FDA in a Trump administration? Yet is it mRNA technology vaccine? I think until vaccine induced myocarditis or similar can be ruled out, catecholamine surges on damaged myocardium
Horrifying and it won’t stop! Too many people still sleeping in their sheep skin unfortunately. Lots are awake but the deep state is too corrupt. It’s too far gone. I hope I’m wrong but the cabal is too powerful 🥹 This is so sad. Such a tragedy for these poor innocent kids.
SMH, Dr. Alexander. So many young children dying. It is just absolutely shameful what is happening. I said in an earlier post I hope RFK, Jr. is not an infiltrator. I do not think so. We need everyone willing to do good for this country to unite, but I think RM does NOT need to be in the admin. His CREATION is/has harmed so many people, it is just disgusting to think about.
I agree it is the vaccines that are killing these boys but your constant attacks on Robert Malone are downright nuts. Malone has addressed his research on mRNA in multiple interviews. Yes, he developed mRNA when he was a young man, decades ago, and has a patent (at the insistence of his academic institution) but he has not made one penny from that patent and he had absolutely NOTHING to do with the development of the COVID vaccines. We can thank DARPA for that. Malone has repeatedly said that experiencing his own vaccine injury along with all he has learned since this nightmare began has caused him to review other vaccines' safety and efficacy. One good thing that has come out of this debacle is that people's eyes have been opened to vaccine ideology. No doubt there are those that should be blamed and held accountable for the injuries and deaths from these toxic injections but Malone is not one of them. You blaming Malone for how DARPA used the technology he initially developed (but never too to market in any way) is like blaming the first person who built a ladder for your injuries when you fell off yours. I find your constant attacks on Malone, which include foul language and obnoxious expletives, reflective more of your mental instability than san expression of anything true or accurate about Malone. Bourla is a different matter. He definitely has culpability. Why don't you focus your considerable energy on contributing something positive to heal the sick, open the eyes of those asleep, educate the masses, rather than raging on like a madman. I suggest you watch one of the many very candid reviews Malone has done with people like Ahmad Malik, Jan Jekielek from Epoch Times. Bret Weinstein, or with Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Today. Get a grip on yourself, Paul.
Apparently, there aren't enough people dropping dead to impress the public, but over the next 5 years in USA alone, 100 million will pass, just from the fall out of the jabs that have already been given and continue to be given. Will that impress anyone? I have my doubts. Remember the average IQ has now dropped to 85 and 70 is considered retarded.
Sasha Latypova should be consulted. Dr. William Makis should be consulted. Dr. Ryan Cole should be consulted. The preponderance of the facts are quite clear to any who will listen and see. These are NOT coincidental sudden deaths. The "vaccines" are NOT vaccines, they are a death sentence. All of this was intended, purposeful, premeditated, planned and executed with zero empathy, mercy, or conscience. This is not the last of the sudden deaths either...they will not stop until they are forced to stop. A Neurosurgeon in Ontario died suddenly, not long ago, with no fanfare, no reports, no inquiry...and three anesthesiologists from the same hospital died inside of one week. All were jabbed by mandate. May they rest in peace...along with Chance Gainer.
Once again, I want Dr Alexander and Dr McCullough to know that the latest Jab is still mandated to everyone over age 6 months (not a typo) if applying for permanent residence.
Yet there is no longer any mandate for Immigrants to enter the USA to have Covid shots.
I have been able to give exemptions for the past 4 weeks, because the pharmacies had emptied their shelves of the expiring 23-24 formulations. But the 24-25 formulations are now available via Pfizer and Moderna at most pharmacies. However the Bridge Access program to give FREE Covid shots was recently terminated by Congress. So now only at the Dept of Health can people get free vaccines.
However, most DOH are delaying getting the vaccines to give out for free.
Despite the mRNA therapy being routine to produce, Walmart is charging $170 and CVS/Rite Aid at $200. The CDC/FDA are being run by Pfizer.
What is so telling, is that CDC now says that the older vaccines don't provide benefit, as a reason to get the latest. Before they told us that you just needed a booster. They no longer call them boosters.
