planned to sneak in the early debate, catch Trump to accept, knowing Biden was declining by the day; not to WIN debate but at least to 'get by' & then claim he is too busy so pull out of other debates
Are there any worse criminals than the liars and whores of the main stream media who aided and abetted the lies of the demoncrap aparatchuks and the wholesale fraud and theft of the taxpayers not to mention murders of innocent people by the guinea pig human experimental jab? These need to be tried and executed for murder and treason.
I regret your brother passing, but more than that I feel your sorrow that has torn a big hole in your precious heart. Within you are similar in emotion to those feelings within me, but not in the nobler sense am I comparable to you, one of those precious of woman, God's highest creation.
Sorrow comes too soon to us, but here separates/exchanges my emotions to anger, for as we both know, he was murdered for the love of money by those who profited from your sorrow.
I am not a sneak, precious woman, but have been reading your input and gleaned from that you were not normal, but more aptly described as one above that categorization, knowledgeable and true to thine own self. Thou you were created higher than I, able to create and nurture life, there lies within me a typeset of kinship that brings within me a feeling towards you I describe as not just understanding, but also empathy that draws into the equation my realization on a greater plane that you are singularly unique. That carries into my feelings for you both respect and awareness of the wonder of you, a woman carrying immortal hurt and whose precious spirit has been torn asunder. I feel it strong now Lynn, deep within, but I know I am correct and while I do not want to bring tears to your pretty eyes, I will also bring to you a focus on the truth of who and what you are because the goal here is to emphasize that "where there is sorrow, there is also holy ground." Yet you are who I focus on, for it is your well being I seek.
Words are all I have to use in my attempt to steal your hurt, but would like to touch your heart that beats within the dynamic of you being who and what you are. And that is beautiful beyond measure. I am here and you are there. Were you standing in front of me I would take your little hand in mine, raise it to my lips and gently kiss it as an act of respect towards you as I have done many times before because there are many hurting women in this world. That action also indicates I care about you even as a stranger though we are bound united in shared sorrow.
Your sorrow still holds sway but will give way to memories that will be both pleasant but carry a taste of the bittersweet moments you shared with him. In these few moments of communicating with you I have become inclined unto you as conversation does give vent to character and you have lots of that dear gal.
I offer to you my kinship and would have been well pleased to have had you as my own sister. You are a good woman Lynn. I care about you.
Nothing I can say can or will even dull the hurt and injustice you suffer but know you are special and precious and I cherish you as a woman of poise and inner/outer beauty. You know well that I do care. Yes I am rough, but you have found the softer side of me that exists for a woman like yourself.
Continue to be true to yourself, and I am here anytime though I certainly cannot replace your brother who lives in memory within your mind. I dare say you are the epitome of a real woman and you will find I give you due honor in that capacity. You are a fine woman, and that covers any shortcoming you might feel in any event. I care not about the past, you are a woman of quality in my mind established in these past moments.
It was a sin unto death committed against your brother but also you and your parents. It will be repaid.
Lynn, my minister told me it is a broken world filled with broken people. It is true. I see it all the time especially now in my profession...a sweet soft feminine young teen girl who tried to kill herself because of being emotionally, physically and sexually abused...a nurse with terminal cancer...a woman abandoned and left to care for her two daughters who told me she kept them from her hurt by crying in the shower...a woman who had four young daughters and three days after the last one was born her husband died...these are but a few I know and have contact with, one of the most hurt who became my best friend and has been so for 29 years. It is everywhere and while many of these are abused women, I meet many more in my profession.
One of my moments happened 16 years ago when I was summoned to the residence of a client to do some work. I arrived and saw her but not her husband. I asked where Duncan was but she hung her head and told me he had deceased in hospital when admitted for surgery had fallen and broke his neck. She cried. I died inside. Did no work that day, just sat on the back patio looking at the lake and cried with her. I loved the guy. A swarthy Scotsman, tall and strong. That was not the birth of my softness. That started at age 16 as I watched a mother whose 12 year old daughter had died, go to pieces when the undertaker had wheeled her little girl out in a white coffin. My hurt crowded out a place of soft empathy in my soul that has been with me my whole life. It is not a weakness, it is my strength.
What I said about you is true and you are aware of the abominable imposition of the fake jab experimental killing obscenity imposed by the enemies of Freedom and Justice.
So in three days you are a year older, and I celebrate the wonder of you as a woman. I am aware there are others who identify with you if you care to search "React19" You will find therein many others hurt as you were are and it proves the jab had serious side effects including death.
