ALWAYS...yet what should Israel do? Run to the peace table? Now? I don't know, as a human being, if you shed my blood why can't I retaliate? Then we talk peace...should Israel NOT retaliate?
Yes, reports are surfacing that control points were left wide open with no guards anywhere in sight and also not forthcoming after villages were invaded. There is NO way Israelis did not know it was developing due to their highly sensitive surveillance systems. Foul play and gaslighting at work.
I wonder will this be a trigger for WW3. Iran already threatened Israel not to come near the Gasa border or they would get involved. Not sure if this is true but I did hear this today.
Correct. I have heard the same question first hand from people over there. This was allowed to happen. The question people should be asking is who wants war.
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.
I’ve been reading comments on different platforms all day long. So much anti semitism. Hamas didn’t just murder innocent Jews today. They also murdered other nationals. They committed war crimes and acts of terrorism. They should be scourged from the face of the earth. Someone said “where’s a Ghandi”. There is one coming, the Antichrist. He will bring peace to a world in chaos for a time and ultimately bring destruction in his wake. God will pour out his wrath on a world devoid of mercy. It is coming and most likely very soon.
Get right with God through Jesus Christ today before it is too late.
NWO Antichrist needs complete control, they have to get nations under their rule. Communist countries and dictatorships are a problem so they will bring order out of chaos until they have the rule of law for all countries. They will have the rule for just a little while. It’s amazing that we have this written down in the Bible. We know how it will end. God IsReal! I pray for each person reading this comment to find out if this Jesus is real! He is very real! Ask him to show you and if you are sincere, he will!
Christian Zionism has transformed Jesus of the Israeli rapture into a war monger. Christian religion is in a crisis and is deeply implicated in all this.
i'm with you on seeking peace....however Hamas has said their goal is to eradicate jews. if someone repeatedly stated they wanted you and your family line dead, then broke into your home would you be okay with talking? d question they'd return to finish.
50+ years studying this…Fact: There’s never been a nation called “Palestine”. The entire palestinian narrative is a lie, like the Koran vs The Bible - its reality turned on its head . The purpose of the “palestinians” is to destroy Israel and al-yahud (the Jews)- it’s a religious war that transcends the events of the last 40-50 years…In-migration after the Jewish project from the 1870’s makes up for much of the Arab population there, but even that is convoluted, since most of them ran away during the ‘48 war expecting to return to a Jew-free land. There was never a nation…No world leader referred to a distinct people called palestinians -unless they meant the Jews - until 1959- the narrative was the brainchild of Egypt’s Nasser during the communist uprisings of the era (Algeria, Cuba, Bolivia, Viet Nam etc). It didn’t catch on until after 1967….Biden, the oatmeal brained dummy carrying out BHO’s real agenda, just gave Iran $6B in their ceaseless drive to create a new M.E. dominated by Turkey and Iran, who are the sponsors here….And please, all the effing nazis that will come at me about the foreign aid - Israel doesn’t need it, nor want it. It’s just a control mechanism to keep the Jewish State as a vassal. That way they can dictate a response that meets the global consensus whether it perpetuates the conflict or not - ultimately, it always has…Watch out for all of the fighting age scumbags they just let in here. Israel could once again just be the canaries in the coal mine. Lock and load
I agree and what’s so important to realize is the, BHO fingerprints are all over this and each and every conflict happening today around the world, in one form or another! Via money to Ukraine, Iran, military arsenal left behind in Afghanistan, all deliberate actions including but certainly not least, our wide open borders, allowing BHO’s likely followers and “USEFUL IDIOTS” into a once sovereign nation to wreak havoc upon US! Americans are at danger from, yes that same, “I HATE AMERICA BHO”! HE HAS NEVER LOVED THIS COUNTRY AND ALL THOSE WHO DIED GIVING US FREEDOM! this will not end well, the debt implosion, the depletion of our military prowess at home and abroad, the ruination of our military personnel, on and on without so much as a “squeak of a mouse” pushback from within as well! Unfortunately, when the dots connect so obviously and shamefully as they do, it’s only a matter of time before Americas enemies act out their destruction on our homeland! It’s has started, their plan playing out, operations have been occurring, and with all this distraction everywhere around the world, nobody will have any reason to blame anyone but ourselves! They / this administration is using our hard earned tax dollars to destroy US!!America has lost her way, has been infiltrated by American hating ideologues on each and every level and within each and every agency and NGO. The summation of all the wrongs occurring have been premeditated and are in full swing and will not stop until the BHO’s of the world achieve their mission!! May God bless America and the entire world!