When, oh when, do we ever start to prosecute the guilty parties? This failure is reprehensible. We are still at square 1 waiting for the train to nowhere, why?
It seems that only Scotland and Japan have been willing to admit the damage to life and health covid jabs have wrought.
It was horrifying to learn that, despite the monumental efforts of Australia's true covid medical experts, researchers, analysts, statisticians, and activists, their government's covid investigation swept the truth under the rug and (falsely) concluded the huge number of excess deaths are attributable to "covid" rather than covid injections and other disastrous government policy and response measures. The government's report on its "investigation" didn't have the decency to include well-supported facts that would definitively undermine their foregone conclusion that "covid" itself was the enemy.
As a result, it's likely Australian history will repeat itself with more zealous totalitarian mandates and lockdowns. The same will happen here if the Truth about covid and deadly covid jabs is kept from Americans.
i have to say, i wish you would stop harping on Malone all the time. his contribution to the mRNA process predated the vaccine by many years. the mRNA process was never meant to be used as a vaccine; the point of the lipid nano particles was to get medications to cross the blood brain barrier for cancer treatments. if you're facing terminal cancer, you might be willing to take the risk of this therapy but not for a flu. my friends volunteered in the moderna trials, not so much for covid, but to help advance the therapy for use in cancer (i don't think it will work for that either). Malone has also said that when he first heard about covid, he told his team to look into repurposed drugs because the vaccine could not be developed quickly enough. he was also vaccine injured.
you can't blame the scientists who worked on it either. the people who should be condemned are the presidents, prime ministers and politicians who made the secret deals, mandated it, threatened jobs and liberties, imposed censorship and fines. they are the real villains.
you discredit your positions by this constant barrage against a person who has spoken very publicly against the vaccines and risked his comfortable life to enter the fray.
dont read my stack, what you said makes no sense...I am sorry, I wish to be respectful but you are taking garbage...Malone is a con...you bought it...I know Malone better than most...we were part of the same group...he is a grifter like many in the COVID movement. nothing he says is true...please dont embarrass yourself and please dont comment here or actually please do...
Right on!! Malone was so proud of his accomplishment, but when the fecal mass hit the fan, he saw God and wanted to "get things right". Rather than take the hemlock for his "discovery", he wanted absolution from his contribution (!). Went from good cop to bad cop, what is more obvious?
Please try researching Dr. Judy Mikovits. Her care was destroyed by the likes of Robert Gallow and his shill Fauci. Her research was stolen, given to Malone who then took credit for work she and her team completed.
Mikovits holds patents. Wait and see who goes down the drain. Malone?
i have heard her speak many times. i have no doubt that she is one of may victims of pharmaceutical persecution. malone also holds patents. we have to stop fighting among each other. who doesn't believe in viruses? who was onto the covid scam first? who was seen wearing a mask? we'll never defeat the forces aligned against us at this rate
Carolyn, do your homework, stop embarrassing yourself, this con sued everyone who questioned him...he did lots of wrong...Kariko who worked with him said he was a fraud...do you read the entirety of the print out there? he did things to put peoples lives at risk and I wont list nothing here...no no no...what he did are legal issues he will answer to...he knows that....he tried Breggins, Ruby...he went after McCullough...he is a pure grifter and I imagine you just cant get your mind to believe you fell for it...you were conned...that is your problem but dont try to convince people of that crap...sorry, I dont mean to disrespect...but come better than that please.
I would agree with that statement, that we need to “stop fighting each other”.
Hence my shock when Malone decided to sue 3 individuals (Dr. Breggin, his wife and Dr. Jane Ruby) for a sum of 40 million dollars. He’s the one with too many questions and not enough valid answers hanging over his head. As for Dr. Judy Mikovits, it’s game over; she queried him on who was his mentor, and he said David Baltimore. Enough said, Baltimore, Gallow, Fauci and Malone all low hanging fruit from the same tree. This is the opposition, they do NOT have any of our best interests at heart.Period.
Did you know Malone took the vaccine and has BP problems, heart issues now? He publicly stated that he was not involved in the making of or distribution of the vaccine. He had worked on the mRNA technology in its infancy but broke away from it! He stated he made no money from the vaccines. I could be wrong so appreciate it if you could look into this further?