My words only cost me some sorrow in entering into the fellowship of your suffering dear one, but I have something else in mind that will demonstrate I feel your hurt and care about you that I will try to arrange by way of also protecting your privacy and you, but will involve my hero Dr. P and another trusting man I know.
I will be sending you an item through Dr P if he agrees and if not by my minister who I would give to him and who would ask your address to send it to you without my knowledge of your location. I know you will treasure it which amply demonstrates my concern and care for you. The last time I did this was for a woman who now occasionally sees me who was hurt and abandoned. The item will be in memory of your brother and I know you will be encouraged and will love the item as such and enjoy it always especially with the reality of the memory and love you had for your brother.
In fact, your birthdate gives me the clue I need to guide me in the selection of same.
In the mix I cherish you Lynn and never forget that I am not the only one who cares about you, it is only my transparent boldness that is responsible for you knowing my concern and cherishment of you.
I have bought gifts before for women and I am sure you will love this one. I will not tell you what it is, but I know women are more curious than a kitten in a new house which as a trait, in synergistic combination with their nobler traits, renders to reality there is nothing more feminine and awe inspiring than the more nobler gender.
I will use a go between that you trust to protect your privacy and there has never been, nor will be, any strings attached. This will be sacred to you in the mix and a perpetual reminder of how a stranger cared enough to feel your sorrow but also as a tribute to your brother, reciprocates his cherishment of you and my associated concern for you.
I do this in special cases, and you are one.
If you are married, your husband will not mind because I would need to be a hundred years younger to be a threat to him. If you will accept the gift, indicate that to me.
There are 8 women in my life now as friends. They are all "phillia" in terms of the friendships and one as I said has been my closest friend for over 29 years. Their circumstances are different but all the same and that is not an oxymoron. A woman who asks me questions gets answers and even if those will get me into trouble. Women desire understanding, respect and transparency. I am that and more. The one closest to me for almost three decades bared her spirit to me and I use the same expression with her as a process of her tearing chunks out of mine. I had a feeling about her after she came to trust me and so it was we adopted each the other and have never looked back. Feelings can fool us and the emotions do not travel the same objective road as the will. But I noticed you here and had a "feeling" about you. I am unaware of the closeness you had with your brother but the decease of a sibbling leaves a huge hole in one's existence.
The first thing I did with her is answer all her questions and because of her hurt I sent her a CPIC to set her at ease though I discovered she had investigated me for two years which I did not mind, in fact, that was the right thing to do. The years passed and we grew to know and understand each the other. The degree of hurt she suffered tended to shock me but then turned to anger.
I do get "feelings" about others and I did with her without knowing the depth of her hurt. I felt/feel similarly about you.
The reality is we exist at this point in time where deception is a huge problem. I need not mention the lies and criminality of the fake jab. Nor the betrayal of millions of people by the medical profession. I was not fooled because I had Covid in 2020 while in Kearney Nebraska and it only made me feel tired and I took a hotel room for four days.
Returning home I went back to my profession and by coincidence a medical expert told me that I had been lied to because her medical degree came after she did a paper on natural immunity and became incensed when I told her I had been directed to get the jab because my immunity was not high even after being infected.
From there I went to a presentation by two expert virologists who set us all straight and recommended refusing the jab based on the reality of our BRAS (broad range antibody system) that was our best protection against any invader. My family refused the jab based on my information as did friends so here I am still kicking and angry at the lies that killed your brother and many I saw around me decease.
And so it was with you I felt a tug and moved out of my place in attempts to communicate to you I understood and cared and felt hurt over the physical separational loss of your brother. You have brass girl and were set on your defiance of the lies that surround us all and the reality I believe that many were fooled and the actual jab was and is a population reduction scheme a friend of mine also warned me about though I was skeptical but later had to tell him he was correct and his info accurate.
I have a very soft place within my existence for what I see as the victimization/attack on women. A wife is the entity both her children and husband revolve around as the center base of the family. If she goes down, often the whole family is ruined/destroyed.
I see this clearly and it is how it is and was with my own mother when myself and three sibblings were growing up. The real attack started in 1969 under the rule up here of turdo senior when he legalized abortion and homosexuality. Things started falling apart then. Look where we are now.
In my profession I deal with women 90% of the time. I have never been wrong in my feelings and while they are not the same basic warning a woman's intuition is, they are what compelled me to accept 8 hurting and abused women into my life in capacity as their friend who has become involved in the lives of each relative to their struggles. I am contacted from time to time by them to address issues in their lives and offer my opinions to be considered.
