A lot more has been going on than what we are privy to. Trump was asked to run by the military. The cheating by the Dems in the 2016 election was kept to a minimum by certain things, and they failed to cheat enough to get those swing states. That's why there is a phrase "They didn't think she'd lose".

They started to contest the election and ask for audits, but they realized that would uncover their methods of cheating, including machine vote manipulation.

Why did Elon Musk recently tweet "Plot Twist"? Because he knows things we don't. If he is working with Trump, as many believe, he knows that we are in the third act, the climax of the movie. Plot twist can refer to a surprise ending. That's what I think will happen, something very few people saw coming, that will turn things around very quickly.

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correct, they cheated in 2016 but not by enough...and I agree...I want to add, there are Trump haters for they fell for the crap like how they fell for the COVID lies, lockdowns, masks, vaccine...gullible, want to believe etc. good people but want to believe. Trump is the only option today, just 4 years but 4 years of burning it all down...and I promise you, we will do exactly each act they did to Trump...each act...and some.

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I pray you are right!!

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yes, he is...there are things I cannot talk about also. America will be on the right path with a Trump victory

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God be with us all & help save our country. Help those who’re still asleep to awaken to the uniparty psychopaths trying very hard to destroy everything good in the world. Help us, Lord, to do the work with your support & guidance to stand for truth & justice & if Trump gets his second term, that he will be guided by you to do what is right for the people. Amen. 🙏🏽

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Amen Denise.

Trump is the 19th President of the Republic. Sworn in by the White Hats Military. The US Corporation is closed.

You are welcome to look at my Substack Notes.

Or go on X, Telegram, Rumble or Truth Social.

Take Care & God Bless You & Your Family.

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God bless 45! 🇺🇸

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yes, yes, yes

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Yeah, right ... the same "45" that was hand-in-hand with filthy traitor Speaker Mike Johnson for sending another $61 billion to Ukraine and ZERO for our borders. Yeah, that guy. What will it take to convince some people that Trump CANNOT BE TRUSTED? I began sounding the alarm about Trump BEFORE he sat in the Oval Office. P.S. I voted for Trump in 2016 AND in 2020. That shan't be repeated in 2024.

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you see too you make a good point, if these bitches in congress would have given 1 dollar to border...just 1...but dont bail on 45...I ask you one more time...come

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I voted for him twice and will be voting for him again. I don’t like the warp speed garbage but he would never have threatened the masses to take a vaccine like brain dead Biden did

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yes...good post

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Trump’s vaccine had Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine & Ivermectin in it. Only Deep State/Biden’s vaccine has the MRNA & was mandated.

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I'm going to jump in this thread right here. This is correct and if everyone recalls (considering you really listened to Trump and all the comms that DID give us hints he is one of us), he brought up these antidotes (concoction) AFTER he was treated at Walter Reed. Then the MSM made a mockery of him and these antidotes. People made the mistake of altering the horse cream (after Ivermectin was made unavailable), which gave the Black Hats (BH)/DS/MSM more fodder to feed their scared sheep.

Back to my first point...remember Trump brought the White Hat (WH) military into the meld to create and roll out the covid "treatment"? So, after Trump came back from Walter Reed I connected some dots. I can't say this is the case, but truly feel he was the *first to take the Warp Speed shot that was meant to be what was to be rolled out. To explain why I had this feeling...it was mainly because he tested how the DS/MSM would react to these antidotes being deployed RATHER than the mRNA (Big Pharma Agents/Companies, Fauci, et al BH) NON-Vaccine that WAS deployed under Biden. *If anyone doesn't think that's taking one for the team, then we are in a very bad place. Trump truly was a (Bio) wartime President.

Now, does that give us a better idea of WHY Trump believed in Warp Speed (a military term) and the "Treatment" it created? AND, an understanding of why he still stands behind his intended "treatment". I will finish with something I've said before...Trump cannot and should not take credit for the "Vaccine", but I don't think he is - not for the one the BH/DS created, tweaked as they experimented on us, etc., anyway. I believe he also cannot (alone) make a statement that the "vaccine" was a mistake because the BH MSM would eat him alive and put the blame for all the harm on him - much like some are HERE. He is relying on US - all the great Doctors, Scientists, Researchers, Reporters, etc., who have aligned to get the information (TRUTH) out that was NOT provided about what was actually deployed by the BH/DS et al., so that he is exonerated from being associated with THAT product. There will be a time when he can tell all (AGREE with the truth), but it is not now...not with all the attacks, past and present. What he needs is for us to understand his situation. Not all can be revealed until it is proven via Congressional record and/or the Courts that The People were fed lies and coerced into taking a bio-weapon. Until then there is not enough people who would believe it, as there are still too many who believe the talking heads and/or would not accept that their government/medical institutions intentionally meant to harm them. If we expect Trump to reveal this before it's proven, we will be handing them the keys to finish him in the court of public opinion, take away all our rights, force compliance with dictates, and complete their plan for our nation and our lives.

