like me, Sasha, Watt etc. are worried a psy-op is being implemented (on Trump) to scuttle investigation into deadly “vaccines.” Now on stage, we’ll never find a cure for cancer via AI & mRNA
Yup! Just be born with a different genetic make-up, different immune system etc. Smoke, drink, sit on your ass, live to be 100. Some people do. All you need to do is be born with different genetics. It's that easy
Funny you mention this. My grandpa had a shot of Jack every day and loved his cigs. Lived to be 89 years old. Not what I would recommend of course. I do remember back in the day a commercial. Chesterfields the healthy cigarette. $atan at his best.
Both my grand fathers lived to be 96. The other chewed tobacco all his life...that rot gut garbage. BOTH DRANK GREEN TEA EVERY DAY. It is anti carcinogenic.
Song from 1968. I first heard it, I wondered if the writer knew something everybody did not. It was weird. And here we are over 55 years later. It is happening. NWO. Euthanasia in Canuckistan. Ten years later in 1978 the body parts of aborted babies used in lotion and make up. Then the slow flow of apostasy. Here we are living the reality the song stated in 1968. Did the enemy have things all planned that far back?
Torture, murder and baby parts shipped from Britain to France WAS HAPPENING IN LATE 1970'S EXPOSED BY THE PRESTIGIOUS FRENCH MAGAZINE "GALAIS DU PALAIS" NOTING USE IN LOTION AND MAKE UP. Elites were into pedo.
Just like these genius investors who retired early by timing their birth to coincide with the housing bubbles <— hilarious video
Another challenge in human studies is the relatively low heritability of lifespan. Originally thought to be ∼25% by twin studies (Partridge et al., 2018), the genetic heritability of lifespan may in fact be lower (∼10%–15%) (Kaplanis et al., 2018, Ruby et al., 2018b). Age of death across populations captures not only heritable genetics but also heritable cultural and environmental factors. Lifespan heritability estimates may have also been inflated due to assortative mating, whereby individuals who are phenotypically similar preferentially mate (Ruby et al., 2018b).
"Testing the functional consequences of the genes and variants identified in human studies in vertebrate models will be critical for the identification of personalized therapies for aging and age-related diseases."
"Protection from Damage"
" Thus, mechanisms to maintain genome integrity may be central to the evolution of long lifespans or adaptation to extreme environments."
"Furthermore, increased DNA repair and proteostasis are essential to avoid and repair molecular damage accumulated during aging, thereby enhancing somatic maintenance and delaying age-related diseases. Studies in mice, humans, and animals with exceptional lifespans also show that different ways of modulating a gene (mutations affecting expression levels, deletions, deleterious point mutations, gain-of-function mutations, etc.) impact lifespan, illustrating the remarkable malleability of this process. However, lifespan-extending mutations can come with fitness trade-offs. For example, GH deficiency extends lifespan but has deleterious effects on reproduction and growth (Bartke et al., 2013). Point mutations identified in exceptionally long-lived species may limit fitness trade-offs as they are the product of natural selection."
"Interaction between Genes and Environment in Aging
Many environmental factors (diet, exercise, temperature, microbes, social interaction, and social structure) influence lifespan and healthspan. Dietary restriction (DR) potently extends healthspan and lifespan across vertebrate species (Fontana and Partridge, 2015). Exercise also extends median (but not maximal) lifespan in mice and promotes healthspan in humans (Garcia-Valles et al., 2013). The microbes present in the gut (gut microbiome) have been associated with aging in humans and other species (Partridge et al., 2018, Ticinesi et al., 2019), and transfer of gut microbiota from young killifish extends lifespan and healthspan (Smith et al., 2017). Social interactions and structure are also strongly linked with differences in longevity. For example, agreeableness (i.e., the ability to have friendly interactions) is associated with longevity in male chimpanzees (Altschul et al., 2018). More generally, species with a strong social structure (humans, naked-mole rats) tend to live longer than solitary species.
These environmental factors could strongly interact with genetic factors to regulate aging, and specific mutations that extend lifespan in certain conditions could have different effects when conditions change. For example, GH deficiency extends lifespan under basal conditions, but it actually decreases lifespan when combined with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor that mimics DR (Fang et al., 2018). Consistently, DR has life-extending or life-shortening effects depending on the mouse strain (Liao et al., 2010). In addition to these clear genetic-by-environment (GxE) effects on lifespan, interesting links are emerging between environmental factors and molecular pathways implicated in aging. In rats, oxytocin-mediated social interactions correlate with increased telomere length, a hallmark of longevity (Faraji et al., 2018). In humans, social integration is associated with lower inflammation and hypertension (Yang et al., 2016), whereas social stress is associated with shortened telomeres (Blackburn et al., 2015)—a hallmark of premature aging."
"While these studies illustrate the strong interaction between genetics and environment in aging, much remains to be done to probe this interaction functionally and to determine the mechanisms of action. It will also be important to examine the impact of other types of environmental factors (e.g., social and sexual interactions) and to use other animal models to dissect the importance of specific circumstances (e.g., species with a complex social structure). At the evolutionary scale, environmental pressures (e.g., food or mate access, predators) may have shaped the evolutionary trajectories of lifespan, and understanding their impact could help explain large lifespan differences in nature."