Yep, CYA. I used to receive his free substack which I didn't sign up for. He harped about being mistreated. This is the first I've heard of him having taken it or having health problems. He and his wife had been traveling all over the place. I don't trust him or anything he says.
He did claim to have taken the covid jab. Quite some time ago. Said he did it intentionally, believing it could help with his "long" covid. (A very suspicious cover story. He said he had side effects. To evoke sympathy? To make it appear he was "fooled" by his "own" invention? His story just doesn't ring true.)
I also find him entirely untrustworthy. (See his infamous interview by Doc Malik.)
One needs to look no further than when Malone speciously sued Dr. Breggin, his wife for 20 million $$$, as well as Dr. Jane Ruby for the same 20 million. Crime the 3 apparently did? To dare call out Malone. Whatever happened to free speech Malone? Oh, that’s right, it’s only when YOU SAY SO. Give me a break.
In addition if he’s so innocent and on board, what took him so very long to get on board with the early docs that were calling out the truth? Drs. Geertz Vanden Bosche, Michael Yeadon, Butthar, Alexander, Tenpenny, Ruby, Mikovits, et al. Really a disgusting individual.
Right, but there is a question; is he making $$$ from that technology he created? That is the real question and if so, is he guilty of a crime against humanity?
Malone waited until the end of the pandemic to start claiming the technology was dangerous. He came out on the vaccine to cover his @$$. His claim that mass formation psychosis is responsible for the murders and maiming, was part of the coverup. McCullough is not a vaccine researcher and was not involved in the research behind the mRNA vaccines, so he was sideswiped like a lot of medical professionals who trusted government officials saying vaccines are safe.
More jab murders. Too bad the victims were not gang members. But there is a problem. I see only two whites and the other 5 are minorities. Where are the quotas for whites? And why do black males always grab at their dirty crotches? Hypocrisy and discrimination/racism against the majority.
Dr. Judy Mikovits would agree with you Dr. Alexander. That’s what she’s contended all along with the AIDS CRISIS. She had the cure; the Baltimore, Gallow, Fauci ilk torpedoed her and her team to hide the truth. Aka: facts.matter.
Yes and how many more aren’t even being spoke about. Here in Niagara Ontario Public Health has ordered long term care homes to destroy the vaccines and another to replace is coming. The insanity doesn’t stop.
Massive punishments across the board need to happen. If not, it’ll never stop. I’ll never forget how it greatly impacted my life personally, my family, my neighbors, my community, my state, my country, & the whole world! Never forget what they’ve done to us!
If Malone is selected for ANY cabinet position that would be totally disastrous and further show that this new Trump admin has the same poor judgement as the old Trump admin!
If it were to happen, I believe the fault would lie with RFK Jr's influence since he has a bond with Malone that I believe encouraged Malone to make a big public play for head of the FDA. Considering Malone's ego, I'm surprised he hasn't expressed an interest in Secretary of HHS.
I agree a role for Malone (in any administration) would be disastrous. He's an arrogant bully rather than a collaborator. (I always go back to his behavior in the interview Doc Malik conducted with him as evidence.)
Who is saying RFK Jr supports OWS? I have been kinda distracted with family matters so I could well have missed it. I can't believe for one minute it is true.
"Fully vaccinated." Says it all.
If only their parents would speak up/ask questions/express doubts.
I hope the parents get smart and figure it out. What are their coaches saying?
Horrifying and it won’t stop! Too many people still sleeping in their sheep skin unfortunately. Lots are awake but the deep state is too corrupt. It’s too far gone. I hope I’m wrong but the cabal is too powerful 🥹 This is so sad. Such a tragedy for these poor innocent kids.
yes thank you for sharing
my money rides on Malone vaccine
SMH, Dr. Alexander. So many young children dying. It is just absolutely shameful what is happening. I said in an earlier post I hope RFK, Jr. is not an infiltrator. I do not think so. We need everyone willing to do good for this country to unite, but I think RM does NOT need to be in the admin. His CREATION is/has harmed so many people, it is just disgusting to think about.
we pray for RFK Jr.
