What should Israel do? After attacked by Hamas? So much death. What? I am for peace as much as you, no blood shed, no life lost! None, no Arab, No Israeli, NONE! Arab life as valuable as an Israeli,
ALWAYS...yet what should Israel do? Run to the peace table? Now? I don't know, as a human being, if you shed my blood why can't I retaliate? Then we talk peace...should Israel NOT retaliate?
What should Israel do? I want no life lost now, no Arab life, no Palestinian, none, no Israeli. Yet should Israel stand down? You tell me. If it were me, I would retaliate brutally…its just me…my opinion…I cannot wrap my head around this attack and now the world is in peril…Israel can obliterate all arab nations at once if it wanted to…do you understand that? including Iran…I am not on Israel side nor am I on any Arab side and I have that arab in me…my father’s side…yet I cannot stand by with innocent Israeli life lost and just side with arab because I have that in me…in this case this is wrong…very very wrong.
so what should Israel do? Do we have a statesman available who can help this and stand it down? Is it right to stand down? I am saddened, pained by loss of life and would have for Arab if it was innocents lost unprovoked or in any manner…this is terrible.
So what should Israel do? I think they should retaliate. Spare innocent life, target properly but they must respond. Take all steps to not kill any innocent people. But Israel must retaliate. Let us not get racist or discriminatory or the like, let us talk seriously and calmly and decently…let us have a debate here. If an Arab nation was struck needlessly or unprovoked by Israel, I would say they have the right to retaliate. This to me is right vs wrong in this situation. This was wrong.
What should be the answer?
How could this have happened with all the security cameras and IDF on the Gaza border Something fishy!
I’ve been reading comments on different platforms all day long. So much anti semitism. Hamas didn’t just murder innocent Jews today. They also murdered other nationals. They committed war crimes and acts of terrorism. They should be scourged from the face of the earth. Someone said “where’s a Ghandi”. There is one coming, the Antichrist. He will bring peace to a world in chaos for a time and ultimately bring destruction in his wake. God will pour out his wrath on a world devoid of mercy. It is coming and most likely very soon.
Get right with God through Jesus Christ today before it is too late.