"In fact, interventions in humans are already being developed as a result of understanding the genetic regulation of aging, including rapamycin and related compounds (Johnson et al., 2013, Mannick et al., 2014) and metformin (Barzilai et al., 2016). A key development of the past 5 years has been the emergence of a vertebrate-specific class of drugs, senolytics, that are thought to extend tissue function by eliminating senescent cells that would normally induce inflammation (Childs et al., 2017). Senolytics are currently being tested for human inflammation-based diseases such as osteoarthritis (, NCT03513016). Future interventions will likely be based on the discovery of additional vertebrate-specific regulators of aging, for example, changes in the immune system. Such INTERVENTIONS could be pharmacological or GENETIC (VIA ADULT-SPECIFIC VIRAL DELIVERY)to counter age-related diseases.
ersonalized-medicine approaches may transform strategies to combat aging and help offset potential trade-offs of more generalized interventions. Personalized strategies could incorporate genetic factors, sex, environment, and disease status to slow aging and age-related diseases (Figure 5). In addition, the aging process is inherently stochastic, which could result in different aging trajectories even when other factors are similar (Figure 5). Thus, understanding the ensemble of mechanisms underlying the inter-individual variability of aging will be a key challenge for personalized medicine. A crucial step will be to efficiently model genetic variants, as well as other factors, for personalized drug screening. Emerging vertebrate models such as the African killifish could open new possibilities for screens for personalized drugs or interventions. The identification of reliable aging biomarkers that provide insights into biological age will also be critical to guide personalized-medicine approaches."
mRNA, gene-therapies.
Covid was just the pretext to establish the needed funding base.
Its a dangerous domain just look to WWII. Soon they will have your genetic makeup, say you have 20% increase in the risk of developing some form of cancer, THEREFORE you MUST undergo their "personalized-medicine treatment" (which includes mRNA), OR ELSE you will be excluded from mating / have offspring, or will lose access to social security (used as a weapon) or similar coercion means. Pandemics will be used to advance and sustain the transhumanist/gene-editing (designer babies) /gene-therapy funding, so we not only protect you from respiratoric diseases, but also FROM ALL OTHER diseases (with our mRNA / gene-therapies).
Of course the current administration is PRO-LIFE and PRO-MATING, but how long is this term? 4 years? What happens after it? What about in 30 years? I dont think technological infringement on human rights will stop, so this will be a problem. Somehow citizens around the world need to be protected from their own governments. The problem is that systems around the world are TOP-DOWN (with immunity) in nature, I can totally imagine them declaring a national emergency based on the current "genetic makeup" of the population, so they might mandate MASS-PERSONALIZED mRNA vaccines or other treatments for the population.
I think the IDEAL (to help humans with products) is good and noble, but we saw the last 4 years, also the traditional approach to childhood vaccines.
If we knew he knew. Vaccines and the medical industrial complex are the cornerstone for their population control and now depopulation program…History rhymes. Murder, sterilize, dumb down, depopulate and control the population…the vaccines are indispensable for these purposes and cannot be questioned. But it’s not working. It’s too late. The cat’s out of the bag…many of us aren’t going to be so easy to kill.
boom boom boom...and this is how we defeat them...they think they conned us again....we educate, inform...share...agitate and we say no and we head back again to the ballot box and the courts...
Please let mi edit it, in CAPS "but it’s not permissible to question the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines” promoted by the Public Health/Vaccine industrial GENOCIDAL Complex.
Oh he is definitely a Zionist. It's also been claimed that he was initiated into Chabad Lubavitch. I have no idea as to whether that is true or not. I asked Freemason expert Prof. Fred Nazar who sometimes posts on this stack whether it is possible to both be an initiate of Chabad Lubavich and a Freemason but he hasn't answered.
A secret society. My maternal grandfather was a Freemason but I know little about them. My father always encouraged me to become one. There are many in high places.They have secret handshakes and other hidden ways of testing whether someone they meet is also one, Biden was reported to have been made a 33 degree Mason just before he left office. Many, many US presidents have been Freemasons. Some say they worship Baal.
I think bigpharma and bigtech have neutralised Kennedy. Oracle and Pfizer / Moderna see a huge $$ in pumping out mRNA shit into everybody and track and trace us. There will be no tribunals to examine what Pfizer did, Bourla is a free man. Gates had his dinner with Trump and sees $$’s. He's happy.
Kennedy is being left with scraps. If he can get his men into the CDC, FDA etc there is some hope. I think they'll be allowed to prosecute Fauci as a fall guy.
Why are these fuckers having dinner / meetings with Trump? Ellison from Oracle, Bourla, Gates. Is Trump controlled by the Rothschilds who bailed him out? Unfortunately I think so.
Whatever. Big pharma will live. No prosecutions of Gates, Bourla.
I'm sick and tired of hearing that "Trump was conned", "Senator Johnson was conned", "RFK Jr. was conned" ... etc. I ask, are all of these "conned" people STUPID? Let me answer that question ...
I do NOT think that they are stupid. Quite the opposite, I think they're plenty smart *PLUS* they have an army of consultants and experts in their respective fields that advise them 24/7/365.
