Thanks Karen - hope people are at least a little awake where you are. I'm in the Niagara region - some glimmers of hope, especially in the farming community.
Want motivation? Look to the people of Spain takong to the streets. Stop going to work, paying taxes, sending your kids to school. Collapse everything, because they plan to.
Roman, most Canadians think we are "conspiracy theorists", tin foil hat wearers. When we talk of freedom - they look in awe and go, "what the heck are you talking about? We live in a democratic country, one of the best in the world." There is no convincing them otherwise. :(
Canadians never had to fight for their freedom- until now. The media and blue light tech puts them in a trance:
Thanks Karen - hope people are at least a little awake where you are. I'm in the Niagara region - some glimmers of hope, especially in the farming community.
Farmers are wise and awake. Without farmers we don't eat.
God bless the farmers.
Thats why gates is buying up all the farm land in nortg america. Watch food production come to a halt in the next year or so.
If the evil cabal win. More of us than of them.
Want motivation? Look to the people of Spain takong to the streets. Stop going to work, paying taxes, sending your kids to school. Collapse everything, because they plan to.
Roman, most Canadians think we are "conspiracy theorists", tin foil hat wearers. When we talk of freedom - they look in awe and go, "what the heck are you talking about? We live in a democratic country, one of the best in the world." There is no convincing them otherwise. :(
Are they just stepping over the bodies and ignoring them.
Where do you live Brian?
Canadians had the Truckers Convoy.
Please stop all of this trash talk.
It’s not helping anyone.
"Angry Cheese Heads" good moniker for Canadian Neo Punk Headbangers.
All this yak as to "where yuh frum?" doesn’t sound like Faith, Hope & Charity.
I loved Ian Tyson's line: "He's gone to Hell, or Vancouver."