Attention all the sheepeople

April Fools date has now officially changed

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Remember how idiotic so many were in the Y2K lead up?

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Before social media and the dumbing down of the world the last 30 years

We used to look forward to the eclipse

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My relative was telling me about this today, how hotel rooms are so high, near the path of totality, and some banks near her are closing on Monday. I sold eclipse viewing glasses for the one last October, and the big one in 2017. I could have easily sold 1,000 or more for this one, but didn't have a stock of them this time.

They are saying that the prime viewing in northeast Texas may be disrupted by clouds, so the northeast US area may fair better.

The path of this one will make an X across the path of the one in 2017, with the convergence over "Little Egypt" in southern Illinois not far from me. Some corelate this with Biblical prophecy relating to our ancestors coming out of captivity in Egypt, and a warning about sin.

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Zombie brains have been with us for a while

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They are firing up the CERN collider for added drama and earthquakes like the one it activated in ChristChurch New Zealand. Get ready for another black swan event!!

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If you can see one, it's pretty epic. Nothing compares to seeing it with your own eyes. However, it's so brief, you'll feel stupid if you stocked up on the for that.

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It gets dark every night...yet, we survive.

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"They" are constantly testing us to measure how much nonsense we will swallow. This is part of the phyc-op they been running. If we can swallow that boys can be girls and girls can be boys, they know that we will believe anything. Their winning.

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Move over 'democracy'

We have, C0V1D fraud & scam is 'COMMUNISM'

Idiocy requests to slap these people, who can't see this!

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In 1979, in NW Oregon, we had a total solar eclipse. Our science teachers made a big deal of it and we all had to make the reverse shoebox viewers to protect our eyes. It was on the news at the time, but with no more daily air time than Portland Trailblazer highlights.

We were able to go outside for the eclipse. Most of the other boys I was with were running around screwing off like it was any other day while the teachers tried to maintain some semblence of order.

I remember it was mostly cloudy but there were a few breaks in the clouds right around the eclipse. Almost none of us were using our shoe box viewers. As the eclipse moved through it became very dark and strong winds whipped up. The thing I remember most is the birds. Thousands of birds came out of nowhere, flying around like crazy. After a few minutes it was all over. We all survived, and nobody went blind.

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absolutely mindboggling........humanity has just about lost ALL SENSIBILITY!


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you would think people would have learned from the plandemic but no and this is another test to see how many take heed of what local news and actions of elected officials are doing its like shooting fish in a barrel. This is what they want to make money and profit off the hysteria that created from news networks and officials. it's lunacy at its finest. mass formation at best !!!

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It clearly shows that the things/events/ occurrences that human beings have no control over make us bend forwards and backwards like wind chimes. Then a pandemic run by evil corrupt local officials

knocks on our doors and we turn into 'cowards'....we are a people/humanity that needs entertainment to deal with rationality of rising to the occasion to do something. Empathy...pathetic....wrong right

good evil help us...let us all get together and be one love...Bob Marley. lol

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I remember the one from 1970. The Waco Tribune also wrote that the next one would be 2024.

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I believe the World Wide Emergency Alert will happen soon . Martial Law will happen worldwide.The WhiteHats ( Good Military) & The Global Military Alliance ( Plus President Trump- the CIG) will state what has been occurring behind the scenes for the last 8 years and video testimonies will be broadcast from some of those who are at GITMO.

During Martial Law another 8 Million people need to be arrested.

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