all that I said turned out true. 100% accurate. and many here, we had common sense and used critical thinking

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“100% accurate” you were but these sellouts didn’t want anyone with clear scientific vision. Having medical background (medical university in former USSR) I was shocked to see how all basics and fundamentals of virology, immunology and infectious diseases were stepped upon, squeezed, smashed and ruined to no existence. Every scholar let alone doctors understood that. Unfortunately majority went along with this crime. Some out of fear of not being relevant, others jumped on board because of mercantile interests or simply not to lose the job. In this light we must value and appreciate real Doctors who voiced their opinions, voiced their concerns regardless of repercussions. Doctors with high moral, professional and ethical standards. We must never forget traitors and always remember and honor heroes. I am personally disappointed with Trump who didn’t give you, Dr. Alexander position you deserve. Your deep knowledge, wisdom, vision, unbent core and principles must’ve been appreciated by Trump.

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He was one of them,military " warpspeed" and about 5 trillion for the yearling national emergency.

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That being said, Dr. Paul, there is no excuse for Trump NOW. He may have been sheltered and had the truth blocked from him then, but not NOW. He's had FIVE YEARS to learn the truth and yet, he STILL praises those shots and OWS. That is very problematic for me.

I can't trust a person who just can't tell the truth. I don't care what the consequences may be, the truth always comes out in the end, and if someone knows the truth, and is not willing to state it, and causes harm to others because of that silence, then I have BIG problems with that person. PERIOD!!

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CNN probably put an army of interns on the case to find the one email with typos in it

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P.S. I think you might find this interesting. This is what has happened to the medical profession.


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I think Sweden proved you right!

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Not just Dr A, many other people were also objecting over what was being done, over the complete LACK of common sense and logic (e.g., masks and social distancing), over the use of NON-scientific methods, over disregarding clear and obvious data, over NOT repurposing existing medications for treatment (e.g., Ivermectin), over using KNOWN dangerous medications (e.g., Remdesivir), and much more.

How did all of those things happen? SIMPLE - the plan all along was to cause death, chaos and mayhem for multiple objectives. One purpose was to serve as cover for a plethora of other major crimes, chief among them being to steal TENS OF TRILLIONS of dollars in broad daylight, under color of an "emergency". Another major crime was to diminish or eliminate altogether human rights and freedoms. Yet another was to reduce the global population - a goal that they had long been speaking about. ALL of those objectives, and more, were achieved. That was just Phase 1.

Understand this: Truth, science, law, morality ... **NONE** of that matters one iota when criminals in charge are pursuing an agenda. Millions of lives, including innocent children, mean *NOTHING* to those psychos - we're like bugs under their feet. And that, in a nutshell, is why we experienced the mega-crime that the "Covid Pandemic" was in the USA and around the world.

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boom, excellent post Jorge "How did all of those things happen? SIMPLE - the plan all along was to cause death, chaos and mayhem for multiple objectives. One purpose was to serve as cover for a plethora of other major crimes, chief among them being to steal TENS OF TRILLIONS of dollars in broad daylight, under color of an "emergency".

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Jared associated companies got literally 10s of millions in 'relief money' ... and yet Heeeeee's Baaccck... for more of what Yooooooooooooure paying for!

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Remdesiver was pushed by nih to all hospitals as first line treatment,as ivermectin and HCQ were shunned and physicians threatened by pharmacists,as nurses danced.

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I immediately looked at the data we had and realized the best way for me to protect the community would be to get and get over the virus without passing it on -- then I would become the 'firebreak' they promised us the vaccines were.

It eventually took me 20 months -- and an infected vaccinated friend -- before I got the bug and got over it in a few days, exactly as expected.

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boom, and that was what I wrote above...back then CNN and CDC and NIH and legacy media moved to burn me down...it was hell in Washington, 24/7 on the hour for 4 days, "Dr. Paul Alexander Trump advisor wants to kill all American children"...they leaked my DC address and phone and I took death threats for days, WH had to move me about different states...anyway, Justice Ginsburg died and the new lead was her and who will replace...but for a time there I did not know I could survive it for when the fecal putrid banal evil media goes after you it is an experience and the White House puts you on lockdown blackout silence, it is isolating...but I lived to tell and this is why I am so punishing...I fear none of them and they cannot cancel me, they had their best shot and took it and I beat them...now they run from me and I will keep them running from me...I cant be cancelled. you are 100% bang on here and thank God people like you understood this day 1....I am inspired by folk like you.

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went after Atlas same at the same time...it was horrible ...they hurt Scott badly...his family, his name

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I am from the streets in the islands, yes academic, scientist etc. but I grew up scrapping and I sure wanted to fuck them up for what they were doing to us...and we got no protection from Trump's people who only wanted the news cycle on him...so we were left to take it full frontal...ordered to grant no interviews to defend our names. that is why each time I get to smear the media and go after them, I do. a wicked set of people in DC.