My last social event came to be with a woman who told me she needed to hear someone say that a current BF needed to understand he could not change her and that she should cut him loose because the relationship would fail if he did not accept her as she was. The song by George Jones comes to mind, "Take me as I am or let me go." One cannot be happy trying to acquiese to changes demanded by someone for his general reasons. Living a fake life trying to be someone one is not will create unhappiness.
This is my function as a friend as well as being beneficient to those in my existence who need help in the material realm, having not the resources to exist alone. i lost one two years ago named Sadie who could not afford to pay for work required. There is another in the same boat. Remember the criticism by Jesus of those who when they saw material need by others merely stated they would bless and pray for others instead of giving material need required? Scriptures are true and in this capacity I function. Guess who taught me this? An atheist!!! Guess who stood with me in battles against corruption? An atheist/skeptic!!!! Imagine that. I have relatives who attend church every sunday to sing Jesus Loves Me and then spend the rest of the week defrauding and lying and stealing. I have estranged some but there are many more to go. It is a bondage called "love of money."
I could go on and on and on but will stop there. I well know the pain death causes. I understand yours. I have seen people die and will see more in my time.
Do not be bashful. If you have any qualms about me do not hesitate to decline anything from me at all. It will not affect me nor will I be discouraged or hold it against you. We can always go with the axiom "you fight your fight and I'll fight mine and still be in contact. Your call gal. I like you. You have "git.' Our beefs with the CYSTem overlap and in a way we are one so to speak with a common foe as are many here. Take your time gal. If in any doubt do not do it. My cherishment is unconditional but you know that. I will not proof read this so there may be spelling gaffs but the message is clear and as with the others, you are totally in control as was and is my wish. Without freedom, nothing good can exist.
You are correct Tony-- 45 will have to fire the entire exec branch of agency people- and
i would opt for closing down 16 of the 17 intel agencies -there are 10 million people getting salaries who are not working -- the entire gov is on a tele loop system there is no -one there- i have made dozens of calls-
NATO is now in deep shit, Macron shot himself in the ass, Zelenssky is burdened with no viable men to fight and crappy ordinance , limited as it may be-The usual media whores are missing from the Battlefield, because the truth is too ugly-Under cover of NATO excercises BIDEN and Nuland blew up Nordstream-And rattled the Bears cage-Now that NATO realises that the US has no real leader- they are shitting their britches-The state department and the DOD and the Pentagon are riddled with faggots and gay pride assholes more concerned abouit pronouns
the mother fuckers forced our pilots to take the MRNA shots of bottled poison-they Fired DR T eresa LONG- and destroyed her career-Because she spoke out, they rewarded the fucking scumbags who maimed and injured people -so all the pilots haven gtaken these shots are in peril of having the Protein spike attack the periocardia of the heart-- DOES THE MILITARY THINK IT CAN GO TO WAR WITH PILOTS DYING IN THE COCKPIT OF OUR AIRCRAFT> OR WITH FAGGOTS AND DEI PEOPLE IN CHARGE- WHAT FUCKING BUFFOONS -Oversseas- France is
a lame duck government until 2027- * where Marie Lapenne will preside as Macron will never be able to succesfully rule with an impossible coalition- Germany has changed it’s government- ( it looks like the people of Europe do not like Globalists ( is there any reason to not know why?)
England looks like it Dumped it’s Globalist and the Labor party is not gonna go for more open Borders and rapes and murders-In the US the DEMOCREEPS are firing at any target in order to stay in government and continue the rape of the nation and the continued destruction of the Repuiblic and its Borders- The people will eventually rid itself of the CRUD tht has infected its
government-There will have to be more pain inflicted and that is right varound vthe corner with
5 dollar a gallon of fuel -and 4 dollar exchange of the “dollar stores”-The auto industry is in shambled because of biden’snd EV policies- The Housing industry is gonna collapse with the
FHA ( us Gov and its Fed Reserve banks) foreclosing on 44 million pvte homes- The Commerical\
property bus is crashing with box stores shutting down- the fast food industries are leaving states where they are no longer profitable ( Califunkia A0 MACDONALDS GOING GOING GONE
What will be done to punish the poisonous, censoring, lying, truth twisting MSM once President Trump gets back into office? For decades, far too many trusting people implicitly believe all that is reported as the truth. The lying press is in large part why we have a totally divided nation. The MSM crowd believes the lies fed to them. The critical thinking, common sense, researching crowd found the truth by other means. In order to get the MSM watching crowd over to the side of truth….then the MSM must be exposed and punished. In addition, I do believe that a number of the totally brainwashed will actually have to see their beloved favorite newscasters and/or stations on the television apologizing for all of the lies they told to the viewers. Only then will they totally accept the truth of what has been done to them.