@Dr. Paul Alexander...I believe this may also explain why there are some things you "can't talk about also"...am I correct? If so, it needs to be acknowledged that it is not necessarily the right time that Trump "has to explain" either. IMO

Side note: Many of us knew for some reason it would not be good to take the shot and with more research and listening to the right sources, we later realized it turned out to be a great decision to follow our gut feelings. We cannot take responsibility for those who gave "uninformed" consent - all we can do is PRAY for them and continue to share information, especially any sources of treatments for the effects for what THEY HARMED THEM WITH. If we are paying attention there are less and less that are taking it and won't be taking anything else they roll out. Praying those numbers grow also.

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Good luck and god speed is all I can say to you, and oh, remember to have your COVID shots updated because I’m pretty sure Mr. Warp Speed will want you to have them and ofc be ready to also open your wallets for more money to Ukraine and Israel while your own borders stay wiiiiiiide open…

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no, Trump 2.0 is not 1.0...he is loaded for bear....we need get him there...

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Fake News.

23 times Trump talked about things that we can take for Covid. He spoke about Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Ivermectin. Those ingredients are in his vaccine.

Only Biden/Deep State has the MRNA and was mandated. Their plan was to lock us down for 12 years and kill 7 Billion people. Like Dave stated above, the US WhiteHats ( Good Military) asked Trump to run for President to take down this corruption. The WhiteHats are working with the Global Military Alliance. For the last 8 years ( behind the scenes) Military Tribunals are and have been going on at GITMO. Trump’s Executive Order expanded GITMO.

The USA is under Continuity of Government.

The MilItary has it all. Trump federalized the National Guards. He asked retired Military to come back in and serve.

Read his Executive Orders. - There is one for Foreign Election Interference, Human Trafficking, Seizing Assets for those who committed crimes, etc. Read the Law of War Manual.

Understand what is happening in Ukraine :

Putin is against the New World Order. He is destroying the US Bioweapons, just took down a pedo camp, is rescuing children from the DUMBS who have been trafficked. Ukraine is used for Money Laundering for All of Our Corrupt Politicians. Trump always puts his enemies in the limelight.

Israel: There are the Khazarian Jews ( the ones who worship Satan and the Biblical Jews,

Israel has a huge issue with child trafficking.

One more thing: Trump used Tesla Technology to disassemble the 5 G Towers in the USA. ( CO V FE FE).

No person is perfect. Trump is fulfilling the oath he swore.

‘ The Storm is Upon Us’.

Now go and do some research instead of slandering others.

Pray for the Global Military Alliance.

Pray for President Trump.

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Dr. Alexander: If Trump would only give us one sign - JUST ONE!! - that he is truly one of us. I search every day, as I have been for years, but there is no sign - not one. What we do get are lots and lots of signs that Trump is *NOT* one of us. For instance, Trump does not call out the crimes of any of the Covid criminals (like Fauci and Birx). They all get a free pass under Trump. Surely you can see that there's something wrong with this picture, right? I suspect that, like most people, you listen to every word from the mouth of 45. On the other hand, I focus on what 45 DOES, not on what he SAYS. Trump 'tickles the ears', he talks a very good book. But what has Trump DONE to eliminate the criminals from our society? How many Fat Rats have been put away under Trump? Yeah, now you get me.

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45: Still loven' his 'perfect' clot shot that has harmed/killed many. PUT HIM ON THE HORSEMEN LIST UNTIL HE RECANTS! HE SHOULD ASK FOR FORGIVENESS FOR THOSE HE HARMED!

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he is no Horseman, but he has to explain...I agree.

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He should sue you for billions for slandering him.

Did you listen to him when he talked or tweeted.

He told us about Ivermectin, Zinc , Hydrochloride .

He told us that Covid has a 95% Survival Rate. He told us that Covid should be treated like the flu.

Only Biden/Deep State vaccine has the MRNA & was mandated.

CDC confirmed that the most potent vaccine went to the Red States.

Biden/Deep State wanted to kill 7 billion and lock us down for 12 years.

In March 2014 he tweeted/talked about autism, vaccines & children.

He used Tesla Technology to disassemble the 5G Towers in the USA. ( CO V FE FE).

Now go read all of His Executive Orders & The Law of War Manual. There was a reason why he expanded GITMO. There was a reason why the US WhiteHats asked him to run for President. To help take down this corruption worldwide. Did you know that there is a Global Military Alliance?

Now go. Stop slandering others. Do some research.

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thank you for sharing these good points...grateful

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You're assuming that bio-weapon that BIDEN rolled out and mandated for Admin (supposedly) and had OSHA require implementation for Medical personnel, etc., was the "treatment" Trump advocated/intended to be rolled out. And let's just forget Big Pharma, Fauci, et al sideline plans. There is a reason Trump shouldn't have to "ask for forgiveness" - it was NOT HIS TREATMENT that was rolled out that HARMED people.

