I don't know who took the money but what I do know is that Dr. Peter Hotez is calling for the United Nations and NATO to deploy security forces against “anti-vaxxers” in the US.

Hotez Calls For Police Deployment Against "Anti-Vaxxers"

Sunday, Aug 04, 2024 - 11:00 AM


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security forces must be deployed against him and his ilk like Fauci and Birx etc. for their crimes. If we can get Trump in we will deal with this...these 'researchers' are simple thieves, criminals, grant money thieves. we need a proper forensic examination of all their life's work...all these 'scientists'.

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I have this in stack cue...this story

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I almost forgot to mention Awake, remember what Obama said to Americans, “Grab your guns & your Bibles”?

Once again, we were warned! Yes it was some time ago but everything was coordinated back then with what we’re facing today.

Oh and can it be anymore disturbing when forensics experts have confirmed and concluded that Obama’s birth certificate was faked? Nope, not in my mind.

Add to the fact that, “On your knees” Kamala, who couldn’t win a one horse race, is now and could potentially become President of the United States?

What? Again AYFKM? This is so disturbing! But when “wolves lay in wait” they typically make a kill!

“Patience is a virtue” as the saying goes and these wolves have lots of patience, no?

I hope all the fun owners of America are heeding their warnings and cleaning their gun barrels and calibrating their scopes!

Again AYFKM? Ten years ago if someone told me that a man pretending to be a woman would knock out a woman boxer in the 2024 Olympic’s I would have looked at them with “six heads” not four!

Thank you Awake, thanks again.


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In a saner time, Hotez would be denounced as the dangerous self-congratulatory fleabag that he is.

He's too delusional to recognize that his support from pharma, depopulattionists, authoritarian false "scientists," and agents of the government is based upon his vocal self-interest in promoting issues that mesh with their own goals rather than the intrinsic value of anything he has to say.

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Quite right Kathleen. By the way did your hear the news about Mr Kelly Anna Conway's ex-wife's new gig? Check out the comments. She's not made any new fans.

HUH? Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Registers as Ukrainian Agent


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As you know I had followed closely and admired Kellyanne in her role as Trump's campaign strategist and later advisor. So I am at a loss as to explain her recent professional decisions.

I can only speculate...but I would not underestimate the role George played in attempting to destroy her self-worth and confidence grounded in her role as wife and mother.

It must have been difficult enough to have been betrayed by a (lesser) husband envious of her accomplishments and fame. He could have asked for a divorce and parted without the additional unforgivable tactic of using their eldest daughter's teenaged struggles to turn the child into a weapon against her mother, forcing her to abandon her prominent role with Trump to respond to what I'd describe as George's blackmail along the lines of 'quit your job and come home and fix your daughter or else I'll turn her further against you and your principles.' Anyone watching could see the girl's public meltdown as an 'American Idol' contestant, later announcing herself as a lesbian. "In support," Kellyanne abandoned her own belief system, to the point of winning an award from a society promoting homosexuality.

Sorry to demean the conversation with 'gossip' like this but I'm aware of how the betrayal of a husband and his efforts to turn children against their mother can undermine a woman's life.

Speaking frankly and at the risk of backlash, I'd also add that this public family drama and accompanying professional missteps could only have been exacerbated by natural, unavoidable hormonal changes.

I don't see how she could have seen the contract as a lobbyist for Ukraine as a wise decision.

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Marrying George must have been cause for some regret. I wonder how long it will be before the daughter transitions.

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For her own sake I hope she finds stability and happiness in her private life.

It may also serve to improve her professional decisions.

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Yes she certainly has made some poor decisions.

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Yes Awake you’re so right! Remember one thing, “a lie is not a lie if you believe it”! This is the mentality of all these people trying to takedown societies!

They care not about whether or not the truth exists, after all the MSM will cover nicely. All that matters is “Power & Control”!

Their power and their control! If you notice how they lay the foundation for what’s to come? Obama did the same thing with “the Cambridge Police Officer Acted Stupidly”!

Defund the Police was born out of this one incident! A concocted incident between the “BLACK” Henry Gates, the Cambridge homeowner and the “WHITE” Cambridge Police Officer! They plan well in advance!

Now, all the “Anti-Vaxxers” as you’ve so pointedly called out, are no doubt on the table! In their minds, if you didn’t take the JAB, you’re a threat to their program! Their “New World Order” program of sorts!

What’s being done and very well may be completed are the “dissident camps” being built or have already been built in every state across America! Why?

Because Americans have lots of guns, many more than any other nation! This is why! They’re planning for upheaval! They’re planning for “WAR” essentially!

War against “We The People”! The invasion at the border is clearly obvious! Military age men, why? Why and for what purpose?

The fact is, these military age men have been strategically positioned all across America! Hotels have been fortified, encircled with fences and barbed wire! AYFKM? Nope! Not one bit!

So when word becomes known that “police” are arresting “Anti-Vaxxers” quickly things will deteriorate!

I know they’re planning this and will execute on their plan! This is why I believe we won’t have a November election! And if by chance this changes and we do have an election, Trump wins and the “GLOBALIST” execute their plan later while Trump can be the fall guy!

We must remember, everything since Biden was placed in power, is IMO, when their

“execution phase” began. Covid, etc! Either way, there’s going to be bloodshed! Nobody can convince me otherwise!

20-50 million invading illegals entering America is complete disruption at minimum! More importantly are the military age men being deployed around America and the migration was used as a blind to usher in these military age men!