Ya da ya da ya da...Really, the decline of this bum has been evident for well over 5 years. Of course, no democrat would ever notice because they are too busy destroying the country.
Let’s keep our eyes on the ball and that’s the continued coverup of the death jab. They made billions 👿and continue to produce and push into our arms without any consequences whatsoever.
Every single person who administers a jab is committing a crime against humanity and should be facing a military tribunal period! Obiden is the distraction here -are they playing all of us once again? Is it even the same person but regardless the evidence of the planned-demic is abundant and the deaths are massive as are the adverse effects-turbo cancer cases etc.
Fu(k the mockingbird treasonous media and keep your eye on the ball THEY are manipulating everything from adding mRNA into the food supply to fu(king weather conditions. Fu(k our mostly DS players in Congress,federal agencies and local too because many are now being exposed fully.
The INSTALLED bad actor in the WH is just a puppet for the bastard child, OBAMA! and others who have committed crimes against humanity and Trump and his Generals are in control.
Dr.A trust no one at the WH, they are playing you because you have a following of trusted patriots.
Biden was NEVER fit for true statesman/representative in our Republic. BUT, he like many during his reign of over 40 years fits perfectly politically in the cesspool of Washington, DC. He is a part of the venture criminal cabal of which there are many players on both sides.
Unless he repents of his heinous ways (dementia or no dementia) the righteous wrath of Almighty God awaits him & all like him.
Psalm 2, Psalm 37….for the nations & leaders that have forgotten God.
THIS makes sense to me perfectly - keep Biden alive for four more years - so they all can stay OUT OF JAIL!
And if things go the other way - they will START WORLD WAR 3 - to stay OUT OF JAIL!
But no matter how they twist their faith - the Corona BIO-TERRORISM on mankind is NOT over - so the longer these IRRESPONSIBLE bureaucrats engage in CAMOUFLAGE, the heftier will be the sentence at the end.
Focusing on the social, political, and economic damage the Biden Administration has gotten away with over the past 3 1/2 years, KNOWING Joe would have to stand for re-election, I cannot imagine the hellish new policies they have planned for us in the horrifying possibility they can steal another election.
They will stop at nothing to remain in power. We cannot allow them another four years of destruction.
Never interrupt your opponent whilst he is shooting himself in the foot. Or shoving his head up his ....
and after another 4 more years...they have to switch out anyway...the chop will come eventually.
Are there any worse criminals than the liars and whores of the main stream media who aided and abetted the lies of the demoncrap aparatchuks and the wholesale fraud and theft of the taxpayers not to mention murders of innocent people by the guinea pig human experimental jab? These need to be tried and executed for murder and treason.
TRUE....YOU said it. First person up is Fraudchi. My Brother was a casualty. Died suddenly
9/5/23 of cardiac arrest (myocarditis). It's a long story. He had many other symptoms, too,
of it. RIP Brother+
Dearest Lynn
I regret your brother passing, but more than that I feel your sorrow that has torn a big hole in your precious heart. Within you are similar in emotion to those feelings within me, but not in the nobler sense am I comparable to you, one of those precious of woman, God's highest creation.
Sorrow comes too soon to us, but here separates/exchanges my emotions to anger, for as we both know, he was murdered for the love of money by those who profited from your sorrow.
I am not a sneak, precious woman, but have been reading your input and gleaned from that you were not normal, but more aptly described as one above that categorization, knowledgeable and true to thine own self. Thou you were created higher than I, able to create and nurture life, there lies within me a typeset of kinship that brings within me a feeling towards you I describe as not just understanding, but also empathy that draws into the equation my realization on a greater plane that you are singularly unique. That carries into my feelings for you both respect and awareness of the wonder of you, a woman carrying immortal hurt and whose precious spirit has been torn asunder. I feel it strong now Lynn, deep within, but I know I am correct and while I do not want to bring tears to your pretty eyes, I will also bring to you a focus on the truth of who and what you are because the goal here is to emphasize that "where there is sorrow, there is also holy ground." Yet you are who I focus on, for it is your well being I seek.
