we need a go fund me page-to provide the basic capital to perform this most needed service to the US and the world at large- The College professors need be
“ collecteda’ and placed in “ a revisionary institute” it may require some extensive shock treatments or lobotomies, and they may not be returned to society as useful human beings until they go thru a p;eer review with my colleagues and asscoiates on a bord of governors- All of the various institutes
need be shut down and defunded immediately ie: the Rand institute, the Rockefeller foundation. the Ford Foundation- The US must remove itself fro The UN as well as NATO - Both parties need be
permanently outlawed and it be a third class felony to be associated with or belobg to or serve these
criminal cartels in any shape nor matter- All funds of these Criminal organizations must be folrfeit
under RICO - The residual funds to be used to “ make whole the people they have harmed or transgressed against- ( The Jan 6th political prisoners , and Trump and company\- Several need be slated for a sentence of high treason and committed to the gallows for a public televised execution
Justice needs to be administered to, it certainly appears, a great many people.
Unfortunately, although the world is coming around with more countries electing govts with alternate slates focused on doing some of what you noted, Canada and US, Australia and UK, France, Isreal and others govts and more, have and continue to serve the interests of those bent on depopulating the world. They still have the audacity to try and catch the uninformed or not willing to be informed, and promote more of this. Additionally, they support, and I don't even know how they are spinning this, the same poisons going into lots of our foods.
Does it strike any of you as odd that 5g towers were built in a fury during lockdowns when only essential services were supposed to be operating and is there a full connection between them and pumping as much of this shht into us as they possibly can? Has anyone noticed any benefit whatsoever from 5g? In anything? Any difference even? Or are the particulate in the poisons metallic, yes, and interfacing with 5g towers?
I agree with the information you have posted- The public at large has been “ dusted “ daily with heavy metal particulates, mostly in combination with sulphates and cerfactants that have the ability to be ingested in the pulmonary systems of cellular structure -over one million species have been driven extinct as a direct result of “ Geo-Engineering” it was developed and patented by Raytheon- and has been deployed as I.M.O. a WMD ) since 1947 -and disguised as a ‘a deterrant to global warming” when it was a False depiction and no longer does this errant criminal regime call it “ a conspiracy theory” as it has admitted to it’s use-
Lithium has been a key Heavy metal “ dropped “ on us Most humans have about between
a 3-5 % amount in their blood stream i was tested- and found to have 3% in my cellular structure-The Bastards have literally destroyed the honey bee culture as once the litium gets into the bee’s system - it disturbs the bee’s natural “gyro” a device that allows bees and birds
to find their way home under any conditions- destroying insects was the first step in the globalists approach to agenda 21-30- ( Check your own area -Where are the flocks of abirds-
They have deminished and will continue to do so- However T ennesse has passed the anti-Geo-engineering law yesterday and 6 states are rioght behind them- The Man Responsible for sounding the “ alarm” is Dr Dane Wiggington of California ( i have known him for many years)
We owe Dane a debt of profound kudos for such an undertaking as he has alerted the world
in his GEO-ENGINEERING .ORG.- These nano particles were supplied by American Metals
JOHN THUNE So You see all of these fucking son’s of bitches were and are engaged in. a complicit conspiracy to destroy us , regardless of which party- which is why i maintain
There's a debate over whether or not it would be a good thing to add lithium to drinking water supplies to reduce violent crime, suicide, bipolar disorder and dementia. I've not followed the debate or looked at the evidence so have no idea whether or not the costs would outweigh the benefits. I imagine there would be a lot of opposition but perhaps not more than there is to fluoridation of drinking water. Lithium was reportedly shown to be able to reduce the number of days of hospital and intensive care unit admission as well as the risk of death in hospitalized covid patients although there have also been reports that it may be toxic at therapeutic doses as a fallout of COVID-19 infection.
