Tucker Carlson was beginning to talk about this taboo subject on his show. One of many reasons he had to go.

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Great care must be used when peeing on the third rail that is Big Pharma.

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Rather than loading kids up on meds, the first thing parents and doctors should try when helping a child with conditions like ADHD is to try a real food, animal-based diet.

One problem with meds for mental conditions is that great care must be used when coming off them. Patients need to work closely with a doctor on how slowly to reduce the dosage.

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Even greater care should be taken before prescribing them in the first place. But they dole them out like candy.

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Yes, their safety and effectiveness are dubious at best.

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Exactly. There are lots of options and there is lots of support once you start looking. GAPS diet has been transformative in our household.

Pete Evans made a wonderful documentary about it - 'The Magic Pill.' I wish all parents could watch it.

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Never heard of GAPS diet before, but after reviewing it, there is quite a high degree of overlap between it and my current ~keto diet. (Is that a coincidence?)

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I guess the major difference is that GAPS has set stages to it. But like a good keto diet, it relies heavily on high quality animal products and 100% real food. My big brother was able to put his severe Crohn's into remission with GAPS, and has been asymptomatic and unmedicated for many years now. Incidentally, my dad developed rapid onset dementia following his booster (his doctor talked him into it) - we have had him on keto for about a month now, and he is almost back to normal. It's pretty wonderful. I hope yours is going well.

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Known for decades. However, was the girl also jabbed? That could also do it.

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I had the same thought. It could bejab-related encephalitis.

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Bet most of the school shooters were on those meds.

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I also think alot of it has to do with the numbers of hours playing violent video games for hours. You can hit “reset” on a game. Life doesn’t work that way.

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I am guessing that most young people who commit unexplained murders or mass shootings are on meds. There seems to be a major connection. Whereas most inner City killings seem to more of a culture issue.

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Notice how the media and law enforcement never release toxicology from school shooters?

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Don't know if the toxicology panel screens they do are for psych drugs.

Apparently the Klebold kid, of the Columbine school shooting massacre, was on Prozac plus other meds? and his partner in crime as well.

Look up the side effects of Prozac if they havent been scrubbed from the website yet. Suicidal and homicidal ideation.

A lot is being kept from the American people

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Tox screens can be done for psych drugs.

If they are not done, that is because no one wanted to find out.

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I've never worked corrections, but I would imagine they probably have the capacity to do tox screens for certain categories of psych drugs when someone is taken into custody. That's an important part of the investigative process to be brought out in discovery.

Unless, of course, they want it kept hidden ( I can't imagine why!)

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Agreed. And they never release the killers manifestos if they are aligned with progressive democrat policies!

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Still waiting for the toxicology report and manifesto from the Nashville school shooting by the young woman pretending to be a man.

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All big pharma drugs have become the scourge of humanity. They are extremely destructive and deadly.

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Lol. In comes another good one!! If this keeps up, I may have to subscribe to your substack...!

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Personality disorders aren't diagnosed before adolescence but neither the DSM nor psychiatry are scientific. One day she may be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder or bipolar disorder. There are many kids who go on and off ADHD and other meds who never kill anyone. Meds could just be an excuse for being a bad girl. The way she was reported in one news article to have said calmly to the cops "Are the handcuffs necessary? I'm a good child" gave me chills. Reminds me of an old but good black and white movie "The Bad Seed" about a terrifying little girl. Many things could be responsible for her behaving in this way. One question that needs to be asked is was she jabbed and if so was she investigated for encephalitis.

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I had the same horrified reaction when I read the Daily Mail's earlier report transcribing the recording of what the girl said to the arresting officers. She sounds like a true, manipulative psychopath. Whether she was like that before the ADHD medications, we may never know.

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What I read suggested all she was concerned about was herself. There was no indication of any sorrow for what she had done to her brother.

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I think parents want a quick fix so they ply their kids with drugs doctors prescribe, what they don't know is, doctors get kickbacks for the drugs they push from Big Pharma. I have seen a child get well from ADHD by changing their diet, allot of kids get ADHD type reactions to certain foods but parents don't know that so off to the doctor they go for some of the worse drugs around. I believe kids should be eating farm fresh not the crap they sell in grocery stores, most of which is full of toxins or GMO based. The kids today are being bombarded with indoctrination at school to the point they don't even know who they are anymore and we have to try and save them from the evil that's here.

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And one of the reasons they want a quick fix is the moms are not at home so they cannot devote the time to a child that might be inconveniently wired; so they give them over to the she-wolves that run all public and most private schools

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Take kids out of public school, sacrifice some comfort to home educate and help fold your children where God has bent them. How did the world advance so far without medication for generations? Now we have murderous children, lazy children who are inspired by TikTok "influencers", children who wear the clothing of the opposite sex or cat costumes to school. If these are the future of our nation, RIP, USA.

