
rape of Americans will become daily fare...Obama knew this and did this...we will learn how devastating Obama is and was to USA and Trump slowed him down but he set up shop in DC for a reason...he now seeks his 4th term and can get it...dont be surprised. we have lots of electoral work to do. if they moved to shoot the king in our faces, they will do anything.

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they will try again.

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the message is to us, we are all within target to them

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We are so far ahead of you in the U.K.! It’s been going on for years here. The BBC and Guardian refused to comment on it for months. A political no go area.

There are Pakistani pedophile rape gangs that rape young white girls on an industrial scale. They pick them up at the school gates or from child care homes, flatter them, ply them with drugs and alcohol then gang rape them. Many are driven around the country and plied out to other rapists for cash.

What finally bought these bastards to heel was a few brave girls testified in court and named the fuckers. They risked their lives doing this.


I thoroughly recommend a free subscription to the Yorkshire Evening Post. They will pop an email to you daily of the news around Bradford. Rape gangs are well displayed with passport like pictures of these fuckers. Some look as though they’ve been dragged from the dungeons of Hell itself.

Anyway the EU is turning right, you will soon have Trump. We in the U.K. have 5 years of a new very Left government with some newly minted Muslim MPs. God help us!

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we will help you...let us get him in...but thank you for sharing this, I will post it up...we need you to help educate but these are animals...we dont fear them, we showcase them and find them

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Thank you.

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Did the tosle-haired 🤡 not put a stop to that? The faithful Liz Truss? Rishi Sunak? Don't worry, Sir Jimmy Savile will fix it. Sorry, I meant Sir Keir Starmer.

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hhhmmmm, you know we understand this comment in full

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Well,Dr Alexander, if you want this stopped look at Gloria Stienman and the others that started the women's lib movement,. What do they all have in common?

Then think of who funds the Stienmans and the Fienstines of this anti-women movement.

Aren't the the ones behind the massive movement to un-white the USA and Europe? Who could they be? Well,they are the same people behind every anti-gun bill....

Every USA politician has their gold in his or her pockets.

Who could that be ?

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muslim brotherhood? am I close? I think I am.

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shariah islamists...

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Very close Dr Alexander. About the time Islam was created a small group of,(people?) Got together and started on a campaign of division and control.

Out of this the Quarn and the Talmud was spawned.

Divisanry Docterns were introduced to Christianity.

Allowing the pupetiers to grow in strength, whilst hiding amongst us.

This clan of elites

Has run rough shod over us for about 1500 years.

If we consider that the Book of Revelations was not written in a chronological fashion,

May I refer you to Revelations Chapter 22,

Then look back at history over the last 1,000 years.

I'm no scholar, not by a long shot.

Just trying to put the puzzle together, just like we all are.

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I really don't have a name for "Them" Black Rock is a shell company that we now all know. Some say it's the Jeusuits , others the Jews.

So many jews have tried to remove white people, and in their Talmud thay are encouraged to hate your race,and call you Goyim and Sheska. And their gold is in every politicians pocket.To even suspect a jew of a crime is antisemitism.

But the Talmud isn't really old.. Nor is Islam.

Like the movie "They Live" they walk amongst us.

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& Hillary's 694,000 emails were found on her longtime "girlfriend" secretary's husband's laptop they shared at home, which was only discovered when he was arrested for exposing himself to a minor on it. Huma's (Hillary's secretary) husband was a US Senator, Anthony Weiner.

Huma & her mom, are Muslims & helped publish the Muslim Brotherhood paper.

X-FBI Director, Muller, was Comey's best friend & I think they both are Muslim. James Clapper & John Brennon are, & of course B. Hussein Obama (Barry Sorotoe).

Muller was paid $30 or $40 millon !!! to investigate the "Russia Collusion Hoax," to interfere with the election, coming against Trump! Bunch of BS, ("The Russia Hoax," book) like the Fake Dossier, & "behind the curtain" he had Hillary's lawyers gleaning thru those emails! Delete, delete, delete!

Susan Rice is, Muslim, was Obama's National Security Adviser, (master mind with 2 other women, coming against Trump with lies) & was married to a major MSM news station, ABC News, Executive Producer, Ian Cameron. I saw a list of the MSM (ABC, CBS, & CNN) & Obama's Administration connections on Facebook.

O'biden had said he loves Muslims (said something like they are basically good peace-loving people) & he wanted to surround himself with them, like (obummer) Obama did, when he became president!

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Feminist lawyer, Sarah Weddington, Roe V Wade, fought back against the Pro-Life movement O.R. Operation Rescue, in 1989 after the first rescue in DC During The Democratic National Convention.

She admited yrs later that she traveled the nation to tell the Law Students & Professors, & law students how to fight back!