As delivered by the “ Illegal dropping of aerosols, whch certainly find it;s way into the water supply system , does not improve the health of a human cell, -I do not know where you heard that - other than in some psychiatric circles, and that mode is liquid-combined with sulphates
“ none of these items were ever intended to invade the human system- and by and large they are considered “ heavy metals” and are toxic to the human system I.M.O.--The anti chemical act of 1972 forbids the dropping of chemicals in the biosphere- the US has violated this accord ( although signing on to it) for 52 years-hows that for breaking records?
Totally agree,. furthermore time and metrics have proven that when a government says
“ take this it’s good for you” is the time to fucking run away from that bastard as if the devil himself was chasing you-Look at the 100 dollar bills the Bitches were giving out to poor black folks to take the covid shot free in New York--Governments are the certified killers of their own people-
The lack of critical thinking within the medical profession & all those Karens who screamed at us to get the damn shots is immense! I don’t know what about EXPERIMENTAL people didn’t get? That’s all it took for me. I’m not willing to be a human guinea pig. I didn’t need any other data. And now, they can spin it however they want. I now know they routinely manipulate the data to get approval of harmful products. Especially “vaccines”. Since no liability & full immunity from lawsuits. I will never take any of their new fangled poisons disguised as a health protocol. Zero trust ever again!
The Hebrews, on their last night in Egypt, were instructed by an angel of the Lord to paint their lintels and doorposts with the blood of the lambs which they had just sacrificed. And the people were obedient; and the destruction of death passed over their houses, but not one Egyptian house was left without at least one dead. (Exodus Chap 12, my paraphrase). I have very recently come to consider that this is "how we knew"--that is, we didn't actually know, but we were obedient to an unheard command.
I just read it. Shocking. How come dumb little old me from nowhere knew to wait (never took the jibby jabbies)?! I was pro #45 and didn’t care what he had to say about them nor did I care about traveling or eating out! After a few months of being constantly bombarded with fear, propaganda and threats, my spidey senses were on high alert and I said this is looney! I started following the Drs on the disinformation dozen list (Drs mind you of 25+ years and highly respected previously lol) and knew I made the right decision. Did lots of research and stayed strong in my convictions. I know other Drs in the health freedom movement who took the jabbies as well. Why in the world would you take it AFTER having coofid 1984?? They didn’t understand natural immunity? Really now.
And how does Dr MalOWNe continue to travel, ride horses, farm and write so much with all those aliments??
How did medical people get it so wrong? They were largely devoid of critical thinking.
In Australia, reportedly 70 million Covid injections have been administered across a population of 26 million, including two million children.
People were misinformed, coerced, intimidated and even MANDATED to submit to the jabs.
The medical people shouldn't have gone along with this, they've violated their legal and ethical obligation to obtain VOLUNTARY INFORMED CONSENT.
For more background from an Australian perspective, see:
- Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination:
- The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. "A political decision, not a health decision":
Boom and once again, Elizabeth Hart you strike fear into the enemy's heart for you are over the target. This was deliberate, reckless, dangerous and malfeasant and people must pay.
There is a precedent to this. The UK MMR vaccine and Dr Andrew Wakefield. With 2 other colleagues he cast doubt in the MMR vax. The full wrath of the UK medical profession, plus the UK government plus the media plus big pharma came down on their heads. 2 rescinded their results under such pressure. But not Andrew Wakefield.
He retreated to the US. Such is the indoctrination that he’s still reviled in the UK by the dumb sheep. But NOT the mothers of children who contracted autism after the jab.
In the US more and more people are linking autism to vaccines. Andrew Wakefield time will come.
beautiful sharing, Andrew is a hero...I read his work.
His time is coming, Paul
Wouldn’t you like to know, how the same people who created this mess for the world, are still walking around? Did they subject themselves to the experimental jab, mandated ? Are they experiencing any physical demise? Also, what about the “ inconsistencies “ in the batch lots and how were the lot batches dispersed? Were certain groups of people the targets” for these bio weapons, or were we all under the same zombie spell?