So, how is it that they get "conned" time after time after time, over a span of YEARS? Do they NOT learn who is "conning" them? Also, why don't they call out the con people, or punish them?
Please try to change my mind on this, but it makes *FAR* more sense that they are NOT being "conned", but instead that they are fully aware of what's going on, but are playing their part in conning **YOU**, and me, and America, and the entire world.
Look, no matter how smart a person is, **anyone** can get conned/fooled. But then, with time, a person of average intelligence LEARNS - learns what the con was, who the con artists were, how the con was carried out, and so on. Then the con victim DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
Other that *TALK*, what have Trump, and Senator Johnson and RFK Jr. done to punish the con men and women, to seek justice for those injured and killed? Right ... ***NOTHING***!!!
I look on the USA as the greatest nation in the whole world. By comparison what a damned hellhole is Canuckistan still ruled by a DICKtator with a dirty past, present and by rote, future. And complicit were the fools who elected this son of a hippie witch who married a commie murderer of innocent unborn babies. He burns in hell, waiting for his son to join him.
Justice would be served if he, his ASSministration, and friends were tried for treason, and executed. Just look at the pie faced lying puke! Uglier than sin, and unfit for a graveyard burial. How in bloody hell did this lying pos ever get elected? What manner of FITH fools would vote for a grade 5 ASSistant drama teacher bigot, hoplophobe, babyaphobe, pos like that airhead?
And singh, that cowardly selfish pos was just as culpable for keeping that b*stard in power. I hope to be in hearing distance of that airhead at some point in time to tell him what a maggot he is. I would love it if he TRIED to assault me because that would give me the right to tear his suburban turbin off and jam it down his throat.
Look at the whackos in political leadership positions. With few exceptions, sh*t for brains and the males as useless as "diaperman.
Dr. Alexander. In your heart of hearts just like myself we have both sat through and are sitting through a ruse. It's hard not to waiver because you want people to have a fair shot at life, not have it programmed for them. I'll give anyone credit where credit is due but we can't sit on the sidelines while they develop the next best thing to give the eugenisists their dream of ruling a smaller world.
That's not who we are! So let's shake off the shackles and continue to smell smoke when there is a fire!
Trump, who was the best realistic choice in the election against Harris, is not "that gullible and fooled" or "that stupid to not know." Trump, who graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in economics (reflecting high IQ) shows all the hallmarks of genius, i.e., norm-breaking behavior, laziness (lazy-smart), use of profanity, occasional outbursts etc. Trump will either lead America to greatness or lead her, and the world, into the abyss.
Fortunately, unlike Einstein, a strong, muscular man who has been called "a genius at treating his wives like shit," and might even have beaten at least one, Trump is not a volatile, misogynistic philanderer.
However, with possible ambitions to conquer and rule the world, not just the US, and now aspiring to a 3rd term, Trump cannot afford to EVER admit that his spiel about the very "beautiful" 🥰😍💋 US 🇺🇲💀☠️💩💉💉 TRUMP-MALONE DEATH SHOTS 💉💉 💩☠️💀🇺🇲 was all just US 🇺🇲 🐂 💩.
Trump pushed people to take these shots, told them they were safe and effective, 🐂 💩 and claimed that they had saved 100s of millions of lives 🐂 💩 🐂 💩🐂 💩🐂 💩 ++++.
Trump can't walk that back by claiming he was "conned" and that he is gullible or stupid. The people would learn that they are still producing Spike protein and could be ticking time bombs.
The plebs would put 2 and 2 together and connect the dots with regard to the weird hyperprogressive cancers and other ailments that had suddenly afflicted people they know, and would be in fear that they could be next. The bereaved, in the US and around the world, who lost loved ones, would want revenge.
This would make it very difficult for the occupying troops in the lands that he conquers, if he decides to conquer the world.
Even domestically, riots would be likely to break out. He would be hanged in effigy in the streets. So Trump will never, ever admit that he was spouting 🐂 💩 and led Americans and others to their graves, and potentially turned others into ticking time bombs.
among the best: "Trump pushed people to take these shots, told them they were safe and effective, 🐂 💩 and claimed that they had saved 100s of millions of lives 🐂 💩 🐂 💩🐂 💩🐂 💩 ++++.
Trump can't walk that back by claiming he was "conned" and that he is gullible or stupid. The people would learn that they are still producing Spike protein and could be ticking time bombs."
'This would make it very difficult for the occupying troops in the lands that he conquers, if he decides to conquer the world.
Even domestically, riots would be likely to break out. He would be hanged in effigy in the streets. So Trump will never, ever admit that he was spouting 🐂 💩 and led Americans and others to their graves, and potentially turned others into ticking time bombs.'
Trump can walk it back by noting that: Biden fucked the fuck out of the safety monitoring and academic scientists fucked it all up in their scientific publications. That's where the blame really belongs. He did his job. He tried making them, initial signals seemed positive, so EUA was given, no mandates were allowed, and then it was handed of to Biden.
That is his best realistic option and could possibly stop the plunge in his approval that would otherwise result, particularly if he lets Pence carry the can. If RFK JZr gets confirmed his first priority should be to pin as much of the blame as possible on Pence as well as Biden.
