Paul this is a good start. so the shot was "A maybe binary or tertiary multi-stage bioweapon."

like, slow kill, medium kill, fast kill? and a tracking device too? a beta test for next time around? after all, it is classified as a prototype. would love to hear more about your thoughts on this.

what i still can't wrap my brain around is how trump didn't know. he knows bobby kennedy. met with him to discuss vax injury. one of trump's kids is reputedly vax-injured. in march 2020 i knew that OWS would be a disaster and would be deadly. i'm not a vaccine scientist and i'm as far from deep state as you can get. if little ole me could figure that out, why couldn't trump? was he really that distracted?

and why does he still shill for the shot, four years into this?

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it is not he did not know, he did not...he was really fooled...if you somehow one day show me/us proof he was in on this, then we might as well call in the chips now and take to the streets.

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Trump was not "in on" the Covid Op per se but he was 100% in on OWS - a military-led mass vaccination campaign - as the solution. He continues to take credit for it too.

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I don't have proof. you worked for the guy, you know him. i don't.

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How did Trump not know? He was surrounded by 1001 "experts" all telling him the same narrative. They rushed him with the Warp Speed program before he and others figured out the truth. Trump is not a man of science or medicine. Not that that seems to really matter. Common sense and instinct are far more valuable, when they are not clouded and disrupted by emotion. Trump had a family to protect on top of everything else.

How much did the general public not know that we know now? So much fraud and corruption has been exposed since that its mind boggling. It is not really fair to second guess anyone about what they knew in early 2020. We still don't know of all the ingredients of the various vaccines. We don't know a lot about a lot, including what Trump knew and didn't know.

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Cut and paste from above:

Trump was not "in on" the Covid Op per se but he was 100% in on OWS - a military-led mass vaccination campaign - as the solution.

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In what way does he still shill for the shot? I haven't heard him do that, although I've felt he has been very silent about it all.

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Mar 2, 2024
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jjc is a fraud who peddles half-baked synthetic virus theories and launches social media attacks on real fighters like sasha latypova. maybe rfk got word of how toxic he is

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I think you covered it pretty well here, I'm no expert but I have been following this entire thing since day one when the internet showed people falling in the streets of China. There are so many points to dig into--I want to point out the patents, the patents, the patents--THIS was not, as some say, ineptness. NO, THIS WAS ON PURPOSE.

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And of course, people fall in China's street was also fake. So you have to ask why China would do that.

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How do you know that? From what I heard, thousands died or were murdered regarding the 5G getting turned on, then the mass spraying...I mean, all I have to go on is what I've seen ad read but ...I've seen & read it

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I saw and read a discussion of it being fake, and one thing is that the videos were there and then disappeared rather quickly. Certainly no one was pushing that narrative for very long at all.

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That's interesting but imo no proof of fakery. Better keep an open mind--even those of us who think we know things are going to be shocked I feel coming soon

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No way was it an accidental release. The US designed the pathogen to target genetically for extermination those races, domestic and foreign, that it deemed inferior to better enable the US to wage wars of aggression as part of a quest for lebensraum. The US has only ever attacked small, weak nations through conventional means and some of the races it seeks to exterminate are militarily strong. It designed the pathogen to have a low IFR for the prodrome or acute phase of the illness with a much higher IFR for the multiple illnesses that the pathogen causes over a longer period if time. It designed the mRNA injections for a similar purpose. The timing of the release was to facilitate voting by mail to overthrow Trump, enabling the Democrats and RINOS to kill two birds with one stone.

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Yet Biden and his shadow government are clearly allowing all kinds of races and groups from enemy countries to flood across our borders. So why go after certain races deliberately yet allow them in so freely and without question? I'm not seeing the logic of that.

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The races and religions that he is flooding the country with are not the ones he wants to exterminate.