Why were there doctors who kept telling people to avoid the jab, willing to give up everything to warn us to not take the jab? These are the Absolute real HEROES. They subjected themselves, their careers, and way of life, to try to warn us! While others in the medical field, fell in line to follow and instruct the masses to line up. Not much different from the gas chambers of the 1940’s, huhhh.
If you ever go to local government meetings, listen up. Notice, they have 20 year, 15 year, 10 year, 5 year, one year plans. They do not randomly pick something to target as a mission. Everything is planned, maybe tweaked through the planning sessions, but none the less, planned.
Notice how many complexes of apartment buildings are being built, in every city, and even in outskirts to the suburbs everywhere. Not by chance, but by plan. How many years out, and why? Why do we all keep getting phone calls, text messages, and letters/ junk mail on and on, daily to “ purchase our land and homes?”
The same scared people who were targets of the jab, are now targets of the land grab. The same people who are still walking around, are now coming for the peoples property.
It is all part of the plan. They didn’t take the jab. They meet in Davos. They open the borders. They open the prison doors. They imprison targeted groups. They call you racists. They create chaos, continuously. And on and on.. trans, homophobic, alphabet desecration, rainbow desecration, ...
It’s all related. CoVid, lipid nano particles, chaos, social change, Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Hamas, Palestine, Iran, China and most of all, the bag of mumbling bones in the WH, directed by the one and only evil spirit from the past WH two term visit. Yep, it’s all a part of their: “ build back better, plan” their: “once we get it, you won’t get it back” ( laughing hyena)...
We the People were taken off guard. We were comfortable. We believed in hard work, perseverance, persistence and the American way! They have been planning for years, they have been tweaking their base. We now, need to be strong, plan and unite to save our existence!!
yes it is all related...beautiful post...excellent sharing, informative...all one operation
Unacceptable Jessica has cross-posted a stack from Ian Brighthope entitled:
"mRNA is a class one carcinogen."
New data are in from Japan and they're not pretty. Here is the conclusion from the scientific paper reviewed:
Statistically significant increases in age-adjusted mortality rates of all cancer and some specific types of cancer, namely, ovarian cancer, leukemia, prostate, lip/oral/pharyngeal, pancreatic, and breast cancers, were observed in 2022 after two-thirds of the Japanese population had received the third or later dose of SARS- CoV-2 mRNA-LNP vaccine. These particularly marked increases in mortality rates of these ERα-sensitive cancers may be attributable to several mechanisms of the mRNA-LNP vaccination rather than COVID-19 infection itself or reduced cancer care due to the lockdown."
Jessica is a champion
Superheavyweight, like you!
Actually I would have done same...there are legal issues here no doubt, but as a parent, and knowing what I knew about zero risk to healthy children, and an untested unsafe vaccine, I would have done same.
They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset of the rapid waning of purported immunity and the inability of the jabs to produce mucosal immunity. They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset that the contents of the jabs can be injected inadvertently directly into the bloodstream and that they persist in the body long term and do not remain at the injection site in the deltoid and are instead dispersed throughout the body to all organ systems and into the placenta and breast milk and into the developing foetus and newborn infant. They had full constructive and actual knowledge from the outset that myocardial scarring from the jabs would be evident for those who developed myocarditis one year after the jabs and that there are biologically plausible mechanisms for the development and promotion of cancer from the jabs, as discussed in the studies reviewed in the substack at the link below. There was no way they could not know. Everybody knew.