I agree it is the vaccines that are killing these boys but your constant attacks on Robert Malone are downright nuts. Malone has addressed his research on mRNA in multiple interviews. Yes, he developed mRNA when he was a young man, decades ago, and has a patent (at the insistence of his academic institution) but he has not made one penny from that patent and he had absolutely NOTHING to do with the development of the COVID vaccines. We can thank DARPA for that. Malone has repeatedly said that experiencing his own vaccine injury along with all he has learned since this nightmare began has caused him to review other vaccines' safety and efficacy. One good thing that has come out of this debacle is that people's eyes have been opened to vaccine ideology. No doubt there are those that should be blamed and held accountable for the injuries and deaths from these toxic injections but Malone is not one of them. You blaming Malone for how DARPA used the technology he initially developed (but never too to market in any way) is like blaming the first person who built a ladder for your injuries when you fell off yours. I find your constant attacks on Malone, which include foul language and obnoxious expletives, reflective more of your mental instability than san expression of anything true or accurate about Malone. Bourla is a different matter. He definitely has culpability. Why don't you focus your considerable energy on contributing something positive to heal the sick, open the eyes of those asleep, educate the masses, rather than raging on like a madman. I suggest you watch one of the many very candid reviews Malone has done with people like Ahmad Malik, Jan Jekielek from Epoch Times. Bret Weinstein, or with Tucker Carlson on Tucker Carlson Today. Get a grip on yourself, Paul.
Courageous declaration!
Apparently, there aren't enough people dropping dead to impress the public, but over the next 5 years in USA alone, 100 million will pass, just from the fall out of the jabs that have already been given and continue to be given. Will that impress anyone? I have my doubts. Remember the average IQ has now dropped to 85 and 70 is considered retarded.
We are in big, big trouble.
Sasha Latypova should be consulted. Dr. William Makis should be consulted. Dr. Ryan Cole should be consulted. The preponderance of the facts are quite clear to any who will listen and see. These are NOT coincidental sudden deaths. The "vaccines" are NOT vaccines, they are a death sentence. All of this was intended, purposeful, premeditated, planned and executed with zero empathy, mercy, or conscience. This is not the last of the sudden deaths either...they will not stop until they are forced to stop. A Neurosurgeon in Ontario died suddenly, not long ago, with no fanfare, no reports, no inquiry...and three anesthesiologists from the same hospital died inside of one week. All were jabbed by mandate. May they rest in peace...along with Chance Gainer.
correct, and you should be consulted...you were smart enough.
Thanks Doc.
Sorry consult your self no pharma /dr/ gubmnt give crap about you
Once again, I want Dr Alexander and Dr McCullough to know that the latest Jab is still mandated to everyone over age 6 months (not a typo) if applying for permanent residence.
Yet there is no longer any mandate for Immigrants to enter the USA to have Covid shots.
I have been able to give exemptions for the past 4 weeks, because the pharmacies had emptied their shelves of the expiring 23-24 formulations. But the 24-25 formulations are now available via Pfizer and Moderna at most pharmacies. However the Bridge Access program to give FREE Covid shots was recently terminated by Congress. So now only at the Dept of Health can people get free vaccines.
However, most DOH are delaying getting the vaccines to give out for free.
Despite the mRNA therapy being routine to produce, Walmart is charging $170 and CVS/Rite Aid at $200. The CDC/FDA are being run by Pfizer.
What is so telling, is that CDC now says that the older vaccines don't provide benefit, as a reason to get the latest. Before they told us that you just needed a booster. They no longer call them boosters.
When, oh when, do we ever start to prosecute the guilty parties? This failure is reprehensible. We are still at square 1 waiting for the train to nowhere, why?
It seems that only Scotland and Japan have been willing to admit the damage to life and health covid jabs have wrought.
It was horrifying to learn that, despite the monumental efforts of Australia's true covid medical experts, researchers, analysts, statisticians, and activists, their government's covid investigation swept the truth under the rug and (falsely) concluded the huge number of excess deaths are attributable to "covid" rather than covid injections and other disastrous government policy and response measures. The government's report on its "investigation" didn't have the decency to include well-supported facts that would definitively undermine their foregone conclusion that "covid" itself was the enemy.
