It’s Obama who is pulling the strings. Next step - voting rights, houses and credit cards for illegals - vote Obama in forever. End democracy, end religious freedom - and god help women!

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yes, it was always Obama, but a few other evil people...but Obama's intent is to transform USA into an islamic enclave, to destroy it

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Obama hates America. How could a nation of people elect someone who hates their country? Insane.

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People were so desperate to get away from GW Bush Jr. and the war in Iraq that they fell for Obama's bullshit. I naively thought he was the opposite of Bush, but it turns out they're only "opposite" in the sense that they're two sides of the same globalist coin.

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They wanted to prove to the world that they were not "racissss."

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The best part is that this tyranny is paid for by our taxes.

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It is true that from a POLITICAL standpoint there are candidates who can replace Biden .

Obama is trying to tell us is that from a CIA/PENTAGON standpoint NONE of those candidates are acceptable.

The selected candidate must prosecute the brain dead Ukranian Proxy War and in order to do so the referenced individual must be briefed as to the reason we are there which will required the National Security Apparatchick to disclose CRIMINALLY EMBARRASING DETAILS.

So , I expect the powers-that-be to steal the election and continue playing “The Weekend At Bernie’s” scam.

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Obama is being pushed to replace Kamala. Dem constitutional law professors claim he is only ineligible to be elected president again but not ineligible to run for vice president and then replace Joe as president if Joe steps down straight after he's inaugurated.

"Forget "Plan B" of Replacing Biden. Instead Consider Plan C. Let Biden Run With Barack Obama For VP. Yes, It's Constitutional, Say Many Experts. Public Interest Law Professor John Banzhaf George Washington University Law School"

Biden-Obama is ‘Plan C’ ticket


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hhhmmmm, let us think about this....very interesting. so the key is 'active' contesting?

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That’s more creative than Alvin Bragg’s legal theories. I doubt that it will fly past the SCOTUS.

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Ban guns is Obama long term wish. Let them and America freedom will be no more, will live in tyranny for a long time until the time , perhaps, but only perhaps, some future generation hang the rulers.

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Whoever is making these decisions should be imprisoned! This is “Fraud” at the highest levels!

Obviously nothing will happen to whoever is responsible! I like to believe differently, something tells me “We the People” have been and continue to be

“Royally Screwed” in the most gigantic way imaginable!

Thank you Dr., someone has to get to the bottom of this before it’s too late!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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thank you AJR, boom, well said

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Years ago, when an 'immigrant' landed in a new country... they were there to contribute.. go to work and start a life, an honest life; many had great skills and found a way to contribute right away...........NO ONE expected or received a Govt welcome mat of a place to stay, money or other necessities, but the process was still orderly and legal. Immigrants always stayed with people they knew or family until they could get on their feet...it is now the opposite... the message could not be more clear.... the illegal 'immigrant' is not here to contribute and start an honest life of going to work and playing by the rules....The world is now upside down, and the illegal 'immigrant' is now coddled and provided for....the exact opposite of how it should be....these people will never prove to be anything but a headache, a problem and a burden .... as those of us who have played by the rules pick up the pieces of the shattered world the illegal 'immigrant' has bestowed upon us.....

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boom, you said it how it was and MUST be

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Blinken and the fucked up Biden administration must have really offended the SAUDIS- AS OF

a scant 14 hours ago the Ssudis cut off all US Oil supplies- I would suggest to all of our folks who can see my message to fuel up all vehicles and gerry mugs-- there will be bedlam at gas stations by tomorrow-

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did not know this...thank you for sharing...let me get on top, I have been in travel status on plane

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Was watching a podcast and they had 9/11 families on there saying the trouble they've had getting the official paperwork from our government. These families said the Saudis are directly responsible for 9/11. Trump was working with them (families) to get paper's but we all know what happened while he was in office. He was fought against every day. Anyways these families got the proof from British reporters with pics of Saudis. These American families said the Saudis are responsible and this was reported yesterday. That could be the reason for the Saudis cutting oil! Hell we've got all the oil we need and could stockpile under our feet. AMERICA has gotten soft.