She said they must always have pro-choice Presidents because they pick the S.C. Justices!

That is why they fight with lies, like they had Anita Hill, a fellow past co-worker of Clarence Thomas, lie to try to stop him!

Fast forward, Gloria Allred!

Feminist pro-abort lawyer!

Tried to stop pro-Life group from burying the 16,000 aborted babies found in jars behind an abortion mill in L.A., Calif., that fell out of a dumpster that was so heavy it broke the dump-truck's crane, & fell to the ground & the door broke open, & out rolled the babies in jars, & some broke open, revealing the contents.

She attacked conservative Christian, Presidenitial candidate Donald J Trump with false Accusations!

I wonder if she was related to the abortionist in La Mesa, Ca, with same last name.

Then there was Christine Blasey-Ford, false accusations against Kavanough. She had worked as scientific writer for the abortion pill, RU486, also called Mifepristone, manufacturer, Corcept...Llc. (?). (& was she a Stanford University Professor?). Pill was also used for "depression," maybe she had been able to use it in her home office, to give to women, as a Counselor?

At the same time someone was on the Catholic radio station saying that Blasey-Ford had worked for the Company that created that pill, someone on Facebook showed an oval shaped sign for her office which said "Ocasio-Blasey." I think I looked up "Ocasio," "counseling," "Mifepristone," on internet (duckduckdo.com) & found in TX a counselor (maybe had been connected to Blasey), but anyway mentioned it's used for depression!

Could be because one is unexpectedly pregnant & not wanting to continue pregnancy.

See: Mike Adams report all about this about Blasey- Ford at his site. "NaturalNews.com"

Her Friend, co-worker, Deborah Ramirez, (spell?) who wrote the infamous letter to Feinstein, about Kavanaugh (LIES) was a Law professor, beginning in 1989!! & was A SOROS FELLOW INTUITIVE! CONNECT THE DOTS!

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That's what I was hinting at Awake.

Sroros has agents all over the world. He has said often that he hates the USA. Behind every rape and murder done by the newcomers,is a showdown of George Soros.

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Ingrid,you are so right in you analysis.

To bad others can't see it as well.

I don't know where this train.is going, but it seems we're coming to one hell of a train wreck soon.

Since we can't get off the train we'd better buckle our seat belts.

😊 😃 😀 😄

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I'm guessing Buddhists?

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Nah. To far East.

Hope you're doing well tonight,Awake.

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The plan was to deconstruct western society and create a feudal empire ala the hunger games with promises of immortality and trans humanism mixed in. So much foolish misinformation fed to the minions of the negative consciousness behind it all. It is not about the having a weak mind as much as a weak spirit - a subject most humans know nothing about. But the plan is already failing and now it is about how much damage will be done as the misanthropes retreat like Nazis pulling up railroad ties as they abandoned territories. Here we are at the precipice of the Grand Finale. When the curtain comes down the deep State will be gone but as it completely bled out the USA government that means USA corp will be gone as well. Will the republic be able to reconstitute itself? We will have to wait for the dust to settle on the coming economic collapse for that answer. What is certain is our unlovely society will be gone forever and ultimately that is a good thing. The days of being controlled by murderous pedophiles and pathological narcissists is coming to an end.but the transition may not be pretty.

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excellent excellent sharing KP...

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no it will be messy

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but a must

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Off topic but when looking for a patsy, someone you can convince is Secret Service, always remember:

"Those resistant to 'love hormone' may also be easier to hypnotize"

"Those with gene variants linked to social detachment and autism were found to be most susceptible to hypnosis."


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nice sharing

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Maybe the recent killed sniper July 13, 2024 had issues like these:

Those with gene variants linked to social detachment and autism were found to be most susceptible to hypnosis."

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good sharing

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Muslims have an Allah given right to rape infidel girls and women.

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See: "J6 TIMELINE" go thru duckduckgo.com


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Maybe the "recent killed sniper" was used by the FBI like the FBI operatives, under cover cops(?) at the Capitol on J6 that did what they were told to do--first Spraying Tear Gas, or Bear Spray, into the faces of peaceful protesters just standing in the front of the crowd, & then throwing tear-gas bang grenades, one which hit right next to a man who fell to the ground having a heart attack & died right on the spot! All Right in the midst of peaceful protesters, awaiting the taking back of the electoral colege votes in order to allow time for a complete Forensic Audit on the 2020 election!

They were also shooting the Patriots with Rubber Bullets, one of which lodged in a mans cheek, causing blood to shoot out all over! EVIL !!


The whole scenero screams of plot to take our President Trump & as many supporters as possible!

500 rounds of amunition!

Roof too steep to have Protective snippers guarding Trump!!! BS !!

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