BHO is merely a controlled tool. He's just not sufficiently intelligent OR smart to pull this off as a leader. But his handlers allow him to believe he is.
You’re absolutely correct! Most people don’t know his mentor as a young boy I believe he was around 14 was the communist party leader in the USA! If anyone wondered why he hates America, look into his past unless that’s been purged as so many things are. Remember,”YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT” or “His White House” or something to the effect about money and when too much is BAD! He is a puppet I believe, in control of the existing demise of America, remember there’s so many tentacles stretching far and wide. Nearly thee quarters of the present “USEFUL IDIOTS” within this current administration have been re-appointed and all were part of the BHO’s administration! It’s incredible how much destruction 3 years can do even though this is all part of the 100 year plan.
They should smoke the peace pipe. That could mean, in this age and context, getting injected with mRNA and producing spike protein. Churchill and Stalin used to have alcohol drinking contests. Perhaps a healing ritual could be for them to all get boosted together.nPerhaps the leaders of both sides could compete to see who can consume the most mRNA shots in the shortest time. Win-win solution.
Although never widely disseminated, Israel (for the most part) always gave massive warnings ahead of time when they were going to retaliate in a particular area (Gaza) and demolish terrorist strongholds. The Gaza civilians are mostly pawns and are used in horrible ways by Hamas like being forced to be in harms way to protect Hamas. If Israel retaliates, it isn’t going to matter how many precautions they use to protect innocents Gazans. The terrorist will do what they always do with the cooperation of the anti Israel media and show innocent Gazans being slaughtered by the big bad Israelis. This whole thing was a big set up even down to picking this date of 50 yrs past Yom Kipper war.
I think you raise good points. In Islamic tradition, there has to be an ongoing jihad of some sort in every generation. I still find fault though with Abbas and the leadership, even though negotiating with Israel was virtually impossible.
The REAL problem is not Gaza. It is Hezbollah with approximately 75,000 very lethal higher-tech missiles, who are dug in on the border with Lebanon. This is what spawned the disaster in Syria.
Speaking in generalities, the following things help:
1) Populations need hope
2) Economic ties among countries that are relatively well-balanced and not based on exploitation can create strong disincentives for war
3) Sad to say, a lot of meddling by powerful countries (including my beloved USA) or empires can create international problems that fester for decades or centuries
4) Finding a way to focus on the future instead of the past can really help.
In the first half of the 20th century, one of my grandfathers lost his job, his life savings, his ancestral land, and much more. While his life was ruined, his children didn't harbor bitterness towards the various countries and organizations that caused these issues. All of my grandfather's descendants are thriving. I attribute that to a focus on the future instead of the past, and of course, God's blessing.
Israel represents three major religions all of which have their roots there. Palestine wants Gasa and I think Jerusalem and to be an independent state. Israel won’t part with the land since God in ancient biblical history gave them the land. I believe it is more a religious war more than anything. I think outside forces and Palestine want the two state solution more than any other deal . I wonder if this is a way to get Russia and Iran involved to have a reason to go to war. NWO needs to get Several countries under their rule to have complete control. I don’t know, someday the truth will come out.