Words are all I have to use in my attempt to steal your hurt, but would like to touch your heart that beats within the dynamic of you being who and what you are. And that is beautiful beyond measure. I am here and you are there. Were you standing in front of me I would take your little hand in mine, raise it to my lips and gently kiss it as an act of respect towards you as I have done many times before because there are many hurting women in this world. That action also indicates I care about you even as a stranger though we are bound united in shared sorrow.
Your sorrow still holds sway but will give way to memories that will be both pleasant but carry a taste of the bittersweet moments you shared with him. In these few moments of communicating with you I have become inclined unto you as conversation does give vent to character and you have lots of that dear gal.
I offer to you my kinship and would have been well pleased to have had you as my own sister. You are a good woman Lynn. I care about you.
Nothing I can say can or will even dull the hurt and injustice you suffer but know you are special and precious and I cherish you as a woman of poise and inner/outer beauty. You know well that I do care. Yes I am rough, but you have found the softer side of me that exists for a woman like yourself.
Continue to be true to yourself, and I am here anytime though I certainly cannot replace your brother who lives in memory within your mind. I dare say you are the epitome of a real woman and you will find I give you due honor in that capacity. You are a fine woman, and that covers any shortcoming you might feel in any event. I care not about the past, you are a woman of quality in my mind established in these past moments.
It was a sin unto death committed against your brother but also you and your parents. It will be repaid.
Always Edward
What great people we have in our midst- i am proud that you have allowed me
into your presence - i am surrounded by “ GIANTS "
WOW......I can't THANK YOU enough for your most kind words. My Birthday is
July 15. This is the BEST Birthday present that I could have EVER asked for and
will remember ALWAYS. I have to read this many times to digest your special
words. This blew me away :-)
Lynn, my minister told me it is a broken world filled with broken people. It is true. I see it all the time especially now in my profession...a sweet soft feminine young teen girl who tried to kill herself because of being emotionally, physically and sexually abused...a nurse with terminal cancer...a woman abandoned and left to care for her two daughters who told me she kept them from her hurt by crying in the shower...a woman who had four young daughters and three days after the last one was born her husband died...these are but a few I know and have contact with, one of the most hurt who became my best friend and has been so for 29 years. It is everywhere and while many of these are abused women, I meet many more in my profession.
One of my moments happened 16 years ago when I was summoned to the residence of a client to do some work. I arrived and saw her but not her husband. I asked where Duncan was but she hung her head and told me he had deceased in hospital when admitted for surgery had fallen and broke his neck. She cried. I died inside. Did no work that day, just sat on the back patio looking at the lake and cried with her. I loved the guy. A swarthy Scotsman, tall and strong. That was not the birth of my softness. That started at age 16 as I watched a mother whose 12 year old daughter had died, go to pieces when the undertaker had wheeled her little girl out in a white coffin. My hurt crowded out a place of soft empathy in my soul that has been with me my whole life. It is not a weakness, it is my strength.
What I said about you is true and you are aware of the abominable imposition of the fake jab experimental killing obscenity imposed by the enemies of Freedom and Justice.
So in three days you are a year older, and I celebrate the wonder of you as a woman. I am aware there are others who identify with you if you care to search "React19" You will find therein many others hurt as you were are and it proves the jab had serious side effects including death.
My words only cost me some sorrow in entering into the fellowship of your suffering dear one, but I have something else in mind that will demonstrate I feel your hurt and care about you that I will try to arrange by way of also protecting your privacy and you, but will involve my hero Dr. P and another trusting man I know.
I will be sending you an item through Dr P if he agrees and if not by my minister who I would give to him and who would ask your address to send it to you without my knowledge of your location. I know you will treasure it which amply demonstrates my concern and care for you. The last time I did this was for a woman who now occasionally sees me who was hurt and abandoned. The item will be in memory of your brother and I know you will be encouraged and will love the item as such and enjoy it always especially with the reality of the memory and love you had for your brother.
In fact, your birthdate gives me the clue I need to guide me in the selection of same.
In the mix I cherish you Lynn and never forget that I am not the only one who cares about you, it is only my transparent boldness that is responsible for you knowing my concern and cherishment of you.
I have bought gifts before for women and I am sure you will love this one. I will not tell you what it is, but I know women are more curious than a kitten in a new house which as a trait, in synergistic combination with their nobler traits, renders to reality there is nothing more feminine and awe inspiring than the more nobler gender.