Yes. Dr. Simone Gold had met with Pence in 2020 about early treatment, but Pence's head was like a choo choo train, in goes one ear, out goes the other ear. He didn't do anything with the information he was given.
TRUMP put Pence in charge of OWS. And when Dr. Atlas was brought in, he brought a team of experts with him. Trump wouldn't even meet with them. NOTHING changed. That's on TRUMP, not Pence. I don't like Pence at all, but he wasn't calling the shots, TRUMP was.
I guess you didn't know. Trump needed help from his older brother, Fred, to get into Wharton. He couldn't get in on his own. Then his family reported that he didn't so well there, so they promoted him through because of who his family was. He's not that smart at all.
And FYI, it was a lot easier to get into Wharton back then than it is now. Trump's not smart. His own family will tell you that.
And you give Americans no credit. What we WANT is for Trump to own up to his failings, and the DO THE RIGHT THING. That's what INTEGRITY looks like, of which Trump has none.
Instead, Trump has surrounded himself with Big Pharma, and Technocrats. He's been totally bought. They bought his way back into the WH, so now he OWES them. It's that simple.
Trump is not smart, and he's not courageous. He's a coward. He freaked out when he found out he was on the reserves list for Vietnam. He went crying to his daddy to help him. His daddy had his friend, the doctor, come up with a fake case of bone spurs so he wouldn't qualify for the military. That's what Trump REALLY is. A COWARD!! And not a smart one, either.
I support most of what Trump is saying and doing but the truth is he is motivated by these damnable mega corporations and the Almighty $$. The common man who's motivated by money just needs millions. The multi millionaire shoots to hit the billion mark. Trump hit that mark long ago and the people who he's surrounded himself with lately are talking trillion dollar deals with him and I think that's all he can see and it will remain so unless the damage from the poison shots gets too huge to ignore. I truly hate to say or even think this but that's what I see. WTF good is this mythical golden age he's focused on if he's going to leave behind a legacy of death and disability? If I had a chance to ask him one question, that would be it!! And I put the same question to his family and anyone else in the inner circle.
maybe too one of the best statements for we are really talking money whores extraordinaire: "The common man who's motivated by money just needs millions. The multi millionaire shoots to hit the billion mark. Trump hit that mark long ago and the people who he's surrounded himself with lately are talking trillion dollar deals with him and I think that's all he can see and it will remain so unless the damage from the poison shots gets too huge to ignore. "
I’ve got a question for Larry Ellison and his big AI, cure cancer scheme. Who gave you permission to vacuum up all of our medical records for your stupid program? I do not give consent for anybody to use my medical records for research of any kind. How is this legal in constitutional? It’s an outrage! Whatever happened to HIPAA?
Ask yourself a simple question….why do they need or want compliance with the “vaccine good narrative”?
Consider….how else do you gain universal access (certainly attempted globally) to the bodies of the world population?
And why would they want or need access to our physical being?
It’s not about disease or cures…maybe building infrastructure for Skynet?
Seems surreal or unreal, but again….we know at this point we can’t trust what comes out of the mouths of government or the tech guys pulling the strings…
Something I wrote friends :"The following Catherine Austin Fitts video exactly supports my previous comments about Stargate being a massive personal data grab by highly shady Big Data characters working with Trump to implement a mandatory Digital ID. Once you have a mandatory Digital ID, we will all be in a Digital Prison. Just like they used the “anti-communist” Nixon to sell out to ChiComs, they are going to use the “freedom warrior” Trump to implement the Digital Prison. They have already got Trump saying he wants to “clean out” Gaza. If you already support ethnic cleansing of millions of people, over half children, and killing 10's of millions with the Covid Death shots, supporting a Digital ID is a piece of cake for Trump. And the fools will cheer. 6 minutes well spent."
I aint impressed by the MEANS...I think carpet baggers grifters IMO...and I am dont take my view
So much BS. There is a cure for cancer ~ Too much money in the game. False diagnosis and destroying so many lives. Evil
for sure...and the chemo is making fraud is what cancer research and the arena is
Yup! Just be born with a different genetic make-up, different immune system etc. Smoke, drink, sit on your ass, live to be 100. Some people do. All you need to do is be born with different genetics. It's that easy
individual differences and have a good relationship with your God.
Funny you mention this. My grandpa had a shot of Jack every day and loved his cigs. Lived to be 89 years old. Not what I would recommend of course. I do remember back in the day a commercial. Chesterfields the healthy cigarette. $atan at his best.
Both my grand fathers lived to be 96. The other chewed tobacco all his life...that rot gut garbage. BOTH DRANK GREEN TEA EVERY DAY. It is anti carcinogenic.
Song from 1968. I first heard it, I wondered if the writer knew something everybody did not. It was weird. And here we are over 55 years later. It is happening. NWO. Euthanasia in Canuckistan. Ten years later in 1978 the body parts of aborted babies used in lotion and make up. Then the slow flow of apostasy. Here we are living the reality the song stated in 1968. Did the enemy have things all planned that far back?