You can't make peace with these savages. They are the relics of a 7th century, barbaric religion spawned by a pedophile, that has slaughtered millions across the globe. They'll never be satisfied with anything they get, until every Jew is run out of the Holy Land.
Sir, I was in Tehran a week before Khomeini returned, and a spent a Hajj season in Saudi during Ramadan...In August. It was absolutely terrifying.
I'm an avid student of history, and I've seen this barbarism up close... Even in Beirut during the early 70's war.
It was the Paris of the Mediterranean, and a refuge for Amenians, 90% of whom were genocided by these same Muslim cretins. But not after that war. Many fled.
So I'll keep my experience and wisdom, thank you very much. And if you'd like to know what the Muslim occupation of Spain in the "Golden Age" of Islam was like during its 700 years of occupation, I recommend the book by a respected Spanish historian, "The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise", available here:
I meant that, I just wanted you to grasp I want peace and wanted...and still do and do not favor no Israeli over Arab...but thye must pay for this...dont you think? someone???
What just happened is too obviously an Intelligence Operation; a False Flag event intended to cause trouble or be used as an excuse for bloodshed. Meanwhile Israel's treatment of the Palestinians while piously whining about "The Holocaust" must have the ghost of Adolf Hitler chortling in Hell... 🙄💩
Capt you summarized everything very nicely.. The so called Israel has over 2 million people bottled up in Palestine and they cannot go anywhere, cannot live a normal life.. Do not have access to any of the things they need. So called Israel has stolen their land, and keeps stealing their land and murdering them every day.. The MSM never shines a light on anything they do, because the MSM here and there control the narrative.. They censor what happens everyday in Palestine, but if somebody in so called Israel cut their finger you will hear about it.. This attack is what so called Israel does, its called a False Flag and they do it all the time when they want an excuse to take more land and push people farther away from them,, so they can have a buffer LOL.. I would never ever believe anything that comes from so called Israel and their MSM, just like I do not believe anything that comes from our MSM.. So called Israel is the King and Queen of False Flag operations, and you will never ever get the TRUTH, just like 9-11.
It's dangerous to post such thoughts, even with a pseudonym. And most people would not understand the difference between disliking Jews and disliking Judaism. That said you might want to watch this: "A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press" -
WOW thanks for the video Capt... The LIARS have no FEAR just like the MSM have no FEAR in Lying, so why should people speaking TRUTH have any FEAR.. That is what they want, well to bad, I want TRUTH also, but we do not get it unless we speak it.. Silence is agreement with these EVIL coward FOOLS. We will not remember the words of our enemies, only the silence of our friends..
Thanks for posting that video. I already watched it, but for some reason, I didn't add it to my collection of links to drop. But I'll start sharing that one for sure.
Israel is a fascist state. Has been from the beginning and acts like one. It is not the only state like this is it. Fascism suits some ruling elites and it is up to the good people to try and end such ideology within their nation if it exists. israeli govt. is having a bit of a time passing its new fascist legal system and voila a war with Hamas materializes as a big distraction.
Communist. Their founders, were the first to conceptualize (Marx, real name Mordecai) and then implement, Bolshevism/Communism. Fascists, worldwide, are in stark opposition to jewish ideology, corruption, and crimes against humanity.
Dr. P., I have assiduously studied the crimes of the past few thousand years, and while I am certain the Philistine's have a few, NOBODY has as many as the Tribe. They are not the most expelled because humanity hates bagels. Israel has committed heinous atrocities against the US, and the Palestinians. This is their first good, solid bloody nose. I too would prefer humans do not kill each other,; However, millions of jews want all Christians and whites wiped out, so I am forced, to root for the Alluhah Snackbar Gang!
You telling me Israel didn't notice a bunch of amateur ragheads demolishing a border fence with a fucking bulldozer?
This reeks of the "unanticipated 9/11 horror" and the consequent Bush/Blair kill Bill "Bin Laden" plot and the weapons of mass destruction Aesop's Fable to simply take out Saddam Hussein.