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My daughter is going into her Sr year, home schooled. Her younger brother wants to stay in school but it’s horrible and I plan to homeschool him regardless. He plays soccer but he can still play as a home schooled student.

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Just pure coincidence I'm sure...

The all knowing experts, after all, insist that correllation does not mean causation.....

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I'm sure 😊

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I’ve been saying this for years. Coping mechanisms are honed by facing miserable situations.

In our modern world we use drugs to eliminate dealing with depression. We label depression a disease. Sometimes it is and is chronic. Many times it isn’t and is temporary.

But we want every waking moment to be pleasant, cheerful and rewarding. So we use drugs to achieve immediate satisfaction.

Except nobody considers that long-term those drugs are stunting emotional growth. There’s no way in hell 50 million people need to be on psychotropic medications. Least of all most children.

It’s no wonder when faced with inescapably negative situations people are going off the deep end. They cannot cope.

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You are spot on! Today most adults and children have no idea on how to cope. I think it started when they began giving out those participation trophies. Not to hurt the kiddies feelings, sheesh 🙄.

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Excellent and incisive points raised in your post, GLK

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Thank you to all.

Even though this subject isn’t funny I do get a chuckle recalling my dearly departed mom’s reaction whenever as kids myself or my brother’s were upset over some petty thing or another.

She’d always say, “In everyone’s life a little rain must fall, if that’s the worst thing that happens to you then you’ve lived a charmed life.”

Rescuing us from our feelings with drugs or participation trophy’s was off the table.

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Your mother retained common sense.

If I can generalize for a moment, it appears that women are very easily brainwashed, falling easily into groupthink

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There are no doubt differences between sexes that I think we should celebrate and not demonize.

Evildoers want us to imagine there’s no difference. Funny, these same people say we should respect nature.

Hmm? I watched cardinals build a nest outside our window. It was clear mom and dad had roles. Mom nurtured while dad guarded the nest. Viciously at times.

It’s clear the natural world defines roles. Which, if we expect life to continue makes perfect sense.

Men and women can fall victim to The Hegelian dialectic. They just do it differently.


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Dr Koury ran an article about one month ago on the same subject except with psychiatric medication.

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May I borrow that stellar comment please? The question to atheists.......🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟???

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Do you know of the story of a friendly pet Schimpanse on Zanax who turned into a killer? It was because of the Zanax he had a psychotic episode.

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Do you mean the one that tore the visitor's face off? What was the ape doing on Xanax anyway?

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If monkey needed Zanax it needed to be in a sanctuary away from doing harm to humans.

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Do they even put chimps on psych drugs due to behavioral problems? Can't imagine how a creature forced to live a totally unnatural life from what God designed him to live, in a house and wearing human clothes could EVER have bad behavior issues

Then on top of everything did the poor ape's owner maybe medicate him with Xanax out of her own supply, and it was at that point that he flipped out and went totally crazy? That's when the owner called her friend in to calm him down, and he tore the friend's face off.

Homicidal and suicidal side effects......

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Yep! Was that the chimp that ripped the lady’s face off?

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demonicrats enforce Slavery, Murder, Evil pfharmacy, pfizer, pfwho, pfwef, pfnwo, atheist, jihadiphile, terrorists, communistocrats and all evils,,,, UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED IN NUMBERS NOW TO FULLFILL OUR DUTIES AGAINST ALL THES EVILS = That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

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Circle back to big pharma and pediatricians. All they do is have parents & teachers fill out a questionnaire, score it, and then hand parents a prescription for methylphenidate or adderall. Sometimes they refer to psychologists but they rarely take insurance and there are huge waiting lists. As we have seen, mental health care is hard to come by.

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"MENTAL HEALTH CARE". ........What a colossal joke. Chemical imbalance that has never been proven, but just enough of a ruse to game people and sell pills to the foolish. All the gullible people out there as well, especially women, that relentlessly seek diagnoses so that they can feel special, when the pills they are given in fact provoke more harm

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You are absolutely right. Most of these kids would do better with more structure in school and at home. Having these kids eat a healthy diet + vitamin supplements supplements. Smaller classrooms with more teacher support. But that barely exists anymore.

But not to worry, Biden signed a bill into law that makes all public schools “hospitals” and will be contracting with healthcare providers to give all our kids the healthcare and mental health counseling they can stand.

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Sure glad I got out of school nursing when I did back in 2005 when things were still reasonably sane in the State of Washington

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Thank you Catherine , you nailed it!

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