Shape of Things to Come
Song by
Max Frost & The Troopers
There's a new sun
Risin' up angry in the sky
And there's a new voice
Sayin' "we're not afraid to die"
Let the old world make believe
It's blind and deaf and dumb
But nothing can change the shape of things to come
There are changes
Lyin' ahead in every road
And there are new thoughts
Ready and waiting to explode
When tomorrow is today
The bells may toll for some
But nothing can change the shape of things to come
The future's comin' in, now
Sweet and strong
Ain't no-one gonna hold it back for long
There are new dreams
Crowdin' out old realities
There's revolution
Sweepin' in like a fresh new breeze
Let the old world make believe
It's blind and deaf and dumb
(But) nothing can change the shape of things [4X]
To come
Songwriters: Cynthia Weil, Barry Mann. For non-commercial use only.
Data From: Musixmatch
Torture, murder and baby parts shipped from Britain to France WAS HAPPENING IN LATE 1970'S EXPOSED BY THE PRESTIGIOUS FRENCH MAGAZINE "GALAIS DU PALAIS" NOTING USE IN LOTION AND MAKE UP. Elites were into pedo.
Just like these genius investors who retired early by timing their birth to coincide with the housing bubbles <— hilarious video
Another challenge in human studies is the relatively low heritability of lifespan. Originally thought to be ∼25% by twin studies (Partridge et al., 2018), the genetic heritability of lifespan may in fact be lower (∼10%–15%) (Kaplanis et al., 2018, Ruby et al., 2018b). Age of death across populations captures not only heritable genetics but also heritable cultural and environmental factors. Lifespan heritability estimates may have also been inflated due to assortative mating, whereby individuals who are phenotypically similar preferentially mate (Ruby et al., 2018b).
"Testing the functional consequences of the genes and variants identified in human studies in vertebrate models will be critical for the identification of personalized therapies for aging and age-related diseases."
"Protection from Damage"
" Thus, mechanisms to maintain genome integrity may be central to the evolution of long lifespans or adaptation to extreme environments."
"Furthermore, increased DNA repair and proteostasis are essential to avoid and repair molecular damage accumulated during aging, thereby enhancing somatic maintenance and delaying age-related diseases. Studies in mice, humans, and animals with exceptional lifespans also show that different ways of modulating a gene (mutations affecting expression levels, deletions, deleterious point mutations, gain-of-function mutations, etc.) impact lifespan, illustrating the remarkable malleability of this process. However, lifespan-extending mutations can come with fitness trade-offs. For example, GH deficiency extends lifespan but has deleterious effects on reproduction and growth (Bartke et al., 2013). Point mutations identified in exceptionally long-lived species may limit fitness trade-offs as they are the product of natural selection."
"Interaction between Genes and Environment in Aging
Many environmental factors (diet, exercise, temperature, microbes, social interaction, and social structure) influence lifespan and healthspan. Dietary restriction (DR) potently extends healthspan and lifespan across vertebrate species (Fontana and Partridge, 2015). Exercise also extends median (but not maximal) lifespan in mice and promotes healthspan in humans (Garcia-Valles et al., 2013). The microbes present in the gut (gut microbiome) have been associated with aging in humans and other species (Partridge et al., 2018, Ticinesi et al., 2019), and transfer of gut microbiota from young killifish extends lifespan and healthspan (Smith et al., 2017). Social interactions and structure are also strongly linked with differences in longevity. For example, agreeableness (i.e., the ability to have friendly interactions) is associated with longevity in male chimpanzees (Altschul et al., 2018). More generally, species with a strong social structure (humans, naked-mole rats) tend to live longer than solitary species.
These environmental factors could strongly interact with genetic factors to regulate aging, and specific mutations that extend lifespan in certain conditions could have different effects when conditions change. For example, GH deficiency extends lifespan under basal conditions, but it actually decreases lifespan when combined with rapamycin, an mTOR inhibitor that mimics DR (Fang et al., 2018). Consistently, DR has life-extending or life-shortening effects depending on the mouse strain (Liao et al., 2010). In addition to these clear genetic-by-environment (GxE) effects on lifespan, interesting links are emerging between environmental factors and molecular pathways implicated in aging. In rats, oxytocin-mediated social interactions correlate with increased telomere length, a hallmark of longevity (Faraji et al., 2018). In humans, social integration is associated with lower inflammation and hypertension (Yang et al., 2016), whereas social stress is associated with shortened telomeres (Blackburn et al., 2015)—a hallmark of premature aging."
"While these studies illustrate the strong interaction between genetics and environment in aging, much remains to be done to probe this interaction functionally and to determine the mechanisms of action. It will also be important to examine the impact of other types of environmental factors (e.g., social and sexual interactions) and to use other animal models to dissect the importance of specific circumstances (e.g., species with a complex social structure). At the evolutionary scale, environmental pressures (e.g., food or mate access, predators) may have shaped the evolutionary trajectories of lifespan, and understanding their impact could help explain large lifespan differences in nature."
