This should be ZERO, '0', NONE, no one in Canada should take any of these failed mismatched deadly XBB1.5 boosters, & in no healthy child, not one child! Njoo, Sharma, Tam know this, are KILLING you?
The poll shows 55% of Canadians are STILL dumb as a brick to think they'll still get ANY "vaccine" for anything. I'm still alive at 77 years old because of my life experiences and present health issues kept me AWAY from Covid vaccines and wait a full year to see what would happen to all the volunteer lab rats lining up for the EXPERIMENTAL jab. That decision saved my life. What's the matter with the other 55% of Canadians? Slow learners I guess.
Thanks Margaret. I haven't lived to be 77 by doing stupid things. Hard to believe there's still 55% of Canadians still willing to be a lab rat for all future mRNA injections. Sooooo much evidence out there that they're dangerous. I've had my last jab for anything!!
I agree with you. I’m an American, you got stupid everywhere and can’t blame it on one society. That’s very disrespectful to call out the Canadian people. I know dumb asses here in my DA SILAW! 🙄 I can’t do stupid...please don’t get me around stupid.
Canadian here… I’m gonna back up the good doc here.. looking back over the last three years. I’m gonna say yeah. Canadians are pretty stupid.. that doesn’t negate other countries by the way… just by saying Canadians are stupid. There’s a lot of stupid out there.
I know quite a few collegues and family members (I'm in Montreal) that are taking shot number XXXXX, They don't even say the exact number anymore. I just can't believe their stupidity. The shedding is a real thing y'all... :-(
Thanks Karen - hope people are at least a little awake where you are. I'm in the Niagara region - some glimmers of hope, especially in the farming community.
Want motivation? Look to the people of Spain takong to the streets. Stop going to work, paying taxes, sending your kids to school. Collapse everything, because they plan to.
Roman, most Canadians think we are "conspiracy theorists", tin foil hat wearers. When we talk of freedom - they look in awe and go, "what the heck are you talking about? We live in a democratic country, one of the best in the world." There is no convincing them otherwise. :(
Half of Canadians polled...that does not mean half of Canada.... where was the poll conducted? At a pharmacy, by phone, at a mall....... none of those things are polls are used to deceive or achieve a certain end point.....
May not even been conducted but to send out a subliminal message. One must recoginze 3 very important things, God is King, everyrhing you thought was truth was a lie, and your government (fill in any countey) wants you dead and has comitted acts of war against you via spraying, diseases, and "tteatments" for diseases.
Stella, I totally agree. I do not trust any polls. It is like statistics - they can play with those a lot and get the exact thing they want people to believe.
Not just Canadian people. I read in the UK 65% of those eligible for their autumn boosters some 10m people have taken the boosters. People I know are proudly posting on Facebook that they have just been double jabbed - COVID booster in one arm and Flu in the other. I feel like I am watching Jews line up for the 'cattle trucks' (railway).
There is also something called 'escalation of commitment' which I read about on Dee Dee's substack - it is 'a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continue the behavior instead of altering course.
I have spoken to family and friends who took the jabs, they are so brainwashed I can't get thru to them and they continue to get jabbed. I was told by one friend after I showed him proof for about an hour that he didn't believe anything I said, so what can I do if they refuse to even entertain the idea they were lied to, I told him he's a victim of fraud and lies and many people are now dead and maimed for life, still, nothing, he wont listen, my sister is the same way, I have sent her countless articles and she doesn't believe any of it. Maybe when they get sick enough after their next jab they'll wake up but Im not holding my breath.
You know, ask them “what doe these various authors have to gain?” The pro vaxxers keep their jobs, or move up. The antis get canned ( but retain their honor). Anyone arguing with that fact alone is simply not a serious person.
I just returned from the gym. I overheard 2 men talking, most likely in their late 60's/early 70's. One guy said, 'hey did you get your needles yet?? Other replied, "yes, I sure did". "oh which one did you get?" "Moderna". "Oh I got Pfizer" . First guy said "I got the flu shot the next day". Other guy, "Oh I got both the same day, no need to separate them."