As a result, it's likely Australian history will repeat itself with more zealous totalitarian mandates and lockdowns. The same will happen here if the Truth about covid and deadly covid jabs is kept from Americans.
Slovakia and the Philippines also.
Thank you for this additional important information, Karl.
How right you are......
Dr Alexander, maybe the cause is the new disease that the embalmers find in up to 50%
of the bodies, AND ONLY TO BE FOUND IN THE BODIES OF THE VACCINATED: long, rubberlike blood clots (up to 2 to 3 feet long) that block the veins and the arteries in the body. Some of the doctors in the hospitals must know about it too but they shut up! See the American embalmer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLl69c46JK0 The English embalmer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwdRfbPrGIY An update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHtMKQKoNYo&t=620s Interview with an American whistleblower: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring
very interesting and important...thank you
i have to say, i wish you would stop harping on Malone all the time. his contribution to the mRNA process predated the vaccine by many years. the mRNA process was never meant to be used as a vaccine; the point of the lipid nano particles was to get medications to cross the blood brain barrier for cancer treatments. if you're facing terminal cancer, you might be willing to take the risk of this therapy but not for a flu. my friends volunteered in the moderna trials, not so much for covid, but to help advance the therapy for use in cancer (i don't think it will work for that either). Malone has also said that when he first heard about covid, he told his team to look into repurposed drugs because the vaccine could not be developed quickly enough. he was also vaccine injured.
you can't blame the scientists who worked on it either. the people who should be condemned are the presidents, prime ministers and politicians who made the secret deals, mandated it, threatened jobs and liberties, imposed censorship and fines. they are the real villains.
you discredit your positions by this constant barrage against a person who has spoken very publicly against the vaccines and risked his comfortable life to enter the fray.
dont read my stack, what you said makes no sense...I am sorry, I wish to be respectful but you are taking garbage...Malone is a con...you bought it...I know Malone better than most...we were part of the same group...he is a grifter like many in the COVID movement. nothing he says is true...please dont embarrass yourself and please dont comment here or actually please do...
Right on!! Malone was so proud of his accomplishment, but when the fecal mass hit the fan, he saw God and wanted to "get things right". Rather than take the hemlock for his "discovery", he wanted absolution from his contribution (!). Went from good cop to bad cop, what is more obvious?
Please try researching Dr. Judy Mikovits. Her care was destroyed by the likes of Robert Gallow and his shill Fauci. Her research was stolen, given to Malone who then took credit for work she and her team completed.
Mikovits holds patents. Wait and see who goes down the drain. Malone?
good post
*** career, not care ***
i have heard her speak many times. i have no doubt that she is one of may victims of pharmaceutical persecution. malone also holds patents. we have to stop fighting among each other. who doesn't believe in viruses? who was onto the covid scam first? who was seen wearing a mask? we'll never defeat the forces aligned against us at this rate
Carolyn, do your homework, stop embarrassing yourself, this con sued everyone who questioned him...he did lots of wrong...Kariko who worked with him said he was a fraud...do you read the entirety of the print out there? he did things to put peoples lives at risk and I wont list nothing here...no no no...what he did are legal issues he will answer to...he knows that....he tried Breggins, Ruby...he went after McCullough...he is a pure grifter and I imagine you just cant get your mind to believe you fell for it...you were conned...that is your problem but dont try to convince people of that crap...sorry, I dont mean to disrespect...but come better than that please.
I would agree with that statement, that we need to “stop fighting each other”.
Hence my shock when Malone decided to sue 3 individuals (Dr. Breggin, his wife and Dr. Jane Ruby) for a sum of 40 million dollars. He’s the one with too many questions and not enough valid answers hanging over his head. As for Dr. Judy Mikovits, it’s game over; she queried him on who was his mentor, and he said David Baltimore. Enough said, Baltimore, Gallow, Fauci and Malone all low hanging fruit from the same tree. This is the opposition, they do NOT have any of our best interests at heart.Period.