Two new studies suggest mRNA Covid vaccines can contribute to cancer formation
This breaking preprint by Zhang et al. gives us more evidence that the spike glycoprotein whether from the natural virus infection (COVID virus) or synthetic man-made cellular spike protein (translated from mRNA-LNP complex platform injected into your deltoid) post mRNA technology vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech due to Bourla, Bancel, Malone, Kariko, Tureci, Weissman, Sahin et al.) inhibits a critical tumor suppressor protein e.g. P53, which can lead to increased incidence of cancer. It is more than likely that this is one of the key pathways involved in the explosion of cancers since the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines, January February 2021. Especially in high-vaccinated nations.
exceptional informative post by you
yes they knew and yes this is why we need accountability...all who knew must some manner...I am for justice for people died due to them, their actions and inactions...when they justice but it is a must
Everybody knows that the Pharma research was rigged
Everybody except dumbf*cks twigged
Everybody knows that they fudged the data ...
Everybody Knows
thank you
Rigged and twigged, that’s the start of a great poem!
Thank you!
In a situation where people had full use of their cerebral cortex - normal, not "super brain power" - a guy getting prosecuted for protecting his child from gross and grievous harm would be the last signal they'd need so as to realize that their world had become completely UPSIDE DOWN.
As in -"inverted." Serial child predators, rapists, sadists, loose screw 'Colonel Russell Williams' types - ARE the ESTABLISHMENT now. They don't 'own' the power structure - they run it for those that actually do... and that system is run(powered)by means of complicity. Guilt, blackmail, greed, revenge, bribery, these tools of the $power have been used for aeons, but never have they reached the tipping point before, when the warped and wasted could actually entertain the notion of persecuting "normal."
Protecting children from harm is 'normal.' And you can expect to be persecuted/penalized for doing so. Yes, that's how bad it's gotten. No, it's not 'excusable' that so many still pretend that this or that 'candidate' of the uniparty is gonna 'fix things' next October. The door to advancement in politics is closed to those who don't have anything to fear in their closet. But here we are, still bogged down in which puppet to go with, which MD was guilty of knowing, which media source to trust.
That's not how it works. In the real world... which is no longer 'accessible' for most. It left - for cleaner parts - some time in between when a monster name of Morgenthaler was presented "THE ORDER OF CANADA" for his 'work' of destroying human fetuses - and the moment when the sum total of aborted souls in North America passed the 100million mark
One hundred million dead souls that you imagine are no longer around to trouble the living. But then - you also imagine yourself 'among the living.' The western world has become a freaking nightmare land beyond the worst B movie script. Seriously. Pull the plug on your 'mediaz' and you'd realize it real soon.
You simply have no idea how people outside the west regard y'all now. Collectively, as some kind of demons. Because of the company ye's keep, and the leaders ya's reap. Reap for lettin that 'body count' creep ever higher and longer. Those 'dead souls' are now watching - as the horror they experienced enters the world of the living - via a vaccine your doctors and 'leaders' promised would 'do no harm.'
The "Champions of Women's Reproductive FREEDOM' 30-40 years back in the 'medical profession' turn out to be the 'Exterminators of Women's Reproductive ABILITY in the present. The present 'really real' holocaust.
Colonel Russell Williams was THE role model. He was rapidly promoted and became CO of CFB Trenton for a reason. His superiors promoted him because they were very astute about what he was like and although he was dumb (see the video of the police interview with him in which they ran rings around him) his superiors liked what they saw. Despite being dumb he probably carried out more serial killings than he was tried for. Yes, he's the role model for the entire establishment now.
I cannot speak to the case of individuals, I am not in their heads, nor do I know all the details of their histories. But in answer to the general question you pose in the title of this post, "What did Canadian/US truckers know that made them say no?" I think of the problem as the Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud 2-part thing.
First part: there are some people who are not so concerned about what people in a supposedly "better" slice of the sociological pie think of them; therefore, their vision isn't clouded by the Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud. They just check in with their own experience and their own God-given common sense, and if they spot bovineshale, they call it bovineshale.