There is a bigger agenda here.
The timing is pitch perfect.
And how it just came out of nowhere.
Yeah right.
And Brandon's unwavering support speech like some demented bad grandpa set piece same joke at a Sunday barbecue.
This is a porno grade type script.
Dull as fuck.
Just show us the money shot, Brandon.
We all have our trousers off and we are edging to bust our collective nut.
The situation in that location (Israel today) isn't based on or about human government. The people who live there are on GOD"S property. It has been proven now for almost 4,000 years that that area is God's land. And He will give it to or take it away form whomsoever He pleases. God warned and drove Israel OUT twice. (605 B.C and 70 A.D.) God brought the Jews back to the land in 536 B.C. as he foretold by Isaiah even naming Cyrus the Persian. 154 years before it happened. ( Isa. 44:28) Now he has returned the Jews after almost 2,000 years as foretold by Hosea 6: 1-3.
2) Satan deceived secular jews and created a kill box to kill millions?
Rothschild and Balfour aren't Judaism's friends. Prussians funded Hitler and Lenin who killed millions of Orthodox Jews & Christians. At which point in history did they become friends of followers?
Israel has always retaliated, never initiated, and always warned the innocent. Leaflets are dropped, rooftops are tapped warning innocents to leave before a building is bombed, and phone calls are made to civilian homes to warn people to leave. This time it is too late for warnings. The innocent know they must leave. The terrorists will make them stay in order to have the world blame Israel. Innocents are used as shields. Bomb factories are in basements of hospitals as are Hamas headquarters. Red Cross Ambulances are used to transport terrorists, not the wounded. Hamas plays by their own rules while Israel plays according to humanitarian rules. Now Israel must obliterate Gaza totally and forever.
How could this have happened with all the security cameras and IDF on the Gaza border Something fishy!
Yes, reports are surfacing that control points were left wide open with no guards anywhere in sight and also not forthcoming after villages were invaded. There is NO way Israelis did not know it was developing due to their highly sensitive surveillance systems. Foul play and gaslighting at work.
I agree! To many things not adding up!
I wonder will this be a trigger for WW3. Iran already threatened Israel not to come near the Gasa border or they would get involved. Not sure if this is true but I did hear this today.
Whatever the agenda, the trap has sprung and is now in motion... I sense laughter coming straight from hell.
Yes WW3 has started...Ukraine, Balkans, Syria, Iran
Iron Dome!
More like a Glass shattered
Correct. I have heard the same question first hand from people over there. This was allowed to happen. The question people should be asking is who wants war.
Exactly, cui bono.
Thought this was an interesting comment from someone who was in the IDF 20 years ago:
False flag!!! I’ll spare you the videos, but my morning started with my father sending me videos of IDF soldiers slaughtered in their barracks still in just their underwear, to which both of us as former service people ourselves immediately agreed that it’s im-fucking-possible! I did a service with IDF and have been to most bases in the south, and the ones close to the borders are always on highest level security alert: armed guards on towers 24/7 and all personnel are required to carry their personal weapons at all times… including sleeping with it literally under your mattress exactly for such situations! So how the hell could a group of Palestinians break into a base and make it all the way to the barracks unnoticed and unheard? I saw the media trying to sell a story that Iranians provided some equipment that jammed the electronically monitored fence, but any disturbance immediately notifies command and control center in Israel’s equivalent of the pentagon and someone would be immediately in touch with the bases’ commanders especially in the middle of the night. But even if that story is true, where were the night guards not to see the combatants approaching and alert everyone? With bases neutralized, there were no one to come to help the civilians in the area… how convenient.
This is how I imagined the IDF would operate!
It is a false flag attack. Based off of what I have read and my experience, this is a setup.