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Interesting, persuasive, insightful points. Truly, thank you for sharing. 👏🏼🙂

Question: why hasn't Trump outed some of this and even resists critiquing Fauci and the jabs? OWS was a "success" to deliver a solution, but it we know it was the wrong solution. It is a huge blindspot for DJT or is a deliberate, strategic political omission.

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Opinion based on a LOT of facts and data! This is an excellent summary of what really happened. We all lived it, but few were in the middle of the decision-making process like you, Paul. Yes, those of us who followed the censored experts had the facts and data early, but as Paul states, Trump was between a rock and a hard place, and still is! If he says he did not know it was fake, he loses face; if he says he knew but then supported the destructive vaccines, he loses face too. When he gets re-elected and cleans house, hopefully we will know exactly how they trapped him and the world. Keep praying that God will give us a reprieve, revival, and justice.

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Well said and well-written guesses Dr. Alexander. These guesses will someday become facts and reality to all of society!!!

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Latypova and WATT have demonstrated that Congress paved the way, legally s and DOD carried out the mission

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“CDC Admits Conspiracy Theorists RIGHT! Announces New COVID Protocols” 3/2/24

Fake? Of course Dr.Alexander, you were correct all along. Now the “brilliantly stupid” CDC fear mongers (not all people at the CDC) have changed their guidance on covid! How long has it been? How many lives have been lost? How many more deaths will occur? How, How, How? How can anyone believe again, anything these irresponsible and dangerous people, who controlled in many ways, millions of lives by lies? They murdered and maimed millions with their “asinine political agenda” for what? Money? Or is something else at play here? Once again, no apologies, no nothing, not even an “oops we screwed all of you”, nada! I’m certain another “Covid” will happen, there’s another election to steal and we all know elections are never won!


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My son just said he heard the new "guidance" that so-called Covid should be treated like a flu!

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Your son CMCM, is absolutely correct, isn’t it amazing how the CDC now, all of sudden, makes the same statement millions of people were saying 3 years ago, if not longer? They knew when this started and they lied after lie after lie, fear mongering millions of people! What’s so wrong IMO is, the Director couldn’t even say what percentage of CDC employees were Injected! But they had the gall to continually “scare people to death”, in lots of cases! Whether we ever learn exactly how many people died because of this “Bioweapon” remains to be determined.


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[The treaty allows “prophylactic, protective or other peaceful” research and development – including medical research.] This was always their loophole; the ostensible reason vs the real reason. "It's for your safety!"

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Good stuff right here Dr. Paul. More informed ideas to ponder.

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As reasonable a guess as possible.

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Paul, what you wrote is entirely plausible. It connects a lot of dots. I might have dismissed it 3 years ago, but it's absolutely a possibility given what we know now. That said, it's just one part of the bigger swampy puzzle. I'd like to see ALL the seemingly dozens and dozens of dots connected and the perpetrators all identified, but I'm not entirely sure that can or will ever happen. One can wish.

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(1) There was that General hanging around in press conferences with Trump and Fauci and Scarf Bimbo, etc.... (16) that's the key question. I think the people who experienced oxygen desaturation would have probably died anyway. Hospital mortality rate varied across nations, about 20% in South Africa, 40% in Peru, 15% global average, more than 12% in US, 19% average in LMIC countries, etc. Now: if non-lethal versions of covid existed that resulted in immunity, why were they not used as inoculations? Get some sniffles, and become immune. Whatever they release next will have an antidote, probably HCQ and zinc. Which is why they are attacking our doctors.

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Paul, thanks for this article and the information you provided. I was not aware of a lot of it. It is good to have these facts at our disposal.

I am in complete agreement with you.

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Very interesting points. I haven't heard much about Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria lately which makes me think that might be something that explains the Long COVID scam that they keep trying to push. The over use of Antibiotics would seem to make pathogens more resilient and harder to neutralize with stronger Antibiotics or your immune system. Of course no one wants to be sick and feel crummy, but is that possibly the price you must pay to have an effective immune system?

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