Did you know Malone took the vaccine and has BP problems, heart issues now? He publicly stated that he was not involved in the making of or distribution of the vaccine. He had worked on the mRNA technology in its infancy but broke away from it! He stated he made no money from the vaccines. I could be wrong so appreciate it if you could look into this further?
So he says...
Yep, CYA. I used to receive his free substack which I didn't sign up for. He harped about being mistreated. This is the first I've heard of him having taken it or having health problems. He and his wife had been traveling all over the place. I don't trust him or anything he says.
He did claim to have taken the covid jab. Quite some time ago. Said he did it intentionally, believing it could help with his "long" covid. (A very suspicious cover story. He said he had side effects. To evoke sympathy? To make it appear he was "fooled" by his "own" invention? His story just doesn't ring true.)
I also find him entirely untrustworthy. (See his infamous interview by Doc Malik.)
One needs to look no further than when Malone speciously sued Dr. Breggin, his wife for 20 million $$$, as well as Dr. Jane Ruby for the same 20 million. Crime the 3 apparently did? To dare call out Malone. Whatever happened to free speech Malone? Oh, that’s right, it’s only when YOU SAY SO. Give me a break.
In addition if he’s so innocent and on board, what took him so very long to get on board with the early docs that were calling out the truth? Drs. Geertz Vanden Bosche, Michael Yeadon, Butthar, Alexander, Tenpenny, Ruby, Mikovits, et al. Really a disgusting individual.
Right, but there is a question; is he making $$$ from that technology he created? That is the real question and if so, is he guilty of a crime against humanity?
That wouldn't make him a criminal, because at the time he was working on it, he didn't know the outcome.
I haven't heard if he took the Jab himself voluntarily. If he did, that would help his case that he didn't even know the harms in early 2021.
Dr McCullough didn't know the harms for sure until around March 2021, but before then was only recommending considering for over age 60.
There are so many people much worse than Malone, and most of them will still not admit being wrong.
Malone waited until the end of the pandemic to start claiming the technology was dangerous. He came out on the vaccine to cover his @$$. His claim that mass formation psychosis is responsible for the murders and maiming, was part of the coverup. McCullough is not a vaccine researcher and was not involved in the research behind the mRNA vaccines, so he was sideswiped like a lot of medical professionals who trusted government officials saying vaccines are safe.
Good points.
More jab murders. Too bad the victims were not gang members. But there is a problem. I see only two whites and the other 5 are minorities. Where are the quotas for whites? And why do black males always grab at their dirty crotches? Hypocrisy and discrimination/racism against the majority.
disadvantaged communities in USA were differentially targeted
Black Lives Matter? Young lives at that. It appears not.
Dr. Judy Mikovits would agree with you Dr. Alexander. That’s what she’s contended all along with the AIDS CRISIS. She had the cure; the Baltimore, Gallow, Fauci ilk torpedoed her and her team to hide the truth. Aka: facts.matter.
Yes facts matter but not to lying demoCRAPS.
Yes and how many more aren’t even being spoke about. Here in Niagara Ontario Public Health has ordered long term care homes to destroy the vaccines and another to replace is coming. The insanity doesn’t stop.
Massive punishments across the board need to happen. If not, it’ll never stop. I’ll never forget how it greatly impacted my life personally, my family, my neighbors, my community, my state, my country, & the whole world! Never forget what they’ve done to us!
If Malone is selected for ANY cabinet position that would be totally disastrous and further show that this new Trump admin has the same poor judgement as the old Trump admin!
If it were to happen, I believe the fault would lie with RFK Jr's influence since he has a bond with Malone that I believe encouraged Malone to make a big public play for head of the FDA. Considering Malone's ego, I'm surprised he hasn't expressed an interest in Secretary of HHS.
I agree a role for Malone (in any administration) would be disastrous. He's an arrogant bully rather than a collaborator. (I always go back to his behavior in the interview Doc Malik conducted with him as evidence.)
Who is saying RFK Jr supports OWS? I have been kinda distracted with family matters so I could well have missed it. I can't believe for one minute it is true.
I guess he has to be careful mentioning while DT exposed, but will, hopefully, once they get in.