If everyone at this point can't see this was demonically inspired then theres no hope for humanity.

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so correct

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The only good spike protein is NO SPIKE PROTEIN. If that shit gets in people it's not good. See the article below. If just catching "covid" has this effect, imagine what getting injected does.

Turbocancers: A Secondary Manifestation of the Spike Protein’s Invasion of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)? Looking more closely at the mechanisms of the ECM and cancer, the Spike Protein may be initiating cancer and hyperaccelerating what is already there.

Walter M Chesnut Feb 03, 2025


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Do you know who commissioned it an rolled it out?

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2 POTUS, one brought it, one deployed it. And neither one takes responsibility for the deaths. as a result. imagine that.

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Feb 4Edited

We saved millions of lives by killing millions of lives! Super safe and effective!

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It's amazing that in 2025 the question is still being asked as to whether the Trump-Malone mRNA warp speed injection V 1.0 is safe for pregnant women. Oddly, they're not asking that question in China, Russia, North Korea etc. From their perspective probably, if the Satan can decimate its female population it makes it so much harder for the Satan to repopulate.

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you raise a good point...

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no pregnant woman should ever be given a biologically active agent...compound, ever.

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President Turdo will fix this bit it will take time. He can't get the Dem nomination until Canada is formally annexed and he becomes a natural born citizen. Newscum won't like it but he's a certainty to get the nomination because by the time he makes his run Canada will be poised to deliver more liberal votes than California.

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you gonna make a lot of Canadians unhappy with that post

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Feb 3Edited

Excellent analysis here. Re Dr Malone- is he culpable & not a good player? I really don't know & yet I've read a few times here on Substack words of suspicion towards him.

Also, I have heard that some of the Wellness supplements are questionable in ingredients? They are quite pricey, too.

Lastly, after the Thalidomide catastrophe, haven't we learned that women should receive no injections while pregnant?

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we knew all along that pregnant women are never candidates for any biologically active agents...never.

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and they were not part of the selection for the legacy Pfizer et al. studies. thus no vaccine could have been extrapolated to them as it was. it was all a fraud, a criminal one

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and when you raise questions about the range of other products being sold, then I will take your question seriously...but note, nothing TWC sells is questionable...none of the ingredients they use are unsafe all are already approved and used OTC etc. by the public. seems folk have a fetish with TWC...again, when you outline the many other players selling their range of stuff and you ask that question, then Zara, I will take you seriously.

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I learned a lot about the disaster from a friend who worked in one of Montreal's big OBG clinic. Doctors and staff were astounded after the rollout by the number of miscarriages, difficult and bloody childbirths, stillborns (a very rare tragedy before the rollout), resurgeance +new feminine cancers and abnormal bleeding even in ladies in their 80s. Unreal. Work collegues of mine who both had miscarriages shortly after their last shot got pregnant again and had babies. One mom could not come back to work because her little girl has too many allergies (no daycare would take her in). The other mama had a boy with an early diagnosis of muscular distrophy. Doctors never stopped strongly suggesting the covid shot.

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very tragic informative post

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NO ONE is questionning the covid shot. NOT ONE health care professionnal.

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The high-pressure recommendation that covid mRNA jabs were safe (never mind "effective" --which matters not at all, if not safe) for pregnant women and their developing babies is the worst breach of their patients' trust that doctors and the entire medical infrastructure have ever committed. It was and still is a horrifying crime and an unforgivable sin.

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"These are beautiful vaccines and I have a beautiful ego".

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A theory; Were the aircrew of the Army Helicopter, Covid "Vaxxed"? Personality changes have been seen in recipients,quick to anger, into rages.

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boom, you are over target now. we raised this.

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If it wasn't for the fact that they're beautiful and have saved 100s of millions of lives, which I heard from a reliable source who was urging me and others to get one, two, maybe three or more of them, I'd have concerns about these shots.

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ha ha ha...the sarcasm is dripping and I love it. we live in psycho crazy times with crazy governments. I hope you did not take it.

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I most certainly did not, as far as I know but I have experienced vaxxed breathing all over me.

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(Liked only for the refusal of the jab.)

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Shedding is a known fact, Nano Technologies, powered by the EMF(Electro Magnetic Fields) surrounding us, the High Voltage lines crossing neighborhoods,House wiring, Electrical switching stations, the vehicles we drive, to detect EM, rent or borrow a Gauss Meter, it can detect direction, and field strength. Www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com has touched on this.

Also, the Covid "Vaxxed" are emitting a MAC address (Media Access Control) Computers, smart phones use for communications. Download to your phone a Bluetooth MAC detector and see?

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Shedding is real, from Covid " Vaxxed" to unvaxxed. Www.anamihalceamdphd@substack.com has touched on this.

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yes it is, 100%...the demons who say it is not, must prove so.

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Attn: Lynn

You requested a chart for mean IQ in various countries

See Link 1) for a quick reference. Link 2) shows IQ in different US states, in case that's of interest to you. If you want information in more detail see Link 3).

1) IQ Intelligence Quotient by Country


2) Updated IQ and Well-Being Scores for the 50 U.S. States


3) (PDF) The Intelligence of Nations. National IQs and Correlates

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/380384466_The_Intelligence_of_Nations_National_IQs_and_Correlates 6th

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Quite informative to see state IQs ranked along with the other variables of Well-Being, Crime, Education, Health, and Income, etc. But not surpring (except insofar as the data was collected, correlated, and published, rather than self-censored by the NIH).

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Yes, thank you. This is the most heinous act ALLOWRD TO HAPPEN. Shoud be mainstream news!!! That's how far we've come. No words

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Who at fault...WHO is correct! As well as WEF, CIA, NIH, CDC, FDA....all puppets of the globalists Rothschilds, Soros, Monarchy, Rockefellers etc. All these scumbags self-proclaimed elites...we can blame Fauci and we should, he is a Muppet of the puppet masters.

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The Covid " Vaxxed" are emitting a MAC (Media Access Control) request Computers, and smart devices use. To find out, download a Bluetooth MAC detector on your phone. MAC requests have been detected in Cemeteries,emissions by deceased bodies.

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66% of Czech childbearing woman who got the mRNA shot are less likely to get pregnant

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66% of Czech child bearing woman who got the mRNA shot are less likely to get pregnant

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Was reading, can't access the info as Computer died, but the Childs Embilical Atrophies, starving the developing Embryo.

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Jim Thorp has done serious huge work on this devastation to infants in utero

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My friend took a booster while pregnant and the baby died two days later…. So so sad

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likely the Malone Bourla Bancel OWS mRNA vaccine killed the baby...this is why we are hoping Trump steps forward and cancels the vaccine

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