I’ve been reading comments on different platforms all day long. So much anti semitism. Hamas didn’t just murder innocent Jews today. They also murdered other nationals. They committed war crimes and acts of terrorism. They should be scourged from the face of the earth. Someone said “where’s a Ghandi”. There is one coming, the Antichrist. He will bring peace to a world in chaos for a time and ultimately bring destruction in his wake. God will pour out his wrath on a world devoid of mercy. It is coming and most likely very soon.
Get right with God through Jesus Christ today before it is too late.
NWO Antichrist needs complete control, they have to get nations under their rule. Communist countries and dictatorships are a problem so they will bring order out of chaos until they have the rule of law for all countries. They will have the rule for just a little while. It’s amazing that we have this written down in the Bible. We know how it will end. God IsReal! I pray for each person reading this comment to find out if this Jesus is real! He is very real! Ask him to show you and if you are sincere, he will!
Christian Zionism has transformed Jesus of the Israeli rapture into a war monger. Christian religion is in a crisis and is deeply implicated in all this.
I suggest u watch " The Generals son " on will educate u.
To be against Zionists isnt to be against real Jewish ppl!!
Good time for more Jews to be slaughtered. Now they know...
What do you mean?
i'm with you on seeking peace....however Hamas has said their goal is to eradicate jews. if someone repeatedly stated they wanted you and your family line dead, then broke into your home would you be okay with talking? d question they'd return to finish.
Thousands of rabbis, and The Talmud have said they want to eradicate Christians!
50+ years studying this…Fact: There’s never been a nation called “Palestine”. The entire palestinian narrative is a lie, like the Koran vs The Bible - its reality turned on its head . The purpose of the “palestinians” is to destroy Israel and al-yahud (the Jews)- it’s a religious war that transcends the events of the last 40-50 years…In-migration after the Jewish project from the 1870’s makes up for much of the Arab population there, but even that is convoluted, since most of them ran away during the ‘48 war expecting to return to a Jew-free land. There was never a nation…No world leader referred to a distinct people called palestinians -unless they meant the Jews - until 1959- the narrative was the brainchild of Egypt’s Nasser during the communist uprisings of the era (Algeria, Cuba, Bolivia, Viet Nam etc). It didn’t catch on until after 1967….Biden, the oatmeal brained dummy carrying out BHO’s real agenda, just gave Iran $6B in their ceaseless drive to create a new M.E. dominated by Turkey and Iran, who are the sponsors here….And please, all the effing nazis that will come at me about the foreign aid - Israel doesn’t need it, nor want it. It’s just a control mechanism to keep the Jewish State as a vassal. That way they can dictate a response that meets the global consensus whether it perpetuates the conflict or not - ultimately, it always has…Watch out for all of the fighting age scumbags they just let in here. Israel could once again just be the canaries in the coal mine. Lock and load
I agree and what’s so important to realize is the, BHO fingerprints are all over this and each and every conflict happening today around the world, in one form or another! Via money to Ukraine, Iran, military arsenal left behind in Afghanistan, all deliberate actions including but certainly not least, our wide open borders, allowing BHO’s likely followers and “USEFUL IDIOTS” into a once sovereign nation to wreak havoc upon US! Americans are at danger from, yes that same, “I HATE AMERICA BHO”! HE HAS NEVER LOVED THIS COUNTRY AND ALL THOSE WHO DIED GIVING US FREEDOM! this will not end well, the debt implosion, the depletion of our military prowess at home and abroad, the ruination of our military personnel, on and on without so much as a “squeak of a mouse” pushback from within as well! Unfortunately, when the dots connect so obviously and shamefully as they do, it’s only a matter of time before Americas enemies act out their destruction on our homeland! It’s has started, their plan playing out, operations have been occurring, and with all this distraction everywhere around the world, nobody will have any reason to blame anyone but ourselves! They / this administration is using our hard earned tax dollars to destroy US!!America has lost her way, has been infiltrated by American hating ideologues on each and every level and within each and every agency and NGO. The summation of all the wrongs occurring have been premeditated and are in full swing and will not stop until the BHO’s of the world achieve their mission!! May God bless America and the entire world!
