WHO/PAHO team investigating 18 new- born Trinidad babies who went to NICU & died; PAHO is on the job so now you know its worthless, for these are the very idiots that have us in trouble with Malone &
Bourla; I have shared that I would help lead this investigation free of charge, I am from the islands; I told high level government folk today find out FIRST if all 18 mothers got mRNA vaccine
18 Trinidad newborns have died near all at once in Trinidad hospital, NICU…something is very wrong…
First, we grieve and morn these deaths. I blame the government for its insane COVID non-sensical moronic dangerous polices day one, and call on the government once again to immediately stop, complete, the use of all mRNA technology treatments, vaccines (mRNA platform or DNA viral vector, any platform) in humans, in pregnant women, in children…a complete stoppage in Trinidad Tobago, the Caribbean…stop all COVID mRNA technology related injections, anything linked to this.
The media information is that WHO-PAHO have sent a team, so now you know the poor Trinidadians are shit out of luck as they would say. Clusterfuck will get worse for dumb and dumberer (yes, let us use that word) is coming. WHO and PAHO…PAHO, WHO have among the most inept, incompetent idiots, morons masquerading as scientists…academically sloppy, technically incompetent, intellectually lazy, specious, non-sensical dolts, nincompoops…like mall cops, these are mall doctors.
yet this matter is very serious.
pregnant women who get the COVID vaccine place their baby in utero in a very compromising situation. congenital in utero driven heart anomalies, neurological (anatomical and physiological) malformations…massive still-borns, fetal death in utero, dead on delivery, congenital malformations, miscarriages etc.
Dr. James Thorp (expert, a 68-year-old American physician who has practiced obstetrics for more than 42 years and sees thousands of high-risk pregnant patients each year) points to miscarriage, fetal malformation, growth abnormalities, cardiac disorders, fetal death, and stillbirth from the COVID vaccine in pregnant women. There are cases now where newborns ‘have passed away after being breastfed by their recently vaccinated mothers’.
the COVID mRNA vaccine, any of these shots and especially boost is causing the mother to deliver way too early, premature deliveries and the baby is being born way ahead of time, very vulnerable…the immune system is rudimentary and the vaccine itself subverts the development of the infants immune system…
again, vaccinating the pregnant woman is like vaccinating the infant in utero. what ever ill effects are conferred by the vaccine on the adult mother falls also on the developing infant…starting in utero.
DEVASTATING, HORRIFIC – The Jab’s True Effect on Mothers-To-Be
Dr. James Thorp is convinced that the novel mRNA Covid vaccinations have caused catastrophic events and describes administering the shots to pregnant women as an ‘egregious violation of ethics’.
DEVASTATING, HORRIFIC – The Jab’s True Effect on Mothers-To-Be (substack.com)
Dr Thorp and six colleagues, including the heart specialist Dr Peter McCullough, a witness to the increase of heart problems in newborns, compared VAERS reports post Covid vaccination with adverse events reported in pregnant women who had received the flu vaccine. The results are devastating:
· 1192 x higher rate of severe menstrual abnormalities;
· 57 x higher rate of miscarriage;
· 38 x higher rate of foetal death and stillbirth;
· 15 other major pregnancy complications exceeding the regulator’s safety threshold.
One of the most distressing menstrual abnormalities was an increase in incidences of decidual casting, which according to Dr Thorp, may even have occurred in a newborn baby. The decidua is the thick tissue lining the uterus and women were shedding it intact. It is a painful, distressing experience characterised by huge clots or the decidua detaching in one piece. Fewer than 50 cases had been recorded in 100 years then suddenly, in a seven-month period in 2021, 292 experienced this ‘rare’ event (which thankfully has no long-term effects).’
parents need to do their own research, expectant women…let me be clear, no expectant woman must take any vaccine, drug, medical device…none, none…no new or novel product, she is most vulnerable and the baby in utero is highly susceptible…if your doctor is giving you something, walk away. you should have never been given the COVID shot. it was never ever shown to be safe for you the pregnant woman, nor your baby in utero. the reality is that the mother too is at risk of severe harm and even death with this premature situation for again, the COVID vaccine is driving premature delivery.
remember what Thalidomide and diethylstilbesterol (DES) did to pregnant women and the baby in utero? remember phocomelia?
in fact, and let us stay focused on the COVID vaccine, it does not matter, all the vaccines, mRNA platform and the DNA viral vector end in same place, this being the deadly spike protein to drive an immune response…it is the spike protein that is highly pathogenic…
so, find out if they all got ANY COVID vaccine; we told them long ago, 2.5 years ago, when you vaccinate a pregnant woman, it is as if you vaccinated baby in utero…they get same vaccine, same maternal antibodies, same mRNA, same LNPs, same spike protein, and if the Malone Bourla Bancel mRNA technology vaccine kills adults, would it not damage baby in utero? the coming new born?
Pregnant women were never part of the Moderna and Pfizer registrational legacy trials that got them EUA from the corrupt dangerous criminal FDA under Hahn and Woodcock, based on the mRNA deadly Malone technology-based vaccine…you never ever give a pregnant woman any biologically active substance, ingredient, compound, drug, vaccine, never ever, and you never extrapolate to groups and peoples the results of a study if that group was not part of the highly selected inclusion criteria.
The COVID vaccinal antibodies are highly specific and with high affinity for the target antigen or virus and in the presence of the natural INNATE antibodies (derived from B-1 cells) and natural killer cells (NK cells) that newborns come with (God given as part of their innate immunity, first line of defense as they develop acquired adaptive immunological memory as they grow and navigate the external environment) and which are integral to training as MATERNAL antibodies wane, the issue is that innate antibodies are BROADLY protective, strong, punishing, ruthless, robust, but not specialized and not specific…not high affinity….their role is to educate the child’s developing immune system as the infant navigates the environment, binding to pathogen (especially glycosylated viruses that share similar surface proteins, glycans, sugars etc. e.g. MMR, rotavirus, RSV, common cold, flu etc.); and in binding, they learn about pathogen, learn the outer coat, learn to recognize, learn to deal with them there and then, in the here and now, and also learn how to handle them in the future…importantly, the innate antibodies help train and educate the NK cells in how to recognize ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ tissue in the child…what belongs to child and what does not and hence must be destroyed…it distinguishes in this sophisticated training, ‘self-like, self-mimicking etc…’, NUANCES of ‘self’….it has to for the child to survive…it is a critical training and if breached, the child can be killed by auto-immune illness.
remember to, the infected cell, the virus too can take on an outer coat alike a normal healthy cell to trick the immune system so this ‘training’ on how to recognize self from non-self is critical…the infected cell can outsmart the immune system by its surface coat so it must be trained in the trickery. para
Issue is that the COVID vaccinal antibodies OUT-COMPETES the child’s innate antibodies for the binding to virus and pathogen and subverts the training of the infant’s immune system…it BINDS ‘first’…the child’s immune system is then vulnerable as it cannot be trained properly…cannot be educated….child is very vulnerable to serious disease.
Is this auto-immune attack via the maternal vaccinal antibodies on the newborns’ ‘self’ tissues and organs? Do not discount this.
Find out if the mothers were all COVID vaccinated. This is tragic. In this era of the deadly COVID vaccine, place this at the center of the debate. Vaccinating mother is akin to vaccinate baby in utero…same thing. Harm to mother means baby can and will be subject to harm too!
point is, these people with their degrees and titles, know this, they dont care...WHO? PAHO? last people I would call...we are in the mess because of them...the likes of them.
Finding out first if the moms were vaccinated makes sense.