What I was discussing in 'leaked' PRIVATE emails at HHS to FDA (Hahn), CDC (Redfield), Fauci (NIH/NIAID), Francis Collins, Birx etc. was the Great Barrington Declaration (Bhattacharya etc.);
leaked to hurt Trump; always, we strongly protect the high-risk vulnerable first, double and triple down protect & then with commonsense decisions, allow the rest of low-risk populations e.g. infants,
kids, teens, young adults, adults etc., the low-risk healthy population, and as you see, when I said ‘who cares, first it was not an email to be disseminated, it was not me speaking officially there, but between me, HHS, leadership at all health agencies, and oval office, ensuring they understood what HERD immunity is and was, and that once you first protect the vulnerable, FIRST, then and only then, you allow the rest of society to live open, free, unfettered lives, no lockdowns of any kind, so that naturally and harmlessly, they will bump up against any pathogen, any, and become exposed, infected, low or high level, mount immune response (innate or acquired adaptive with memory), recover, and then we bring the high-risk into juxtaposition with them for then they are naturally immune, at herd immunity, and this breaks the chain of transmission and you arrive at heard, so that they can NOW protect the high-risk vulnerable who cannot be exposed or get a vaccine. The high-risk elderly have no immune system (immuno-senescence) and cannot with even a vaccine, mount an immune response. They have no working immune system. This is why I am angry with the Malones and Bourla and Fauci and Birx et al. of this place for these bitches sat silent and pushing the vaccine knowing it could have never worked in elderly. There is no immune system to make memory with. In elderly, so even Jay Bhattacharya (NIH nominee) is flat wrong. He knows better, the elderly he said should get the mRNA vaccine have no immune system.
But look at how CNN and Politico reported and leaked this, well it was CDC insiders who leaked our communications. What did I say wrong? It works perfectly, it is as if you took a massive excavation shovel and scooped up all elderly and high-risk, placed them on an island, then allow the pathogen to burn through the low-risk population, they get infected, or not, and they recover, break the chain of transmission, with natural immunity and as such HERD immunity, then bring all back together again. Theoretically. Ideally but you can still do same with commonsense decisions and policies. Not lockdowns that harmed and killed as happened via OWS.
all that I said turned out true. 100% accurate. and many here, we had common sense and used critical thinking
Not just Dr A, many other people were also objecting over what was being done, over the complete LACK of common sense and logic (e.g., masks and social distancing), over the use of NON-scientific methods, over disregarding clear and obvious data, over NOT repurposing existing medications for treatment (e.g., Ivermectin), over using KNOWN dangerous medications (e.g., Remdesivir), and much more.
How did all of those things happen? SIMPLE - the plan all along was to cause death, chaos and mayhem for multiple objectives. One purpose was to serve as cover for a plethora of other major crimes, chief among them being to steal TENS OF TRILLIONS of dollars in broad daylight, under color of an "emergency". Another major crime was to diminish or eliminate altogether human rights and freedoms. Yet another was to reduce the global population - a goal that they had long been speaking about. ALL of those objectives, and more, were achieved. That was just Phase 1.
Understand this: Truth, science, law, morality ... **NONE** of that matters one iota when criminals in charge are pursuing an agenda. Millions of lives, including innocent children, mean *NOTHING* to those psychos - we're like bugs under their feet. And that, in a nutshell, is why we experienced the mega-crime that the "Covid Pandemic" was in the USA and around the world.