SecDef Austin has blood on his hands.

This was a deliberate decimation of the US military.

All planned.

And the Commandant of the Marine Corps was a f'ing pussy. He should have said, "No f'ing way are you gonna inject my Marines with an experimental mRNA shot full of spike proteins, lipid nanoparticles, polyethylene glycol, and other toxic substances."

The coward remained silent.

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excellent post I do blame Darth Vader Austin...correct, a fucking pussy

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It's very sad. and disgusting! If I remember right. barak hussein had done quite a number on the military. Now that i have family in, I pay closer attention. This is treason.

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yes it is treason

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our soldiers have massive vaccine injury and many dont know it

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That's what I'm so afraid of with my oldest son who's been in the Army 12 1/2 years. I was so upset that he was forced or be kicked out, like others who have families to support, who depend on their sponsors! It just infuriates me to no end! I have to say, my son's last day in the Army is Thursday when he ETS's and I couldn't be more happy! The military, at least the Army has become so toxic especially in his last unit for the last three years. Morale is down, leadership is toxic, it's no wonder why recruitment is still down. It's definitely not the same Army my husband served with for 32 years. When Trump gets back into office, I pray there is a turn around in our military and gets away from the toxic woke agenda they've been putting out for almost the last four years. 🙏

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Clinton started the demise.

The Kenyan ramped it up.

Biden totally decimated it.

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correct, the Kenyan, the shia islamists

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Crazy how we've taken this crap from these creatures! I mean, it's only affecting our defense and security, no big deal. / HUGE amount of sarc. :/

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our defense is really weakened

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I try not to think too deeply about that. But the entire gone I believe is damaged by the bioweapon. It’s impacting everything and we are just now seeing its consequences. I don’t believe the unjabbed are as badly damaged as the jabbed but the shedding by the jab as well as other external things hurting us like our food supply and geoengineering. We are under attack by the demonic global forces that want to depopulate. Everyone needs to detox!

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Typo - meant entire global population, not gone, sorry.

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We see that those in the military, LE, FBI CBP ect, programmed to follow orders from the minute they enter training. Austin on up to Commander in chief has blood on their hands. High treason.

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high treason...our NAVY SEALS in trouble...

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And how is VA treating surviving veterans?

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Deny. Deny. Until they die.

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thank you for sharing, your white spaces are key here

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Definitely a concern. As a retired veteran I refuse to go to a VA. I had to go there once after being released from active duty as a patient, did clinical rotations there as a nursing student. I was not impressed. The VA nursing homes that I’ve worked with have been decent. But our young vets returning home needing follow up care especially for psychiatric issues are faced with inadequacies that is not addressing homelessness, drug addiction which impairs their ability to find and keep a job. Too many ate trapped in this vicious cycle.

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I've heard the VA is being corrupted too! 🤬

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Austin is a useless pos with no brain. Ugly as sin but I would not hold his looks against him. He is a token black. Not qualified.

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very incompetent, IMO criminal negligence on our troops...critical failures

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Raytheon's water boy.

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Kathleen, you are a sassy ass brat! But understand a woman friend very close to me was and is labelled as just that by me and knew it was a compliment and that I cherish her for being who and what she is. Add yourself to the list.

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Mom always said I had a big mouth.

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and you are strong

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Yes but in regards to men like me, that is a valuable and attractive and even seductive plus. I have two women very close to me as friends agreeing on a non romantic friendship but the relationships due to inherent and continuing understanding, familiarlity and mutual respect and cherishment, have far surpassed the emotional intimacy you and women know all about and desire.

Soooo I refer to one of them as a brat and the other as a SCHHHHHHNOT. They love it I guess because they are words that they \identify as unique to either and they embrace those words affectionately. Kathleen, I have had a successful business over three decades and deal almost 90% of the time with women. You are all the same but different and that is NOT an oxymoron. How close are they to me? One called me last week crying which got my attention but the first words to me were, "Edward, you are the only one who understands me." She talked to me for over an hour but we have talked by phone over four hours before.

I get it about women but I am sure there are people pointing fingers at me and whispering about me being a mover and shaker. I am not. I just have a huge appreciation for the wonder of women and their persona in its softness and warmth. I estimate both to be in the top 1% of the population relative to IQ. How do I gauge their feelings? One is easy because she has big brown eyes and they mist when she feels warm towards me. The other has blue eyes and while they give me no clue, for sure she is direct and communicates strongly her positions on any matter. Both are super sharp and both have been hurt, one terribly who is closer to me than my dirty T shirt.

Always Edward

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very interesting, nice sharing...yes peoples, put it out there...we are homies friends here...non judgmental...on the same side trying to save USA...

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I spent 23 years in the military.

The guys taught me well.

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Yep, my husband has had to put up with a few like him. One in particular, my husband wondered how in the Hell did he graduate from the USASGMA. You could barely understand him (he was not foreign) and he wrote like he talked and poor punctuation. 🤦‍♀️

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My family has been military since 1861. Just about all of our males have severed, some of the gals too. When the vaccine mandates hit, several left the military on the sage advice of one illustrious member of the family. Let me tell ya, they're all happy about the prospect of going back on Trump's promise to remove all such mandates. We will not be jabbed.