I will use a go between that you trust to protect your privacy and there has never been, nor will be, any strings attached. This will be sacred to you in the mix and a perpetual reminder of how a stranger cared enough to feel your sorrow but also as a tribute to your brother, reciprocates his cherishment of you and my associated concern for you.
I do this in special cases, and you are one.
If you are married, your husband will not mind because I would need to be a hundred years younger to be a threat to him. If you will accept the gift, indicate that to me.
Always Edward
Thank YOU again for all the kind words. I'm just wandering why you chose me to reach out to at this time? Are you in the medical field?
Hi Lynn
There are 8 women in my life now as friends. They are all "phillia" in terms of the friendships and one as I said has been my closest friend for over 29 years. Their circumstances are different but all the same and that is not an oxymoron. A woman who asks me questions gets answers and even if those will get me into trouble. Women desire understanding, respect and transparency. I am that and more. The one closest to me for almost three decades bared her spirit to me and I use the same expression with her as a process of her tearing chunks out of mine. I had a feeling about her after she came to trust me and so it was we adopted each the other and have never looked back. Feelings can fool us and the emotions do not travel the same objective road as the will. But I noticed you here and had a "feeling" about you. I am unaware of the closeness you had with your brother but the decease of a sibbling leaves a huge hole in one's existence.
The first thing I did with her is answer all her questions and because of her hurt I sent her a CPIC to set her at ease though I discovered she had investigated me for two years which I did not mind, in fact, that was the right thing to do. The years passed and we grew to know and understand each the other. The degree of hurt she suffered tended to shock me but then turned to anger.
I do get "feelings" about others and I did with her without knowing the depth of her hurt. I felt/feel similarly about you.
The reality is we exist at this point in time where deception is a huge problem. I need not mention the lies and criminality of the fake jab. Nor the betrayal of millions of people by the medical profession. I was not fooled because I had Covid in 2020 while in Kearney Nebraska and it only made me feel tired and I took a hotel room for four days.
Returning home I went back to my profession and by coincidence a medical expert told me that I had been lied to because her medical degree came after she did a paper on natural immunity and became incensed when I told her I had been directed to get the jab because my immunity was not high even after being infected.
From there I went to a presentation by two expert virologists who set us all straight and recommended refusing the jab based on the reality of our BRAS (broad range antibody system) that was our best protection against any invader. My family refused the jab based on my information as did friends so here I am still kicking and angry at the lies that killed your brother and many I saw around me decease.
And so it was with you I felt a tug and moved out of my place in attempts to communicate to you I understood and cared and felt hurt over the physical separational loss of your brother. You have brass girl and were set on your defiance of the lies that surround us all and the reality I believe that many were fooled and the actual jab was and is a population reduction scheme a friend of mine also warned me about though I was skeptical but later had to tell him he was correct and his info accurate.
I have a very soft place within my existence for what I see as the victimization/attack on women. A wife is the entity both her children and husband revolve around as the center base of the family. If she goes down, often the whole family is ruined/destroyed.
I see this clearly and it is how it is and was with my own mother when myself and three sibblings were growing up. The real attack started in 1969 under the rule up here of turdo senior when he legalized abortion and homosexuality. Things started falling apart then. Look where we are now.
In my profession I deal with women 90% of the time. I have never been wrong in my feelings and while they are not the same basic warning a woman's intuition is, they are what compelled me to accept 8 hurting and abused women into my life in capacity as their friend who has become involved in the lives of each relative to their struggles. I am contacted from time to time by them to address issues in their lives and offer my opinions to be considered.
My last social event came to be with a woman who told me she needed to hear someone say that a current BF needed to understand he could not change her and that she should cut him loose because the relationship would fail if he did not accept her as she was. The song by George Jones comes to mind, "Take me as I am or let me go." One cannot be happy trying to acquiese to changes demanded by someone for his general reasons. Living a fake life trying to be someone one is not will create unhappiness.
This is my function as a friend as well as being beneficient to those in my existence who need help in the material realm, having not the resources to exist alone. i lost one two years ago named Sadie who could not afford to pay for work required. There is another in the same boat. Remember the criticism by Jesus of those who when they saw material need by others merely stated they would bless and pray for others instead of giving material need required? Scriptures are true and in this capacity I function. Guess who taught me this? An atheist!!! Guess who stood with me in battles against corruption? An atheist/skeptic!!!! Imagine that. I have relatives who attend church every sunday to sing Jesus Loves Me and then spend the rest of the week defrauding and lying and stealing. I have estranged some but there are many more to go. It is a bondage called "love of money."