BHO is merely a controlled tool. He's just not sufficiently intelligent OR smart to pull this off as a leader. But his handlers allow him to believe he is.
You’re absolutely correct! Most people don’t know his mentor as a young boy I believe he was around 14 was the communist party leader in the USA! If anyone wondered why he hates America, look into his past unless that’s been purged as so many things are. Remember,”YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT” or “His White House” or something to the effect about money and when too much is BAD! He is a puppet I believe, in control of the existing demise of America, remember there’s so many tentacles stretching far and wide. Nearly thee quarters of the present “USEFUL IDIOTS” within this current administration have been re-appointed and all were part of the BHO’s administration! It’s incredible how much destruction 3 years can do even though this is all part of the 100 year plan.
Ignorance is bliss isn’t it?
They should smoke the peace pipe. That could mean, in this age and context, getting injected with mRNA and producing spike protein. Churchill and Stalin used to have alcohol drinking contests. Perhaps a healing ritual could be for them to all get boosted together.nPerhaps the leaders of both sides could compete to see who can consume the most mRNA shots in the shortest time. Win-win solution.
Israel is already heading for genocide via the toxic Covid jabs.
Would the winner change his name to Kareem al-Jabber?
Although never widely disseminated, Israel (for the most part) always gave massive warnings ahead of time when they were going to retaliate in a particular area (Gaza) and demolish terrorist strongholds. The Gaza civilians are mostly pawns and are used in horrible ways by Hamas like being forced to be in harms way to protect Hamas. If Israel retaliates, it isn’t going to matter how many precautions they use to protect innocents Gazans. The terrorist will do what they always do with the cooperation of the anti Israel media and show innocent Gazans being slaughtered by the big bad Israelis. This whole thing was a big set up even down to picking this date of 50 yrs past Yom Kipper war.
I think you raise good points. In Islamic tradition, there has to be an ongoing jihad of some sort in every generation. I still find fault though with Abbas and the leadership, even though negotiating with Israel was virtually impossible.
The REAL problem is not Gaza. It is Hezbollah with approximately 75,000 very lethal higher-tech missiles, who are dug in on the border with Lebanon. This is what spawned the disaster in Syria.
I just read the comments. A lot of Jew haters here. Too ignorant and filled with hate to know history.
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
This such an obvious psyop paid for by the usual suspects. We must take a side and this will distract and divide further. I smell globalists.
This is a tough multi-faceted subject.
Speaking in generalities, the following things help:
1) Populations need hope
2) Economic ties among countries that are relatively well-balanced and not based on exploitation can create strong disincentives for war
3) Sad to say, a lot of meddling by powerful countries (including my beloved USA) or empires can create international problems that fester for decades or centuries
4) Finding a way to focus on the future instead of the past can really help.
In the first half of the 20th century, one of my grandfathers lost his job, his life savings, his ancestral land, and much more. While his life was ruined, his children didn't harbor bitterness towards the various countries and organizations that caused these issues. All of my grandfather's descendants are thriving. I attribute that to a focus on the future instead of the past, and of course, God's blessing.
Israel represents three major religions all of which have their roots there. Palestine wants Gasa and I think Jerusalem and to be an independent state. Israel won’t part with the land since God in ancient biblical history gave them the land. I believe it is more a religious war more than anything. I think outside forces and Palestine want the two state solution more than any other deal . I wonder if this is a way to get Russia and Iran involved to have a reason to go to war. NWO needs to get Several countries under their rule to have complete control. I don’t know, someday the truth will come out.
ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?
False Flag confirmed
Day one and you know it all Prinxxx. Show some humility please. Its not at all clear what is going on right now and who has it right or wrong.
This needs deep consideration, and not by Raytheon or Lockheed-Martin.