"In fact, interventions in humans are already being developed as a result of understanding the genetic regulation of aging, including rapamycin and related compounds (Johnson et al., 2013, Mannick et al., 2014) and metformin (Barzilai et al., 2016). A key development of the past 5 years has been the emergence of a vertebrate-specific class of drugs, senolytics, that are thought to extend tissue function by eliminating senescent cells that would normally induce inflammation (Childs et al., 2017). Senolytics are currently being tested for human inflammation-based diseases such as osteoarthritis (, NCT03513016). Future interventions will likely be based on the discovery of additional vertebrate-specific regulators of aging, for example, changes in the immune system. Such INTERVENTIONS could be pharmacological or GENETIC (VIA ADULT-SPECIFIC VIRAL DELIVERY)to counter age-related diseases.
ersonalized-medicine approaches may transform strategies to combat aging and help offset potential trade-offs of more generalized interventions. Personalized strategies could incorporate genetic factors, sex, environment, and disease status to slow aging and age-related diseases (Figure 5). In addition, the aging process is inherently stochastic, which could result in different aging trajectories even when other factors are similar (Figure 5). Thus, understanding the ensemble of mechanisms underlying the inter-individual variability of aging will be a key challenge for personalized medicine. A crucial step will be to efficiently model genetic variants, as well as other factors, for personalized drug screening. Emerging vertebrate models such as the African killifish could open new possibilities for screens for personalized drugs or interventions. The identification of reliable aging biomarkers that provide insights into biological age will also be critical to guide personalized-medicine approaches."
mRNA, gene-therapies.
Covid was just the pretext to establish the needed funding base.
Its a dangerous domain just look to WWII. Soon they will have your genetic makeup, say you have 20% increase in the risk of developing some form of cancer, THEREFORE you MUST undergo their "personalized-medicine treatment" (which includes mRNA), OR ELSE you will be excluded from mating / have offspring, or will lose access to social security (used as a weapon) or similar coercion means. Pandemics will be used to advance and sustain the transhumanist/gene-editing (designer babies) /gene-therapy funding, so we not only protect you from respiratoric diseases, but also FROM ALL OTHER diseases (with our mRNA / gene-therapies).
Of course the current administration is PRO-LIFE and PRO-MATING, but how long is this term? 4 years? What happens after it? What about in 30 years? I dont think technological infringement on human rights will stop, so this will be a problem. Somehow citizens around the world need to be protected from their own governments. The problem is that systems around the world are TOP-DOWN (with immunity) in nature, I can totally imagine them declaring a national emergency based on the current "genetic makeup" of the population, so they might mandate MASS-PERSONALIZED mRNA vaccines or other treatments for the population.
I think the IDEAL (to help humans with products) is good and noble, but we saw the last 4 years, also the traditional approach to childhood vaccines.
If you can make it to 100 with an unhealthy lifestyle, bc of genetics, you could make it to 110 with a healthy one.
If we knew he knew. Vaccines and the medical industrial complex are the cornerstone for their population control and now depopulation program…History rhymes. Murder, sterilize, dumb down, depopulate and control the population…the vaccines are indispensable for these purposes and cannot be questioned. But it’s not working. It’s too late. The cat’s out of the bag…many of us aren’t going to be so easy to kill.
boom boom boom...and this is how we defeat them...they think they conned us again....we educate, inform...share...agitate and we say no and we head back again to the ballot box and the courts...
Please let mi edit it, in CAPS "but it’s not permissible to question the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines” promoted by the Public Health/Vaccine industrial GENOCIDAL Complex.
What kind of Labs did you design?
Yes, I think Kennedy and Trump have effectively been silenced by Bourla et al from Pfizer. Maybe out of fear, or maybe out of greed.
So many, MANY more people will die for the profits of Pfizer, beyond the millions already dead from mRNA so far.
for sure, this is excellent.
Did you know Trump is a Freemason?
He might be, but he is is calling for building of the third Temple in Jerusalem, thus ne might be a Zionist.
Oh he is definitely a Zionist. It's also been claimed that he was initiated into Chabad Lubavitch. I have no idea as to whether that is true or not. I asked Freemason expert Prof. Fred Nazar who sometimes posts on this stack whether it is possible to both be an initiate of Chabad Lubavich and a Freemason but he hasn't answered.
I had wondered about that. Would that mean he worships Baal?
That's what I would like to know? JOE did go to South Carolina before he left office.
He's far from being a Catholic.
It's claimed that Trump is Chabad Lubavitch. Do you know anything about them?
No, I don't. But,
He writes a lot about the Jews. I can't say that I believe all he writes.
He lists links to other topics, too.
What exactly is a Freemason?
A secret society. My maternal grandfather was a Freemason but I know little about them. My father always encouraged me to become one. There are many in high places.They have secret handshakes and other hidden ways of testing whether someone they meet is also one, Biden was reported to have been made a 33 degree Mason just before he left office. Many, many US presidents have been Freemasons. Some say they worship Baal.
I think bigpharma and bigtech have neutralised Kennedy. Oracle and Pfizer / Moderna see a huge $$ in pumping out mRNA shit into everybody and track and trace us. There will be no tribunals to examine what Pfizer did, Bourla is a free man. Gates had his dinner with Trump and sees $$’s. He's happy.
Kennedy is being left with scraps. If he can get his men into the CDC, FDA etc there is some hope. I think they'll be allowed to prosecute Fauci as a fall guy.
Why are these fuckers having dinner / meetings with Trump? Ellison from Oracle, Bourla, Gates. Is Trump controlled by the Rothschilds who bailed him out? Unfortunately I think so.