I could go on and on and on but will stop there. I well know the pain death causes. I understand yours. I have seen people die and will see more in my time.
Do not be bashful. If you have any qualms about me do not hesitate to decline anything from me at all. It will not affect me nor will I be discouraged or hold it against you. We can always go with the axiom "you fight your fight and I'll fight mine and still be in contact. Your call gal. I like you. You have "git.' Our beefs with the CYSTem overlap and in a way we are one so to speak with a common foe as are many here. Take your time gal. If in any doubt do not do it. My cherishment is unconditional but you know that. I will not proof read this so there may be spelling gaffs but the message is clear and as with the others, you are totally in control as was and is my wish. Without freedom, nothing good can exist.
Always Edward
So sorry to hear -there are horror events in almost every family-some of my neighbors-one family member as well- my condolences ms Lynn
Thank YOU Milton. I truly appreciate your kindness. My sympathy to you also in the loss of your family member and neighbor. Take Care+
Yep! 😑
These Lying , Deceiving, Sons of Bitches have put our Whole Country at SEVERE RISK!!!
We knew 4 years ago Biden was showing Dementia already !!! 😠
EVERYONE INVOLVED in this CHARADE needs to be CHARGED with TREASON against Our Country!!!
TRUE words spoken. I am with YOU. I am so sick of the nonsense going on in our Country.
NATO members will go along, because they want our money. Why was that homo
Zelensky there? Ukraine is NOT in NATO.
Exactly 👍
Why was Zelensky there ???
They’re ALL in bed together !!!
They’re doing ALL THEIR CORRUPTION right in Front of our Faces!!! 😡😡😡😡
I’m just laughing that biden called Zelensky, President Putin !!! 🤣😂🤣😂😂😂
Totally AGREE! JOE is so stupid. I wonder sometimes, if he's told to do these things.
Those BIDEN's are the lowest of all lows.
I believe you are correct, it is the second OBAMA Administration-
Yes exactly 👍
What if Trump is in the background telling biden what to say to mess things up ….🤭
You are correct Tony-- 45 will have to fire the entire exec branch of agency people- and
i would opt for closing down 16 of the 17 intel agencies -there are 10 million people getting salaries who are not working -- the entire gov is on a tele loop system there is no -one there- i have made dozens of calls-
NATO is now in deep shit, Macron shot himself in the ass, Zelenssky is burdened with no viable men to fight and crappy ordinance , limited as it may be-The usual media whores are missing from the Battlefield, because the truth is too ugly-Under cover of NATO excercises BIDEN and Nuland blew up Nordstream-And rattled the Bears cage-Now that NATO realises that the US has no real leader- they are shitting their britches-The state department and the DOD and the Pentagon are riddled with faggots and gay pride assholes more concerned abouit pronouns
the mother fuckers forced our pilots to take the MRNA shots of bottled poison-they Fired DR T eresa LONG- and destroyed her career-Because she spoke out, they rewarded the fucking scumbags who maimed and injured people -so all the pilots haven gtaken these shots are in peril of having the Protein spike attack the periocardia of the heart-- DOES THE MILITARY THINK IT CAN GO TO WAR WITH PILOTS DYING IN THE COCKPIT OF OUR AIRCRAFT> OR WITH FAGGOTS AND DEI PEOPLE IN CHARGE- WHAT FUCKING BUFFOONS -Oversseas- France is
a lame duck government until 2027- * where Marie Lapenne will preside as Macron will never be able to succesfully rule with an impossible coalition- Germany has changed it’s government- ( it looks like the people of Europe do not like Globalists ( is there any reason to not know why?)
England looks like it Dumped it’s Globalist and the Labor party is not gonna go for more open Borders and rapes and murders-In the US the DEMOCREEPS are firing at any target in order to stay in government and continue the rape of the nation and the continued destruction of the Repuiblic and its Borders- The people will eventually rid itself of the CRUD tht has infected its
government-There will have to be more pain inflicted and that is right varound vthe corner with
5 dollar a gallon of fuel -and 4 dollar exchange of the “dollar stores”-The auto industry is in shambled because of biden’snd EV policies- The Housing industry is gonna collapse with the
FHA ( us Gov and its Fed Reserve banks) foreclosing on 44 million pvte homes- The Commerical\
property bus is crashing with box stores shutting down- the fast food industries are leaving states where they are no longer profitable ( Califunkia A0 MACDONALDS GOING GOING GONE
What will be done to punish the poisonous, censoring, lying, truth twisting MSM once President Trump gets back into office? For decades, far too many trusting people implicitly believe all that is reported as the truth. The lying press is in large part why we have a totally divided nation. The MSM crowd believes the lies fed to them. The critical thinking, common sense, researching crowd found the truth by other means. In order to get the MSM watching crowd over to the side of truth….then the MSM must be exposed and punished. In addition, I do believe that a number of the totally brainwashed will actually have to see their beloved favorite newscasters and/or stations on the television apologizing for all of the lies they told to the viewers. Only then will they totally accept the truth of what has been done to them.