I was aghast. I stayed clear of those two but the absolute glee they both shared, was incredible. I really felt like slapping both across the head, hoping to knock some sense in OR stupidity out.
I am so dismayed at my fellow Canadians. Almost all of my family and friends are completely brainwashed and keep getting jabs. They aren't even starting to wake up and still think that I am crazy and dangerous for remaining unjabbed. I notice that many are jab injured and are now getting sick all of the time with covid, flu, colds etc. I find it so frustrating and depressing.
I am from ON and i would not believe those numbers. It does not make sense? only 50% of ON got the booster when OMi hit us, 25% got another booster and even less for the 5th shot. So if people did not go for #3 or more, why would they go for anything now??? Not buying it. Even flu shots in the pass has been low uptake - i heard about 10%. So if you did not take in the pass, why now with an experimental stuff? i know lots of people said NO after 2.
yup! that is my belief too! however i also think there is HUGE awakening now, not just in Canada but in the world. I always believe out of every bad situation good comes out - just a matter of time. COVID opened the eyes of many, including myself to the corruption that exists at all levels.
Knowledge without courage is arrogance. Arrogance leads to bad decisions. Bad decisions can be defined as stupid.
Im Canadian and absolutely surrounded by cowardly, willfully ignorant, apathetic followers. Calling them stupid is the biggest favour one can do for them. Because its the truth.
It’s my impression ( I’m not alone) that much of Canada.... outside of the cities, like in the countryside and suburbs), is not unlike the US in the 50s and 60s. More practical, traditional, community-focused, less concerned about national/international/social issues.
Please don’t misunderstand. This is meant to be a compliment. (Of course, by describing such a huge population in one or two sentences means it really doesn’t apply to a specific individual..... thus the lie of all Social Studies:)
I don’t think they are stupid. I think since (I’ve heard) they messed up by handing over their gun rights, they are screwed and don’t want to rock the boat. What exactly did they do anyway? How come, like Australia, what did they do about their protection rights? I guess I really am ignorant cause I don’t know the whole story.
Canadians are so stupid because they listen to the "free" CBC, (communist bio--paganda creeps). (They cannot afford to pay for the truth because Trudeau gives all the money to Schwabb). Trudeau gives the CBC billions of $$$$ to prop up his banana republic. Has anyone thought to just ask him politely to just quit and move to Cuba? That is the Canadian tradition...sorry, it used to be Canadian tradition to be polite. When he gets into a tight spot his boy Jag bails him out by accepting yet another tax payer funded bribe, in this case real blood money. How many juvenile appendixes, inflamed hearts and turbo-cancered organs will be sacrificed at the alter of the WEF global warming agenda by this pompous theatrical fraud?
They are killing people, knocking out their immune systems and adding SV-40 cancer virus and DNA fragments into the mix...Plus puttin nanotech operating systems into it along with graphene conduit and trying to control people like they were a computer game...META
The poll shows 55% of Canadians are STILL dumb as a brick to think they'll still get ANY "vaccine" for anything. I'm still alive at 77 years old because of my life experiences and present health issues kept me AWAY from Covid vaccines and wait a full year to see what would happen to all the volunteer lab rats lining up for the EXPERIMENTAL jab. That decision saved my life. What's the matter with the other 55% of Canadians? Slow learners I guess.
Good for you! Sadly critical thinkers are extremely rare these days.
Thanks Margaret. I haven't lived to be 77 by doing stupid things. Hard to believe there's still 55% of Canadians still willing to be a lab rat for all future mRNA injections. Sooooo much evidence out there that they're dangerous. I've had my last jab for anything!!
Very slow learners but one can't entirely baleme them. They have a steady diet of of lies fed to them by health agencies, government and media.
I say follow God and he will expose truths to you.
Canadians aren’t stupid.
We have had fraudulent elections like the USA ( and other countries worldwide).
We have corruption everywhere.
We have very few Dr’s, Nurses stating the truth.
We have the Media lying to the people.
Canadians ( like me) and several others are continually sharing the truth and your substack.
These CJabs also affect people’s cognitive ability.
I appreciate you Dr. Alexander.