Whatever. Big pharma will live. No prosecutions of Gates, Bourla.
Thanks for the explanation.
I'm sick and tired of hearing that "Trump was conned", "Senator Johnson was conned", "RFK Jr. was conned" ... etc. I ask, are all of these "conned" people STUPID? Let me answer that question ...
I do NOT think that they are stupid. Quite the opposite, I think they're plenty smart *PLUS* they have an army of consultants and experts in their respective fields that advise them 24/7/365.
So, how is it that they get "conned" time after time after time, over a span of YEARS? Do they NOT learn who is "conning" them? Also, why don't they call out the con people, or punish them?
Please try to change my mind on this, but it makes *FAR* more sense that they are NOT being "conned", but instead that they are fully aware of what's going on, but are playing their part in conning **YOU**, and me, and America, and the entire world.
Look, no matter how smart a person is, **anyone** can get conned/fooled. But then, with time, a person of average intelligence LEARNS - learns what the con was, who the con artists were, how the con was carried out, and so on. Then the con victim DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!
Other that *TALK*, what have Trump, and Senator Johnson and RFK Jr. done to punish the con men and women, to seek justice for those injured and killed? Right ... ***NOTHING***!!!
I look on the USA as the greatest nation in the whole world. By comparison what a damned hellhole is Canuckistan still ruled by a DICKtator with a dirty past, present and by rote, future. And complicit were the fools who elected this son of a hippie witch who married a commie murderer of innocent unborn babies. He burns in hell, waiting for his son to join him.
Justice would be served if he, his ASSministration, and friends were tried for treason, and executed. Just look at the pie faced lying puke! Uglier than sin, and unfit for a graveyard burial. How in bloody hell did this lying pos ever get elected? What manner of FITH fools would vote for a grade 5 ASSistant drama teacher bigot, hoplophobe, babyaphobe, pos like that airhead?
And singh, that cowardly selfish pos was just as culpable for keeping that b*stard in power. I hope to be in hearing distance of that airhead at some point in time to tell him what a maggot he is. I would love it if he TRIED to assault me because that would give me the right to tear his suburban turbin off and jam it down his throat.
Look at the whackos in political leadership positions. With few exceptions, sh*t for brains and the males as useless as "diaperman.
What Trump and his team of demons are doing is straight up satanic and it must be stopped. RFK Jr may be silenced so be prepared for that.
Dr. Alexander. In your heart of hearts just like myself we have both sat through and are sitting through a ruse. It's hard not to waiver because you want people to have a fair shot at life, not have it programmed for them. I'll give anyone credit where credit is due but we can't sit on the sidelines while they develop the next best thing to give the eugenisists their dream of ruling a smaller world.
That's not who we are! So let's shake off the shackles and continue to smell smoke when there is a fire!
Until you all learn not to be a part of the play, this won't stop. No political leader will stop this madness. Only the people can.
only the people can, that I know 100% well said
Trump, who was the best realistic choice in the election against Harris, is not "that gullible and fooled" or "that stupid to not know." Trump, who graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in economics (reflecting high IQ) shows all the hallmarks of genius, i.e., norm-breaking behavior, laziness (lazy-smart), use of profanity, occasional outbursts etc. Trump will either lead America to greatness or lead her, and the world, into the abyss.
Fortunately, unlike Einstein, a strong, muscular man who has been called "a genius at treating his wives like shit," and might even have beaten at least one, Trump is not a volatile, misogynistic philanderer.
However, with possible ambitions to conquer and rule the world, not just the US, and now aspiring to a 3rd term, Trump cannot afford to EVER admit that his spiel about the very "beautiful" 🥰😍💋 US 🇺🇲💀☠️💩💉💉 TRUMP-MALONE DEATH SHOTS 💉💉 💩☠️💀🇺🇲 was all just US 🇺🇲 🐂 💩.
Trump pushed people to take these shots, told them they were safe and effective, 🐂 💩 and claimed that they had saved 100s of millions of lives 🐂 💩 🐂 💩🐂 💩🐂 💩 ++++.
Trump can't walk that back by claiming he was "conned" and that he is gullible or stupid. The people would learn that they are still producing Spike protein and could be ticking time bombs.
The plebs would put 2 and 2 together and connect the dots with regard to the weird hyperprogressive cancers and other ailments that had suddenly afflicted people they know, and would be in fear that they could be next. The bereaved, in the US and around the world, who lost loved ones, would want revenge.
This would make it very difficult for the occupying troops in the lands that he conquers, if he decides to conquer the world.
Even domestically, riots would be likely to break out. He would be hanged in effigy in the streets. So Trump will never, ever admit that he was spouting 🐂 💩 and led Americans and others to their graves, and potentially turned others into ticking time bombs.
among the best: "Trump pushed people to take these shots, told them they were safe and effective, 🐂 💩 and claimed that they had saved 100s of millions of lives 🐂 💩 🐂 💩🐂 💩🐂 💩 ++++.
Trump can't walk that back by claiming he was "conned" and that he is gullible or stupid. The people would learn that they are still producing Spike protein and could be ticking time bombs."
ticking timebombs, many poison pills to come alive
'This would make it very difficult for the occupying troops in the lands that he conquers, if he decides to conquer the world.