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Trump's son in law Jared Kushner was making a lot of the decisions, not Trump. And I'm learning that Kushner is involved AGAIN, but this time he's staying in the background. I wonder why!!!!

Sorry, but this time won't be any different than the first time.

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Lucent tech building,he has ties to.

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Yet, Dr. Atlas spoke with Trump, and told him he had a team come with him to meet with Trump, and Trump wouldn't meet with them. That is all on TRUMP. Sorry, Dr. Paul, but I just don't trust Trump. I read Dr. Atlas's book. He exposed the frauds that both Fauci and Birx were. He knew they were in way over their heads and didn't know what the hell they were doing. Yet, Trump STILL let them run things. And when Trump left office, he gave them Presidential Medals. He tries to deny that, saying he didn't know anything about that, but that's BS. He had to sign for those. Doesn't he even know what he's signing? Sorry, but I just don't believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth. I've caught him in WAY too many lies.

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And that happened LONG after we knew kids weren't really in danger from covid!!

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you understood HERD immunity and you understood if the vaccine could not get us there then the only other option is the healthy had to get us there while we protected granny.

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you get to HERD immunity either via vaccine alone, via natural infection alone, or a combination of both...but this vaccine was non-sterilizing day one, meant it did not stop infection, replication, or transmission and if it did not stop transmission (could not be mandated) meant it could not break the 'chain of transmission' and thus could not get us to HERD. The only way people like me understood what HAD to be done was via low risk and infants, children, teens, young people, middle aged, healthy people to become infected, recover and to get to HERD...period....if the vaccine was sterilizing and neutralizing, that would be a different issue but then again, it was nothing, it, whatever it was presented no challenge to 99.999% of the population. so we needed no vaccine, even if it worked. all we ever needed to do was as usual, as even for colds, protect granny and let all else in society live normal non-lockdown lives...that was all. so what they did was a fraud, wrong, for they failed to protect granny and locked down the healthy...complete opposite...and fucked us all as they did this. and then brought a vaccine that failed, and harmed. not even a scary movie could have been so scary

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This 5 minute presentation - particularly the last minute or so - https://rumble.com/v5t2czh-trump-surrounding-himself-with-operation-warp-speed-accomplices.html

is filled with declarations of love for the vaxx we all hate here. Including a clip where the self-proclaimed "Father of the Vaxx" states clearly "we saved 10s of millions of lives"... but after getting [s]elected, on November 24 he jumped the shark to state '100s of millions of lives' were saved by his 'baby.'

The rest of the presentation introduces the various ghouls who will be guiding your final dayz very soon...

Now THAT'S one scaary movie.

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very scary and thank you for sharing it...huge hugs

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Don't forget " track n trace" quarantine,it was a beta test on us,to be implemented w the promised visa exit entry biometric digital.

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they told me straight, Fauci et al. told me...we are going to take you out for it is not you we are after to destroy, its Trump...but it will smear Trump for you work for him...so we will destroy you

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He works for the pope.

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Why would they smear Trump when he believed in the "beautiful vaccines"?

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you know the anser to that

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They had Trump under their control, and it's the same now.

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That's the 'theory'... but it doesn't necessarily accommodate all the 'facts.'

What if the 'bug' itself was a red herring, and the negative somatic effects of the jab were but a cover for the real intent?

Discussion about the Covid vaccines is heavily skewed towards those physical effects, and away from the neurological impact. But the LNP delivery system chosen was selected for it's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, therefore allowing the penetration of 'agents' which might impact the recipient's cognitive state.

Even without going deeper into the implications of that, we've seen proven neurological effects - increases in 1. Alzheimer’s (+22.5%), 2. Cognitive impairment (+137.7%)

3. Depression (+68.3%)4. Anxiety disorders (+43.9%) 5. Sleep disorders (+93.4%)

but that's not to say there were not other, less 'measurable' consequences intended.

Neurological manipulations have been a steady 'sideline' of the 'research community' since the days of Cameron, Delgado, Abramson et al. It's a lock that the advances made in that area - alteration of cognitive states - have kept pace with the purely physiological "advances" which we are aware of. As the aim of the former is more overtly duplicitous than the latter, it's reasonable to assume that less is known about those advances.

And it's also reasonable to suppose that - given the ability to use the COVID psyop as cover, the madmen in lab coats would have been quick to utilize the opportunity that it gave to make a major 'contribution' to the impact of the jab. As in - a 'mass mind control' component not even on the radar of the self-professed experts in this discussion. And as everyone freely admits - "we still don't know" just what was in those shots.