I agree with you. I’m an American, you got stupid everywhere and can’t blame it on one society. That’s very disrespectful to call out the Canadian people. I know dumb asses here in my DA SILAW! 🙄 I can’t do stupid...please don’t get me around stupid.
Thank you.
Have a Wonderful Day!
Happy Thanksgiving To You & Your Family
And ditto to you sweet👍🏽Happy Holidays❤️
Canadian here… I’m gonna back up the good doc here.. looking back over the last three years. I’m gonna say yeah. Canadians are pretty stupid.. that doesn’t negate other countries by the way… just by saying Canadians are stupid. There’s a lot of stupid out there.
I see, and so how did so many other Canadians, who weren’t stupid, not have been misled?
Theres a computer message, (M)essengerRNA. The truth is not in the message.
I know quite a few collegues and family members (I'm in Montreal) that are taking shot number XXXXX, They don't even say the exact number anymore. I just can't believe their stupidity. The shedding is a real thing y'all... :-(
Canadians never had to fight for their freedom- until now. The media and blue light tech puts them in a trance:
Thanks Karen - hope people are at least a little awake where you are. I'm in the Niagara region - some glimmers of hope, especially in the farming community.
Farmers are wise and awake. Without farmers we don't eat.
God bless the farmers.
Thats why gates is buying up all the farm land in nortg america. Watch food production come to a halt in the next year or so.
If the evil cabal win. More of us than of them.
Want motivation? Look to the people of Spain takong to the streets. Stop going to work, paying taxes, sending your kids to school. Collapse everything, because they plan to.
Roman, most Canadians think we are "conspiracy theorists", tin foil hat wearers. When we talk of freedom - they look in awe and go, "what the heck are you talking about? We live in a democratic country, one of the best in the world." There is no convincing them otherwise. :(
Are they just stepping over the bodies and ignoring them.
Where do you live Brian?
Canadians had the Truckers Convoy.
Please stop all of this trash talk.
It’s not helping anyone.
"Angry Cheese Heads" good moniker for Canadian Neo Punk Headbangers.
All this yak as to "where yuh frum?" doesn’t sound like Faith, Hope & Charity.
I loved Ian Tyson's line: "He's gone to Hell, or Vancouver."
Half of Canadians polled...that does not mean half of Canada.... where was the poll conducted? At a pharmacy, by phone, at a mall....... none of those things are polls are used to deceive or achieve a certain end point.....
May not even been conducted but to send out a subliminal message. One must recoginze 3 very important things, God is King, everyrhing you thought was truth was a lie, and your government (fill in any countey) wants you dead and has comitted acts of war against you via spraying, diseases, and "tteatments" for diseases.
Stella, I totally agree. I do not trust any polls. It is like statistics - they can play with those a lot and get the exact thing they want people to believe.
Not just Canadian people. I read in the UK 65% of those eligible for their autumn boosters some 10m people have taken the boosters. People I know are proudly posting on Facebook that they have just been double jabbed - COVID booster in one arm and Flu in the other. I feel like I am watching Jews line up for the 'cattle trucks' (railway).
Lies. To make you think that's the thing to do
Gonna be a lot of shedding this winter!
Make up a homicidal nasal spray to use when you go out in public. Huge preventative.
There is also something called 'escalation of commitment' which I read about on Dee Dee's substack - it is 'a human behavior pattern in which an individual or group facing increasingly negative outcomes from a decision, action, or investment nevertheless continue the behavior instead of altering course.
Yep, like that travis kelse "two things at once" stupid commercial airing in the states. Who does that work on?
I have spoken to family and friends who took the jabs, they are so brainwashed I can't get thru to them and they continue to get jabbed. I was told by one friend after I showed him proof for about an hour that he didn't believe anything I said, so what can I do if they refuse to even entertain the idea they were lied to, I told him he's a victim of fraud and lies and many people are now dead and maimed for life, still, nothing, he wont listen, my sister is the same way, I have sent her countless articles and she doesn't believe any of it. Maybe when they get sick enough after their next jab they'll wake up but Im not holding my breath.
Some people just can't admit to being wrong. It's the doctors I blame the most. Surely they have seen the data by now.
