very important Data!



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As a nurse, I have seen abuse. Most of the time it was husband or male on female, or wife. I did see one case of female on female abuse but only that one. The er doctor is working in New York, what do you expect from a bunch of DEMONCRATS!

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ha ha

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This is nonsense. Women lack the physical strength as a rule and testosterone.

In Lesbian couples sure there's usually a masculine female who is stronger.

Yes, there are female misogynists..."mean girls" who usually harm other females. I know a couple. But they do their evil via manipulating males via lying, betrayal and flattery to defeat females far more often than physical violence.

Paul you know this with the military age males from other countries raping and pillaging the US and Europe...

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Coming out of Walmart today I saw a woman with two little blond girls, one a toddler and the other about a year old. They were so cute and at that moment I wondered what chance they had in life with the insanity all around us.

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How about bullying and mobbing in the workplace? Appears to be overwhelmingly female on female. Plus never any justice because another female adjudicates . Cat fights forever. In fact , there are hardly any men left at work.

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Thanks for speaking the truth Doc...we are onto them, and if it were possible, would like to see capital punishment for these dangerous liars. I have seen way too much of women beating up on men with impunity, physically and in the courts, to believe any university "study" pushed by the media and the government. They lie. We know. No man has ever harmed a woman or child in my presence.

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Totally believable. It must be penis envy.

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