Ya da ya da ya da...Really, the decline of this bum has been evident for well over 5 years. Of course, no democrat would ever notice because they are too busy destroying the country.
Let’s keep our eyes on the ball and that’s the continued coverup of the death jab. They made billions 👿and continue to produce and push into our arms without any consequences whatsoever.
Every single person who administers a jab is committing a crime against humanity and should be facing a military tribunal period! Obiden is the distraction here -are they playing all of us once again? Is it even the same person but regardless the evidence of the planned-demic is abundant and the deaths are massive as are the adverse effects-turbo cancer cases etc.
Fu(k the mockingbird treasonous media and keep your eye on the ball THEY are manipulating everything from adding mRNA into the food supply to fu(king weather conditions. Fu(k our mostly DS players in Congress,federal agencies and local too because many are now being exposed fully.
The INSTALLED bad actor in the WH is just a puppet for the bastard child, OBAMA! and others who have committed crimes against humanity and Trump and his Generals are in control.
Dr.A trust no one at the WH, they are playing you because you have a following of trusted patriots.
Play them‼️
Too busy fighting "corporate greed"!
As Biden made a point of mentioning at least 2 or 3 times in his staged "Big Boy press conference" yesterday evening.
& silent or lied and slander about Hunter laptop- lots of go to jail material there…
Thanks for sharing this anonymous information. (They need to stay alive so don’t be angry they’re anonymous)
Biden was NEVER fit for true statesman/representative in our Republic. BUT, he like many during his reign of over 40 years fits perfectly politically in the cesspool of Washington, DC. He is a part of the venture criminal cabal of which there are many players on both sides.
Unless he repents of his heinous ways (dementia or no dementia) the righteous wrath of Almighty God awaits him & all like him.
Psalm 2, Psalm 37….for the nations & leaders that have forgotten God.
It was always suspicious why they agreed to such an early 1st debate.
I would argue that if Joe did poorly, there was opportunity to get him not to run, and leave time for a replacement.
But now with the Biden Crime Family resisting, he is going to have to go ahead with one or two more debates, if the polls show he will surely lose.
The thing is Biden's supporters are not admitting any mental health issue, so there is no justification to step aside.
The way I see it, Biden had at least Stage 4 dementia during 2020 and now is at Stage 5 dementia.
Our friend Craig M Wax, MD has said for the past year that Biden has the symptoms of Parkinson's.
I've seen people that have Parkinson's. JOE doesn't look like them yet.
Yeah, he doesn't have the hand tremors, etc.
But check this out:
"Stage 5 dementia symptoms include:
Pronounced memory loss, including personal details and current events.
Confusion and forgetfulness.
Disorientation and sundown syndrome.
Further reduced mental acuity and problem-solving ability."
And Stage 5 is followed by Stage 6 after a couple of years.
Looks like JOE is going downhill fast.
THIS makes sense to me perfectly - keep Biden alive for four more years - so they all can stay OUT OF JAIL!
And if things go the other way - they will START WORLD WAR 3 - to stay OUT OF JAIL!
But no matter how they twist their faith - the Corona BIO-TERRORISM on mankind is NOT over - so the longer these IRRESPONSIBLE bureaucrats engage in CAMOUFLAGE, the heftier will be the sentence at the end.
I won't believe it until I see it. There are always Rhinos who will vote with the Leftists. Have any of them ever gotten more than community service.
au contrare , our government has signed on to agenda 21- WHICH IS THE GLOBALISTS PARADIGM
Let me play the world’s smallest violin in sympathy for the devil.
Yes they have their plans but they never seem to work out the way they expected.
Focusing on the social, political, and economic damage the Biden Administration has gotten away with over the past 3 1/2 years, KNOWING Joe would have to stand for re-election, I cannot imagine the hellish new policies they have planned for us in the horrifying possibility they can steal another election.
They will stop at nothing to remain in power. We cannot allow them another four years of destruction.
Here is a poll.