If they haven't seen it , they're living under a rock.
They’ll tell you they’ve moved on…. Because they’re busy saving lives. The irony here is big.
A lot more to save too considering the 84% in all cause mortality and every other disease increasing, in particular cancer and aids.
You know, ask them “what doe these various authors have to gain?” The pro vaxxers keep their jobs, or move up. The antis get canned ( but retain their honor). Anyone arguing with that fact alone is simply not a serious person.
Pray for them. This is an evil only God can fix.
I just returned from the gym. I overheard 2 men talking, most likely in their late 60's/early 70's. One guy said, 'hey did you get your needles yet?? Other replied, "yes, I sure did". "oh which one did you get?" "Moderna". "Oh I got Pfizer" . First guy said "I got the flu shot the next day". Other guy, "Oh I got both the same day, no need to separate them."
I was aghast. I stayed clear of those two but the absolute glee they both shared, was incredible. I really felt like slapping both across the head, hoping to knock some sense in OR stupidity out.
I don't believe it. Media misinformation and lies.
Yeah they lie in America so I have to agree with you in this.
Good point.
I am so dismayed at my fellow Canadians. Almost all of my family and friends are completely brainwashed and keep getting jabs. They aren't even starting to wake up and still think that I am crazy and dangerous for remaining unjabbed. I notice that many are jab injured and are now getting sick all of the time with covid, flu, colds etc. I find it so frustrating and depressing.
Time to connect with like-minded people and make some new friends. I really like some of the new friends I have made.
I am from ON and i would not believe those numbers. It does not make sense? only 50% of ON got the booster when OMi hit us, 25% got another booster and even less for the 5th shot. So if people did not go for #3 or more, why would they go for anything now??? Not buying it. Even flu shots in the pass has been low uptake - i heard about 10%. So if you did not take in the pass, why now with an experimental stuff? i know lots of people said NO after 2.
I really think they throw those numbers out so that maybe people will be encouraged to go get a shot of poison so they aren't left out.
yup! that is my belief too! however i also think there is HUGE awakening now, not just in Canada but in the world. I always believe out of every bad situation good comes out - just a matter of time. COVID opened the eyes of many, including myself to the corruption that exists at all levels.
I agree Samera. We started down one rabbit hole and found many. Blessings!
Knowledge without courage is arrogance. Arrogance leads to bad decisions. Bad decisions can be defined as stupid.
Im Canadian and absolutely surrounded by cowardly, willfully ignorant, apathetic followers. Calling them stupid is the biggest favour one can do for them. Because its the truth.
It’s my impression ( I’m not alone) that much of Canada.... outside of the cities, like in the countryside and suburbs), is not unlike the US in the 50s and 60s. More practical, traditional, community-focused, less concerned about national/international/social issues.
Please don’t misunderstand. This is meant to be a compliment. (Of course, by describing such a huge population in one or two sentences means it really doesn’t apply to a specific individual..... thus the lie of all Social Studies:)
That's about right. 👍
I don’t think they are stupid. I think since (I’ve heard) they messed up by handing over their gun rights, they are screwed and don’t want to rock the boat. What exactly did they do anyway? How come, like Australia, what did they do about their protection rights? I guess I really am ignorant cause I don’t know the whole story.
Canadians are so stupid because they listen to the "free" CBC, (communist bio--paganda creeps). (They cannot afford to pay for the truth because Trudeau gives all the money to Schwabb). Trudeau gives the CBC billions of $$$$ to prop up his banana republic. Has anyone thought to just ask him politely to just quit and move to Cuba? That is the Canadian tradition...sorry, it used to be Canadian tradition to be polite. When he gets into a tight spot his boy Jag bails him out by accepting yet another tax payer funded bribe, in this case real blood money. How many juvenile appendixes, inflamed hearts and turbo-cancered organs will be sacrificed at the alter of the WEF global warming agenda by this pompous theatrical fraud?
They are killing people, knocking out their immune systems and adding SV-40 cancer virus and DNA fragments into the mix...Plus puttin nanotech operating systems into it along with graphene conduit and trying to control people like they were a computer game...META