Under these circumstances, the supposition that - hey - it's just the flu- or similar iterations of 'herd immunity' protocols being capable of dealing with what WARPED SPEED was all about... not only fall short of the mark, but could arguably be used as 'cover' for the deeper, darker intent behind the whole mess.

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I said that always 'if you believed it were true and I said in my comments if you read it that the vaccine never worked. was non-sterilizing. I have covered this back to front. this is my area.

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I think you missed the point, always assuming this was true, so 'if' true, and 'if' there was a virus, I have always said so, then HERD immunity via natural exposure infection while at the same time keeping granny safe was the ONLY and will always be the ONLY way you handle that. no vaccine for no respiratory issue that has an animal reservoir and already breached borders and is an RNA virus with unstable replication.

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Not sure who is missing what.

I'm clearly talking about 'psyche' rather than soma here. The theory of 'herd immunity' being in terms of the point I'm making - a 'red herring' to better disguise what was the real agenda behind the shots.

Keeping the discussion on the level of "your area" is your prerogative, I suppose... but that begs the question of WHY exclude the wider implications of what's clearly a program which was designed to be destructive. See below... THE BRAIN INITIATIVE.

the Brain Initiative was the Kenyan's baby.

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ok...thanks and of course we are broadening the debate out...I do routinely...I like your twist on the Kenyan's baby.

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There was no "virus", Dr. Paul. It was toxins. They administered it in two shots. The first shot contained half of the "instructions" (delivered in plasmids), which is why it wasn't so harmful, but the second shot contained the second half of the "instructions" (again delivered in plasmids), and then they were "spliced" together inside the body, and started replicating. They were transferred by LNP (poly ethylene glycol) so they could cross the blood brain barrier, and hence, get to the neurological systems. That explains all the neurological effects, and also why the first shots weren't very dangerous. Most who reacted to them were allergic to the poly ethylene glycol.

It was venoms synthetically produced from very toxic creatures, such as snakes, jellyfish, snails, etc., which all cause serious neurological effects. Dr. Ardis has shown that nicotine (which he has proven is NOT addictive) actually treats a lot of those effects. The venoms block the neuro receptors, but the nicotine can remove the venoms, and then the neuro receptors begin to work again. I know you wrote a comment in the beginning of Dr. Ardis's book, but did you even READ the book, because if you did, you would never be saying stuff like this. There was NO VIRUS!!!!

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Warpspeed is a military op.Thinkbaquino,mind wars paperclip.5g and smart meters tie in,as does digital id cryptocurrency.General Gustav was fond of saying " we will execute the seniors first".

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Watch this video presentation by Dr. Bryan Ardis. That's what's in those shots, and yes, it's a neuro toxin.


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https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3597383/The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics

https://www.humanbrainproject.eu/en/follow-hbp/news/worlds-brain-initiatives-move-forward-together/World’s Brain Initiatives Move Forward Together

https://web.archive.org/web/20040405073532/http://exqor.com/ExQor Technologies, Inc.

Going Beyond Simply Nanotechnology

THIS is what was going on behind scenes as the 'COVID PROJECT' grew closer to 'completion.' These, in other words WERE the madmen who made OBAMAS' BRAIN INITIATIVE a reality... only in ways different than is supposed!

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most of what you stated is correct. we are on the same page.

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we were cluster fucked.

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this exchange was to show the malevolence of insider government officials in leaking pieces of communication and the fecal media spinning it to damage... as they moved to hurt Trump and in so doing hurt anyone who worked for him...but I was right and they were all wrong so fuck them...they will always need deal with me in an unfriendly manner.

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I will help destroy the media 24/7 I love it...and also I just hope no Trump officials think they can bring any fake pandemic or more mRNA for we are waiting to take them down in media...we will shred them.

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nothing about OWS or lockdowns or the mRNA vaccine was successful, nothing.

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Wait. You're going to 'shred' the Muskie colossus which anyone still sentient can see by now is forming up to be THE SHAPE of TRIMPF 2.0?

Elon isn't even outta the starting gate with his takeover of the executive. He's now formally aligned with BLACKROCK - WORLDS BIGGEST MONEY POWER... and other financial forces too numerous to mention. And in this corner?????

I'm old enough to remember the golden days of wrastling.... and the hyperbolic element to the build up of any match... but your breathtaking description of the putative powers of this "WE" you apparently believe yourself part of is a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of what Eddie 'the Sheik' Ferhat used to make his living from!

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You talk big here, but you refuse to acknowledge is that it's the man at the TOP who has to sign off on all of it. HE needs to be held accountable. That's the ONLY way things will change.

