love idea of tribunals, real proper courts. real judges, real juries.

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Yes, Cheney committed treason, as did all those on the sham J6 committee who colluded with Pelosi to cover up THEIR act of insurgency against America and a sitting President, that resulted in a stolen election, and overthrow of the government.

They all committed treason. Trump knows this, and agrees.

Interestingly, during Trump's first term Gitmo was expanded to be able to house many more inmates. I expect that is where these military tribunals will be held. Some have speculated that a few high profile traitors have already been dispatched through Gitmo. There is no proof of this, but it cannot be disproved. We know that Trump devolved the government before he allowed Biden to "take office". Derek Johnson also knows this, and has said that the real Joe Biden was not inaugurated, but given a funeral that day. We may never know, but we DO know that Trump has been the actual Commander In Chief all this time.

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boom, correct...and we are a good governance society and we want people held to account via proper legal processes, courts, no kangaroo...the illegals pukes who rap and kill, no trials, just justice

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Military-Level tribunals is exactly what's needed and must happen. The question is, WILL IT?

Aside from words telling people what they wish to hear, who's *actually* going to do it? Trump?

Yes, we'd like to believe so, but look at the hard evidence. When Trump had the House, the Senate, the White House, the entire military, and tens of millions of Americans behind him, Trump failed to take out a SINGLE Fat Rat criminal. Now Trump wants us to believe that he will take out HUNDREDS of these criminals -- but only AFTER you've made him POTUS, of course. It's like Nancy Pelosi's, "You'll learn what's in it, but only AFTER you've signed it." Sorry, that's a bridge too far for me.

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Don't forget to put the man who promoted and still promotes Warp Speed as a great achievement and still promotes his clot shot as 'fantastic'.


He was given poor advice? DOES HE HAVE A BRAIN? CAN HE TELL THE SWAMP "NO!"? Apparantly not.

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😂😂 Yeah, he’ll throw her into the cell next to where he threw Killary (remember “Lock Her Up?) Oh, by the way, did anybody notice The Donald was as silent during the debate as Grampa Joe, on the new evidence that the Saudis were the “other half” of the team that pulled off 9/11?

Oh, right, Trump “didn’t have the chance” to mention that. Before or after the debate, as well as during. The families and survivors just testified before Congress demanding answers, but The Donald was too busy showing off his golf swing and blabbing about important stuff to big business representatives about how he’s going to lower their taxes and weaken the dollar (oops, we plebes weren’t supposed to know about that meeting and what he said there!), to have time to look into the newly revealed evidence of Saudi criminal activity against America and Americans.

Trump is a genuine man for the people and the enemy of the Deep State. Sure.

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Just viewed Newsmax video on the leadup to the “TRUMP inquisition-- I think there are a few people missing from the “ mix” of Criminals = I will cite OBAMA and the CLINTON CRIME CARTEL] there are no questions that somebodies are gonna pay a price to “ Lady Justice”

and i don’t mean “Just Us” as what has ocurred. here is more than ;politics as usual - The amount of USC statutes and public law broken here is almost immeasureable- We will see what

POTUS has in mind , as well some GOP “ Rat Bastards” will have to stand in the well as they no doubt conspired with these treasonous bastards- I.M.O

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For those who are guilty of sedition or treason, death. For illegals committing atrocities in our homeland, death. The CCP police stations in our country demolished and those staffing it imprisoned if found to have done anything to any Chinese seeking asylum from the CCP. All others tossed out and banned from ever entering our country again. Those aiding and abetting setting up those stations are at best seditionists, or traitors. All Confucius Centers shut down and those staffing them deported. Anyone illegally entering this country, that is not through a port of entry are subject to execution by landowners, farmers, and Border Patrol, no questions asked. Any cartel members in this country, and those aiding and abetting are subject to deportation or execution. Globalists pushing this are subject to treason charges and death, including citizens. Enough of this bullshit.

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I like

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This is the only move Trump can make if he wants us to take him seriously.

If he doesn't hold to his word, then we should demand him to step down.

Do you have a link to this statement, Dr Alexander?

I'd love to share it with my wife.

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Thanks Dr Paul, and all my friends that answered !

My wife is overjoyed with the thought Trunp will put all those rotten apples in prison.

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It looks like it was on his Truth Social, he re-truthed that meme saying that about Cheney.

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I will think on that list, I think there are many others, Comey, The two lovers in FBI THAT COULD NOT STAND IDEA OF TRUMP, PAGE AND HIS LOVE,ANYONE WITH RUSSIA, RUSSIA, HILIARY CLINTON, MOST OF BIDENS ADMINISTRATION! Just to get the ball rolling!

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It’s the only way we’ll ever get our country back.

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