He should show some humility and apologize for his lack of judgement in trusting Fauci et al.

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He was manipulated and lied to. Shame on them and him. I would like to have him confirm what he learned in this experience that will deliver a better outcome.

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The point is he needs to make an effort to correct it. Expose the liars. Not keep claiming it as his great success.

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He trusted Fauci because he trusted DeSantis who is on record as having praised Fauci repeatedly for "doing a really good job." He is the leading candidate for the GOP nomination largely because he is Champion of the Clot Shots, not despite being Champion of the Clot Shots.

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Order prosecution of those who perpetrated the COVID-19 vaccine scam

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Or hire an AG who will do that as well as prosecuting the ESG racketeering that banks are enforcing on business.

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That would include himself.

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Stop the jabs too.

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I am surprised that no one mentions the pardon of Assange, Snowden, or Manning, or any compensation for the countless other victims of American imperialism in recent decades – no matter under which president. The United States is a war nation. The next "elected" US president will not change that – even if his name should indeed be Trump. As long as the American people do not wake up and finally muck out the complete pigsty called Deep State, nothing at all will change.

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You are absolutely correct! At least Snowden has been able to build a new life for himself and his wife? in Russia, but. just thinking about Assange makes me want to cry.... and then one can subsequently think of the Jan 6 protestors who were assailed with rubber bullets, smoke bombs and various types of gas, in tightly confined tunnels with people packed in like sardines. It was a set up to get people agitated to fight back, which is logical when one is being attacked. That's how one young woman died.... at the very least, that was manslaughter. it was in the news yesterday? ...reporting that the capital police had told this young woman's mother a made up, insane story saying she was walking around the rotunda in a daze and she collapsed and died.... That's what that news station reported. But the reality is on video footage which I saw some time back...people in those tunnels with low ceilings were being crammed together and pushed by some type of police. It's now been confirmed that she was hit in the chest with a pepper ball at a time when the tunnel was already without oxygen. Police were herding them toward the exit of a tunnel while spraying various types of tear gas. The police had on masks, helmets, goggles and had built sticks to protect themselves, but others in the crowd simply couldn't breath and the young woman in question finally collapsed just before reaching the edge of the tunnel. People on the ground just below her were screaming at people to help her, but everyone was panicked because of the tear gas? She was trampled to death, if not already dead from the pepper ball hitting her mid chest? It was a tragedy caused by the police and other military type entities. Having watched hours and hours of footage when it was available early on, the crowds can be seen with shock on their faces as the "bad" or "fake"? Police were firing on them. THAT is what caused that crowd that was initially pretty much just wandering around-with a few ADDers climbing walls- to become angry and focused on retaliation.That crowd was definitely provoked and some of the men began to fight back. It never should've happened! It was a psy-op (look it up) perpetrated against American citizens. One other little detail: the night before at maybe 3-4 am there were several buses that were brought inside the fence. It looked like they were not police, no uniforms, but why the heck were so many men being brought into the fenced-in "safe" area at that hour of the morning? Those busses were all just alike... seems like they were all white, but it's been awhile.

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For me, as a fence-sitter from the other side of the pond, it was highly suspicious from the start that a supposedly rioting mob should have broken into a highly secured building like the Capitol. Such a thing would be inconceivable at the German Reichstag – unless "someone" opened the doors and "invited" the mob in.

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Funny you should mention the Reichstag. It seems to me that the J6 "riot" has a lot in common with the Reichstag Fire. Both were false flags designed to facilitate more corrupt government power.


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Bingo! That was exactly my first thought as well. It is also alarming that it worked back then ... and seems to work the same way again today.

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You are exactly correct.

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Manning's name does not deserve to be spoken in the company of heroes Assange and Snowden.

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At the very least, it was he who leaked the explosive documents to WikiLeaks, went to jail for it, and didn't testify against Assange in 2019, despite being put in coercive detention – under Trump, mind you.

Obama pardoned him when he left office for tactical reasons, Trump put him back in for tactical reasons. Tell me where the difference is – there is none. It's like the two sides of the same coin. Both sides serve the same cause...not – the people.

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Imagine if the Vaccines lost their legal protections all the way back to 1986, when the bullied Reagan into giving them immunity. Remember? The pharmaceutical cos. threatened to stop making vaccines if they were not protected from liabilities. It's one of the most horrendous choices made by any govt.... because what happens here gets exported and standardized to other countries!

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We don't need a "compensation fund".

We need shovels.

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Why not both? Big pharma has a lot of money that could be used to support people unable to work now.

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Whoever the next President is, that must be done

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He's going to have to do a lot more than that before I'll even vote for him. Fuck him and his "beautiful vaccines".

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He isn't the leading candidate for the GOP nomination and a very competitive potential candidate for president for no reason. His "beautiful vaccines" are credited with saving hundreds of millions of lives. Running for election as Champion of the Clot Shots is reassuring to the millions of Republicans who fear losing access to new future boosters.

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He doesn't budge from his taking credit gor Warp Speed.

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Why would he let someone else take the credit for his initiative? Why would he help his opponents? Campaigning as the man who saved 100s of millions of lives

V campaigning as the man who didn't is surely the politically smart thing to do.

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I agree, even though the whole pandemic was the corrupt deep state and the democrats idea to win the election. And even though, Trump was victim of liars and undercover democrats in hiding to make Trump look bad, Trump has to undo all this damage!

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There are a lot of things Trump should be doing/saying right now but he isn’t. Instead he’s spouting his usual bunch of hyperbolic lip service. How’d that drain the swamp thing work out while he was president? Did Hillary get locked up? Yet people insist he’s a genius. He’s playing 3D chess. He’s connected to secret arms of the military. He didnt actually fail, it was all part of the plan. On and on. The fact is we all got a carrot dangled in front of us for a little over three years. Then Trump utterly lost the plot and everything went down the shitter. If his presidency was on an episode of The Apprentice they’d say, “Your Fired!” If you say he got conned, suckered, misled…what have you, then you’re assuming he’s learned his lesson and will come back smarter. Yet, literally nothing he’s saying right now sounds the least bit different from they way he acted before. The only thing Operation Warp Speed did was sideline him and put the globalist cabal squarely in charge. Yet he brags about it. My feeling is he handed them the reins. He had to step aside or the democrats would’ve never taken the “Trump vaccine.” He had to move aside for majority vaccine compliance. Everything is theater. Now he’s staging a big come from behind victory because everyone’s a sucker for a Horacio Alger story. We’re being played. As always.

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Good fantasy. Trump supported the pharma industry. He supported the covid drugs. He supported G-o-f research financially in Wuhan. He always supported corporate interests while railing against social programs that supported people as well as trashing unionizing. Even with a son who most likely was vaccine damaged he did nothing to support even studying vaccine safety. Stop excusing him as a naive person who was manipulated. Anyone that simple minded has no business being president.

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Free the January 6th prisoners and anybody that has been sentenced to prison for freedom of speech.

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A domino of medical tyranny judgment - Fauci, Barrick, Birx, Wolensky, just for starters!

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What if Trump does the opposite???

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Each of you did not have to take the jab.

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