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kaboom, force them to go back, and we are so grateful for them...MAGA! you are very fortunate. thank you for all you do

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Thank you for your family members' service!

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Yes for sure, and they have been using the military as pincushions since forever. Lots of mandated vaccines for our troops. The anthrax vaccine was also deadly and probably caused Gulf War Syndrome. Disgusting.

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The mRNA product is not a vaccine.

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kaboom, spoken as an expert...kaboom again

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I know.

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He knows you know.

I knows you know.

He's just being a prick.

He likes to do that.

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Well, if I remember correctly, one of the courts (?) attorney Aaron Suri went before --- determined it to BE a Vax. Maybe that was revised?? Idk

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cant be a vaccine, it is a gene therapeutic....moreover, a vaccine functions as a prophylaxis...period...these mRNA shots never stopped infection of transmission so prevents nothing...so CANNOT be a vaccine as cannot prevent anything and did not

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Yeah but the courts are not science, other than in the sense that Fauci is science. They evolved from dunking women in water and determining them to be witches if they didn't drown. There is more chance of determining whether a gene therapy is a vax by examining the entrails of a goat than by relying on a court.

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I guess ......

I don't recall because it's been a year or more, how they reached that conclusion. I just put it out there ....🙂

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your question is key and the key why it is NOT a vaccine is that it must stop infection, replication, transmission...this does none of that and even CDC declared that and that is why you get boosters...so it is NOT a vaccine

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Indeed. They used them like guinea pigs.

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I was in the AF. Jabbed with everything. I got out way before covid madness. Quit my nursing job after they announced the mandates.

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Dr. Paul you continue to be on fire!

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grateful for that...so much stuff out there but I share what I think is interesting or important...

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Why would any sane country inject their elite special forces with inadequately trialled mRNA products? Communist China refused to do it. Consrrvative Russia refused to do it. Maybe both the communists and conservatives care more about their service personnel and their population than cuck nations?

Why did the US not wait for a vaccine to be developed?

Troops have long been used as guinea pigs for vaccines.

Why did the US inject SEAL trainees with mRNA tech rather than wait for a vaccine to be developed?

I am not saying that vaccines are necessarily good but why was mRNA tech used instead of a vaccine?

A vaccine has only now been developed, albeit not by Americans.

It is "designed to be administered intranasally, thereby inducing potential mucosal immunity as well as systemic immunity with just a single dose."

"Unlike the mRNA vaccine which targets only the spike protein, CDO-7N-1 induces immunity to all major SARS-CoV-2 proteins and is highly effective against all major variants to date."

I think I read elsewhere that it is purportedly also effective against SARS-CoV-1.

New intranasal COVID-19 vaccine promises broad protection and accessibility


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Why would any sane country inject their elite special forces with inadequately trialled mRNA products?

Your question above is the key one and it can only be to harm...

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How can we talk about the dangers of mRNA vaccines without mentioning the horrors of the nanotech inclusions?

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no mRNA technology and vaccine has ever been shown effective and safe

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Quite right!

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ANW: "Communist China refused to do it. Consrrvative Russia refused to do it. Maybe both the communists and conservatives care more about their service personnel and their population than cuck nations?"

yes, they care more

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

The United States, a country that gave its leaders (Congress & Judiciary) exemptions from vax mandates but not the people.

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I suspect that may be because US leaders have concerns that the vax may not be halal and, although it may be OK for the peasants, its possible non-halal status makes it haram for the leadership, at least in their eyes.

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Maybe but I suspect they have inside information. Of course it is not Halal But far worse! I fear after seeing blood samples with self assembling nanotechnology, graphene, quantum dots, the stuff of nightmares. Is that what is causing white rubbery clots?

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Nobody gave them the exemptions, they just took them. It's what Congress does now. The only higher authorities that have Congress' ear are the globalists and their flunkies, in exchange for guess what? More money!

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Nope. Congress gave themselves an exemption and extended it to the Judiciary.

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I don't trust anything they want to introduce in my body. I will not comply to their "new, safe and effective" campaigns. I will keep informed (thank you for the link), but I know that big pharma does not want me to be healthy. God created nature as our ally and has provided us with what's good for our body (and soul).

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Amen to that!

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It sounds like the military has always gotten every vaccine known to man. I have heard from people enlisted that they were jabbed with a lot of stuff, not even sure what it was actually- for their protection. Between the jabs and all the transgender propaganda, it’s obvious that they were trying to weaken our military. That’s treason.

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The "vaccine" bioweapon was already developed. They developed it while making the covid bioweapon. Rfk Jr talked about that last year. I'll see if I can post the video here. It is against the law to experiment on our military but yet they've been doing it for decades. Can't tell you how many jabs my husband took in his 32 years including those useless nasty anthrax jabs. No clue how many my son was given in his current 12 year service. 🤬


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what concerns me are the thousands of military and police who are vaccine injured and do not know it.