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The BBC is not to be trusted -it was in fact the BBC Female reporter in fox studios

(facing building #7) t here is a clear view of bldg#7 at her back, she is facing the camera- the id is ticking off the time and date in the right hand corner and she says

“and buildg #7 has just collapsed’’ ( they are trying tos ignal her to cut) as the building went down 27.5 minutes later-The BBC in a cikvil suit was found guilty of being complicit in9-11--Also re member it was the STEELE report that was used ay against45 which was paid for by the Hillary bitch-- I caution everyone to not be mislead by CIA bought and paid for media-they are not supporting the commokn man

they are owned by the deep state globalists

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Such an important question Dr Alexander.

When I thought about this question, I decided to link together, what’s actually happening in America, regarding this “Non-Biden” make believe presidency. Then I thought about how “Andrey Melnichenko”, one of Russia’s richest men, had sanctions imposed in 2022. I thought this directly correlates with and to this “Non-Biden” presidency effect! How?

This is how. And this is what it means and what I deduced?

It means the “Globalist” are running everything! No kidding Sherlock. I get it. Or I should say “RUINING” everything! But why? Why was Andrey sanctioned? This ties right into the big picture problem of our lifetime.

By sanctioning Andrey it’s one, small but significant way of controlling the masses.

Sanctions imposed on Andrey have effectively destroyed the small farmers who relied on his products! Fertilizer primarily.

While the largest farmers will be given handouts from these same “Globalists”. The imposed sanctions on Andrey simply to cause “suffering” and “starvation” which once again links directly to the goals of:

“The End Justifies The Means”!

This may seem like a moot point, but in fact, when you consider the impact it has for the “Globalist” overall agendas, they must take out or takedown smaller farmers, in order to gain control over the population’s that rely on food from these small farmers.

Adios and Sayonara,

“little by little” we say goodbye to the smaller business owners, who in America, make up the bulk of our successes. Which was exactly why during lockdown all the small businesses went and were forced into bankruptcy!

Again, this is an example of the “Slow Boil Frog” methodology which seemed so innocuous. Yeah right! Detrimental is more like it! Detrimental for America’s future survival! Which is why this was done!

These “Globalist Elites” attack anyone who 1. Is an easy target and 2. Is an easy target and those who can’t afford to fight back! Exactly how “Bullies” operate! Sounds repetitive right? Of course it would, I wrote it deliberately to make my point!

Think about the little things that make such a huge impact? Then this “Globalist Agenda” becomes clearer and in focus.

Whether people believes, a “One World Order Gov” is happening wasn’t my thought process here. My thoughts process was to simply bring awareness about the “Small Business’s” are very much a “Giant Threat & Target” in the big picture of how the “Globalist” are working to destroy and create this

“societal upheaval”!

Evil is an understatement! The “Globalist” are murdering people and deliberately destroying peoples lives and livelihoods! It may seem trivial here in America. Rest assured, it’s happening and it will happen, at a ramped up pace as time passes. Knowing how the wheels of the “Globalist Elites” mindset works is to simply know why they work so “efficiently” in order to not cause social unrest.

We’re watching this play out in Biden’s situation. Society hasn’t been overly disrupted. People are calmly talking about “Trump” in November or how’s the weather, etc! But most people are calm. Which is exactly what the “Globalist” wants.

This has been by design and in such a way one could say it like “pacifying a baby’s” crying. Keep in mind “Globalist” can’t stand crying babies! Or babies in general! Keep the masses passive! Keep society relatively calm. Another words,


This is how they keep the “Globalist” agendas targeted, with desired outcomes. Keeping people steady & intact! This is how they have been dealing with America. It is a “Slow Boil Frog” methodology. It works every time and keeps society calm, cool and collected!

Until they’re ready to pull the rug out from under our feet. We see this happening now with Biden. Half of America knew, 4 years ago Biden wasn’t right! We all knew Biden didn’t win and something sinister was at play.

Today, we know Biden didn’t win “fairly”! We also know something sinister is definitely at play! Something is very wrong, yet Biden was still able to last this long. The MSM promoted Biden at every turn! This has allowed the “Globalist” agenda to be furthered, while deeply entrenching their ideologies into American politics and of course, America’s culture.

Here’s a few questions to ask yourself.

Think about how many “societal-problems” have happened since this administration began?

Or how many newly created problems can you rattle off the top of your head? Next think about how these problems affect your life? And lastly think about how has this happened? Finally consider how these deliberate government created problems will changed America forever?

These are some of the things I think about when asking myself “who’s making the decisions”? By the way, who is?