Even domestically, riots would be likely to break out. He would be hanged in effigy in the streets. So Trump will never, ever admit that he was spouting 🐂 💩 and led Americans and others to their graves, and potentially turned others into ticking time bombs.'
But daddy Trump is our savior....
no one man is our saviour..we the people are our saviours...
Then the people need to stand up. They have not.
People are sheeple anymore. Afraid of their own shadows. Insecure. Chickenshit.
I have to have to agree, but that is sadly true.
Trump can walk it back by noting that: Biden fucked the fuck out of the safety monitoring and academic scientists fucked it all up in their scientific publications. That's where the blame really belongs. He did his job. He tried making them, initial signals seemed positive, so EUA was given, no mandates were allowed, and then it was handed of to Biden.
That is his best realistic option and could possibly stop the plunge in his approval that would otherwise result, particularly if he lets Pence carry the can. If RFK JZr gets confirmed his first priority should be to pin as much of the blame as possible on Pence as well as Biden.
Yes. Dr. Simone Gold had met with Pence in 2020 about early treatment, but Pence's head was like a choo choo train, in goes one ear, out goes the other ear. He didn't do anything with the information he was given.
Pence's head is stuck firmly up his own ass. A despicable excuse for a human it was him who was in charge of OWS.
TRUMP put Pence in charge of OWS. And when Dr. Atlas was brought in, he brought a team of experts with him. Trump wouldn't even meet with them. NOTHING changed. That's on TRUMP, not Pence. I don't like Pence at all, but he wasn't calling the shots, TRUMP was.
I guess you didn't know. Trump needed help from his older brother, Fred, to get into Wharton. He couldn't get in on his own. Then his family reported that he didn't so well there, so they promoted him through because of who his family was. He's not that smart at all.
And FYI, it was a lot easier to get into Wharton back then than it is now. Trump's not smart. His own family will tell you that.
And you give Americans no credit. What we WANT is for Trump to own up to his failings, and the DO THE RIGHT THING. That's what INTEGRITY looks like, of which Trump has none.
Instead, Trump has surrounded himself with Big Pharma, and Technocrats. He's been totally bought. They bought his way back into the WH, so now he OWES them. It's that simple.
Trump is not smart, and he's not courageous. He's a coward. He freaked out when he found out he was on the reserves list for Vietnam. He went crying to his daddy to help him. His daddy had his friend, the doctor, come up with a fake case of bone spurs so he wouldn't qualify for the military. That's what Trump REALLY is. A COWARD!! And not a smart one, either.
I support most of what Trump is saying and doing but the truth is he is motivated by these damnable mega corporations and the Almighty $$. The common man who's motivated by money just needs millions. The multi millionaire shoots to hit the billion mark. Trump hit that mark long ago and the people who he's surrounded himself with lately are talking trillion dollar deals with him and I think that's all he can see and it will remain so unless the damage from the poison shots gets too huge to ignore. I truly hate to say or even think this but that's what I see. WTF good is this mythical golden age he's focused on if he's going to leave behind a legacy of death and disability? If I had a chance to ask him one question, that would be it!! And I put the same question to his family and anyone else in the inner circle.
maybe too one of the best statements for we are really talking money whores extraordinaire: "The common man who's motivated by money just needs millions. The multi millionaire shoots to hit the billion mark. Trump hit that mark long ago and the people who he's surrounded himself with lately are talking trillion dollar deals with him and I think that's all he can see and it will remain so unless the damage from the poison shots gets too huge to ignore. "
correct "I support most of what Trump is saying and doing but the truth is he is motivated by these damnable mega corporations and the Almighty $$"
I’ve got a question for Larry Ellison and his big AI, cure cancer scheme. Who gave you permission to vacuum up all of our medical records for your stupid program? I do not give consent for anybody to use my medical records for research of any kind. How is this legal in constitutional? It’s an outrage! Whatever happened to HIPAA?
it is not legal but they dont care.
they have now taken it to a whole nother level..."stop me if you can"
Ask yourself a simple question….why do they need or want compliance with the “vaccine good narrative”?
Consider….how else do you gain universal access (certainly attempted globally) to the bodies of the world population?
And why would they want or need access to our physical being?
It’s not about disease or cures…maybe building infrastructure for Skynet?
Seems surreal or unreal, but again….we know at this point we can’t trust what comes out of the mouths of government or the tech guys pulling the strings…
Something I wrote friends :"The following Catherine Austin Fitts video exactly supports my previous comments about Stargate being a massive personal data grab by highly shady Big Data characters working with Trump to implement a mandatory Digital ID. Once you have a mandatory Digital ID, we will all be in a Digital Prison. Just like they used the “anti-communist” Nixon to sell out to ChiComs, they are going to use the “freedom warrior” Trump to implement the Digital Prison. They have already got Trump saying he wants to “clean out” Gaza. If you already support ethnic cleansing of millions of people, over half children, and killing 10's of millions with the Covid Death shots, supporting a Digital ID is a piece of cake for Trump. And the fools will cheer. 6 minutes well spent."
Watts on Stargate is Warp Speed 2.O"