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Dr. Paul, there is something that you need to come to terms with. They couldn't have "hurt" Trump if he had done his due diligence, and checked things out for himself with outside sources. The man is just not very smart. He doesn't think critically. He's very easily manipulated. He loves to be praised, and if you keep doing that to him, he'll do anything you tell him to. He's an egomaniac. The sooner you figure this stuff out, the better off you will be.

Just try to put this into perspective. After FIVE YEARS, and after MILLIONS have died due to Trump's shots, and his OWS policies, Trump STILL praises what he did. That is INSANITY. The man just can't admit he had it wrong. He can't admit he was incompetent. That a BIG PROBLEM, Dr. Paul. It's actually very DANGEROUS!!

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The NESD program aims to develop an implantable neural interface able to provide unprecedented signal resolution and data-transfer

bandwidth between the brain and the digital world.

Towards a High-Resolution, Implantable Neural Interface

Bridging the Bio-Electronic Divide

Neuro Function, Activity, Structure and Technology (Neuro-FAST)

The Neuro-FAST program seeks to enable unprecedented visualization and decoding of brain activity to better characterize and

mitigate threats to the human brain, as well as facilitate development of brain-in-the loop systems to accelerate and improve functional


Advanced CLARITY Method Offers Faster, Better Views of Entire Brain

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This Pfizer patent application was approved August 31st 2021 and is the very first patent that shows up in a list of 18500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humands worldwide who will be or are now connected to the "internet of things" by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who've had the death-shot.



System and methods for anonymously selecting subjects for treatment against an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system comprises a plurality of electronic devices comprising instructions to generate an ID and, when in proximity of another such electronic device, one or both electronic devices transmit/receive the ID to/from the other electronic device. Then, a score is generated based on a plurality of such received IDs. Additionally, based on information received from a server, relevant treatment instructions are displayed to the subjects based on the received information and the score. The server comprises instructions for sending to the plurality of electronic devices the information to be displayed with the relevant treatment instructions, additionally the server and/or the electronic devices comprise instructions to generate a prediction of likelihood of a subject transmitting the pathogen, based on the score of the subject.


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This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little

The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates https://www.technologyreview.com/2024/08/16/1096808/arpa-h-jean-hebert-wants-to-replace-your-brain/

" Hebert recently said on a podcast with Hamalainen that human fetuses might be used as a potential source of life-extending parts for elderly people. That would be ethical to do, Hébert said during the program, if the fetus is young enough that there “are no neurons, no sentience, and no person.” And according to a meeting agenda viewed by MIT Technology Review, Hébert was also a featured speaker at an online pitch session held last year on full “body replacement,” which included biohackers and an expert in primate cloning.

Hébert declined to describe the session, which he said was not recorded “out of respect for those who preferred discretion.” But he’s in favor of growing non-sentient human bodies."

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God is in charge .

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God tells us what the world will do

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great sharing for us to get on top of....

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obomber's brain initiative is mkultra rebranded

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Yes. Unfortunately, it’s also ‘the script which 47’s administration is tasked with fulfilling. The ending is “bad, very bad”… as Donnie would say!

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The only missing ingredient with Barrington was the details on HOW to protect the high-risk. We know of course the options: HCQ prophylaxis and treatment. Prophylactic antibodies could have helped (and safer and much bettef than vaccines). Ultimately it was omicron that shut down the worst of the pandemic.

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Once again, truth! Thanks Doctor

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According to a forensic scientist,he claims the f bi arrested dazack? The end of January 2020 and the national emergency was a day or 2 later( though trump declared it March 13) to help cover up.Pompieo,early on at a press conference re flight etc,said " look folks,we are in a live drill" and trump mumbled on stage " you shoulda let us know".We need an audit of what really happened,just like 9/11 .So many crimes against humanity,and on a global order.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/baGtAiZpoCYO. David Martin,in other videos explains the arrest by secretary of state? A key point,by CDC changing the definition of a vaccine,and by media calling the experimental mRNA inoculation a " vaccine":was major in co ercing it.NYC measles debacle,2019 was a precursor to violation of Nuremberg codes,forced vaccination,using a pastor vs Massachusetts.dr Moss of Virginia? Stated that in about a ten year period 2 maybe 3 children died of measles( low on vit a) vs 139 ? Deaths from measles vaccines.

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Dr Paul,please check out a DePriest on the high wire,she is from Tennessee and exposed the money laundering between hospitals and schools,the cares act and more It is extremely insightful on the financial crimes.

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All done to undermine you. I remember during this time the MSM were really going after you and Dr Atlas. They said you guys wanted to "let it rip" through society inferring that was a reckless solution. I didn't wake up until mid 2021.

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Very concerning.

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Bravo Dr. Paul!

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