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in short, we are compromised within our military

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Is Austin on the list of Horsemen Doc? How about the guy who vowed to "fundamentally transform America"...???...injuring and killing off good men without their consent is fundamentally wrong...even if you are just plain idiotic...hanging is not unjustified. MAGA. Go after these miscreants...give Tulsi a nice new jet and carte blanche orders to tidy up the workplace.

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Austin is an inept incompetent affirmative action useless hire which is a racist act that clearly indicts any and all who approve of ASSirmative action as racists who tacitly think the black race is inferior and need a head start to compete. They are the real racists and bigots, not anyone who opposes that bigoted program.

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He reminds me of COLON Powell.

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COLON Powell, my God, we are on same page again...he was a failure and a danger...a neocon...dangerous to USA...he lied to get us into Desert Storm war...many died needlessly...

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like the Kuwaiti Princess who lied about incubator babies

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Two of the df*uckers who would still be in the Cub Scout movement were it not for ASSirmative action.

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The damned CYSTem and the woke wankers are the real racists.

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But the bdweebs who are wokist insist they are not the racists when in fact they are and nobody points out their hypocrisy and BS lies.

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And this regime continues to push the poison.

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Oh, come on! Take that tenth booster! What could go wrong?

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Fauco only had 6 and then he got covid for the 3rd time followed not long after by west nile virus.

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Come on, now. You don't believe Fauci, the director general of the poison death shot, actually took a jab? That would be crazy. Fauci isn't crazy. He's just a genocidal, mass murderer.

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You could be correct!

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I guarantee you took nothing! He would never take his own poison! All fake!! That little leprechaun looks exactly like Mother Teresa! Go down that rabbit hole!

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Anyone ever notice as I have that there are people who take the jab but did want to talk about it before, or after ? Why? DO they know it is dangerous but take it because of the damned liars and fools illegally imposing mandates who have no authority or power to do so? Or are they trying to ignore the reality they understand that it is not safe? I have a medical specialist and friend who I cannot talk to about it because of the arguments that result. So we agree to avoid that topic. I pulled the cord this morn and texted one of them a link to the truth about the dangers and she will either read the link and discuss it with me or not mention it. Why do people not want to know the goods on this abomination???

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Yep, this topic is off-limits with my friends and family. I just have a handfull of persons I can talk freely to about the whole thing.

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Sophie, this strikes me as strange. I would want to be told if a mamba was under my bed. The jab is just as deadly. So who in their right mind would ignore the reality of the inherent danger of the snake but also of the jab deadliness. Doc here has thousands of articles on the danger of the jab. Why does not everyone want to know the truth about it?


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Hey edward, it's Quebec here LOL!! NO ONE has added cancer rates, death rates and other newly aquired illnesses to the jabs. NO ONE.

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It seems evident that certain forces have been and continue to be at play, undermining Western civilization. Its own billionaires!

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For many decades. The reptilian cabal spawns of satanic.

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That's why, when the impact hit us hard in March 2020, we were unprepared; we didn't anticipate that it would happen.

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School closures for "deep cleaning" following a covid surge have begun in Republican states. The Dems won't be far behind, especially considering the DNC convention was a superspreader event.

Covid surge forces schools to close and bring back pandemic-era measures- and more are at risk as millions head back to class next week

Covid surge forces schools to close and bring back pandemic-era measures https://mol.im/a/13780665

Multiple attendees at Democratic National Convention test positive for COVID-19


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What does "test positive" mean. Did somebody cough! Was a test cycled multiple times? Did Fauci or Scarf Lady say so?

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if cycle count is less than 24 then it is infectious and pathological...if this is real...if over 24, then non infectious non consequential not pathological

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Dr. Didier Raoult identified the precise cycles for implementing the appropriate measures in France.

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“PCR test was never intended for diagnosis of any disease. It was invented for the detailed study of DNA Samples. Subsequently it cannot diagnose infectious disease”

Dr Kary Mullis, PhD , inventor of the PCR test. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for his invention.

Passed away August 7, 2019. Test in peace Dr Mullis.

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Yes!!! And he had confronted fake Fauci many times in his career, he couldn't stand the little leprechaun. Mullis knew he was up to no good, probably knew he was going to use his test for something. I find it very suspicious that Kari "passed" away four months Covid hit. Many people actually said think it was released as far back as Oct and not Dec, that some people claim they were getting sick with something then.

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Rest in peace 😔

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Obama began firing all the good generals who said they would not fight for the government against the people. (Trump managed to rehire a few of them). Then Pentagon began recruiting foreigners, promising them leadership positions in our military. All the while reducing rations, healthcare, and housing for America's finest fighters. So this was planned a long time ago and Austin followed orders - or else. And his orders did not come from Americans. Unless the globalists involved had duel citizenship.

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Biden and Harris were hollowing out the US military....Obama set the pace...Obama remains one of the most dangerous people to the USA...he did wrongs we are yet to understand

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27Author

he gave Iran our airforce drone and 2 naval gunboats...no accident

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it did not crash, they did not run aground...deliberate

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