Second part: Then there are the people who do have a professional and social status they have worked hard for many years to achieve and wish to protect. And now, suddenly in March 2020 there appears this Giant Roiling Seagull-and-confetti-and-cannonball-filled Status Considerations Cloud. And over 2021 and 2022 and 2023, it only gets bigger and louder and darker. Among this second group of people, only a very small percentage have shown that they have the wherewithal to be able to see clearly past that— to walk out of it, making the necessary sacrifices, into the clear air. This is why most of them are still lost in the dark and the noise, and to follow the metaphor a ways, wondering how they got so much seagull poop in their hair.
This is a difficult area to comment on but i am going to take an educated guess :-I attribute my ability
to avoid destruction to my colleagues i studied with during the past 22 years of learning ‘ How to think outside of the box” CRITICAL THINKING”- I went to “ Life’s college “- which most likely saved my life- I also became opened minded to “ sequential thinking” it is a process that is learned by
CSI students in The early years of their Criminology studies-how to arrive on a scene and process a crime scene-I am further convinced that our institutions of “higher learning” are out of touch with reality and in essence are serving a corrupt governmental criminal cartel by “ dumbing down the students- I am further convinced that we need establish a “ national grand jury” and weigh in on these awseome problems that face us- we need a go fund me page-to provide the basic capital to perform this most needed service to the US and the world at large- The College professors need be
“ collecteda’ and placed in “ a revisionary institute” it may require some extensive shock treatments or lobotomies, and they may not be returned to society as useful human beings until they go thru a p;eer review with my colleagues and asscoiates on a bord of governors- All of the various institutes
need be shut down and defunded immediately ie: the Rand institute, the Rockefeller foundation. the Ford Foundation- The US must remove itself fro The UN as well as NATO - Both parties need be
permanently outlawed and it be a third class felony to be associated with or belobg to or serve these
criminal cartels in any shape nor matter- All funds of these Criminal organizations must be folrfeit
under RICO - The residual funds to be used to “ make whole the people they have harmed or transgressed against- ( The Jan 6th political prisoners , and Trump and company\- Several need be slated for a sentence of high treason and committed to the gallows for a public televised execution
Who will follow me?
yes, yes, yes, we will follow, excellent post, very informative...
You forgot the wef.
Justice needs to be administered to, it certainly appears, a great many people.
Unfortunately, although the world is coming around with more countries electing govts with alternate slates focused on doing some of what you noted, Canada and US, Australia and UK, France, Isreal and others govts and more, have and continue to serve the interests of those bent on depopulating the world. They still have the audacity to try and catch the uninformed or not willing to be informed, and promote more of this. Additionally, they support, and I don't even know how they are spinning this, the same poisons going into lots of our foods.
Does it strike any of you as odd that 5g towers were built in a fury during lockdowns when only essential services were supposed to be operating and is there a full connection between them and pumping as much of this shht into us as they possibly can? Has anyone noticed any benefit whatsoever from 5g? In anything? Any difference even? Or are the particulate in the poisons metallic, yes, and interfacing with 5g towers?