This reminds me of the movie “Cinderella Man” with Russel Crowe when, after winning his “comeback fight” he said while eating a bowl of hash,

“Imagine what I could have done If I had a steak”?

Yes, imagine how America would be today if we knew the truth?

All Americans should be thankful. But certainly and more importantly, we should think about what the hell is going on with America?

There’s a myriad of

“sleight of hands” being magically dealt to us. While we’re being told some contrived narrative. This is done in order to keep us guessing what’s actually happening and to keep us peaceful!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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You left out Blinkin and maybe Rice but for sure Obama. If there is such a thing as the Antichrist Obama has the lead in that department. His actions will take down the USA corp. we will see if the Republic, which has been gone for some time, can reconstitute. His voice gave him away.

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boom, worst than that...Obama is the most evil.

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I have always said Obama was the anti Christ. Pretty boy saying pretty words and Americans fell for it. What a bunch of morons! He's the one that pitted a race war! He's the one that made too many promises! He's the one that lied to the black people and they bought into it hook line and sinker. Lock and load people, get your meds,food, and supplies together. Check on your children,family and neighbors. Keep your head on a swivel.

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We are in the third term of the YoMama Residency. You can see in the lame-stream media yesterday pumping the Rally Around The Tranny trail balloon.


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It makes me sick, angry, not a good feeling, who is running America? Globalist cabal. In control over the media and the western world.

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I completely agree with you about watching these videos of (demented) Biden.

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yes yes

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Now Labour in in in UK- they will follow the same path

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The new Labour PM, Sir Jimmy Saville or whatever the fcuk his name is, is worse than the Tory one, the Pakistani dude, or whatever he was, that the Torys elected to lead them. The Torys will no doubt be spending a lot of time on the prayer mat, facing toward Mecca, wondering why Brits didn't vote for them

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boom boom boom, so well stated

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I'm late to this post but I can't tell you how much I agree with what you are asking. Who the fcuk is pulling the strings, making decisions, etc? If most Americans are not asking this question, then there is no hope for those folks. But me thinks Americans, the vast majority, are now asking this. I hope folks keep asking and digging

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The Saudis were NEVER involved in or with the initial 19 accused Saudis that “The FAKE news\

initially reported-The “Faked Passport photos found at ground Zero was a plant by The US Operatives ( deep state) which even the COMPLICIT FBI admitted very quickly-The REAL 9-11

Lawyers, pilots and Architects did a fine rendering of the facts Presented to Biden’s New Yorls AG ’s office -He sat on it ft for 2 full years before stonewalling a 500 page Request for a new Grand Jury with bonifide facts That scared the life out of the Administration- he consequently ( in total violation of the US Codes mandating his office to convene a New Grand Jury as the Initial

(9-11 Omission Comissiin was ordered by Bush and Cheny (TO FIND NO RESULTS) For those new to this Column I w rote a rather complete rendition of this greta Group of Patriots T his included the swedish mettalurgists that examined the sphericle non-particles- we know how- where and who now- and we should all un derstand that the morass of trouble we are now in is a direcct result of 9-11 which was the catalyst for the 9-11 and the MARTIAL LAW WE HAVE BEEBN PLACED under It ended Our Republic and the USC rule of law- I accuse this new group of spreading disinformnation as partv of an internal Government sponsored Operatives because the Conspirators ( for the most part ) are still alive today- UNLESS AND UNTIL WE UNVEIL AND UNRAVEL THE 9-11 CONSPIRACY-- WE WILL NEVER RECOVER OUR REPUBLIC AND OUR REVERED CONSTITUTION

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Biden was lying even before he lost the plot. Most if not all politicians, including Donald Trump lie because they can get away with it. Even the Pope lies. The American people lie, not only to others but to themselves. That being the case, we need to be honest with ourselves first. Can you do that America? I doubt it.

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Why do you think somebody's calling the shots? Nobody is. You miss the point! The beauracracy of the government wants Biden just where he is. It allows them to go on running things on their own without any interference. Every department is running happily along independently on it's own far leftest and every which way agenda. They don't want a coherent president in there getting in their way.

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The more I tell you about the laws of the Universe the more you get disgusting with your language….i have no respect for you, a narcissist and someone who cares nothing really about improving the world….you cannot improve the world with hatred, only love….you are someone who harbors too much hatred and anger…..if you really want to help put out love

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There are no laws of the universe, it is the biggest crook all for himself.

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Unleash the Dogs of War"!

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