You can't make peace with these savages. They are the relics of a 7th century, barbaric religion spawned by a pedophile, that has slaughtered millions across the globe. They'll never be satisfied with anything they get, until every Jew is run out of the Holy Land.
Barbarians. Nothing more.
Forgive me Linden, but you need to learn some history... Some real history..
Sir, I was in Tehran a week before Khomeini returned, and a spent a Hajj season in Saudi during Ramadan...In August. It was absolutely terrifying.
I'm an avid student of history, and I've seen this barbarism up close... Even in Beirut during the early 70's war.
It was the Paris of the Mediterranean, and a refuge for Amenians, 90% of whom were genocided by these same Muslim cretins. But not after that war. Many fled.
So I'll keep my experience and wisdom, thank you very much. And if you'd like to know what the Muslim occupation of Spain in the "Golden Age" of Islam was like during its 700 years of occupation, I recommend the book by a respected Spanish historian, "The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise", available here:
You can read a history yourself, and if you like history, I love the library of out of print academic books at
I will howver, order the book you recommended.
Thank you, I'd love your opinion. And thank you for your courtesy.
Be patient while I wait for it to arrive... And when I asked her, my wife has told me my perspective is a bit on the extreme side for most people.. 🤔
So you're allowed to be a little vexxed at what I wrote.
Hate to break it to you Linden, but I'm aware of all that too... 🤔
And yet I see the genocide of the Palestinians, and you do not.
Let more Jews be slaughtered
10 minutes ago you wanted to nuke ALL the people who had their land stolen by Israel! You need to dial in your Meds!
I meant that, I just wanted you to grasp I want peace and wanted...and still do and do not favor no Israeli over Arab...but thye must pay for this...dont you think? someone???
What just happened is too obviously an Intelligence Operation; a False Flag event intended to cause trouble or be used as an excuse for bloodshed. Meanwhile Israel's treatment of the Palestinians while piously whining about "The Holocaust" must have the ghost of Adolf Hitler chortling in Hell... 🙄💩
Capt you summarized everything very nicely.. The so called Israel has over 2 million people bottled up in Palestine and they cannot go anywhere, cannot live a normal life.. Do not have access to any of the things they need. So called Israel has stolen their land, and keeps stealing their land and murdering them every day.. The MSM never shines a light on anything they do, because the MSM here and there control the narrative.. They censor what happens everyday in Palestine, but if somebody in so called Israel cut their finger you will hear about it.. This attack is what so called Israel does, its called a False Flag and they do it all the time when they want an excuse to take more land and push people farther away from them,, so they can have a buffer LOL.. I would never ever believe anything that comes from so called Israel and their MSM, just like I do not believe anything that comes from our MSM.. So called Israel is the King and Queen of False Flag operations, and you will never ever get the TRUTH, just like 9-11.
It's dangerous to post such thoughts, even with a pseudonym. And most people would not understand the difference between disliking Jews and disliking Judaism. That said you might want to watch this: "A Modestly Priced Weapon: Our Controlled Press" -
WOW thanks for the video Capt... The LIARS have no FEAR just like the MSM have no FEAR in Lying, so why should people speaking TRUTH have any FEAR.. That is what they want, well to bad, I want TRUTH also, but we do not get it unless we speak it.. Silence is agreement with these EVIL coward FOOLS. We will not remember the words of our enemies, only the silence of our friends..
Frightening isn't it? And the accusations and persecution you risk, just for mentioning it. 😲
Thanks for posting that video. I already watched it, but for some reason, I didn't add it to my collection of links to drop. But I'll start sharing that one for sure.
Ugh! You are such a prisoner to the propaganda and your own hate.
Israel is a fascist state. Has been from the beginning and acts like one. It is not the only state like this is it. Fascism suits some ruling elites and it is up to the good people to try and end such ideology within their nation if it exists. israeli govt. is having a bit of a time passing its new fascist legal system and voila a war with Hamas materializes as a big distraction.