Very well planned and executed! Money is irrelevant to them! Extracting as much money from society is more important! As they’ve been doing steadily since Obama’s Iran

“Tarmac Cash Drop”!

We can’t sugarcoat this anymore! I believe in being optimistic but I am also not stupid or blind! What’s happening will be executed! Whether “We the People” fight back and hold the line, is to be determined!

Thank you Awake for pointing this out, there’s so many “connectable dots” to their plan it’s staggering! What’s worse is, they don’t care to hide it anymore!


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Barack must have blow through the $600 million he stole from American taxpayers and flew on our Jets to Iran! Tarmac Money all gone?

It’s way too early for me to elevate my anger! You’re so right Dr Alexander and I am so tired of being played by these

“Non-Black” illegitimate criminal cronies stealing everything they get their hands on!

Just another “feather” In their “caps of crooked” democracy or so they chant religiously!


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it’s done been laundered so well there’s no trace…

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That whore, Kackela McKneepads, must pay it back.

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The dry cleaners did it's job too well. Them bread is at least 6 bucks specialized just a hare under 10 bucks. Don't we have cameras some address longitude and latitude satellite ring. How many dummy corporations/ shell set up and other ways to hide. The criminals told the public what was doing North Carolina Chapel Hill etc...

You can try to scrub it still traces left behind the normal eye can't see. Google satellite can pick up or even drone. Even Ring camera are around. Network relay computer or cell phone anyone can pick it up. Elon Musk star link could pickup also. WIFI connection thru appliances cell towers trace thru even diverted to tracer towers.

Look to the patents who holds it, look at money, or anything change hands. et al

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I hear you, but:

Let's call this administration

"Operation No Accountability"-"Operation Gottaways"

Like the Border Invasion proposal: "limit to 5 000/day".

Nobody counting --- Nobody checking who counts Policy + what we DON'T see- "gotaways".

These Communist Luciferians laugh at us. They only stack the cash to buy more criminals from Hell -- a Criminal Cancer. Operation COCKROACHEZ!

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Where is the money??? Somebody has to account for it!

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This is the Money Printing Machine (tm) and it's the tip of the iceberg.

Is there any way to truly know exactly how much money has been printed? The Federal Reserve has never been publicly audited.

As someone who has run a publicly traded company, no investor would trust my numbers unless I had an independent and thorough audit "by the book" using a reputable accounting firm. We should treat the Central Bank the same way.

Isn't it possible there are trillions of $ in circulation that were just ginned up and given to buddies (like Solyndra)? If you are wondering why illegal aliens have $13K in their EBT card balance and you are broke, that would be the reason. You are being diluted out of society by imported people and your wealth (from your hard work) is also being diluted to nothing. Wake up!

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Taking a step back in time, we find similarities between “evilness” cut from the same fabric.

Annihilation of one President Donald J. Trump or Admiral /Captain James T. Kirk seem to be the order of the

“days gone by / days still ahead”

From the movie Star Trek the revenge of Kahn. We find similarities with modern day and present day “Narcissistic Psychopaths”!

42 years ago, Admiral James T. Kirk, facing retirement, announced his decision to takeover, return as Admiral / Captain of the USS Enterprise!

Admiral / Captain Kirk’s legacy would be tested immediately. For an old nemesis escaped permanent incarceration.

Or as modern day terminology would suggest, “lockdown”.

Khan’s only mission,

seek his revenge against Captain Kirk!

Operation Genesis, a remarkably advanced “life producing” sort of matrix creating technology, the creation of Admiral Kirk’s lover, the brainchild of “Operation Genesis”was stolen by Kahn.

42 years ago today.

Similar events, are occurring, being carried out by similar evils today. Though vastly different, these same


plague our present day world populace.

Events today are being carried out by these present day “Evil-Khan’s” otherwise known as “The Globalist Elites”!

Presently, the world is facing complete annihilation, both the Khan’s of yesterday and today’s modern day “Globalist Khan’s” are cut from the same “Narcissistic Fabric”!

Will or can, Donald J. Trump be our modern day,

Captain James T. Kirk?

We’d better pray Trump is because if not,

Destructive, corrupted, disturbingly deranged creatures will continue seeking their respective revenges! Unfortunately their endgame isn’t any “SciFi” movie, but our individual lives, for that matter, all of humanity’s lives!

Whether billions of dollars being pillaged / stolen / laundered by the Obamas, Harris’s, Biden’s, nobody seems to stop it.

The same is true for our farmers and our food supplies. Bugs will be on our “food menus” horizon, thanks to our US Military and Bill Gates, the Klaus Schwab’s and the entire “Globalist Khan’s” of today!

They have zero interest whatsoever how “We the People” of these United States feel! They “Know We Know” and still, continue with their destructive agenda’s! They

all have the same, universal desires, “Power & Control” which will ultimately lead to a,

“New World Order”!

The modern day Khan’s must never win or allowed to hold power! As “SciFi” as Star Trek is, are we not living in the same universe of “evil-Khan’s”?

Sadly, our lives are not a movie and we have very little control over how this

“modern day world movie” ends!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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If the purpose of political writing is to “make friends and influence people” pay walls are counterproductive. I hate starting to read a piece and then finding out it’s only a “preview” and only paid subscribers can read the rest. I’m on my iphone, which has a bar saying “manage subscription”, but when I click it, it says “you can’t manage subscriptions on this device.” By the time I get computer access I have forgotten which piece I wanted to finish. Sigh! 🤔

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