Who is zooming who? who is spooning who? 2 good men & Biff & Baff; question is Rice Jr. wrote that ‘thinking outside the box’ has effectively been banned & that a growing number of UNSILENCED warriors
like me, Sasha, Watt etc. are worried a psy-op is being implemented (on Trump) to scuttle investigation into deadly “vaccines.” Now on stage, we’ll never find a cure for cancer via AI & mRNA
STARGATE, mRNA vaccines, cancer, AI…what a recipe for disaster and now it is becoming clearer that the SILENCE by Bobby Jr. and Bhattacharya and Makary and Trump and all were part of a larger plan and that the Mar-a-Lago dinner with Bourla CEO Pfizer, CEO Eli Lily, CoS Suzie Wiles (heavily conflict for she is a pharma lobbyist among biggest and now her daughter is in DC in that role), pure radio silence by RFK Jr. who for 5 years prior hammered Trump, OWS, and the deadly Malone vaccine, and Trump and some others, was part of the plan. I call it as I think it and that no one there thought to tell us the public after they stuffed their faces, who have been waiting for a fix to the madness of COVID and the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine…waiting for some explanation and some justice? …well, it makes more sense day by day.
Senator Johnson is a hero of mine. I love the guy, smart and a true American warrior. I know him personally and he sought to do good, to save lives. He is not a conman. But is he being captured? Is he being conned? In his face? As Trump is conned? AGAIN? With this ultra-fuckery STARGATE AI by grifter Ellison and Altman and the Chinaman or Korean-man or whoever?
So I ask it this way: Were certain people thrown into our faces and lives and into politics the last few months to CHANGE the vaccine bad narrative and advance the MAHA narrative, misdirecting us? As they indeed bring MORE mRNA vaccine? Are we that easily played? Are they all part of the plot? Is Trump that gullible and fooled? Yet he cannot be that stupid to not know how much the OWS lockdowns killed, and the Malone et al. vaccine killed…or is he? Is Trump that misguided? That Ellison and Altman and the Chinaman can mess with his mind and get him to allow them (and partake) in this pure unscientific, tripe, drivel, specious non-sensical, academically sloppy, intellectually bankrupt, intellectually lazy junk garbage 2 days ago, telling us that a cancer vaccine specific to you can be developed within 48 hours using AI?
Is Trump that stupid? Or is he part of the game? The plan?
Bill Rice’s piece is interesting and asks a hard question:
Read this by Rice:
‘One suspects these same powerful entities will never support “contrarians” (insert like me, Couey, Yeadon etc. and it is just a few left, the rest are prostrated and puckered up for a job or donor money or a call out or a meme coin) who could potentially derail their lucrative gravy train.
These thoughts align with the growing suspicion devious entities are very possibly implementing a game plan intended to neutralize or capture even a “maverick” politician like Donald Trump.
Many contrarians believe sophisticated “3-D” psy-ops exist, programs which effectively capture and control movements that would be perceived as a severe threat to the defenders of the Status Quo.
Indeed, writers like Debbie Lerman are developing the thesis that deadly and dangerous mRNA vaccines are being scrubbed from public conversations and future debates.
More specifically, the concern of writers like Ms. Lerman (and Jenna McCarthy) is that crimes against humanity will be ignored while Team Trump focusses instead on its Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) agenda - an agenda that does not identify mRNA vaccines as the world’s largest loaded machine gun.
If this narrative-manipulation project succeeds, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will have neutralized the greatest threat to their continued existence.’
Dissident scientists, physicians (and writers) who threaten the lucrative Status Quo should be marginalized and censored and, if that doesn’t completely neutralize these threats, the Deep State will seek to capture or control the opposition by re-framing the key narratives.
That is, it’s okay to give lip service to MAHA, but it’s not permissible to question the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines” promoted by the Public Health/Vaccine Industrial Complex.
If only one narrative must be protected, it’s the narrative that vaccines are wonder cures, which far more citizens should receive … and the people of the world will benefit from receiving many more (mRNA) vaccines in the future.
Re-stated: The Establishment ruling classes should ignore and vilify dissidents who “think outside the box,” independent thinkers who might cause the masses to question numerous life-long narratives they considered sacrosanct or infallible (aka “settled science.”)
If a psy-op/narrative-changing operation is currently being perpetrated to defend and expand the Vaccine Industrial Complex, this would, indeed, qualify as an ominous development for those determined to challenge and debunk legions of dubious or false authorized narratives, many of which cause misery and harm on a massive scale.’
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Please consider support of a good PATRIOT company (in this PATRIOT economy) Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (key component being antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving spike from mRNA vaccine, this is critical to remove spike form the mRNA vaccine/and DNA viral vector) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
I aint impressed by the MEANS...I think carpet baggers grifters IMO...and I am little...so dont take my view
So much BS. There is a cure for cancer ~ Too much money in the game. False diagnosis and destroying so many lives. Evil