Communist. Their founders, were the first to conceptualize (Marx, real name Mordecai) and then implement, Bolshevism/Communism. Fascists, worldwide, are in stark opposition to jewish ideology, corruption, and crimes against humanity.
Dr. P., I have assiduously studied the crimes of the past few thousand years, and while I am certain the Philistine's have a few, NOBODY has as many as the Tribe. They are not the most expelled because humanity hates bagels. Israel has committed heinous atrocities against the US, and the Palestinians. This is their first good, solid bloody nose. I too would prefer humans do not kill each other,; However, millions of jews want all Christians and whites wiped out, so I am forced, to root for the Alluhah Snackbar Gang!
It's a false flag, AntiCommunist. You know that, don't you?
It is a damn good excuse to go take some land, and kill millions. Aye. Still, Hope and Change! Even my dark heart, likes to see some Hope!
"It is a damn good excuse to go take some land, and kill millions"?
That's exactly what it is. 🙄💩💣
False flag or not, the Jews are being killed n injured. They are from Hell anyway.
Israel deserves the deaths, injuries and hostages being taken. They tortured the Arabs for decades.
Uncle Sam has a bigger plan.
You telling me Israel didn't notice a bunch of amateur ragheads demolishing a border fence with a fucking bulldozer?
This reeks of the "unanticipated 9/11 horror" and the consequent Bush/Blair kill Bill "Bin Laden" plot and the weapons of mass destruction Aesop's Fable to simply take out Saddam Hussein.
There is a bigger agenda here.
The timing is pitch perfect.
And how it just came out of nowhere.
Yeah right.
And Brandon's unwavering support speech like some demented bad grandpa set piece same joke at a Sunday barbecue.
This is a porno grade type script.
Dull as fuck.
Just show us the money shot, Brandon.
We all have our trousers off and we are edging to bust our collective nut.
Q already told us how this ends. Look to Niger and Sri Lanka for a spoiler
If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel."
If the Balfour Declaration wasn't penned in 1917 we wouldn't be here. Everything that happened in 1917 is being undone.
Nope. We all should have concerns about how this situation came about. But Israel is here to STAY...that is not going to change.
On what do you base that? Hopefull wishes? There is no legal, Biblical or logical reason to believe Zionism isn't fascist colonialism
The situation in that location (Israel today) isn't based on or about human government. The people who live there are on GOD"S property. It has been proven now for almost 4,000 years that that area is God's land. And He will give it to or take it away form whomsoever He pleases. God warned and drove Israel OUT twice. (605 B.C and 70 A.D.) God brought the Jews back to the land in 536 B.C. as he foretold by Isaiah even naming Cyrus the Persian. 154 years before it happened. ( Isa. 44:28) Now he has returned the Jews after almost 2,000 years as foretold by Hosea 6: 1-3.
Which makes more sense?
1) God used Satanists to create Israel.
2) Satan deceived secular jews and created a kill box to kill millions?
Rothschild and Balfour aren't Judaism's friends. Prussians funded Hitler and Lenin who killed millions of Orthodox Jews & Christians. At which point in history did they become friends of followers?
That is hard to answer,because it states that in every case Israel is bad. I think in all these cases we see evil leaders are to be blamed.
The above statement is true.
Israel has always retaliated, never initiated, and always warned the innocent. Leaflets are dropped, rooftops are tapped warning innocents to leave before a building is bombed, and phone calls are made to civilian homes to warn people to leave. This time it is too late for warnings. The innocent know they must leave. The terrorists will make them stay in order to have the world blame Israel. Innocents are used as shields. Bomb factories are in basements of hospitals as are Hamas headquarters. Red Cross Ambulances are used to transport terrorists, not the wounded. Hamas plays by their own rules while Israel plays according to humanitarian rules. Now Israel must obliterate Gaza totally and forever.
Israel should tell the entire world they are agents of the Rothschilds.