a great many people...I like
I agree with the information you have posted- The public at large has been “ dusted “ daily with heavy metal particulates, mostly in combination with sulphates and cerfactants that have the ability to be ingested in the pulmonary systems of cellular structure -over one million species have been driven extinct as a direct result of “ Geo-Engineering” it was developed and patented by Raytheon- and has been deployed as I.M.O. a WMD ) since 1947 -and disguised as a ‘a deterrant to global warming” when it was a False depiction and no longer does this errant criminal regime call it “ a conspiracy theory” as it has admitted to it’s use-
Lithium has been a key Heavy metal “ dropped “ on us Most humans have about between
a 3-5 % amount in their blood stream i was tested- and found to have 3% in my cellular structure-The Bastards have literally destroyed the honey bee culture as once the litium gets into the bee’s system - it disturbs the bee’s natural “gyro” a device that allows bees and birds
to find their way home under any conditions- destroying insects was the first step in the globalists approach to agenda 21-30- ( Check your own area -Where are the flocks of abirds-
They have deminished and will continue to do so- However T ennesse has passed the anti-Geo-engineering law yesterday and 6 states are rioght behind them- The Man Responsible for sounding the “ alarm” is Dr Dane Wiggington of California ( i have known him for many years)
We owe Dane a debt of profound kudos for such an undertaking as he has alerted the world
in his GEO-ENGINEERING .ORG.- These nano particles were supplied by American Metals
JOHN THUNE So You see all of these fucking son’s of bitches were and are engaged in. a complicit conspiracy to destroy us , regardless of which party- which is why i maintain
There's a debate over whether or not it would be a good thing to add lithium to drinking water supplies to reduce violent crime, suicide, bipolar disorder and dementia. I've not followed the debate or looked at the evidence so have no idea whether or not the costs would outweigh the benefits. I imagine there would be a lot of opposition but perhaps not more than there is to fluoridation of drinking water. Lithium was reportedly shown to be able to reduce the number of days of hospital and intensive care unit admission as well as the risk of death in hospitalized covid patients although there have also been reports that it may be toxic at therapeutic doses as a fallout of COVID-19 infection.
As delivered by the “ Illegal dropping of aerosols, whch certainly find it;s way into the water supply system , does not improve the health of a human cell, -I do not know where you heard that - other than in some psychiatric circles, and that mode is liquid-combined with sulphates
“ none of these items were ever intended to invade the human system- and by and large they are considered “ heavy metals” and are toxic to the human system I.M.O.--The anti chemical act of 1972 forbids the dropping of chemicals in the biosphere- the US has violated this accord ( although signing on to it) for 52 years-hows that for breaking records?
I'm not keen on the idea of mass medicating people without consent.
Totally agree,. furthermore time and metrics have proven that when a government says
“ take this it’s good for you” is the time to fucking run away from that bastard as if the devil himself was chasing you-Look at the 100 dollar bills the Bitches were giving out to poor black folks to take the covid shot free in New York--Governments are the certified killers of their own people-
The lack of critical thinking within the medical profession & all those Karens who screamed at us to get the damn shots is immense! I don’t know what about EXPERIMENTAL people didn’t get? That’s all it took for me. I’m not willing to be a human guinea pig. I didn’t need any other data. And now, they can spin it however they want. I now know they routinely manipulate the data to get approval of harmful products. Especially “vaccines”. Since no liability & full immunity from lawsuits. I will never take any of their new fangled poisons disguised as a health protocol. Zero trust ever again!
The medical community are a bunch of whores having been pimped off at 250,000 dollars a year by Fauci and the Pfizer pimps
The Hebrews, on their last night in Egypt, were instructed by an angel of the Lord to paint their lintels and doorposts with the blood of the lambs which they had just sacrificed. And the people were obedient; and the destruction of death passed over their houses, but not one Egyptian house was left without at least one dead. (Exodus Chap 12, my paraphrase). I have very recently come to consider that this is "how we knew"--that is, we didn't actually know, but we were obedient to an unheard command.
Go down and look for Malone taking the Covid shot and why? Whining bull shit. Does he list all his problems in VAERS? As far as I know NO. He’s lying?
I just read it. Shocking. How come dumb little old me from nowhere knew to wait (never took the jibby jabbies)?! I was pro #45 and didn’t care what he had to say about them nor did I care about traveling or eating out! After a few months of being constantly bombarded with fear, propaganda and threats, my spidey senses were on high alert and I said this is looney! I started following the Drs on the disinformation dozen list (Drs mind you of 25+ years and highly respected previously lol) and knew I made the right decision. Did lots of research and stayed strong in my convictions. I know other Drs in the health freedom movement who took the jabbies as well. Why in the world would you take it AFTER having coofid 1984?? They didn’t understand natural immunity? Really now.
And how does Dr MalOWNe continue to travel, ride horses, farm and write so much with all those aliments??