
point is, these people with their degrees and titles, know this, they dont care...WHO? PAHO? last people I would call...we are in the mess because of them...the likes of them.

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Finding out first if the moms were vaccinated makes sense.

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“Clusterfuck will get worse for dumb and dumberer (yes, let us use that word) is coming. WHO and PAHO…PAHO, WHO have among the most inept, incompetent idiots, morons masquerading as scientists…academically sloppy, technically incompetent, intellectually lazy, specious, non-sensical dolts, nincompoops…like mall cops, these are mall doctors.”

I cut and pasted a paragraph from your post Dr because, I believe it’s far worse than “incompetence”. It’s “EVILNESS” plan and simple!

I’m not arguing your points calling out these corrupt individuals, I’m sure they are. This entire Covid scam has proven that. It’s been nothing short of their depopulation component, along with a complete “transfer of wealth” agenda!

Everywhere we look, the number of people killed and or maimed continues to escalate. This ties into and IMO, was the catalyst, igniting the world on fire! What we’re seeing happening domestically and worldwide has all be planned and executed, demonically!

Certainly within the western countries. Which is why we’re witnessing the largest transfer of wealth in history! Another words, the WHO / PAHO must cover their tracks, create the overarching narrative, before anyone else can “illuminate the Truth”!

“Evil Lives In Darkness”!

This is how diabolical these people are! Unfortunately most people believe the prevailing narrative, don’t change their minds, regardless of any new information to the contrary.

This has been and continues to be the driving force, over and over, story after story. The narrative driven agenda is why people continue to remain so divided!

“Some people will never open their minds”.

I commend you Dr for your endless efforts. God willing, you’ll learn the truth for all to know, before the evidence is destroyed!

It seems unlikely mRNA wasn’t involved. Everything “ODD AND UNUSUAL” happening since covid, has proven to be mRNA related! Similar result occurred in New Zealand, I believe. Thirty people, all vaccinated at the same location, within a thirty day period, died within 90 days of vaccination.

According to the source, all thirty people were injected sequentially, from the same lot / batch numbers. What does this tell me? IMO, a test study was carried out by those same demonic people.

Their goal, IMO, determine each injection’s desired amount of poison needed to cause the greatest casualties / mortality! Obviously Death resulting! Only my opinion. I haven’t heard anything since the original story broke.

Needless to say, people have opened their eyes. Which means, the next executed Plandemic, the WHO will have to force people to be injected, come hell or high water!

I believe this is all about power and control, which requires a certain population level in order to control the remaining “useless eaters” here in planet earth!

This is part of their continued, communistic driven, “transfer of wealth” agenda. Yes, they’re well on their way to destroying everything good and decent! Their quest for a “One World Order”, totalitarian controlled society, marches on!

Thank you Dr Alexander once again for brilliantly exposing the evilness the world is facing!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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Still 18 babies dead ... just what they wanted for all of us. This is what they have been working for, all evil. The evidence always follows after.

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Don't forget too, if the doctors there follow "recommendations" of groups like the CDC, these newborns probably were blasted with many "normal" shots in their first days and weeks. Shots their immune systems would have to struggle against too, like Hepatitis B. Why parents submit their newborns to all those other shots as well is beyond me.

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Dr. Paul, what makes you think the transfection status of each mother isn’t already known? Mike Yeadon would say these unfortunate outcomes were known for years.

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Interesting new research set to be presented at the 2024 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Global Congress later this month.

Remember how health "authorities claimed that new covid variants would evolve inside the unvaccinated?

"The man had received multiple COVID-19 vaccinations ..."

" ... the virus evolved into a new immune-evasive variant inside his body."

"The man previously had a stem cell transplant and later developed lymphoma ..."

"The man ... died ... not from the virus but because his lymphoma ... returned."

New Viral Variant Evolved Inside Man With Record COVID Infection 24 April 2024


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The T&T govt is scared shitless of you Paul and a particular local political figure you're related to. They won't let u anywhere near those cases. They've already agreed to sign on to the WHO treaty and pushed vaccines on its ppl. They are incompetent and corrupt.

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This is so sad. Those precious, innocent little babies.

Maybe they are all democrats.

Democrats can’t say shit about this!

Democrats shouldn’t care anyway should they?

They have no trouble killing their own by their policies and glorify the ones that make it legal.

What’s the difference here in a demon rat mind?

They think cause it’s legal it justifies killing little innocent babies given to us by God!

The most precious and beautiful bundles of joy!

They are murderers and they do not even realize it because demonic forces cloud their brain!

They try to justify but it just makes them look stupid and irresponsible and lazy.

God gives us all a brain to use but they take the easy way out at the cost of murdering the innocent.

Killing babies in the womb is demonic and I have no use for ignorant and demonic people.

Killing the unborn are the most evil people in the world.

The poor little things can’t defend themselves.

Bullies always pick on the vulnerable and weak and most bullies are cowards!

Sorry, just stating facts!

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No. You’re Citing a Substack account that has no credible evidence either. Just claims. My god you’re terrible at this. No. Just no. STOP

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M1192 x higher rate of severe menstrual abnormalities;

·       57 x higher rate of miscarriage;

·       38 x higher rate of foetal death and stillbirth;

·       15 other major pregnancy complications exceeding the regulator’s safety threshold.

You never provide credible evidence. You just make claims. If you do make a legitimate citation, it’s from a non-credible source. I can’t believe anyone takes anything you say as a serious discussion on any topic. Proving the sad state of America‘s public education facilities.

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