I explain this further in another comment below, but since you seem to be disinformed, felt it important to inform you he's not responsible for what that "treatment" was REPLACED with - he only still backs what was his Warp Speed treatment that was removed as soon as he was. Actually prior via BP/MSM when they made a mockery of and disallowed prescribing/dispensing of what would have been the treatment plan had he been re-elected. It's important to listen more carefully - the court of public opinion weighs heavy on what he (alone) can divulge and when. Hope that makes sense - if not maybe reading my other comment will clarify more.

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Funny how POTUS Trump still supporrts vaccination against COVID. His vaccine sucked. If there are other vaccines for COVID, they suck as well. Trump caved when the going got tough. Just as he caved with a $1 million campaign pledge from PFizer to kill the vaccine safety commission.


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You obviously didn't read my replies...IT WASN'T HIS VACCINE and wasn't even the treatment he supported and still does against COVID. You wouldn't know if there are other vaccines for COVID because only the Big Pharma were approved for EUA by the CDC. Seriously, if you think he took a campaign pledge from Pfizer to "kill the vaccine safety commission" you are completely propagandized. There is no "vaccine safety commission" for any Covid vaccine, let alone one for the "rolled out" Comirnaty vaccine that the CDC stated was approved and fell under the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). EUA=no safety required as is being revealed. AND Comirnaty was NEVER what was rolled out. We were lied to by CDC, FDA, NIH (Fauci et al), etc. Again, he might have been able to right that ship if he were elected in 2020, but as a citizen there was nothing he could do - and they knew that.

It's pretty interesting that you lay all the blame on Trump, when the authority over vaccines lied to him also and pushed everything to after the election, so he was in a lame duck period as far as authority vs CDC automity. But it will!!!!

And BTW...we are no where near Horsemen time...get a grip and occupy "purposely" until it is. Unless you a are co-operative that is - if so carry on somewhere else.

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Of course they lied to him. So what. We elected Trump. We did not elect the swamp. In our time of need, after he was criticized, he put his thumb in his mouth and hid in the corner.

And, he still sings the praises of how great he was getting the clot shot out in the market in record time.


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You apparently didn't read a word I wrote. So what? This is what...had they not underestimated MAGA in 2016 he would have not been President during the (Covid) bio-weapon war. You don't seem to understand that war still looms and Trump has to be strategic about this - to get rid of the swamp. The wrong moves will ensure they reign. This is spiritual, but not in the way you are promoting.

AGAIN, Trump IS NOT talking about the clot shot. THEY still won't admit that people are dying from the shot THEY put out instead of Trump's. SOOOO, until that is revealed to ALL affected (not forgetting even those people wouldn't believe gov/med would do that), he SHOULD NOT take responsibility for WHAT THEY DID. If he does we can kiss everything goodbye!!!

Further, you can chant this until you are blue in the face, I will never do that...it's EVIL! AND the devil just loves that you're giving that spirit the credit for ushering in everything ahead of God's time!!! And blaming Trump for what the evil ones did to boot - SMH, but praying for you.

BTW, we DID elect the swamp by (prior to Trump and current) proxy. And that is why we need to be very diligent and careful who we vote for that has appointment authority. And pray, pray, pray they can't get away with stealing it again and our corrupted election system is revealed and changed because of all the efforts - with God's help.

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Notes for Paul:

The best kind of 'encomium' - for purposes of swaying voters to persons who they do not fundamentally trust - is one that does not stray TOO FAR from the reality that exists... outside of "reality tv" type fictions.

While guaranteed to bring a tear to the yeux of your hard core, hopeless "MAgo-ots," this type of production is also 'guaranteed' to produce 'fear & loathing' in the minds of those whose favor ye be seeking presently! It's 'sci-fi' on steroids.

Lay off the purple prose Paul - and like Boz Scaggs said it best - 'C'mon back down to earth son...to the dirty dirty lowdown."

Selling 'your boy' as the best nag in the glue factory has a chance of 'gittin er done.' Writing this kinda thing is like handing HUNTER BIDEN a free pass outta jail - Yur only encouraging bad behavior!

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President Trump? Mr. Baseless Tyranny? Mr. I believe everything I am told without verifying any of it? Mr. I got you a great *new* vaccine that used decades old technology and patents from the early 2000's? That President Trump? Please. Trump could not hold a candle to Washington, Jackson, Taft, and others.

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Respectfully, that is true. Which is why you provided no other names that are equal to the great and irreplaceable George Washington.

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President Trump.

Wait till you see what the US WhiteHats , The Global Military Alliance & President Trump did for the USA & The World

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Sorry - but "The People's President" died in 1797. There has been no one like "The People's President" since 1797 either.

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Respectfully that is false.

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He died in 1799. Come on!!!!

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The Prople’s President is President Trump,

Have a wonderful day!

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I get it, carry on

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Trump getting the Ellis Island Award: https://imgur.com/FE0RqJ5

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FAKE NEWS- 2nd Smartest Guy. Did you vote for Biden? He is at GITMO. Played by 3 actors.

You didn’t know that Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar- A- Logo. Now go.

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